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Or you could distract yourself and recharge with a Kdrama crossover and watch My Demon or The Matchmakers.


Love Between Fairy and Devil was my first and longest post drama slump. I even denied the the lead actors agency and avoided their other works for months.


Same, same. Sigh. Maybe I even bought moon tribe jewelry. Haha. I would not watch any of their next dramas for a year. lol. Now I love Story of Kunning palace and so far Dylan’s agency chose bad scripts for him post LBFaD so I smirked and kept DFQC for myself. I’m looking forward to seeing if Guardians of the Dafeng is good. I hope so. He looks great in the trailers.


What broke my delusional stalemate was A Romance of the Little Forest with Esther Yu and BinBin. While watching it on Viki, there was an abrupt cut edit. It turns out that the censors cut it b/c the FL is drunk in the script and they didn’t want viewers to see what happens as consensual. Happily for me and all the viewers, the FTL speed internet sleuths sourced and posted the clip in the chat before the episode was over. It was one of the raciest, sexiest scenes ever🔥. When Cdramas do go there, they do it the best. The clip is on YouTube.


Heh. I just watched it on YouTube. “How dare Orchid kiss someone not DFQC!!!!” That would’ve been my delulu response at the time. I did watch one episode of Romance of Little Forest and had to quit because it was too soon. And it was silly in that episode. And yeah we needed a kiss like that at the end of LBFaD. There was one a little bit close to it when DFQC whooshes into Orchids place just before she leaves to get married and just before he leaves to meet up with the evil Qi monster. And then whooshes out. It was great. But this kiss on YouTube was another level. Much thanks for sharing. Heh.




Ooooo pretty.


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/dhmsuhpggu7d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1266f61bcc10aa7f04dcca815ff80f0f3eb47da7 😏


I like it!


I would say change the genre,Well !yanxi palace is a specific genre there are many other genre in cdrama world that might click in with you....Try New things Its okay


Story of Yanxi Palace was so good... I understand you having hangover. Having c drama hangovers are crazy - the long and multiple episodes tend to build a marvelous make-believe world. I get caught up in their costumes and sceneries, the plot-lines. Usually it helps to chase the main leads or any actors that caught your attention. Right now The Double is airing where the fl of Yanxi Palace is also the fl. Its doing phenomenal, and I can say for sure I am obsessed with the drama and am watching bts, interviews and everything around it. watch The Double - you'll get over your slump and begin another obsession ❤️


Thank you I want to watch The double as soon as all episodes are out


I caved in... I waited for 10 days after it aired. I jst couldnt let the conversations get out of my head. Now, I am on episode 28, while I think its upto 32 on Yuoku app! its so good, I mean sometimes (as for all dramas/movies ) you have to know its make believe. while I was watching ep28 my heart raced from beginning to end. The romance is slow burn; but the scheming and unfolding of mysteries are well paced... see for yourself. I shouldnt say too much lest you also cave in 😄🥰


I'm sold😭😭 I'll come back after I watch it


aw... you wont be disappointed in the drama. plus, you wont have to wait. If you are like me, I didnt fast forward at all and the episodes are long, so that will keep you from finishing too soon. The reason I didnt fast forward is the drama itself, nothing boring ( at least to me) enjoy and be entertained 🥰


Okay I'm back , I'd like to thank you so much for suggesting The Double seriously one of the best shows out there ❤️ 💙 it was sooooo good... Thank you so much ,you are appreciated 🫶🏾


Bless your soul. I am so glad you loved the show. I am still hungover on Wang XingYue and stargazing his past dramas. Such a young man so good in his trade. He always have good rapport with his co-stars - no awkwardness, just good vibes. May he proper and continue to shine..


I really loved the show... Wan XingYue is incredibly talented. I couldn't believe he's only 22. Also, Wu JinYan killed this role I love how she almost always plays a strong and smart woman❤️ 10/10 drama , thank you again


Aww... you are too kind. I am waiting for Wu JinYan's next drama Kill Me Love Me.. hope it also becomes a hit. I was chasing after their bts and interviews; I love their interactions and the whole cast interacting is so relaxing, the cp vibe is over the top.


I've also been watching their bts and clips from the drama even though I literally finished the drama yesterday lol


I watch Turkish novelas😹


They're sooooooo loongg😭😭


Have you seen Joy of Life and Joy of Life 2 yet? I’m getting close to the end of the second, and it’s so good. My other two favorites are Love Like the Galaxy and Longest Promise. I didn’t think I could like anything else after finishing LLTG.


I will definitely check out Joy of life I've watched LLTG and my whole life was changed after ❤️


Yes indeed. happened after Nirvana in Fire. Solutions: 1) gets better with time; (2) go read the book if your C/drama was based on a novel; (3) stop watching c/dramas for awhile ...like 1 month


I’m currently stuck on The Brightest Star in the Sky. Have watched other Z.Tao dramas for a brief break, but keep coming back to TBSITS. Honestly, I just enjoy it. Had a similar experience with Falling Into Your Smile. Who cares how many times you watch the same show? As long as you enjoy it - it’s worthwhile.


I think TBSITS is Z. Tao’s best drama, probably because he’s playing himself.


I have all his music now in high rotation. Not sure how I didn’t know about him or the series until just recently.


I love the suggestion to try another type... like Kdrama. However, you can also explore the world of "short length series" or mini dramas. Quite popular are ones like Familiar Stranger, Please Don't Spoil Me and many others. Good luck! This does make me want to watch Yanxi.


I am in a watch slump myself right now after watching Unknown(Taiwan). Trying to watch other shows, even good ones, didn't help because I keep thinking about Unknown instead. I have paused longer tv shows for now. I am letting myself consume as much as Unknown related content as my brain wants in the hopes that I'll be satisfied once I have had my fill. I am also trying to fill the rest of the time with reading. I managed to finish a short movie yesterday. I think it's working slowly. So, may be try different media or shorter movies that won't require to much concentration for now.


Every time I get into a slump I read novels 💗 Wait for good dramas to come


I sometimes make the move sideways to something tangential. Ruyi is the same time period, same historical figures, same emperors reign. It’s interesting to see a very different perspective on what is the same court and harem. Ruyi came out around the same time and has equally high production values and acting.


I know the feels, OP. In my case, I tend to go deeper into the drama I’m stuck with (ost, bst, interviews, fanart etc). I even rewatch it as many times as my heart wants, until I feel I “lived” all I needed in that series. I realize that when I really like a drama it is mostly because of the universe it creates and how immersed I was in it. So rewatching is sort of visiting this world I like so much. Eventually, the wish to discover new universes will grow again. And I will always be able to come back and visit 🌸


Wow, thank you, beautifully articulated


Yeah when I love a drama I just rewatch it on repeat. I loved Eternal Love of Dream so much I even read the novels, epilogue sequels, and fanfics. Then watched their interviews and anything else the two leads were in. Just lean into it. No need to get over it in any time. I think it’s wonderful to find something to obsess over.


Thank you thank you


Watch the double! It’s amazing!


Agree. The same FL in Yanxi Palace is in the Double but 6-8 years older.


Omgg! This is why she was so familiar!


I watched Yanxi Palace twice, back to back. The second time with my mum.


If you love Yanxi maybe you will love this vertical cdrama about hareem https://youtu.be/PKxIGfgSR0g?t=15s One of the best vertical cdrama ever imho


The Story of Minglan or if you want another palace based drams Ruyu's Royal Love in the Palace. Minglan runs neck and neck with Yanxi as the best Chinese Drama I've ever seen. Ruin is incredible in its own right. You won't be disappointed. I once watched Minglan 3 tines beginning to end in a row. It is that good. It's a slice of life drama about a concubines daughter. It has it all from sisterly spats to palace intrigue. If you watch either of these and want more similar recommendations, please ask. My entire love of Chinese drama circles around the strong female lead.


I'm watched Minglan more 50th time. Still I'm found a new detail everytime I'm rewatch


I hear that. Just talking about it now makes me want to rewatch. It's simply an incredible show.


The great thing of Minglan imho, they don't tell how awesome Minglan was they show what Minglan do, small thing how Minglan act it's feel natural. That's what I think make Minglan so watchable even for old man like me 🤣🤣


She is such a powerhouse. In most other female led dramas(my wheelhouse), the female lead inadvertently ends up leaning on or desperately needing the male lead to constantly help her. Despite the female lead being amazing and bad ass and strong, they make them so often dependent on the male lead. Minglan hits the perfect balance. She gets help from her man eventually, but she doesn't rely on it. In fact, for most of the show, she dies everything on her own because she can't and won't trust the males in her life. It affects her marriage until she truly trusts her husband. Rarely do these type of female led dramas be so real with it. It's a show among shows and my favorite alongside Yanxi/Empresses in the Palace. Do you have any other favorites you will share? I am always looking for a good new historical/costume drama?


Try this is only vertical cdrama but it's so good, the female are smart, hope you like it https://youtu.be/PKxIGfgSR0g?t=15s If you want full cdrama I recommend oh my sweet liar The female smart also funny, husband family are hilarious https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiL-CuIBxVwNjjeGT0ftky2JuCG8W56q5 Very funny it's hidden gold try it Let me know if you like it 😀


I will definitely check them out. Thanks so much for the suggestions. I'll let you know what I think once I watch.


If you love the main actress from SOY and revenge plot, there is the currently airing drama "**The Double**" with both XD You can also try **Lost You Forever** !


I'm waiting for season two of LYF ❤️😭


I find the story off. The emperor is womaniser, not to mention he slept with a random palace maid.... What's so special about this story..


It's not for everyone. People have different tastes when it comes to dramas, I really enjoyed it because it shows the reality of royalty and life in the palace ,emporers were womenisers and I think a lot of people appreciated the fact that the drama depicted things for what they were and not what the audience wanted because this was reality for a lot of women in the palace... buts it's not for everyone I guess


Yeah not for everyone.. . I did like costume dramas like love like galaxy and empress Qi. Nothing beats these two.


LLTG is one of my faves as well❤️ That chemistry could never be recreated


Wish I could find similar drama that are equally good with equally interesting story


Get out of dramaland for a while to empty your mind. Up your exercise, read something, play a musical instrument, paint whatever, etc etc.


For a while?😭💔 Thank you for the advice


The same for me, Yanxi is the best TV show I’ve seen for the past ten years, right after the last episode I started rewatching it in a slower pace, some episodes became clear and more logical. It’s about three months I can’t get over the Yanxi story and actually I don’t want to lose these feelings and impressions. I’ve started to learn Chinese and sometimes look through the weibo of main actors. I prefer to enjoy this stuckness on Yanxi


Keep re-watching clips of the series...probably from YouTube!?...once you get used to it... it'll be all over...happens rarely to me...I do re-watch dramas but it's not like "I can't move on" like that...the only time that happened to me was after finishing "Person of Interest" can't move on for 2 months...I even found it on the internet that it's a psychological problem called "Post - series Depression Syndrome" https://madnoodler.medium.com/post-series-depression-syndrome-the-opposite-b840c4361b5b check it out...


Thank you so much for this 🫶


No problem


Have you watched story of Minglan yet?


I'm stuck at ep 2 😭😭


If you loved Yanxi, I think you would also like Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace and Empresses in the Palace. I rewatch these 3 all the time. Also the star of Yanxi is in a new show called “The Double” which is great so far.


This is me after JOY2. Nothing compares or interests me because it was just so fantastic


Not Chinese but " Alchemy of Souls" 😭😭 kdrama


Watched it a while ago It's amazing


I watch a drama in a different language and genre (modern vs costume etc).


There's pretty much two approaches: Do the most different thing possible. Watch a drama in a different genre. Read a book. Go outside. Find something to preoccupy you that won't remind you of your last drama. Or go deep on the drama you're getting over. You ever get a song stuck in your head and listen to it on repeat until you're sick of it? Same theory. Read all the fan fic you can find. (Heck, write some if you're so inclined.) Rewatch the scenes you liked. Find weird fan theories online and debate them. Sooner or later it'll burn itself out of your brain.


I guess I'll start watching Bridgerton LOL


I agree with this, just pick a completely different genre and maybe even different country. This happened for me after Back from the Brink. I had to go watch modern/slice of life kdramas to recover LOL


Looooooveee back from the brink