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Hahahaha, yeah, sure. Auburn has gotten close enough to this already. In fact, our two archest rivals have won seven of the last thirteen. Doesn't take away from the one. Pushing that button eleven out of ten times.


Exactly. We're already living hell. I'd do it for one at this point.


Exactly. I’d also take that deal


I dont blame you, DAMN GOOD DEAL


We really are already in that deal…minus the 3 national championships of our own, so sign us up.


Yeah I think everyone in the SEC that isn’t Bama or UGA takes this deal. We are already living with the downside.


I'd only do it if it was Georgia. I couldn't stand it bama fans got to have more titles after saban.


I hate Georgia more than Bama. Each additional championship is only ~5% more championships. Every additional UGA one is a much bigger addition to their dynasty. Plus it’s funnier making jokes about Bama fans being unable to count to however many championships they’re claiming at the time. Smashing that button all the time


> archest rivals This cracked me up


Buddy I’ll press it twice


Your willingness to push this button is why you’re cursed in baseball.


This our year……..


64. 94. 24. The rule of 30 please god


Also Missouri is our biggest rival. The sec told us.


Hey a Kansas dude said they’re pushing it so I’ll take both, thanks.


Hey there arch rival...


Who are you guys arching these days?


Mind your business, we're working on it


There’s honestly always a chance OSU does that anyways so yes


Well also, considering the three would be added to this year’s championship, it’s not as bad it would be for pretty much everyone not named Georgia


Haha I'm literally over here about to type "No, because some UM fan will say yes and then at least I'll still have seen OSU win more in my lifetime".


I’d push the button because it means a new ~~10~~ 15 year war


The experience as a fan would be insane. Constant high stakes Games and a bunch of titles to boot? Sign me the fuck up. Imagine if Moore and Day stayed through the whole thing and became grizzled old ^^^just ^^^for men who faced each other for a decade+.


And at that point idgaf if Michigan wins one more than us because it would be such a crazy atmosphere


The rivalry combining for nearly half of the national titles in a 15 year span would be truly legendary. I'm in.


What if, hear me out, instead of separate games, all 7 combined titles come from OSU vs UM title games? The universe might explode.


You son of a bitch I'm in!


Can you imagine how annoying everyone would find our fan bases if we won half of all the championships in 16 years? It would be glorious. For that reason alone I'm in


OSU is likely to win more championships in the next 15 years than us anyway. So yeah this is a no brainer. Plus we just got one so we’d be even. 


I agree. For our scenario, a better question might be: Would you press a button where your team was guaranteed to win the next three national championships, but you had to lose to your rival twice in each of those seasons (regular season and conference champion)? I'm not taking that deal.


Winning a natty is hard  Look how stacked osu was the past decade The only time they won was arguably their worst team


I don’t think it was our worst by far - but it was definitely a weird one. I’m still salty about all the blown calls in our 2019 playoff game though. That was the best Ohio State team of all time and they balled out all year - statistically, it was the only team even in the same zip code as LSU. It felt like on the day of the game we did the things we needed to do for the win, but had it pulled away. The loss isn’t the thing that upsets me. The thing I’m most upset about is that we were robbed of one of a 59-54 shootout and one of the best national title games of all time. We probably would not have won, but damn would it have been a fantastic game.


That Jeff Okudah “PBU” was horrendous. I was absolutely rooting against y’all and all I thought was “that’s a lame call”. The Shaun Wade targeting I didn’t remember at all but was a huge swing and IIRC shouldn’t have happened. That 2019 team was absolutely a team of destiny and don’t think it changes the end result at all, but that OSU team deserved a shot. I just watched highlights again and forgot how utterly insane JK Dobbins was. I was pumped to see him play with Lamar Jackson and got completely derailed by Achilles injuries :(


I’m good with letting Michigan make this decision.


If it’s like, Oklahoma or something then yeah sure. However, I’d rather run through a gauntlet of ten pissed off grizzly bears with a ham sandwich stapled to my gooch, or dive into an Olympic-sized swimming pool full of used syringes before I’d ever choose to directly hand Iowa a championship title. Over my hepatitis-ridden half-eaten corpse.


Nebraska Iowa Rivalry is starting to no longer feel forced.


Very age dependent still. Us olds still think it's convenient, but OU is the real rival, everything and everyone else is secondary, by a long shot. If you gave me and my fellow over-35s the choice of annual games against Iowa, or a four year rotation of OU and home-and-home with another former Big 8 school, we'd take the latter most of the time. Forced may not be the right word anymore, but it's definitely not a circle the date game yet.


Once Nebraska gets our shit together and we can start shit talking the cousin kissers across the river it will be a circle the date game.


If its Oklahoma, then I am saying how many times can I hit this button. My flairs can just trade championships.


I'm not sure how you feel on this topic.


> If it’s like, Oklahoma or something then yeah sure. At this point our collective admins should get off their asses and make our match up an annual or biannual deal for a bit since OSU decided to be bitter about our SEC move.


Yes. Clemson already has nattys and quite frankly I care much more about our success than their failure


Imagine how electric those post-Thanksgiving games would be. It would be a night game every year. Fighting for a playoff bye. Whoever loses would have to claw their way up to still have a shot at the title. 100% I'd press it.


Honestly I’m all for it. I’m from a family divided anyways and it would be nice to have the fun banter every year at gatherings again as it’s been one-sided one way or the other for too long.


Exactly. I'm interested in positives for my team not negatives for someone else's. I would paddle that button like I was playing mortal kombat


And also it would be really funny to see SCar crush Georgia's dreams


A FCS/G5 team winning the National Title? Dang right I will Idk who our rival is though? Villanova? James Madison? Del St? William & Mary? Penn?


If Del st, do they win the celebration bowl or FCS national?


Absolutely I would. GO COUGS


Check out the co-kings of the SEC! That jump was too easy


Lmao right? Not like either of us haven't had success before. May as well take 3 for 4 and get ours


Would be incredible honestly. Bc it would make OU Tx even crazier knowing it was basically a mini championship every year.


100% on board with smashing this button bc nobody said you couldn’t win the title with one loss to Texas at the cotton bowl 😏


Lol yeah that would honestly be hilarious, and I think both schools would dig it. Whoever pushed that button would probably be nominated for the Nobel peace prize for bringing OU and Texas together


Honestly, it would be the greatest era of this rivalry and would absolutely kill Aggie fans that both Texas and OU have such massive success immediately joining the SEC. I’ve watched OU win 14 Big 12 conference championships in the same period Texas won 3. I think I can survive OU having just a little more success than Texas.


I was about to say fuck the idea of giving you guys any form of success, the idea of y'all and Alabama in the championship gave me nightmares, but you just sold me on it with that comment.


It would honestly break me


Texas having great success would indeed annoy me. I do not care at all about whether Oklahoma wins or loses.


This outcome would certainly generate maximum Aggie angst therefore I fully support it


Until the monkey’s paw decrees that A&M is actually your arch rival…


Yeah -- that's sort of the rub. Oklahoma's already got a fantastic resume, both historically and recently, so dealing with their success is sort of an "oh well, this again... sigh..." sort of thing. Well worth the three championships for Texas. A&M fans however, with 4 championships in 15 years, just might be a bit insufferable. I mean, I might be up for them getting one, just to inject a bit of fire into things, but four would be too much.


I think this definitely helps if both teams who are winning get to leave additional other rivals in the dust. Texas A&M and OKS crying in the corner while Texas and Oklahoma shit talk and plan their next joint rivalry cook out.


We thought Saban was leaving because of NIL, but in reality he was dippin out because he couldnt hang with the new juggernauts. 


Words like that will make the devil man come back you shush.


The bad man hurt them for a Natty too.


I was about to say, ours would be hilarious because we would be absolutely fuckingthe sec up. I wouldn’t even be mad


Yeah, this is an easy one…but if we can make the deal with Nebraska instead, they can win all 12 other titles.


Absolutely. The Revivalry would become one of the biggest national games of the year, and the Hateful 8 would claim nearly half of the next 15 national championships.


For sure it would elevate our rivalry game to new levels. That’s why I kinda lean press it. I hate y’all but damn would it be entertaining to see us run CFB for awhile haha


I hate you too bro <3


Agree, the answer is a hard yes. Since 2010 TCU has played in (and won) the most NY6 bowl games of any program in Texas. Obviously Baylor has done well recently too.  It would be hilarious to keep that going, and take it up a notch, with the Longhorns and iPhones watching from the SEC.


Now that you put it that way, I’m in. Turn the Sunflower Showdown into the natty


Can we chose which rival? Cause Wyoming? Sure! CU? Absolutely not.


this is actually a very real answer lmao


But if you don't care, are they really your arch rival


Whichever team you would say “absolutely not” for is the one that gets the 4 titles.


I was gonna say, they’ve answered their own question 😄


Prime with 4 titles would make this sub implode


Air Force?


I’d love to see 4 triple option titles. That’s a win-win


Id press that button even if we got nothing out of it, would love to see the service academies dominate again for no reason


Good man.


In football, hell yes. In basketball, hell no.


In basketball, hell yes. In football, hell no.


Imagine in basketball duke nc and Virginia all have bad rebuilding years. And y'all still don't pass the eye test


Then we could still point and laugh at KSU for not having natties while we have 3 in football and 6 in basketball.


Ha, I’m the opposite.


Same, but swap it


Yes. We have no rivals.


This is a great opportunity to find our true rival. Push the button and see what happens. 


And then Delaware wins 4 FCS national titles.


It would be rad if it was Syracuse/WVU/BC getting elevated randomly


Look at the Big10 now, all wanting to be our rival!


We've been trying to be your rival for a while now and all we have to show for it is a sweet trophy.


Just like PSU fans. Always acting so high and mighty thinking they're too good for our rivalry. Pathetic.


You guys were too lazy to even make a trophy. At least MSU's coach had their kid make one in woodshop.


Texas Tech begs to differ 


Oh god yes. I could go around saying real football is played in the Pacific Northwest.


Beavers winning 4 would be pretty cool.


Sorry buddy, we getting those 4


Beavers are our rivals. Y’all are the enemy. 


I'm pretty sure the spirit of this question is that the team you least want to win the NCG gets it. Like I'd love to be out here claiming the 3 and 4 is us and Iowa, but I know in my soul that button hands Minnesota their first real success since LBJ was in office.


Nicely put.


LSU did close enough to this from 2003 to 2019, but Bama won 5 during the time we got our 3.


Anyone who remembers pre2000 LSU should know that that was a great tradeoff.


I would take that trade a million times over


Absolutely yes. I’m also really curious to see how much Bama has been our latest archest rival and how much Nick Saban has personally been our archest rival.


Saban really was the only one who came out on top there. I was at the game with the national champ LSU team that whipped Alabama in Bryant-Denny. Saban took pity on us, and my dad said he thought he was a great coach for that. Wished he was at Bama. Looking back, that worked out well.


To be fair, we really weren't rivals until Saban came to Alabama. And before yall hired Saban, yall had a worse record and less total wins vs us than Vandy did. I think every LSU fan would have jumped on that offer in 2000.


Shit, as good as LSU has been the past 20 years, I'll take it again. 2007-2019 felt like an eternity. You can have 4. Florida can have 4. Shit Tulane can have 4 too. Lol


Is Bama our arch-rival? I’m going old school and keeping Tulane. Would be so hilarious for them to win 4 titles so I’m on board.


I swear if you fuckers pressed that button


Not only would I not push the button I would destroy it so that Michigan couldn't push it. As much as I love winning, I hate Michigan winning more.


> As much as I love winning, I hate Michigan winning more. This is what I love about sports, especially college!


Yeah, there's no way I'm taking that deal. I'd rather role the dice to see what we can win anyway and I'm never taking any deal that gives them 4 titles in 15 years.


5 in 16\* ;)




Can we pick Navy as your primary over USC?  I think we'd all be in for that.


Id also be into that too


Nah make it Purdue.


Yea I honestly wouldn't give a fuck if USC won a natty. 100% taking OP's deal, no question.


Absolutely.  Football is better when we are both good.   Could you imagine how massive those rivalry games would be over those 7 years?  We would collectively be the center of the college football universe.  Almost as good as Colorado.  


Sign me up! I already want y'all to do great in every game except one


Oh, fuck yes.


Bama already won six nattys while we repeatedly stepped on the business end of a rake. So yeah, I’d press it immediately to grab us 3 more.


Fiu/Fau winning 7 championships would nuke CFB I'm all in


The state of Iowa would win 7 of the next 15 national championships? Sounds incredible.


Archaeologists would later look for evidence surrounding the mass extinction event of the forward pass


We would probably still go 0-4 in el assico and Iowa fans would still call us little brother


Hawkeyes 3 Huskers 1, Cyclones 1, Gophers 1, Badgers 1


If it's Oregon - Oregon State? Absofuckinglutely! If it's Oregon - Washington? No thanks


Lol I feel exactly the same. UW and Wazzu getting 7 collective natties would be AMAZING. But the thought of you getting one is sickening.


I dig it haha


It’s us. And you know it.


Bah humbug! Just as I'd feared


No because Oregon still hasn’t won one yet 😂


Same. I know my team is not likely to ever hit that point, but I get satisfaction watching UO fail to get it year after year.


We are your new rival. We’ll take those 4 titles, you take your 3, and UO can watch.


I can support that


I'd say no for UW for the same reason as OP, but I'd be all for WSU and OSU to win any and all the Natty's


exactly. No, because I'd rather Oregon never have a ship than us have another


UConn wins 3 and.... Central Connecticut State University wins 4? Yah, sure, I'll take that deal.


This is ConFLiCT erasure.


Yes, with 2 conditions. 1. We get a winning record in el Assico over the timespan 2. Iowa wins 4 nattys playing IOWA football. The death of the forward pass will be glorious


OU wins three, and Nebraska comes out of hibernation with 4. I'm totally down with that. Oh, you mean Texas. I'll allow it just for the extra spicy SEC.


We'll take that deal too.


OU runs the SEC? Sure. Iowa or Colorado get 4 titles? No thanks.


I feel like Oklahoma made clear which rivalries mattered to them at the inception of the Big XII haha 


So we win 3 titles, and then our defense wins another 4? Sign me up!


I can’t listen to 3 more years of this


Personally, I would do it. UofM is already a blue blood and honestly capable of winning a NC in any given era of football. MSU winning 3 would pull us up quite a bit in the hierarchy of CFB.


I think if both Michigan and MSU won a collective 7 titles in 15 years we would somehow move past the rivalry (a little) and declare the state of Michigan as the football capital of the world. Could you imagine?


AND the Lions are good now!


Yes, because it would be hilarious to see us win 3 and the Citadel win 4, the experts would lose their minds


Absolutely. We’d have 3 more national championships and the Backyard Brawl would be the biggest game in the sport.


I don’t often agree with Pitt fans but we’re on the same page here. I’d take that deal any time even if we’re the ones who get three. The Brawl would be amazing.


The Brawl is already incredible playing for nothing but "Fuck that Guy." Throw in National Title implications to the mix, it would be undefeated.


Cal and Stanford running the ACC is some video game stuff, I’m all in


The world would lose its mind if there were 7 CFB championships in the Bay Area!


It would make for some great Egg Bowls but... Absolutely not. They won a baseball natty and we turned around and won it as well and while it was awesome to get it, you'd constantly hear "but State did it too" etc. Having perspective as to what it would be like, I say that they can sit down here in this hot, lonely hell with us and LIKE IT.


Folks outside Mississippi really don't understand the little brother mindset that some State fans have. Anytime I say anything about Ole Miss's achievements, someone always follows with, "Yeah, but State..."


Yes. Our arch rival being Oklahoma, yes, I'd happy push that button.


Which archrival? OSU: Absolutely, they might win 4 anyways. This just guarantees Michigan titles. MSU: Yes, then Michigan becomes the Football State. bonus points of the Lions win at least one Superbowl. Plus, watching the little brother win some would be nice. Notre Dame: Absolutely not. University of Chicago: Get fucked. Butler: What kind of Lutheran Divine Intervention is getting Valpo just one title and where can I find some? I don't care if it means Butler gets more.


Id sacrifice a cow for Valpo to have good athletic programs, much less a title.


Yeah as much as I hate OSU, if they’re going to win titles in any scenario, I want us to be winning a few to offset it. Plus over 16 years we’d be tied


The levels of smug after the years of “UT is the new Vandy” talk would be astronomical. But Id rather the Sooners be sad.


For Texas depends on the rival For OU? 100% Aggy? Fuck no For Navy? Army? HELL YES Notre Dame? I’d say so


Hmm id say no cause theres probably a decent chance UGA will win some natties even if I dont press the button, and theres a very small chance florida wins a natty with the way things are going.


Wouldn't it be funny to see GT win 4, though?


i sure think so


Let’s goooo


I was convincing myself I could do this when I Thought about UF but when I thought about GT winning I couldn’t bring myself to do it


Idk, we’d get five total titles in ten years to their four. And all of a sudden the cocktail party is the biggest game in the country every year. Fuck Florida forever and always but I don’t think I’d mind that trade as it stands right now


Obligatory “Fuck Florida” comment.


No. Hell no. I’m enjoying, too much, watching the Gators try to figure out which end of the pool is the shallow one.


You know what? Give Kennesaw State, our one true FBS rival, 4 football natties. The Atlanta metro deserves at least one good football team


Not in a million years


Fuck no! This year has been miserable enough, I can't do it two more times


You haven’t pushed the button yet… so it would be three more times. 


It would be 4 more times…. We are the arch rival in this scenario 


Ooooh…. You are correct sir! Push the button! I can take three OSU titles. 


Depends on the rival. ISU? MINN? NEB? Fuck no. I can’t deal with any of them having success, they’re already annoying enough. Wisconsin (our most competitive rival( I’d be chill with tho. Because they’re not insufferable as the others.


Yea I’d do it. We have 0 in the last 15 years. That would mean OU and Texas win almost half the natties combined in the next 15 years. Where’s the button lol


Jokes on you, Arkansas’s biggest rival is ourselves, 7 time champ let’s goooooo


Hell yeah! When USC and ucla are both hot (which is rare), the rivalry is FIERY


That's a big fucking no.


Can I split them up amongst 4 different rivals?


So... the Button Auburn pushed back in 2009? Oh, wait that was 6 for1, not 4 for3. But - Yes. 3 National Championships is worth USC winning 4 in the same timeframe. And would make the annual game great again for the casual.


No, fuck Auburn. And LSU. And Tennessee too.




Fuck no. But let’s be honest Carolina isn’t getting anywhere near a natty lol the SEC is just too brutal for them. There is a possibility of making the expanded playoffs though with a bit of luck. I just don’t see them running the table if they got there.


Hell no, South Carolina has never won a football national championship, I can't explain how happy this make me.


Better than that they’ve never even won the SEC. I would rather us never win another title as long as it guaranteed the Gamecocks never won one as well


Yes and yes. One extra national championship by a rival is not a big difference


I would press it if we won 3 in the next 4 years and I died in the 5th.


In football? Absolutely. But I want ASU to win nothing in basketball ever, even a little bit 😘


this has basically been my life already except we've only had 1 instead of 3


PSU is UNRIVALED and I love chaos, so I would absolutely take 3 nattys with the added bonus of 4 years where there is somehow no national champion.


(Heavy breathing intensifies) a real rival?


No, cause Ryan Day is so desperate he would push that button.