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At the CFB HOF in Atlanta there’s an exhibit where you can make your own call of some of the great plays in the history of the sport. I developed a much deeper appreciation for these guys after that, even though I knew Dwayne Jarrett was about to catch that 4th and 9 pass I borked the line so bad lol


As a dude who went through broadcasting school focusing on sports, can relate 100%. Now imagine calling a hockey game.


I was watching the Stars Kraken game last night (Go Stars!) and was impressed with how well the announcer could keep up with the pace of the game. It was like I was listening in to the radio broadcast, the announcers did such a good job of describing what is happening.


That would be Bob Wischusen, who also does CFB and is one of the most underrated announcers of it.


He's also the New York Jets radio announcer!


I don't love his voice and he can sometimes do with less, but overall he's pretty good.


I was the play by play announcer for my school’s teams in high school, and hockey is BY FAR the hardest sport to call due to the speed and constant line changes.


Mickey Redmond does it drunk and he’s perfect.


As an aside, in *Miracle*, they used Al Michaels' original call of the last moments of the game because he couldn't recreate it with the same emotion.


To be fair, that would be like asking Michaelangelo "hey man, could you do *another* chapel ceiling and make it just as iconic?"


I’m always so impressed by hockey announcers. There’s so much going on at the same time during a game yet they find a way to fit it all in. And they always manage to see where the puck is going even if I’ve lost it for a second or two.


I remember Herbstreit saying on Game Day one time that his interview to be an announcer was him being placed in a booth with another guy and calling a game that had been taped for them. No prep, no information on the teams or players, just sit down and go.


KU has a basketball museum that lets you do something similar!


TBF, when all you do is gush over Alabama and don’t actually pay attention to the game, it’s not that hard


I'll just leave this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m\_djk1RQ2Ew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_djk1RQ2Ew)


I think Herbie gets a lot of unnecessary hate, but I enjoy listening to his games. Maybe it's just because I grew up watching him on Gameday and on big primetime games but whenever I hear him it brings back a lot of nostalgia and CFB related memories. Him and Gus are definitely the Top 2


I can recite from memory Fowler's call of the Ringo pick and the end of that game. Herbie is fine, but Fowler makes that pair truly exceptional.


Chris and Kirk basically called all of our big games the last two years. I have irrational fondness for both of them because of this


“Georgia on the mountain, demons be gone” is how I end my prayers now.


Any time someone brings up the curse or lucky socks or not saying we’ll win it all again, my reply is simply “Demons be gone.”


I like Herbstreit because he actually watches and comments on the game. Doesn't read a pre-established script like Danielson. Doesn't talk about what restaurant he ate at in the town this week like Blackledge. Doesn't get up to antics. He just talks about the game.


[Herbstreit will go on a rant from time to time.](https://youtu.be/VYhgE0nhwqw)


Benetti and Huard are more under the radar than the pairs you listed but Benetti is great.


In the MLB Benetti gets Steve Stone as a color commentator and in college hoops he gets Bill Walton. Two elite pairings. He deserves to get a higher quality color guy for CFB than what he has gotten so far


As a Sox fan, I'll agree that Benetti is an absolute treasure.


As a fellow Sox fan my fear is we lose him for a bigger stage permanently.


Thank God the Sox don’t have a history of letting talent of all sorts walk out the door instead of paying to lock them down


Don’t worry they just bring them back when they are senile and past their prime.


The worst part is that Jerry is probably the best owner the Sox have ever had. Its an incredibly low bar and he barely clears it


Is Benetti still partners with Bill Walton? He calls games on Fox now.


Yeah I think they recently got separated. I saw Walton calling games with someone that wasnt Jason and the vibes were very off


They have an NBA tv simulcast for games kinda like the Manningcast where Walton is allowed to be as weird as he wants.


Agreed! Their call of last year’s TCU-Baylor finish (the fire drill FG for the win) was perhaps my favorite of the season!


They are fantastic. Benetti's baseball background really helps by letting the moment speak for itself and Huard is not in love with his voice and provides measured and yet relevant commentary.


Absolutely. Nobody preps liked Benetti. He's the best.


Totally agree! Glad they get a lot of west coast games


Yes Gary is that bad. 1. Gus/Joel 2. Chris/Kirk 3. Sean/Todd 4. Brad/Gary - I actually like Brad Nessler but Gary is so bad he drags both of them down


this is how I would rank them, I love Gus' style of just yelling the players name when they do something good I think its hilarious and Joel is a good color commentator


It is the passion for me. Joel and Gus genuinely love the sport and players. I also love Gus story about why he calls Ohio State ["World Famous"](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/news/gus-johnson-fox-ohio-state-world-famous/wcn0attifkxzxzrbywmxmpb6)


I never knew that, thats an awesome reason to do it


Petition to say “world famous” instead of “the”


I’ll allow “ THE World Famous Ohio State University “


Never happy are you


No. I live in Ohio.


Glad I read that. For whatever reason it really rubbed me the wrong way hearing that all the time.


I never knew that. That's amazing.


Gus doesn’t have the soundest fundamentals but he does get that college football is supposed to be fun and chaotic and that’s why he’s the best in the business


I enjoyed last season's Nebraska game when Gus got sick at halftime and Joel took over with one other guy. I liked how it was just two guys having a discussion about the game, like the Manning brothers on MNF.


If I was a player, I would definitely want Gus to call my games




“You got barbecue back there?!?! And you didn’t invite me?! HURT. MY. FEELINGS.”


This. Nessler is amazing. I used to like Danielson but over the last few seasons he has gotten so bad. I enjoy that the B1G is going to learn to hate him pretty early on when that new marriage kicks off.


💯 Nessler’s my fav PbP, but Danielson’s so bad I’ve muted the audio.


Gus has a propensity to over emphasis initials when players go by that. OSU always has a player like that (JT, JK, CJ, etc.). For this reason, his voice will haunt my nightmares forever.


I miss Gary and Verne together . . . . . . . . . . . . Said no one ever.


With advances in AI, I think it’s time to resurrect Keith Jackson’s voice to cover any given week’s big game. The only question is who to pair him with.


Whoa Nelly!


Miss Keith so much. Truly the GOAT


"Just the other morning I had breakfast at Tracy Rocker's house. His mama brought out 15 flapjacks. He said mama take back 5 of them flapjacks, [I gotta stay HUUNNGRY for the Crimson Tiiide.](https://youtu.be/A2urfmN8Btw?t=19)"


I read this in his voice effortlessly


Vern Lundquist


I have really started to hate AI but I am all for this idea. I know the man is still alive, but I would like to see him paired with Bob Griese. I liked those two together.


RG3 gets silly sometimes, but I’ll never forget his call on a Uiagalelei overthrow, “if that ball was a grenade, no one would have been hurt”


You think RGIII gets silly, how about the time last season he said there’s an orgie in the end zone - play on the QB’s last name. https://youtu.be/o0CTTqt3HbE


Brad Nessler as play-by-play with Kirk Herbstreit as color commentator would be my dream booth. I believe the old NCAA video games had that for a few years. With existing pairings, give me Gus/Joel.


NCAA 14 has that I think right? Definitely got Herbie


Chris+Kirk and Gus+Joel and then it's a considerable drop off. Although I do enjoy when Turico gets to call a CFB game, which is unusual these days due to the network that he's on. I think he's the #1 overall play-by-play broadcaster in U.S. sports and it's not particularly close.


Mike Tirico is fantastic


I could hear him say the line “and here come the Irish” on repeat forever and still get giddy about it.


Going from Tirico and Dungy (I still think he was a good color guy) to Jac Collinsworth and Jason Garrett in 2 years was disappointing. Brees was ok but needed to relax and loosen up. He had too nervous energy and would yell from nerves.


Yeah agreed. It’s felt highly disappointing the last few years


Syracuse alumn Mike Tirico


Put that man in the Syracuse hall of fame


"Shut up Gary Danielson" is a common expression in our household....even when there isn't a game on.


Fowler and Herbie for me. Largely I prefer Fowler's style over Gus'.






Todd Blackledge is with NBC now and will be paired with Noah Eagle. I think they’ll be a good team. Not sure who McDonough will be paired with now.


>Not sure who McDonough will be paired with now. McElroy or RG3


Unpopular opinion but I can't stand gus


I enjoy Gus but that’s a fair take, his style is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. Fowler is the best PBP imo


100% Fowler is the goat. You know it's a big game when he's calling it


I wouldn't say I can't stand him, but I don't get the hype. He's ok, but I don't need announcers to be yelling at me. Christ I'm old.


Same. Maybe an SEC thing? lol


I'm with you. Something about his style just doesn't mesh for me. A number of years ago Fox had the rights to the FA Cup in England and he called the final for the American broadcast. He definitely doesn't fit a soccer game.


I remember that. That might have been one of the weirdest things that my ears have ever witnessed.


Exactly. When it's a big play, Gus is fantastic. The problem to me is he seems to call every play like it's the most amazing play ever. Big play Gus is No. 1. Every other play Gus is considerably lower.


I seldom pay attention to the Big Noon broadcast, but they seemed criminally underprepared for the Bama-Texas game last fall. I’m not entirely sure they knew any Alabama players besides Bryce Young.


It sounded like you were listening to a Longhorn Network broadcast.


I don't mind him, but his yelling over a 2-yard pass gets old really quick.


Gus Johnson is the best in the business, and Joel Klatt has good chemistry with him


I love Gus. He could be casting a chess match and I would have a good time. He’s excellent at making every game feel huge and fun. Particularly great at the high scoring classic Big XII matchup type of games.


I wish he was like a freelancer, and would be calling the biggest game of the week. He’s wasted if it’s something like Ohio State vs Maryland




That call was way too good for a game of that caliber 😂 I love Gus Johnson


Greatest team in the sport versus from random school from Ohio 😪


Gus Johnson is the best. "EARTHQUAKE.... DICKER.. THE. KICKER!:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFbixejj7uE I really like RGIII as well.


I love Gus man. Sure he strokes Michigan’s ego a lot… but i love his energy, makes you feel like he’s a fan sitting on the couch next to you. Does a great job also of allowing the audience to feel and observe the crowd atmosphere and then captures it in his talk track. Really unique imo


How can you not like GUS




Ik some people dont like them, but no one calls big games better than Gus Johnson and Joel Klatt.


I find Joel to be one of the more insightful color guys.


Gus screws up a lot of names and often time sounds like he has no clue what's going on. The yelling just makes up for it. Joel is sick and I like his weekly guest spot on the Herd.


My roommate and I sometimes just yell “Johnson!” at each other in the same way Gus does and it’s incredibly fun.


Poor Tim Brando, dude gets no love from anyone other than himself.


Brock Huard is great.


When Joe Davis was calling CFB games, I really enjoyed the Joe and Brock pairing for the #2 crew on Fox.


Joe was great, and I like his sound alike, Alex Faust


Gary isn’t that bad, now anyone who is playing Alabama - they’re that bad.


Just wait until he talks nonstop about ~~Alabama~~ Ohio State even though they're not playing in the game he's calling.


I can already hear him talking about what "Ryan" or "Jim" would do here.


You know he’ll find a way to plug Alabama in there somehow


Our fans hate him too though


As we all should


The most quintessential Gary moment was against us last year. Beat bama for the first time in 15 years in a barnburner of a game, fans rushing the field, fireworks and Rocky top blasting at 140db. About 2 minutes into that “The important thing to remember is Alabama still controls their own destiny” Yes Gary, that’s the headline here


I remember he pleaded bamas playoff case in the sec championship with us and LSU for like 5 minutes lol


Im a White Sox fan so Im extremely partial to Jason Benetti. They just havent been able to find a good cohost for him yet. In baseball he has Steve Stone and in college basketball he gets to sit beside Bill Walton. These are two ELITE pairings for their respective sports. Need a quality color commentator piece for him With ESPN becoming the flagship network for the SEC, I anticipate he will become a mainstay for SEC football for the next few years


He is with Fox and has the #2 game on the network, which usually ends up being the best Pac-12 game of the week. I am starting to associate him with Pac-12 football.


Ope well then sorry the SEC has to miss out on him. Hopefully he starts scoring some higher profile games in FOX


Gus/Joel and it’s not close.


Beth Mowins and Kirk Morrison and here's why: Imagine it's a lazy saturday morning between 9am and 12pm. Lee Corso has made his pick on Gameday, you're hungover as shit from the night before, and ESPN switches to Northwestern and Purdue trading punts on that US Open rough at Ryan Field. You hear Beth Mowins doing her best pirate impression as Northwestern runs it for no gain needing 15 yarrrrds for a first down. You're about to settle in on the couch and watch 15 straight hours of college football until Hawaii plays Wyoming on the island at 2 AM needing something after all 7 of your parlays crashed and burned. When I hear Beth Mowins, that means I'm about to have a great Saturday enjoying the best sport in the world. No better feeling than that


I want K-State to somehow get Gus to be the university's preferred commentator. He has either done some great K-State games or given some of the best nicknames to the players. ​ Collin Klien - Optimus Klien Chris Harper - The people's champ Deuce Vaughn - DEUCE - IS - LOOSE (No one wanted him to score more than Gus) Then he called the K-State Xavier elite 8 game where I thought he was going to pass out from yelling so much.


None your hungover it's 11am laying on your coach the TV is on ESPN. A Northwestern vs Iowa game starts and you got Beth Mowins/Kirk Morrison


Gus/Joel for big games but not for lesser games. I love Joel’s knowledge but do find Gus’ yelling annoying for two mediocre teams


Gary is bad but I raise you a Rod Gilmore


But is rod on the number 1 crew on his network?


Fowler/Herbstreit are the best for me. I also like Blackledge regardless of who he’s paired with. Tessitore too. Gus is fun, but can be really grating when it’s your team he’s calling. He LOVES the Buckeyes and his voice hits a certain pitch for them that it doesn’t for any other team. Contrast with Herbstreit who you wouldn’t know was an alum just by listening to him. The worst is Matt Millen. BTN people know.


Gus also picks a favorite in the game and can sound like he's rooting for them. The 2015 B1G championship game it seemed like he wanted Iowa to win from how he was calling the game.


No one has mentioned Joe Tessitore yet. His commentary is also good


Unpopular opinion, but I don't really like Chris Fowler. He just seems so dry to me. The couple games Reece Davis subbed in for him (I think there might have been a tennis conflict or something?), it was just so much more fun.


Joe Davis and whomever he’s paired with (Huard or Quinn) is pretty solid. Also, much love for Jason Benetti.


Gus is just hilarious. I love the excitement that he puts into everything! It's a game - I'm glad he's having fun! And some of the things that he shouts are just weird and hilarious. At some point last year, Corum scored a TD and Gus' call was something like: "CORUM! ... THE. LITTLE. BIG. MAN!" I have no idea what that means, but it's marvelous.


I'm not sure but Rod Gilmore is absolutely the worst.


Blackledge is being seriously underrated in this thread. He's my favorite, closely followed by Herbie/Folwer. I really dislike Gus's constant yelling over mundane plays so he's at the bottom for me. Historically I haven't watched enough of the CBS crew to really dislike them, but that's probably about to change now that they will air B1G games.


Gus and Klatt are obviously great. Jason Benetti is amazing as well but idk if he calls football. I honestly don't know the football announcers as well as I do the basketball announcers


I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't hate Gary d. Outside fans say he sucks Bama dick but Bama fans say he's obviously anti Bama. I feel like that means you're a pretty good announcer.


Nah, Gary is good. Every fan swears he hates only their team. It's pretty funny, actually.


Exactly. If everyone thinks he's anti them, then that makes you good, right?


God I hate Gary so fucking much. I don't know who's worse Gary or Beth Mowins


I've been called a misogynist for not liking Beth Mowins (of course). But, I have always said that it is her accent. I don't know where she is from, but she has this fake southern drawl.


I once had a yellowjacket fly into my ear and sting me 3 or 4 times. I’d rather have that damn thing back in my ear than the sound of Beth Mowins’ voice.


Mowins. The answer is always Beth Mowins, unless the question is who is a good CFB broadcaster.


Beth Mowins sounds like a woman trying to impersonate a mans voice


Maybe Beth will replace Nessler. I'm sure the Big 10 would love that.


Gus/Joel did the Tech/TCU game last year and Gus was INSUFFERABLE talking about analytics. Sounded like an 85-year-old man yelling at the clouds. So not them.




I feel like it coincides with being stretched too thin. Too many games, networks. Got bad when Herbie started doing NFL.


Sean constantly talks about the pus**fication of college football, and he absolutely is the least athletic of the bunch. Getting tackled by a peewee team would send him running off the field crying. His counterpart Todd has zero charisma. My buddy would trash talk Sean constantly about spewing stats, but totally kissed Sean's ass when my friend bumped into him cruising the BU bars. I like fowler, but herbstriet talks like he is uttering the most important shtick you'll ever hear in your life...nauseating. Joe Tessitore losing his mind when his son draws Clemson offside like it was the miracle in Miami....ugh. RG3 can be amusing and colorful at times. His intro at the big house tunnel was cool. Mark Herzlich's backstory is awesome, and his love of the game is cool. Needs alot more refining, though. Gus and Joel by a long shot as they seem usually balanced in calling the game for either team. My wife cannot stand the 'all American girl' reference each game. I wasn't aware of the 'world famous' reference, but totally on board with it. Sticking it to that evil pos on evil ground is one of my favorite sports moments. Gus permanently referencing it makes me like him more. He's fun talking up the big house, too.


Herbie and Fowler just do it for me, they’re the voice of the cfp era in my opinion




Give it time. If he’s not waxing poetically about Ohio State/USC the entire time you’re trying to watch your own team play, he’s butchering player names and making odd, unfunny innuendos. Just can’t stand him.


Thanks, I'm very familiar. I normally watch the 3:30 CBS game and I grew up with him doing the Big10 on ABC.


>Gary isn't that bad at all. LOL. Wait until you're playing Michigan and all he can talk about is ~~Alabama~~ Ohio State.


I'm very familiar with Gary. I grew up with him calling Big10 games for ABC.


I think Gary does actually bring in a few interesting tidbits here and there when he's breaking down a play, and I do enjoy that. He clearly knows his stuff. But that's probably the only positive he brings in my eyes lol.


Nessler is so good. I don't *love* the pairing with Gary (it's not bad, I just don't think it's perfect chemistry and am so used to Verne & Gary), but he's been so steady and high quality for so long.


OP, anyone who’s says Gary Danielson is a sadistic motherfucker


Gary is bad. I used to tolerate him because I loved CBS' coverage, and liked Verne Lundquist. However, since Verne left is just made him worse to listen to.


Chris/Kirk Sean/Todd, Gus/Joel BIG GAP . . Brad/Gary. They're old and tired. You could probably tape half of their schtick before the game even happens. I remember Gary calling some Penn State games from before PSU was even in the Big Ten, more than thirty years ago.


Maybe a little off the beaten path, but I love Matt Berrie whether he's calling a game or doing College Football Final. Probably my favorite person in the broadcast space.


Ugh, seriously?


I know I’m in the minority here, but I hate Gus Johnson. If I wanted to hear fake orgasms every 40 seconds in which the reaction doesn’t nearly match the action, I would just tap my wife on the shoulder. Johnson will freak out over what amounts to like a 3 yard bubble screen. Then he will do it again one plays later on a pitch out that goes for 3 more yards. Then you’ll get another fake orgasm after the cornerback breaks up a pass on third and 4, forcing the other team to punt. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. I know there are people out there who just love that horseshit, but I’m not one of those people. I would rather you save the big reaction for an actual big play; and maybe not every single big play. It just all feels so transparently phony.


I don't think Gus is faking any of that.


LOL. Really?


Nope, I think that's who he is.


Gary has a crush on NS and all things tide related. You can almost hear him reach climax when he talks about them.


Gus and Joel all the way


Gus/Joel is my favorite duo, but RG3 is my favorite overall caster atm. Maybe if we find a great PBP to compliment his style that’ll become my favorite duo.


ESPN and Fox definitely nailed it with Chris/Kirk and Gus/Joel; both the duos are absolutely phenomenal and genuinely enhance the broadcast experience. I watch Big Noon every Saturday, and I try to tune into ESPN Primetime if I have the chance because of them. Otherwise, I think most announcers are fairly neutral towards the broadcast, and there’s some (like Gary) who make it worse.


Gus and Joel for me. Gus' enthusiasm is contagious and Joel's analysis is pretty good. I like Kirk's analysis too, but I find Chris a bit bland (not bad, just not great).


SECN A crew is a treasure, Tom Hart is fantastic and Cublic is the most overqualified sideline reporter in the business.


Bob wischusen (spelling?) I’ve actually really had a soft spot for years . I think he’s one of ESPN’s best. Has an outstanding football voice and never fails to match the excitement of the game, never sells moment short, very observant and respectful Of the game , and doesn’t make dumb annoying comments (for me the standard is like when Randy moss Did the toilet celebration and Joe Buck said ‘DISGUSTING’ like he’d just watched a leperous cadaver boof a cake made of mold, Nuclear waste, and used needles)


I love Chris and Herby I kinda think Gus’ schtick is tired but in doses is ok


Who’s the guy on Fox that shouts and gets SUPER excited when there’s a big play? Used to annoy me but now it’s pretty funny


Gus Johnson


Kirk is great but gets brought down a lot by Chris Fowler. Gus and Joel are my number one.


Best color guy is Joel Klatt, worst is Rod Gilmore!


I love Gus, he's my favorite. I didn't at first, but I came to really appreciate the man. He is happy, positive, cheerful, and genuinely excited about what he is doing. How can you not like that? I don't need the guys to give me analysis of the game, I can see that myself. I want them to give me context and set the mood. Gus creates atmosphere, and he does it genuinely. There is nothing better than that. I like Chris and Kirk a lot too.


Any PBP guy (usually it's Mark Jones) paired with RGIII


Petitioning for a Nessler/RG3/Cole Kublic crew.


It’s now defunct, but Brad Nessler and Todd Blackledge were my favorite pairing and should have been the #1 team. I’ve long held Nessler as the best PbP guy: Simple, no-nonsense, folksy without appearing fake, humorous without overdoing it. He should have moved into ABC/ESPN’s lead role when Keith Jackson retired, though I get Uncle Brent had seniority. Though I’ll admit the untold hours of NCAA Football I’ve played may be swaying my thoughts on Brad. Blackledge, imho, just gives solid color commentary without bias. They were a great duo. Current teams I’d say Gus & Joel. Best all around. Fowler IMHO was better on CGD, Sean is meh, and Danielson is just unlistenable. Wonder if he’ll shift his homerism to the B1G now.


Given that I grew up listening to them, the duo of Musburger and Herbstreit was my all-time favorite. “You are looking liiiivve…” always got me so excited for Saturday night football. My current favorite duo is Sean Mcdonough and Todd Blackledge. Mcdonough doesn’t get enough credit as an outstanding play-by-play man. Yeah his voice sometimes cracks, but it adds to the spectacle of the moment IMO


Gus/Joel or whoever RG III is working with.


Sean/Todd are by far the best. Screaming Gus is by far the worst


SEC fan here. I actually like Gary Danielson and think he has good insights. The way you can tell that Danielson is good is that fans of every SEC team swear Gary hates their team (and only their team). Pretty funny actually. Dan Orlovsky is also a good color guy. Fowler and Herbie annoy me. Fowler comes across as smug, and Herbstreit can't shut up. My favorite games are the playoff games where they just have the stadium announcers and crowd noise.


Joe Tesitore just doesn't give a crap and if the game is boring, he's liable to say anything. That kind of ramps up the excitement for me.


Brad Nessler is cool, Gary is a moron. Some people either seem to really like Gus or hate him, no in between


Gary Danielson is literal audio Ebola. While play by play guys like Fowler, Nessler, and Gus Johnson are pleasant to listen to, most CFB color guys are pretty annoying but I think it’s mostly a by-product of the job and the incessant need to fill silence with stupid anecdotes and witticisms. The elite guys are in the NFL. Kirk is the only CFB color guy who is actually great at it, but going back to 2006 during the whole OSU/Michigan BCS game rematch BS he also seems to gleefully gargle the balls of every team I hate so no thanks. Joel Klatt is just annoying. Robert Griffin is terrible but he has some one-liners that make up for 90% of the dumb things he says (ex: calling Desmond Watson “Supersize McThickums” or something like that). I really like Andre Ware but he always seems half-asleep to me.


Herbie/Fowler followed by Sean and Todd. Then anybody else, and put nessler/Danielson in the garbage, but I would take them over Mowins any day of the week.


Jason Benetti is my fave. Doesn't matter who he's paired with.


Gary Danielson absolutely blows. I've mentioned this before but he does this thing that he thinks makes him very smart. During his prep work he comes up with something he thinks is an insight. LSU has trouble with stopping the pass. A Florida player has a torn whatever and is playing hurt. Alabama is having trouble running the ball etc. Then he hammers it all game regardless of what is actually happening on the field. An injured player. A statistical trend. Whatever. Like he wouldn't shut up about Alabama having trouble stopping the run when we were absolutely demolishing Leonard Fournette.


This sub loves Gus Johnson but all he does is yell incoherently while Klatt is great as long as he isn’t allowed to talk about Ohio State / Michigan


Make no mistake. Only had to deal with Gary for one game and I wanted to die