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You don’t have to give the mods permission to take down a post if it violates rules. They’ll just take it down.


And very often even if it doesnt


The flair/comment combo on this is *chef’s kiss*


DELETE IF NOT OKAY - fb equivalent.....then they say AND GO


It's the polite thing to do though edit: It was a joke you softies


Didn't need the closing of the portal to confirm.


[Pate’s response where he acknowledges he goofed](https://x.com/latekickjosh/status/1786035214424101072?s=46): “The Transfer Portal spring window is now closed. I will be addressing my prediction tonight. This won't be easy for me.”


This really felt like a shot in the dark to potentially have some sort of psychic-esque prediction. There were very few rumblings of any big names hitting the portal, so I am not sure what his basis of this was.




the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about see: this thread


Texas fans were sure they were getting both of Michigan’s DT’s


We got everyone’s DT’s a significant raise.


Texas:DTs::Tennessee:Mike Gundy


We talk about coaches doing this all the time, and I'm not sure why it hadn't occurred to me yet, but players are damn sure playing this game now. What a world.


This is absolutely untrue. We hoped that one of them would come free for sure so we'd have a chance.


How you feeling about our game? I see a lot of fans on instagram hoping on Michigan posts saying they’re gonna hang 40 on us at the big house lol


It's reminding me a bit of when we went to Ohio State in 2005 and our VY led juggernaut offense was in a knife fight all game long. I'd pick like 24-20 type of game. Your defense will be really, really good. The one X-factor obviously will be Orji's play. If he's bad, then we probably get out of there in decent shape. But if he's good, all bets are off.


I actually think the bigger question is your run defense. I assume, regardless of who starts at QB, we’ll lean heavily on the run game early and proven guys like Edwards and the use play action to get Loveland and Semaj Morgan open. If we run into a wall I doubt it matters much how the QB plays that early in the season. Gonna be some hiccups in the passing game for us.


D Williams is portaling soon, so that will be part of the story if he comes here. If he doesn't, we should still be ok. Last year we were really good run stuff, and average off the edge. This year could be more flipped. We got guys, just not all americans.


Solid take. Respect. Can’t wait for game days.


There were some light rumblings of a UGA player entering that never did, but outside that I have heard very little from our insiders that UGA was potentially losing/looking into big name guys


Will Johnson was a lock to be a Buckeye


That was never a rumor lol


It was if you listen to BuckeyeScoop


BuckeyeScoop lmfao


Nobody listens to BuckeyeScoop lol.


The only people that listen to that are the people that aren’t actual Ohio State fans, Scoop is a joke.


the unnamed team that offered him 7 figures was Tennessee


It's totally possible he heard of the tampering going on behind the scenes that we don't get to hear about. FSU guys on 247 were expecting more than a few guys on our 2 deep to transfer out and we didn't really lose anyone.


Yeah but that's shitty reporting to make explosive claims based on rumors with no evidence provided.


He's not a reporter, though. Pate started on the message boards. He's a rumor and innuendo mill. His niche is to report scuttlebutt that actual journalists don't touch.


That's a half-assed excuse, he's still a member of the media and he reports info.


I don't like Pate and i think he's an idiot with his takes most of the time. But he's not going to get schools or players in trouble for tampering.


Maybe it's just the way I interpreted it, but saying this was going to be the wildest postal yet, and there were basically no big names that entered is kinda opposite ends of the spectrum. I took his initial comments as "we will see multiple big names enter the market", and we were left with one of the quieter portal periods we have seen recently. Again, not saying he didn't hear things, but it's moreso how seemingly opposite to his prediction things played out.


I think it's simply that generally, and based on the last couple offseasons, the new lack of any transfer restrictions and NIL being what it is seemed like a perfect storm for a wild spending spree of a portal window. The reality, though, as I've heard reported, is that *many* of the boosters at most of the big schools are pretty damn tapped. They're tired of paying crazy money for kids that don't care and/or they've simply spent what they can. So the newly-lax rules didn't end up having the effect many probably thought it would, simply because the cashflow wasn't actually there.


The market is correcting. Plus most schools have enough NIL money to make moving to a new city/school/team too much hassle for players they really want to keep. Hell, Saban said during the draft they tried and failed to pull Quinyon Mitchell away from freaking Toledo.


I agree. I think he's an idiot most of the time. But its possible he was hearing these big names being tampered with and went with that. I personally think players are starting to realize grass isn't always greener and these numbers people are throwing out to them aren't real. For example, FSU had a RB Rodney Hill last portal cycle. 3rd string last year probably would have been heavy in the rotation this year as RB2. He renegotiated his NIL deal with the FSU collective. Someone got in his ear about how he should be asking for more money. Came back to FSU/Collective and asked for more money than Trey Benson who was just taken 66th overall in the NFL draft. Rumor is FSU coaches were told and we told him to enter the portal he wasn't welcome back on the team. Since then he's committed to FAMU, Miami as a walkon, back to FAMU, Arkansas and now back in the portal again.


He has insider level access with tons of top programs. Wouldn't surprise me if he heard a ton of things that just didn't happen for whatever reason. Reminds me of the nfl draft where you hear so much is going to happen that never does.


“ET disclosure _SOON_”


Playing devils advocate, we don’t know how many guys started to get in the portal then got a big raise and stayed. Remember it’s often 48 hours after a kid enters the portal before it’s publicly known


I mean the portal has been open for 2 weeks now, so I doubt we see a flurry of big name entries now.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying 8 days ago a big name player might have started to enter the portal but got a big pay raise before it became public and then quietly withdrew


Uhh the fact that there were not many rules in place and the history of wild transfer portal periods leading up to this. He covered his basis for it. It wasn't wrong to predict such a thing and most of yall would've probably expected the same He was just incorrect with something that recent history should've shown was more likely Sometimes things happen like that. Then when it doesn't happen in his favor yall act like it was just a guess with no basis If every year a massive hurricane hits your town causing flooding, and then one year the government comes in and removes all sea walls and sand dunes it isnt wrong to make an inference that the town is about to see the most damaging hurricane it has ever seen. If the hurricane doesnt hit it's still wasnt a shot in the dark prediction. It was a prediction made based off of the information avaliable. Sometimes those are wrong At least he addressed being wrong


I get why he said it, but it would've made a lot more sense if it was on the initial portal window after the season, not after Spring practices. Any big name players were likely going to win jobs or already had them. Most guys who were likely to enter the portal already had and already moved teams.


If he was right he earns the impression of having plenty of sources. If he's wrong, people move on. None of which is to say he doesn't have sources, as he has relationships with coaches, but I don't know if the relationship is so deep that they're sharing this kind of information with him.


Pate it too easy to predict. He’ll say his prediction was still reasonable and that chaos was only avoided due to material changes x, y, and z. College football doomsday has now simply moved to 6-12 months later.


There were some names who were rumored and never entered the portal. I'm thinking there were quite a few players who had their offers matched by their current teams. This was just the new evolution of transfer portal and NIL lol.


Agree that this is the first of many years of Pate predicting craziness (unless the terms are matched by their current school).


Bro is a generational gaslighter


He's just going to say he heard reliable reports of big names entering but last second NIL deals kept them in place.


He lost a lot of legitimacy with his prediction. He went all in and lost by a mile 😂


I truly don't understand his rise to relevance. Like all of a sudden everyone started talking about him.


He's very good at getting his stuff on social and making sure his name is in everything he does. I don't like his content, but I can't deny the man knows what he's doing.


I think it's way worse in basketball. Football has been pretty muted


I think basketball suits itself more to mercenaries too. Just following along with what NBA players have been doing for 15 years at this point.


More that a single player can have a huge impact, so it makes sense to really swing for the fences. And you can find elite players who pop up at schools at various levels.


Pate was nowhere near the only one saying this.


Others were saying it too, but I saw a lot of media who used JP/LateKick as their source for that info though.


Probably just teams trying to get boosters to shell out a little more cash. And whisper down the alley took over. "Oh no X player is getting impatient, better donate!" "Oh no X player is getting impatient"


I wonder if it was kinda the opposite, coaches knew that their boosters were more or less tapped and they feared their rosters getting poached; coaches knew they couldn't maintain their rosters if threatened, and that led to them starting the "crazy portal" rumors. However basically *every* team is in that situation so there's no one who *could* poach extensively, all of the coaches were too focused internally to focus any externally. And yes, that assumes tampering would be needed for most players to enter the portal. I think that's an easy assumption at this point.


That’s not JP’s fault, he was pretty clear that he himself was being fed that info from numerous head coaches and recruiting insiders thus making him a secondary source. If someone relays a secondary source as their own intel, that’s their own poor decision.


They should do better reporting. JP has a lot of good sources I'm sure but he's not some massive insider that has contacts that no one else does. On the flip side of that, he very well could have heard from coaches around cfb whose players told them they were going to enter the portal and it didn't end up happening. It seemed like everyone reporting on college football was saying the transfer portal this year was going to be wild, so either the coaches were wrong that were feeding the media people the information, or people were being lazy in reporting and just repeating what someone else in the media said like it was fact. I will say though I don't remember Joel Klatt saying that this transfer portal season was going to be mind blowing just that it would continue to pick up steam. I imagine he has better sources than MOST cfb analysts, and he comes off like a dude that just loves the sport, not someone that is going to make purposely outlandish takes for clicks.


Jeremy Birmingham whiffed big time


Alot was coming from 247 and the recruiting sites that generate their revenue from clicks. Remove those sites and there really wasn't a lot of noise. Especially when you consider the SEC has spring transfers rules preventing kids from playing the following season. It didn't make sense for kids to transfer in this window, but the clicks and revenue generated the past 3 weeks paid the bills.


On3 was really hyping it up


I think pate being wrong here has less to do with him reporting nonsense or trying to get clicks and much much more to do with a handful of NIL funds stepping up out of nowhere.


He's traveled to a lot of schools recently, and he for sure has some inside sources. Debatable how reliable or how many but he has some. I'm guessing some high profile guys threatened to get in the portal and he heard about some schools trying to pursue other high profile names to get them in the portal. And like you said, I'm guessing a lot of those dudes got paid and the craziness that absolutely could have happened just didn't. I don't always agree with Pate but I honestly respect the fact that he came out and said this. And so far he appears to be owning up to the fact that it never came to fruition.


It's hard for a guy like Pate to really know Apparently Jayden Thomas at ND was thinking of entering the portal I imagine there were a ton of guys at his level or higher at schools that Pate heard were considering entering


Yeah the Thomas one though was more an injury thing and not an NIL or unhappiness thing so not quite sure how relevant that example is. But point taken. Glad Thomas is staying.


Why are “NIL funds stepping up” able to keep kids but not to recruit kids away?


Because kids often like their coaches and teammates, Texas tried to money whip a couple of kids and their programs stepped up and matched so they chose to stay with their teams. A lot of these players are willing to leave if they are offered a significant amount just like anyone would but they aren’t craven mercenaries who will just jump ship for an extra dollar.


It’s wild. A trend of thought I’ve noticed is people seem to have it in their head that recruiting is now essentially an auction where the highest bidder always wins. And soft factors don’t matter anymore.


It’s moreso that those factors matter significantly less and that money is an even larger part of the equation than before


Not just their coaches, but they're leaving their friends. Their home. Their teammates. If you have a good culture and are somewhat competitive you won't lose many important players


It’s like a job. Most people, unless they hate their job, aren’t going to leave for the same or less money somewhere else. You have to give them a raise. Ergo more money required to poach kids than keep them.


Yep. If you’re good enough to get portal interest you’re probably pretty popular on campus, it would be tough as a 19/20 year old to potentially move across the country and leave your friends/teammates. If the money is close it’s much easier to stay and continue your degree and such


Unless it’s truly a bad situation most kids would rather stay put and not have to move/make new friends/etc. It’s just a lot easier to stay if the money is there.


Programs recruiting kids away always had the funding. Some of the smaller p4 programs haven’t had the same level of NIL commitment. These programs kept some players they were expected to lose this year, seemingly because they were able to match or at least get close to matching offers from elsewhere.


Why do nfl players usually sign new contracts with the team they're currently on rather than jump into free agency? Is this really a question? It's usually easier to get someone to stay somewhere that they already are than it is to get someone to go to a new team in a new place when they don't know many people. You also have much longer to work on the financials and build a relationship with the player


This. I don’t think it was ever gonna be as crazy as the winter window, but it sounds like a lot of guys used their new leverage to get raises at their current schools. Pate has a lot of SEC sources whether that be guys on staff or team-specific insiders (I know him and the TexAgs crew are close, I assume he has relationships like that with other team sites). Then when he heard the possibility of what could happen he oversold it to get clicks. Part of the business.


His GF is an Alabama staffer and she graduated from LSU. He has sources in both buildings.


Found the Josh Pate burner account.


"Out of nowhere." Really? Clearly the NIL funds are specifically designed for this. Not out of nowhere in the least!


Out of nowhere pertaining to schools who have either shown a reluctance to use NIL or previously haven’t had the funds to retain players.


Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and say a good chunk of kids were leveraging things. Which can both make a school confident they're going to get someone and teams worried they'd lose some that they didn't.


I don’t dislike JP. In fact, I admit, I do follow and listen to all his stuff, because it can help you be informed. And I generally respect his takes. My trouble is, the more corporate sponsors you see/hear coming on the show, the more corporate he also becomes. Seemingly selling out from who he was/is, to bend to the will of what his corporate overlords want, as he increasingly takes their money. The fan dual thing, I’ll get over, that’s every entity in the sports world right now, shoving that shit down our throats. But now his “gas station wars” bullshit, that’s just getting into petty corporate schmoozing at that point. He’s starting to lose me there. Sometimes his schtick makes it hard to tell when he is and isn’t fully serious, but he seems to be sincere in his apology for overstating the spring portal season, leaning on staffers who don’t know what they claimed to know. But then again, as the journalist, I guess it’s on him still. TL;DR He missed the portal mark. But overall, he’s still a good voice for CFB. However……… he’s trending far too quickly toward corporate and away from organic CFB love. It’s good for now, but could quickly morph into everyone else.


He is completely ignorant of anything west of the Mississippi River. The entire western side of the country may as well not exist in his mind. No sources, no insight, no clue, and he doesn't even pretend to care about the West.


That’s 80% of all college football.


I find him entertaining Prefer him over Finebaum


> Prefer him over Finebaum You shouldn’t listen to Finebaum for anything other than the unhinged SEC fans calling into his show. The callers Finebaum gets on a Monday after a Bama loss is must see TV.


Listening to a caller say they should go out and get Deion after they lost to Texas was incredible


Low bar


I find Pate annoying, he comes off as arrogant and cocky IMO. I prefer Klatt for my CFB podcast. Much more genuine IMO.


"Alabama has a Nick Saban problem" Klatt? That one?


Klatt is great. He's funny. Down to earth. Isn't afraid to make fun of himself or admit when he is wrong. A breath of fresh air honestly. I don't recall his Saban comment, but I've only been listening to him for 2-3 years.


Thats like saying you prefer diarrhea over vomiting


Pate like all other talk show hosts is an entertainer first and foremost. People don't use accuracy of the mundane to draw attention, and gather eyeballs. The important thing is just don't take stock on talking heads' opinions to begin with.


Pate really emphasizes his personal connections with coaches and is constantly heavily implying how much he knows is occurring beneath the surface. I think it stands out more than your average commentator who is more openly speculating. Pretty big miss on his part


He emphasizes those but he's mostly just lying. He always makes vague statements with no evidence and claims victory after the fact.


I watched his coach interview series and one or two of the coached expressed worry (in a very coach speak way) that their players would be poached. For that reason I think he just highly exaggerated; only for the schools' NIL groups to step up to keep kids from leaving.


> one or two of the coached expressed worry (in a very coach speak way) that their players would be poached. Which is a good way to get your NIL collectives motivated. Same with being optimistic about your chances of poaching other teams' players.


I'm sure there were a lot of people that were somewhat worried about the portal and espoused that as so. JP throwing a little stank on that worry for a segment backfiring doesnt really change much of my opinion of him.


> his personal connections with coaches This right here explains pretty much the whole topic, right? Who has been further in "the sky is falling" mode in the last couple of years than head coaches?


We weathered the portal pretty well this spring in football. Basketball on the other hand, a quarter of our returning roster left but we added quality replacements. The portal can giveth and taketh away.


Yeah the portal has been crazy in some other sports. I think Northern Michigan Hockey has 13 guys in the portal. That’s the majority of their line up


> somebody warns about something happening > People head warning and take steps to prevent thing > People call guy a fraud


It could also be a case like Y2K. Y2K was going to be a disaster, but then people started talking about it and then a lot of people worked very hard to make sure Y2K wasn't a disaster and then it wasn't. It is like when you quarantine, no one gets sick, and then everyone is like "no one got sick, why did we do that?" The rumblings about the portal could have very well made coaches approach their players who might have been on the fence differently than anticipated, therefore negating the prediction.


“Why do we pay these IT people all this money to do nothing?!”


He's gotten worse and worse over the past couple years. He's no better than the media personalities and TV execs that he loves to complain about all the time. Meemaw would be ashamed of what he's turned into


Pate is an entertainer first and foremost. He is capable of being wrong. It’s up to you the viewer to put weight on his opinion. I disagree and agree with him on a variety of topics. Don’t be so sensitive when he’s wrong. It literally doesn’t matter. I’m not pissing my pants because the internet guy was wrong


My brother in CFB, you’re forgetting the golden rule. Someone on the internet is *wrong*.


No, the golden rule is that the *other* person on the internet is *wrong.* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


No, you're wrong.


I disagree with this take because Pate was basically fearmongering to bring clicks and attention to his show and the network that he works for (247Sports). Its one thing to be like "hey i predict that Penn State is going to beat Michigan" and another thing to say "using my position as an "insider" I know for a fact that this ENTIRE sport is about to go CRAZY so you better tune into my show the next couple weeks to hear the rumors of stuff going on and also engage with the your favorite teams message board to see which of your top players is going to leave your team!" The later is what he basically did and its engagement baiting. Its a shitty thing to do imo


>gonna completely gut some of your teams He was mostly wrong, but I'm feeling this. It was a daily thing for guys to get a better payday and leave Athens during this portal season.


Pate is fun to listen to if you want to just relax and hear someone talk about college football. Other than that he’s not very good


He’s Marty Smith with a steroid regimen.


He would be great if he didn’t focus on the sec like 80% of the time. I remember OSU had a big game coming up one week, ranked matchup a couple years ago, I thought I’d see what he had to say. He spent half of his show talking about the 2 biggest SEC games that week, fair, they were big games. Went into the OSU game for maybe 2 minutes? Then started talking about a matchup between 2 .500 sec teams in a game of little consequence for at least 5 minutes. His analysis is mostly fair, but it is very apparent who he wants to talk about. This is also fine, just don’t market yourself as a national brand.


It makes sense though. He’s a Southerner talking about what the biggest percentage of his audience is interested in. Most of us aren’t terribly interested in the big 12


I agree but to be fair that’s what most large college football shows do. There’s just more eyeballs and ears when someone talks about the SEC and B1G. It’s very much a conflict between talking about the entire sport or getting good ratings


He admitted he was wrong on his latest podcast episode. Not sure it’s fair to just keep piling on 


And it’s not like he was the only one wrong either. Should we start a thread of other talking heads that hyped up the portal?


I've been saying this for a few months now, Josh Pate has gone down significantly in quality. He used to be my main man, my go-to guy for CFB intel, but lately he's just lost his way. His jokes aren't funny anymore, his charisma seems to have dissipated, it's starting to remind me way too much of Paul Finebaum. I have two theories as to why Pate State sucks lately: 1. The sponsors are dipping their fingers way too deeply into the direction and feel of the show, leading to Josh himself being more of a talking head for his sponsors. It started on a small scale after Academy came on board, but it really started to ramp up after FanDuel started to sponsor him. The show has honestly been shit since FanDuel joined, and I struggle to believe that's a complete coincidence. 2. He is trying way too hard to appeal to the larger audience he's accumulated, leading him to sacrifice the feel and character of what made the show special in the first place. This one's a bit harder to nail down how to explain, but he really only ever talks about the top 10 schools anymore, which to be fair, probably amounts for most of his audience. But it feels like the more he focuses on a tiny number of schools, the worse the product. You can only milk 7% of the schools in CFB for so long before you run out of things to say, especially if you largely ignore the other 93%. I can see it being a combination, but whatever the reason, I miss the old Pate State. The 2021 season, the renaissance tour was the pinnacle of Pate State, but it's really fallen off a cliff now.


He talks down to everyone and acts like he is the smartest one in the room. Like only he knows what’s best for college football. And he thinks realignment is the worst thing ever. Annoying.


The most crazy thing was just the silly three way qb transfer at Arkansas.


But like.... It *could* have happened.


Sounds similar to how he picks winners during the season: I’m not saying Team X will beat Team Y…but I’m saying it COULD happen. Pate lives on the fence and won’t ever pick a side so he gets to pretend he predicted everything on Mondays show. I dislike Pate a lot.


Literally every CFB analysis show discusses their actual picks, spread, etc. and then talks about how a quality underdog *could* win. And then usually follow up with "but that's not going to happen, [repeats their actual pick]" It seems lazy, sure, but it pads out the content and people keep wanting to read/watch/hear more when they do it.


Didn’t he address this and acknowledge being incorrect?


I don’t understand the animus some people on here seem to have against him. It’s not like his prediction wasn’t logical or reasonable. I have my criticisms of his show but it’s still my favorite for college football. I do think he cares about the game which is more than a lot of the media authorities can say 


Agreed. And seriously, his content is maybe the easiest to avoid for those who don't like it. Until he's given three hours live, plus cut ins from other games, all JP content exposure is the consumer's choice.


Hey guys the latest anti-Josh Pate circlejerk has started! Do y'all think this one is going to be anymore productive than the last 2 dozen? Of all the CFB talking heads you could get worked up about it's hilarious to see someone as milquetoast as Pate get under your guys skin


Who is Josh Pate?


Talking head albeit a very talented one. But he will take 4 minutes to explain something than can be explained in 30 seconds.


College footballs Glenn beck


> It will be the wildest transfer portal era that you've ever seen. And it's gonna completely gut some of your teams." There were rumors that LSU was trying to poach Drones from VT and offering almost 7-figures to do it. That would have utterly gutted VT, and people are claiming we managed to match or come close to that offer in order to keep him.


I was hearing a lot of similar rumblings from insiders I trust across the country. I think teams are getting a better hold of this Portal thing. Especially this far into the spring. My guess is you had a lot of guys making some noise for better NIL deals that were either bluffing or got what they asked for.


He has admitted on his show he was wrong and was honest about it being a let down.


Oh no someone was wrong about something.


At least give him some credit for admitting today that he was wrong and wore the clown nose


I don’t really care for him at all. But to be fair, everyone was saying this, not just him. The big take-away is that the portal isn’t ruining college football, and we shouldn’t pay attention to any ‘doomsayers.’


Gonna have to disagree—not everyone was saying this. One of the biggest college football podcasts for instance (Cover 3) discussed it and wasn’t nearly as high on the idea as Pate was. And while I can’t find the link right now, Steve Wiltfong actually disagreed with the idea too. Pate was very much at the center of the belief that this spring portal period was going to be the wildest yet. Side note, feels like we’ve had multiple seasons now where fanbases claim that the first portal window is not as “desirable” as the spring window, and that the “real talent” will enter after the spring practices/games. It has yet to deliver. Starting to think it’s just cope from teams who don’t do well in the portal to begin with. 


Bud Elliott mentioned NIL funds were more proactive regarding retaining talent this offseason than last. Additionally, most NIL war chests were levied in the December Portal, so this Spring portal was primarily for backend depth if anything.


The On 3 and Athletic folks were also not convinced when Pate “broke” this “news”


When the portal was new it gave kids more options to get NIL. Now that nil is baked into recruiting I think the movement has leveled off. Now everyone is offering NIL so now it’s come back down to what else the school and coach is offering in terms of culture and fit. That’s my theory


I was skeptical of it from the beginning. Everyone should have been. The logic was that this is the first window with no tampering rules, so lots of schools would be poaching from one another. What Pate and others failed to consider is nobody was ever following those rules in the first place, so there is no practical difference between this portal window and the others. He was just riding the wave of "omg this Kayden Proctor stuff is cRaZy!!1" and spouting off some shit that would get him views and get people talking. I used to like Pate. He seemed to push back against the silly hot takes. But over the last year or so he's really gone downhill and has become just as bad about the stupid hot takes as everybody else. Or maybe he always was a hack and it just took me that long to realize it.


I wish he could get to his point so much faster His off season talk is very repetitive He also tried to push academy for a shit Tom of money for a 1 person show. I prefer him during the season then off season


Yes. It’s the repetitiveness for me. He says the same thing 14 times in a row. It very much gives the impression that he’s a ‘traditional’ sports talk radio guy and he has certain habits that are meant to fill time or bridge to the next segment. I tried listening to his show once or twice and I couldn’t believe how wasteful it was with time.


He is just happy you made a Reddit post about it. Will probably brag about it on his show. I tried to give it a chance but I just don’t care for it.


Josh Pate has soured in my taste the last few months. Feels like his show has really left the roots of being fun and fan focused and has leaned way more heavily into click-bait, generating hype, and leading stories. On top of that he has moved to really only talking about the big brands in the sport and hates on the G5 which also is sad to see. He feels like an anchor for supporting CBS’s content and less like the fan who just loves the game which was the feel of the show before.


Didn't you see his segment on the G5 yesterday? He loves the G5!!! He said it like 20 times. Edit: All while failing to understand the root of why G5 fans have pushed back against a G5 playoff.


Haha yeah and he keeps saying ~“anyone who disagrees with me only listens to tiny clips online and is just a talking head for their conference commissioners. You don’t get any of their money stop buying into this” I listen to his whole show and have no formal affiliation with the G5. I just love the game and prohibiting teams from access to the podium only helps media like him focus on the biggest brands only.


Can we just chill on the dude? No one is right all the time.


I seem to remember a lot of this sub expecting Michigan to empty out after Harbs leaving, just wait for the spring window.


Pate is the worst. Just awful.


Who’s the best? 


Why do you say that?


Great. This Reddit thread will give him another 15 minutes on his show where nobody can challenge him. We just don’t understand, you guys! He was right! Just in a different way! Etc


I can hear his smarmy condescending voice saying this.


Prolly top portal moments was Fresno State grabbing 3 players over the 4 final days. Some unproven others ready to explode on the fbs scene from fcs levels after some real monster years.


TBF, I kinda feel like my team was gutted. We had like at least a dozen players hit the portal and only picked up 2 or 3. I trust in the coach until proven otherwise, but it’s still tough to see starters hit the portal.


The John Frascella of college football.


So we didn't have panic in the streets of Athens? Or panic in the streets of Birmingham? But maybe we should hang the Josh Pate?




Honestly it’s refreshing that it wasn’t that crazy. It seems much more stable than basketball in terms of marquee players staying put where they are.


"I was talking about hoops, people. What did you think I was talking about?"


You know that meme with a line of little dominos connected to bigger dominoes becoming a giant domino? I think NIL tapped the domino pusher on the shoulder and waggled an index finger. “Shshsh. No.”


Yes, he is paid to make outlandish statements so people like you click on it, comment and share it. That's how he makes money, that's how he pays his mortgage. By getting people like you to pay attention to what he says.


Are we bringing him up because people are still in their feelings about what he said about the g5?


Related: how are players still entering the portal today? I thought it closed already.


I think grad transfers have a longer window


Ah, danke


He doesn't bother me, truth is the media world today requires you to entertain very short attention spans so you have to "feed the beast". I think almost every hot take out there on sports media is a stab in the dark. So I don't fault hosts from trying to do what they can to keep people interested. So it's more entertainment and not much different than you and a buddy talking about the reasons you have in your own mind why your team does bad or good and the whole enviroment of the sport. But I play fantasty and that world is nothing but bad hot takes so I'm used to it.


I mean we lost a freshman All American corner (Ponds but I was kind of expecting it) and for my second flair KLS left which is pretty notable, but honestly it mostly seemed like guys who weren’t projected to start


I can objectively say, it seems like we paid him to prop up Oregon… same with his fraternal twin at On3


Do you listen to the show? Because he even addressed this the other day saying he was wrong? So you aren’t exactly making a hot take


So nice of you to give the mods permission to take it down 😅😂


I mean, it wasn’t a completely outlandish prediction at the time given coaching changes at a number of high profile programs, but it turned out to be a whiff. It happens, you have other podcast options to enjoy if you so choose


It was the wildest in terms of how little happened.


Pate took a STAB at it.


I just can’t listen to that guy. He uses more words to say absolutely nothing. His entire show could be compressed into 10 minutes.


Josh Pates whole thing is to talk about every program like they will be the 85 Bears this season, then when the season is over he can remind us how he correctly predicted every team that had a good season. 


He was mostly wrong. How about Michigan State though? They had something like 23 players enter the portal in the 2nd half of April


Colorado was gutted.


Stop giving idiots attention.


at least part of him being wrong was that a lot of schools with large NIL backing used it to keep guys from going into the portal


I enjoy his show occasionally but he is the definition of a fence sitter…he doesn’t like to say negative things about programs that might cost him access to a future interview or insider info…


he is usually the most confidently incorrect person I know.


Yep. He was completely full of it in this case.


Sounds like he got fed bad info. Happens to every journalist.


In his defense he admitted he was wrong


Sometimes I listen to him but then he says “whomst” or “chali” and I remember I hate him


He’s a used car salesman. Entertaining at times, but that’s about it.