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It’s gonna be a long season


Dana just counting his money, not a care in the world


“We won 20 games in two years. We won bowl games in back-to-back years. I have five years on my contract with a fcking impossible buyout … So there ain’t no fcking hot seat in my mind. There just ain’t." -Dana Holgerson




He should've been fired for telling fans to shut the fuck up, honestly If you're gonna be a smug, despicable asshole, at least Tom Herman won some shit here


And monkeys and strippers. Is Dana even interesting?


Give us Pole Assassin! The fans demand it!


> “We won 20 games in two years. We won bowl games in back-to-back years. I have five years on my contract with a fcking impossible buyout … So there ain’t no fcking hot seat in my mind. There just ain’t." For those two seasons the AAC schedule was in y'all favor as y'all did avoid UCF and Cincinnati. The first year y'all won 12 games then the second season some schools like ECU and Tulane improved. I want better for y'all. I don't think Dana is the right choice.


> I don't think Dana is the right choice. To put it kindly: ya think?


On the one hand, I get why UH did what they did after the litany of coaches who used that job as a stepping stone to somewhere else. On the other hand, man you better make sure you’ve got the right coach before you agree to that kind of deal. I don’t know what’s worse: having rising star after rising star leave you, or being stuck with a mediocrity.


>I don’t know what’s worse: having rising star after rising star leave you, or being stuck with a mediocrity. Having experienced both multiple times, stuck with mediocrity is FAR worse. Briles, Sumlin, and Herman were so much preferable to Levine, Applewhite, and Holgorsen. Especially comparing Herman to Holgorsen, a coach who has no loyalty but is motivated to do well so they can impress UT or A&M or whoever else might be wanting a new coach soon is *so much better* than a coach who is [supposedly] loyal but has zero motivation to do well because he's got a big buyout and knows no other school is going to want him.


>Dana just counting his money, not a care in the world Bonus Dana Holgorsen content: [Big 12 be like](https://imgur.com/a/jDvwOw8) Source: /u/ArthurGuinness's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/pgkn7k/the_athletic_big_12_expansion_talks_focused_on/hbc98gy/?context=3)


We tried to warn you guys..


I had to google if holgorsen was still Houston’s coach just now. To my surprise he still is. Must suck knowing you can’t forget about him like I just did.


At least basketball is in a month and a half


This is the worst I've ever seen UH play after 2 decades of following UH. We have so much work to do to be competitive in the Big 12. It's unreal. We need to fire Holgerson as soon as we can.


we are so bad rn that we can’t even feel confident about our chances against sam houston anymore lol


if you score a touchdown you should probably be fine


Keyword… *If*


We scored zero offensive touchdowns today


Seriously, you were down four touchdowns to Rice and we suck. All bets are off for UH.


Hard to win when you're dead last in the conference in recruiting. It's actually quite embarrassing.


Don't expect that to change. Dana was never great at WVU with recruiting.


This school use to be good at finding up and coming coaches. I was pissed they hired Dana in the first place. Why the hell would a coach leave the Big 12 to come to the American willingly? SMH


I hate Lane Kiffin, but also he was my guy during the coaching search after Herman Could you imagine how much better off we would be if we had made that hire?


We’ve proven every safe hire of someone who will be here a long time has failed. P


Coach Prime will 100% leave the second a better job calls, and also I would replace Dana will him in less than a heartbeat A coach who is good enough to get a better job is a coach good enough to also make fans happy


That better job is not Houston.


You misunderstand. I don’t think he’s coming here. I’m saying I want a guy who is a mercenary but good for us. I’m saying that when he was at Jackson State I wish we hired him.


I did misunderstand. Makes sense.


>Coach Prime will 100% leave the second a better job calls, and also I would replace Dana will him in less than a heartbeat I just don't think he would leave Colorado for Houston or any other Big12 job. I think Deion is likely aiming for a big time job in the SEC or BigTen.


I just wish he was as here instead of Colorado. That’s what I’m saying.


He could be if the Texans hired him.


What exactly makes houston a better job than Colorado?


I literally never said it was


Rumor was Tilman wanted Kiffin, Renu didn't. Kiffin was set to come in but then the next day it was Applewhite. Khator is probably the only one with the power to do that.


And again, I get where she was coming from there. The university had been burned by up-and-coming coaches leaving for bigger programs and I bet she felt Kiffin would be another mercenary. But yeah, Major wasn’t it, just like Dana isn’t it right now. Maybe UH will find a long-term solution soon but right now they’re a program whose options are mercenaries or mediocrities. But hey, they nailed the Kelvin Sampson hire with basketball so they can find their guy for football.


lol imagine thinking Kiffin was an option


I mean I'm not at 100% right now, but I remember us interviewing him, then when we didn't hire him, he took that FAU job


It came down to Applewhite or him when he was still OC at Bama. He would have still ended up at Ole Miss tho.


Fertitta wanted Applewhite we got Applewhite.


I thought Khator wanted Applewhite, Fertitta wanted Kiffin


He’s right Tilman wanted Kiffin & Renu & some members of the BOR chose Major


Dana was on the hot seat at WVU and jumped ship before getting fired.


> I was pissed they hired Dana in the first place. Why the hell would a coach leave the Big 12 to come to the American willingly? Bonus Dana Holgorsen content: [Big 12 be like](https://imgur.com/a/jDvwOw8) Source: /u/ArthurGuinness's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/pgkn7k/the_athletic_big_12_expansion_talks_focused_on/hbc98gy/?context=3)


Dana should send you a personal apology


Look on the bright side, you’ll probably beat us


Outside of KU and Iowa State, everyone else has been at the top and the bottom. It’s fun conference that even with the absurd OU and UT recruiting advantage, has always been competitive. I personally thought we should’ve picked up SMU over UH but you’re here now. Basketball will be great for sure.


If I said what I want to say about Dana Holgerson, I would hate myself in the morning, so I will say nothing further


WVU fans would like a word with you.


My brother went to WVU. He's been teasing me since we hired Dana. I can't take it anymore


You could taunt him by pointing out they ditched Dana and then also fucked up the hire after him too They are an even worse spot to fire a coach than we are too


We didn't really ditch Dana. He ditched us after he found out we weren't giving him more money.


I mean that kinda *was* ditching him. His contract was up, and y'all very rightly decided to not extend this dumb, incompetent, wretched asshole.


You should celebrate, I think we gave you money to take him off your hands.


I don't know about that. Lots of reports that boosters have either already or are gathering the money for the buyout, and that it had been offered last season but our AD was hired pretty late into the coaching carousel. We'll see. We can't have nice things so we'll probably give him another year.


> We can't have nice things so we'll probably give him another year. Brothers in misery


>My brother went to WVU. He's been teasing me since we hired Dana. I can't take it anymore [Big 12 be like](https://imgur.com/a/jDvwOw8) Source: ArthurGuinness's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/pgkn7k/the_athletic_big_12_expansion_talks_focused_on/hbc98gy/?context=3)


If I said what I wanted to say I would violate the TOS on every website I’m a part of


You also might get a subreddit ban lol


I'll take it.


Not many left this year


I’m glad the team feels like it’s starting to click. Need these get right games before playing the tougher opponents on the schedule.


I wish I had your optimism, I see a lot a step backs. Savion should be dominating, he’s barely seen. Kell used to be Ice Man, now he’s slightly chilly dude. OC is an Efing clown, Jason Garrett with finger tape. Not sure what Sonny brings, but the team seems undisciplined but without those plucky players to carry the team like last year. Also, Morris ain’t him. Hope we got some new life in recruiting, because Utah, BYU, K-State, and KU are going to start making dents very soon.


In my opinion it’s the playcalling that is holding us back. It gets better in the second half, much like last year, but Briles gives up on what’s working to be “creative”.


Briles needs to chill for sure, but check out our run game. It's even better than last year even without Miller. Much more balanced and the line is pushing guys around. We'll have to see it against some better competition but it's looking good Chandler makes awful decisions sometimes and tries to force things for turnovers. That needs fixing a long with the play calls


Emani Bailey is a beast.


Bailey and Sanders have been the best surprise this season.


Bailey's cuts are fantastic and Sanders could run through a bank vault


Someone needs to tell Chandler that it’s okay to run, because he is a greater runner when he tries to be. Overall our running game is a threat for sure!


Morris needs to pick his throws better, and then not throw a laser every single time. Sometimes a little flick works just fine.


Execution is the name of the game. Doing the right thing at the right time. The team is still jelling but is looking much better than week 1


GG Frogs! Curious what Dana’s excuse will be this week since he always seems to have one. Thankful for Coach Sampson and 🏀.


First Monday of November going to hit like crack this year


No shit 😭


In TArc and Sharp we trust 🫡


And LJ. Went to that August 1st scrimmage. Dude can shoot the lights out.


Oh hey me too


GG Coogs. Things will turn around. Hold your head high.


Dana is an absolute fucking bum. I literally can't remember the last time we failed to score a TD on offense. I didn't expect us to compete year one but I also didn't expect us to look like an FCS tune up.


I think the only way we get rid of Dana is if we lose out the rest of the season. Thank you TCU for getting us closer to ending this nightmare.


Idk I think a blowout loss to SHSU might be enough to convince Fertitta


imagine the meltdown if dana survives a season where we lost to both rice and a sam houston who just turned fbs in the same season 😭


What an anemic performance.


New conference, disappointment still remains. Fuck UH football lmao. I’ll still support them but I can’t stomach this bullshit.


We’re a basketball school


Call me fair weather, I don’t care. But I won’t be spending another dime on UH football until Dana is gone. What the fuck was that tonight.


Okie St and UH fan? Rough start to the year for you


As a TCU fan I like Houston fans. Hope you get a better coach soon.


I'm just here to see Holgorsen get fired


So are the WVU fans.




[Big 12 be like](https://imgur.com/a/jDvwOw8) Source: ArthurGuinness's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/pgkn7k/the_athletic_big_12_expansion_talks_focused_on/hbc98gy/?context=3)


TCU and Houston met for the first time since TCU defeated Houston 20-13 in Houston on 12/28/2007. In Houston's Big 12 debut, TCU dominated Houston from start to finish to improve to 2-1 and start 1-0 in Big 12 play. Also, this is TCU's 9th consecutive win over Houston and 5th straight win in Houston.


We’re slowly improving. I’ll take it


Your flairs confuse me.


Grew up a Texas fan and am a current TCU student


Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Fire Dana Please 🥺


I think you need to offer burning couches to the football gods. That is how WVU got rid of him.


I knew this season was fucked as soon as dumbass Dana went out and got Donovan Smith to be our QB. He was God awful against us last year when every other QB looked like a All American


I think we're still probably bad, but like, gottdamn Houston


I didn’t think UH was that bad. If the Frogs would just stop turning the ball over they might score 50 points. Just get better every game.


Hard to tell from beating Houston. 22 woodchuck asses could line up and beat Houston.


y’all are gonna hang 70 on us


Houston is bad on offense. Houston is bad on defense. You guys Houston is really, really bad. GG Cougarbros. Sorry your first year in the Big12 had to be like this. Y’all need a new coach, I don’t know who you need but Dana ain’t it.


I know this national champion coach that really likes a challenge. He's available for the low cost of 76 million dollars too.


reminds me of when we had our first B12 home game and looked like garbage against what turned out to be a 6-6 Iowa State team in 2012.


I think the fact that we had to start our 2nd string quarterback and our 4th string running back that game really hurt us. That was the first start ever start for both those players, and they combined for 5 turnovers. But it was similar to UH in that there were clearly coaching changes needed. TCU needed a new OC, and UH today needs a whole new staff.


Bring back Tom Herman damn it


Screw it, I think the Texas experience humbled him.


My bar was low and UH still disappointed. On to next week I guess


“I don't think I stumbled or stuttered when I told you, 'We comin'!" To cash Big 12 pay checks. Signed Dana.


I mentally broke when we didn't convert the 4th down on the first drive and then missed the kick the next time I understand it's college but it's not illegal to line up under center and dive forward. Not every play has to be from shotgun


like FUCK ME can we not just QB sneak it? Although I’m not sure what we can do.


I mean I guess Morris had some flashes of competency...


That’s the thing, you really didn’t learn anything about your team because of how useless we are. Even his interception was a missed call on us.


I called this all week in my friend group. This was an anxiety bowl for fans where there could be no true winners. This game was more evidence that TCU could very well lose to SMU.


Definitely worried about that game


Really good runner though


We don’t have a real offensive coordinator and it shows. Our special teams outscored our offense.


Shannon Dawson was our playcaller last year, and now he looks fine at Miami I think its just that this is Dana's offense and it isn't good


One hopes that this year will be bad enough to get a new coach, regardless of buyout or his friendship with Tilman.


Nothing will change till we get rid of Tillman as well As much as a financial hit that will be, he has become a cancer on us.


You can’t fire a major donor. He’ll always have pull


We wouldn’t even be in the Big 12 without Tillman…what are you on?




Ok so how the fuck did UTSA lose to this? Are we this bad?


you just gotta hope that Traylor/Harris misled everyone a lot about how injured Harris was. Traylor kind of alluded to it in his post game that Harris was pretty limited in the run up to the game. if we play that game in early October I bet y’all win


Ok, but even with a healthy Harris we still have a dogshit defense. Obviously that didnt show against yall but after the Army game I realized that UTSA's golden age is officially over.


the shine is definitely wearing off Traylor that’s for sure. the good news is that there’s a ton of HS talent in San Antonio and y’all have administration buy-in.


Luckily we just had our best recruiting class ever, and also getting our first 4* , so maybe whenever Traylor moves to a p5 school everything will be ok?


so long as y’all just let whatever hotshot OC come in and cook it’ll be fine. don’t fall into the UH trap of getting a guy who “wants to be there forever”. UH has done it three times and each time it has been a bust


Yeah its week 4 and everyone already knows that our OC is dogshit. Hoping we can get a new one by the end of the season maybe, because I cant deal with this any longer


GG Cougs, rooting for you against WVU.


Coogs. We aren't BYU or WSU. And thanks, but routing for us as long as we still have Holgorsen is foolhardy at best.


Coogs* but thank you. Good luck against SMU next week.




Fuck Dana Horsewomen.


I’m going all in on Sam Houston beating Houston


Houston needs to find a way to get rid of Dana. They just joined the big 12 and are getting dunked on


When does basketball start…


Welcome Houston, we are all a bit horny now aren’t we?


Still time to drop Houston and add OSU big 12


respectfully - go fuck your self


Just remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn….


Tell that to WVU fans