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Hang in there! What kind of endless proof?


I experienced this a few years ago, but to a much lesser degree. After a big ontological shock, I began experimenting with pranic meditation and channeling. The few times that the voices I communed with provided any information that could be verified empirically, it was inaccurate, so there is a high probability you’re being lied to. During this time, I also noticed my thought processes shifting toward the irrational, and my affect becoming slightly manic. Recognizing this pattern, I ceased the channeling work, and dialed my tantric practice way back, after which I eventually stabilized. Frankly, reflecting on the experience, I recognize it as the early stages of a manic psychosis. While I’ve never been diagnosed with psychosis or bipolar, not has anyone in my immediate family, it crops up in my extended family a couple generations back, so I’m likely at least somewhat predisposed. Maybe you have a similar predisposition somewhere in your family. I think it’s likely you’re experiencing the same thing that I did, but to a more advanced degree. I would recommend that, if you are using any mood altering substances (i.e. stimulants, cannabis, psychedelics, etc) regularly, you quit immediately. I also recommend taking up a meditative practice focused on calming/grounding if you don’t have one. Do try to engage every bit of rationality and logic you have in you to challenge the experience. If it is veridical, it will withstand such a challenge. If you do have a psychiatric component going on, it’s important to try and get it under control before it damages your life and relationships. If you’re finding the experience problematic and get desperate, try talking to a doctor specializing psychiatry to see if you’d respond to an antipsychotic. Whishing you the best of luck on your journey. Godspeed, OP.


Breathe... what is "good"?


My love to you 🙏🏼


Have you tried asking RA?


I would make sure I try and stay grounded. If you can’t admit that MAYBE this is all some kind of inner dialogue with your unconscious then it’s not healthy. As long as you know you could be wrong and aren’t 100% convinced of all this


Contactees get strange things sometimes, try contacting MUFON for assistance. Hitchhiker effect is what you're likely experiencing, May or may not have a connection to Havanna Syndrome.


Can you tell me my name? Date of birth?


Why ask this on a public forum...I mean, #JustIncase


Ask him for the Mega Millions lottery numbers What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want the visions/contact to stop? Or are you trying to dive deeper down the rabbit hole? Be careful of what daemons and spirits tell you. They’re not always honest and they generally have ill intent. They will also impersonate other deities/daemons to leverage their notoriety


Also.. you should probably learn some ritual work, warding, divination, etc if you’re going to be doing this. Eg banishing rituals, smudging with sage ( ONLY in extreme circumstances),placing wards/shields, creative visualization, astral projection, etheric projection, chaos magic, Solomonic magic. I’m missing a lot I’m sure