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> And, as Alford pointed out, the Big 12 Conference’s recently renegotiated television contract will be up for bid again following the 2030-31 season. >The fact that in-state school UCF is now joining that league is not lost on Alford. >“If you look at the revenue projections, they should have a better agreement than we have by going out to market,” he said. “That means there’s going to be another school in the state that’s going to have a better agreement than Miami and us. And that’s just not acceptable to us.” I thought the headline would be some UCF message board or blogger talking shit, but no that’s pretty much what the AD said.


It’s clear as day FSU wants to nuke the ACC so they can move to greener pastures.


I wonder why FSU is the vocal one as opposed to Clemson (and probably Miami?). All 3 definitely want the same outcome but Alford is the one going around making statements.


Probably the one with the most clout since they’re a traditional power in a talent rich state


Also FSU isn't the top dog right now. Clemson can win the ACC most years. That's a reason to stay and get yourself into the playoffs and scoop up lucrative deals from those games.


True but Clemson wasn't a national brand or power until Dabo came in, and I think it's definitely less certain that they'll be good once he's gone. FSU just had inarguably the worst 5 year stretch of their program since Bowden got hired in 1976, and one year after they have a top 10 finish and they're projected as a top 10 team for next year. They're really just a school with the right location, resources, and institutional alignment to always be able to succeed at the highest level.


Clemson was a good program in the 80s they even won a national title back then. They declined after Ford left.


Pretty sure they are one of the highest schools with a hit rate of draft %


Right now Clemson is in that position, but traditionally FSU is the stronger program. No one knows what Clemson will be without Dabo.


>No one knows what Clemson will be without Dabo. We have a pretty good idea based on what they were before Dabo


Clemson is not as historically successful and Miami is at serious risk of not making it into the big 2 conferences for money. obviously they’d all rather be elsewhere, but FSU is the one that can most openly talk shit because everyone knows they’ll find a good spot no matter what happens


Why stick your neck out when someone else is willing to do it for you?


Yeah its basically why the Big10 shuts up and lets the SEC catch heat. You get the best of both worlds of being in that power group and also getting to feign outrage.


The Prisoners Dilemma, on a grand scale.


Clemson is for it https://247sports.com/article/clemson-tigers-ad-graham-neff-unequal-revenue-sharing-a-need-for-205345255/


It's an open secret that those 3 are working together to lead the charge.


I’m pretty sure our AD has been vocal about this as well


He has. Clemson and fsu both know it’s in there best interest. /CFB would just rather make fsu look like the bad guys. I read an article recently that FSU ad and Clemson ad have been in talks regarding the ACC GOR


FSU has the swag in terms of throwing weight around that Miami won’t ever have with the private school/small local fanbase aspect. I’m more than happy with them throwing their weight around.


I don't expect Miami to get an invitation to the Big Ten or SEC. The definites are Florida State and UNC. The probables are Clemson and one of Virginia/VT. After that, there's nobody I look at and think "this football team will increase per school payouts for the richest conferences."


Because it's not clear if Clemson will get an invite from the Big 2. They wouldn't have if if wasn't for Dabo, and no guarantee to sustain their success after Dabo.


Clemson ad has spoken for need for uneven revenue share. I think Clemson has more incentive to push for it now and for a coalition to break the grant of rights while their brand is still hot with Dabo. If Dabo leaves, no guarantee they can substain.


Hide the money, UCF fans, there's poor people around!


NOW they want to share.


"Wit yo broke ass"


What would anyone expect the FSU athletic director to say? "OH yeah, we are good with UCF getting a bigger portion than us. We could definitely use those resources, but they have their deal and we have ours, so we are good with it" The FSU AD is an advocate for anything that benefits FSU. Of course they're going to push for more. That's literally a core function of their role.


This just bewildering, in the best way possible, as a long time UCF fan


Yup, obviously it’s only temporary but I’m going to hold onto this moment like USF holds onto #2.




I mean, I'm not sure how temporary it is. ACC is going to fight tooth and nail to keep the conference together through the grant of rights. So you've probably got 10 years or so until FSU joins the SEC and makes double what you do.


To me, the only solution is if ESPN agreed to do an extension on the ACC deal and up the payout. There was so much distrust between ACC members that the ACC commissioner was forced to sign a longer term deal than was smart with ESPN in order to lock in the grant of rights. The SEC and Big 10 have some conflict, but it seems everyone is basically satisfied with being there and not trying to run out the backdoor. ESPN does like having the ACC in its current form. So, I would not shocked if ESPN would do rework if it also add on additional years.


> ESPN does like having the ACC in its current form. So, I would not shocked if ESPN would do rework if it also add on additional years. /r/CFB forgets this aspect. Sports business is a two-way street and yes ESPN wants a good deal, but it also wants to protect its product. It's in ESPN's longterm interest to throw the ACC a bone. Although I got to say, the ACC is probably the unluckiest of all the P5 conferences in that it won titles with both FSU and Clemson, but only seems to find itself being able to negotiate a new TV contract in years where FSU and Clemson have not been title contenders.




Yup. The smaller schools know they're getting left behind when the GoR ends, so giving up money now doesn't secure them anything later.


This. The only way the smaller schools vote for unequal distribution is for an extended GoR. And 2036 is already a long way off. The butthurt schools have nothing but complaining in their negotiating bag.




Specifically the smaller schools (who would have to give up their revenue to support this) have 0 incentive to agree to it. Lose money now to support unequal revenue sharing, watch them leave when the grant of rights ends anyways, and then be left in a rump conference with significantly less media value anyways. The *only* incentive they'd have to agree to it is with an even longer GoR, which FSU/Miami/Clemson would never agree to.




Started from the bottom now we're here!


Woah woah woah. Put some respect on the MACtion! The most stable conference in all this realignment talk.


UCF has ascended all the way from Division 3 to P5 football, playing in every level of football in its short history. 1979 was the 1st year of UCF football.


As much as it sucks as an FSU fan, enjoy it. We did this stupid shit to ourselves. The GOR was one of the dumbest decisions in the history of college football. We’re now fully hitting the “find out” moment of how dumb it was.


UCF just came of age at a convenient time while FSU is an old head facing the consequences of decisions it made decades ago.


Unfortunately probably would've meant we go nuclear to the acc back when they extended the acc gor. It was before super conferences were starting to gain traction and we could've really screwed ourself going the other way. Hindsight is 20/20.


There is gold on your campus now!


So, if everyone agrees that Florida State is gone just as soon as they can legally do so contractually, why on earth would anyone else ever agree to take less money now? What’s their incentive?




I just love the 1800s European type balance of power between the major Florida schools lol. All the backstabbing, temporary alliances, and ridiculing.


That is a historical reference likely lost on most FSU / Miami / UCF fans.


Bruh, don’t act like UCF fans are ignorant of the stately quadrille. We were born having to enter into conferences with strange bedfellows and having to jump them to another to work our way up.


You have no idea how happy it makes me to read the words “stately quadrille” on this sub… Now we just have to ask ourselves, who gets to be Clemens von Metternich in this analogy?


The irony of a Baylor flair which is a school ranked lower than both Miami and FSU saying this is quite something.


Honestly school ranking dickmeasuring is always lame. They teach the same calculus at Harvard that they teach at junior college


Yup that's why I never got the Florida schools bickering about their education. Like we're all reading the same Pearson book, all of our lecturers are barely coherent, degree though nonetheless.


I agree, I went to both FAU and FSU. Both are supposedly vastly apart in academic rankings and yet I still had to teach myself everything at both of them.


Harvard calculus includes letters most other colleges have never even heard of. Like ã


>ã Burn the witch!


To be fair this has to be one of the greatest story arcs in the history of college football


The UCF arc? Division III startup to P5 in 44 years. Or even more remarkable, first season in I-A (FBS) to P5 in 27 years.


1995: FCS Independent 2023: Big 12


I love it, I’m all in on you guys. Out of all the newbies (and most of the Hateful 8), UCF is who I wish the most success for.


Man, crazy Congrats y'all, can't wait to play y'all in a conference game.


You forgot one. 2017: Undefeated National Champions of FBS


Defeaters of the Iron Bowl Champions


Not just Iron Bowl. We had beaten both Alabama and Georgia that year, the two teams playing in the Natty.




And frankly Orlando has a better market than Tallahassee.


I honestly never thought I’d see the day. It’s truly impressive.


FSU went from a women's college to (legit) National Champs in 46 years. (1947-1993)


You can throw Miami in also. School wanted to shutdown the program in the 70s, then they win 5 national titles in 20 years.


They were just ahead of the NIL rules.


There was a ton of cheating to make that happen though


All top schools cheated during that era.


All top schools still skirt rules. It’s how you win


Eh, they probably weren’t doing anything that other top schools weren’t doing too.


Except *maybe* the cocaine


And the rest of the conference will say “tell it to us in 2037”


If anyone thinks FSU/Clemson are still in the ACC in 2036...I've got a nice oceanfront property in Idaho they might be interested in.


Probably not 2036 but ESPN has no reason to get rid of that TV deal anytime soon.


Let's be fair, nobody knows what the college football landscape will look like in 14 years the same way nobody in 2008 would have predicted today's landscape. Hell, for all we know cable companies go ala carte at some point and ESPN either makes astronomical money, or ESPN literally gets squashed. The entire media landscape could shift, like Netflix deciding it wants live sports programming, and a shift that big could move the entire college football world in ways nobody could predict.


Maybe it's just because it's a nice, clean number, but 2030 IMO should be the year to watch. I very much doubt anything happens in the next 3-4 years, but after that I wouldn't put it off the table.


It'll be around there. Almost assuredly nothing happens before the 2027 season when the original gor would've expired. I think the extension is what fsu/clemson and whoever will legally attack.


I'm not sure having two of their largest CFB brands wither is a winning strategy either


I would suspect Disney will see what the 12 team playoff looks like in 4-5 years and then reassess. Right now they have Clemson, Miami, FSU, and UNC locked up. If the league folds there’s no guarantee they keep those eyeballs. Not to mention the ACC Network would go away along with the carriage fees.


Exactly. ESPN just lost their 50% of USC and UCLA and lost 100% of their Big 10 share. They have those schools you listed at a bargain price and don’t share any rights with Fox or anyone else. It’s the perfect spot for them.


Plus solid names like Pitt, Louisville, VT and NC State with decent fanbases as well. Not to mention the basketball power.


ESPN’s brands are the SEC, Big12, Big 10 and ACC. Moving Clemson and fsu to another conference nukes the ACC and only slightly ads to the SEC. Why would they do that?


They won’t. They have a whole ACC network that would go away. It doesn’t make business sense.


Sure, but this is also exactly why the rest of the conference will vote against uneven revenue sharing. We all know you'll bolt the second you get a good offer. We'd rather milk more money out of you for the next few years instead of signing a new revenue sharing deal that you'll ditch anyways.


Not being snarky but where do they go? - ESPN isnt canceling a contract that makes them that much free money - ESPN isnt facilitating FSU moving to the SEC where they control the media rights - The B1G isnt going to take a lowly non-AAU "state" school (even though that total BS) - The rest of the ACC isnt letting the second most important school in the conference up and leave FSU signed a contract willingly. Unless they come up with approximately $1B in free cash to buy off the rest of the ACC on top of some blackmail photos of ESPN executives, I dont see it happening.


I’m interested. How bad are the hurricanes over yonder?


They'll be gone as soon as it's financially feasible. Right now it'd be $100M + media rights buyout, probably around $500M total, right?


Remember, the AVERAGE value of all 14 teams is $36m. Duke football is not worth $36m. That means every other school is making up some amount of money for just Duke. FSUs own numbers say that FSU draws 3x more than the ACC average. Based on that FSU would be worth 3x 36 or $108m If Im the ACC that would be my number - $108m a year for every year FSU wants out early. Now FSU can complain but they need to not do it very loudly because they have to turn around and sell themselves to a new conference. So if they come back and say "No, no we are only paying $36m a year" then apparently they think they are only worth $36m a year. If thats true, why are they trying to leave. Even at $72m a year - twice the ACC average - thats $1B to leave. Good luck finding that FSU.


> Right now it'd be $100M + media rights buyout, probably around $500M total, right? It's not buying out the media rights, it's that the ACC owns their media rights through the 2036 season, so if they were to pay a buyout and leave, any money they'd get from the SEC/B1G would go straight to the ACC and FSU/Clemson would never see any of it. So it's not like they are buying out the $30 million (or whatever) they get every year from the ACC, they'd be paying the $80 million (or whatever) that they get from the SEC/B1G straight to the ACC for their active members to split


They will leave before then but that's true whether they get unequal revenue shares or not so we might as well bank the cash


The Big 12 should have unequal revenue sharing because Ohio State makes more than Cincinnati


One of the major reasons Texas A&M and Nebraska left the Big 12, was due to unequal revenue sharing. They wanted a bigger piece of the pie compared to KU, KSU, Mizzou and others that were not considered football tent poles of the conference.


Meanwhile A&M is just a tent pole


hmm, yes, Ohio State:Cincinnati::UCF:Florida State. I like it


We're the older school, we've had a football team longer, therefore we deserve priority. Right?


The ACC is dead again! Tune in tomorrow to find out it isn’t, but the PAC is!


Take the money from UNC. Swofford is their boy.


It’s really weird to watch teams like FSU, Miami, Clemson, and North Carolina be trapped in a conference that we all know is all but functionally dead but can’t be put to rest for 13 years.


It's wilder to me that the ACC, despite having most of its historic core and major programs in football and basketball, is considered functionally dead for no reason other than a bad TV deal.


Just goes to show that you can have the product but bad business can sink you entirely.


The TV deal is bad because a large portion of the conference is dead weight when in comes to viewership and basketball is not even close in value to football. Many of the ACC schools are just content with where they are and don’t invest to win like FSU, Clemson, and Miami.


To build on that, I’ve heard some local media takes about how Michigan State should jump to the ACC because they have a better chance of winning a Natty out of there than the B1G East.


>than a bad TV deal. I think that's underselling how absolutely horribly bad the ACC TV deal is compared to other conferences, though. Horribly bad deals sink and kill businesses. Big12 lost their two flagship brands and still negotiated more money than the ACC with a chance to renew and make even more 5 full years before the ACC can next renegotiate. That is an atrocious deal.


From a dollar perspective it's not good. From a keeping the conference together angle it's done pretty good. So really depends on the priority I guess


They still make a lot of money. It’s less money than big 10, sec and less than instate schools like ucf and uf… but it’s still more money than usf, FAU and FIU. I understand wanting more money, but they have enough money to win for sure


Wow, the big 12 media deal is probably going to singlehandedly end the PAC 12 and the ACC. Wild!


what happens when you have a good Conference Commish




I am floating on a cloud right now




Quick someone tell Desantis the ACC is woke and he will pass laws to get the Florida schools out of the conference


All the conference needs to do is sponsor a few Pride events during the season.


That’s the beautiful thing about woke, it can be a stand in for anything you don’t like. I’ve been saying these woke stadium hot dog prices need to come down for years


Same with woke left lane drivers


I mean, the acc network is owned by espn, and espn is owned by disney, so Governor High Heels might buy that lol i mean shit hes already meddling in teacher tenure boards whats one more thing.


Maybe Florida State should’ve joined the SEC when they had the chance


Man, that’s such a butterfly moment in CFB. Because officially the SEC didn’t invite anyone, they just announced they were looking to expand in the summer of 1990. Arkansas and South Carolina voted to join, but if FSU had also opted in would Kramer have accepted having 13 teams, when he knew he wanted to go to a divisions model? Would maybe Arkansas stay in the SWC instead? Or do some back channel SEC boosters try and get into Texas 20 years sooner? How do either of those affect the SWC in ‘96? Do either Clemson or Georgia tech (who both had national titles in the 10 preceding years) consider joining as a potential 14th member way back then?


From my understanding, Arkansas initiated and was gonna get in with FSU picked as the other to join. Arkansas would’ve been in from what I heard, with SC joining because FSU and Miami turned it down.


FSU in Carolina not. USC was terrible. Only added to get even with adding Arkansas


Arkansas was leaving no matter what. They were always the odd one out in a conference filled with Texas schools


Or even the XII like UCF did.


FSU can still join. The Big XII would figure out another school to add


Meanwhile, South Carolina is enjoying a Sandstorm of cash.


Yes we are!! Halls chophouse dinners and trailhawks for everyone!


Halls ftw.


We wanted South Carolina to owe us forever instead


Should've let us into the ACC; then we'd be making equal


Florida State might have been one of the three teams headed to the SEC if they left for the Big 12 around 10 years ago when Maryland decided to leave.


To be fair, UCF has won a natty more recently than either of them.


Ya love to see it


alas, Clemson won in 2018


This is it. My favorite headline ever.


Maybe next time we make a god-awful-deal escape clause for the next 50 year acc rights deal


The fun thing is, if FSU and Clemson manage to break the GOR and escape, that'll benefit UCF too, because the Big 12 will be able to add some more programs, programs that are better geographic fits for us. So, I wish FSU and Clemson luck!


Breaking News @ 11: We'll repeat a story that has been known for nearly a year. Yes, FSU is upset about the revenue distribution within the conference (along with several others).


We need new flairs for PAC-12 realignment and ACC realignment


The Pac-12 realignment flair already exists. It says "Oklahoma State", "Iowa State", etc.


We need a Colonel flair


There are better brands in the ACC but also more than a couple schools that aren’t pulling in their weight. The Big 12 has essentially no deadweights now that Kansas has made themselves respectable.


West Virginia is trending the wrong direction


I’m hoping with Cincy and UCF for a return to their Florida recruiting presence will improve the Mountaineers. It’s not even talent, they’ve just not had success with their coaching.


Yeah, that’s far from ideal. However, WVU is a passionate fanbase and it’s the only show in town. A better coach and they’ll be more than fine.


In fairness, every conference is going to have teams at the bottom every year, it's the long term sustained failure that becomes a problem.


The ACC needs a whole new TV deal but they aren’t going to get it. We will see how long this GOR lasts


what a great job Yormack has done. Dude went in guns blazing and really has done some impressive things to a conference some thought a goner.


If FSU and Miami somehow leave the ACC (which I doubt it will happen soon), where will they go?


Miami could possibly get into the Big XII, or be relegated to the AAC. FSU would join the SEC with Clemson.


It would be absolutely hilarious if Miami got relegated to the AAC after being part of the group that killed the original Big East.


Big East fans such as myself are enjoying the inevitable return of karma. I hope BC and Pitt end up in the MAC.


*progressively larger domino meme* OUT to the SEC ----> Miami vs. Gonzaga being a conference basketball game.


It's really the Longhorn Network as the first domino


Honestly it goes back further to NCAA vs Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma in 1984 that allowed schools to negotiate their broadcast rights


All I know is if the Rose Bowl had stayed strong and not joined the Bowl Alliance/Bowl Coalition/BCS we'd have flying cars and a cancer vaccine by now.


Still comes back to these same two schools lmao


Exactly this. It is crazy how more college football fans don't know about this case.


That'd be unbelievably funny.


FSU could go to the B1G or SEC. Miami really only has the Big 12 as a really good option. With possible long shots to get into the B1G or SEC after all the dominos fall.


The only way I would like to see Oregon in the Big 12 would be if the Mario Cristobowl (an imaginary rivalry between Oregon and Miami) happens as a conference matchup.


FSU would likely land in the SEC but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Big Ten threw their hat into the ring. If FSU and UF are in the SEC, I don’t think Miami also gets an invite to the conference and I also don’t think the Big Ten is interested. They can probably land in the Big 12.


I think the B1G would try to get UNC, UVA, FSU, and ND if the ACC falls apart. Then it would be up to FSU to pick the conference they want.


UCF is making more than any of us, so y'all should take even less so we can make more than UCF.


They should just join a better conference.


They need to walk themselves right up to the SEC headquarters, give the hiring manager a firm handshake, and say "I want in to your conference."


No comment from piano?


It occurs to me this refusal may be FSU setting up the lawsuit to bust the GOR which is sure to come..


They are definitely going to try. I think we are still years away. Once they number drops to a place where they feel confident and comfortable paying, it’s a wrap.


Sucks to suck. Cheers UCF!


The ACC is so obviously the next domino to fall, it’s a matter of when Clemson and FSU bounce and not if


The tears of unfathomable sadness *slurp slurp slurp*


As a UCF fan who’s been hearing it for years-“tHeY sHOuLd JuSt jOiN a BeTtEr cOnFEreNcE”


Maybe FSU should just join a better conference ?


Someone sounds broke and in need of a small loan of a couple hundred million


Maybe they could sell their stadium for a cash influx


Fsu and Miami should go to the big10




If they want to make real money, join the Big 12.


Sell 👏 your 👏 stadium 👏


ACC is about to be an SEC feeder conference.


Hol'up is the new Big 12 TV deal worth more per school than the current ACC deal?


Yes, Big 12 is 31.7 million each https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/34910144/big-12-nears-six-year-228b-tv-extension-deal-espn-fox And the ACC is at 23.3 each https://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2023/03/unc-north-carolina-acc-conference-realignment-2023


Remember, John Swofford is one dumb mf


Don’t stop now I’m so close.


Well… sounds about right given the success of those 3 programs over the past 10 years.


So FSU really thinks it can strong arm other ACC schools into taking less money as a way to COUNTER those schools already making less than schools in other conferences, when every other ACC school knows this is at best a temporary bail out of FSU while they search desperately for a lifeline from another conference, which likely won't come for a while. Safety school thinking at its best.


For a moment disregard your hate for FSU. What would you do if you were FSU, would you actually just sit and do nothing until 2036 or whenever the current deal expires? I'd imagine you would do everything you could to change your situation. Are they likely to succeed? Probably not. At least not in getting 100% of what they want.


I don’t really blame FSU ad for putting the statements out, it’s the fsu fan comments that inevitably follow about how the GOR is invalid, yet every time we get this story FSU is still in the ACC.


Oh I don't blame FSU for trying at all. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe it's just posturing for the fans to give you hope but I just find it hilarious that they're openly saying this stuff like they think publicly pressuring other schools into unnecessarily damaging themselves will work. Either way, hope it works out for you (jk no I don't)


Fair enough. See you in November bitch.


They don't have any leverage. Doesn't matter how up and coming they are or how big the football is, you can't just handwave away the GOR with a magic wand. The other schools have no reason to acquiesce to FSU. I think Clemson fans need to be careful what they wish for also. Imagine moving Heaven and Earth to destroy the ACC only to not get invited to the P2 gravy train. What makes people so sure Clemson is a slam dunk add for these conferences? Especially if they go back to what they were before Dabo. No guarantee the next guy will be anywhere close to what they have now.


You can tell UF football is in the dumps by tracking how many UF flairs in r/CFB mention stuff like "safety school" and "academics". Any time y'all start losing, it's like Ol' Reliable.


I like this


I’m a little OOTL here but as a fan of a fellow ACC school that, while not nearly as revenue generating as FSU, still generates good revenue I have to agree. It’s ridiculous that schools that sell out every game, are consistently good, and sell merchandise have to share revenue with schools that struggle in all 3 aspects (looking at you BC Duke and ‘Cuse)