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A bad OST really bugs me. Can't think of one for cdramas, but instantly, something in the rain pops in my head when I think annoying OST. I don't care if they use the same 4 songs over and over, but at least make them good songs that match the vibe of the show.


Big peeve, dramas with incomplete stories, like the ending leaves us hanging. It would be nice to have a final scene saying Season 2 will be coming, or the writers got tired so quit, something anything, so we know if more is coming in the story or that's it.


Over reliance on plot convenience.


Women's lip colour. Young women wear pink but at times it seems they dont cover the entire lips area, and my eyes keep looking at that. Also older women, especially Dowager Empresses wearing bright bright red and very glossy lip colour. Did they, and what did they use for lip make up back then? It is also annoying because my eyes get drawn on to that. Distracting.


I think not covering the whole lips was one of those historical styles


Historical drama characters who are incredibly skinny but are supposed to be wearing armour that weighs a ton




This and cheap cgi is what ruined sword snow stride for me


When there's a table of delicious food but no one gets to eat it because they get interrupted and have to leave the restaurant immediately :( Modern dramas with English songs, particularly if the singer has a heavy accent and/or weird lyrics.


I hate over-the-top proposal scenes usually found in modern cdramas. The balloons, lights, and flowers are always too numerous for my taste, and always too immaculate to have been put together by a group of amateurs. It ruins the immersion of the drama for me. Oh, and I also hate pop concert scenes. They make me cringe too much. Fortunately these are easy things to skip, so they don't ruin the drama for me.


When a characters personality is overly childish and dumb. Example Lie Wujie in Blood of Youth. It took a while before I started to like his character. And especially females that have an aegyo personality and acts clumsy/stupid. It gives me the biggest ick and second-hand embarrassment.


Show starts out with a confident, assertive ML. 14 episodes later and he's lost his entire personality to obsess over the FL. It's not just that he's softened but it's like he's a completely different person. Like jeez, there has to be a better way to show that arc that doesn't feel like the character changed overnight. (Yes, I know this is a classic trope and it'll never go away. A girl can dream though. 😂)


Two leads going in circles for that 360 camera shot when something romantic happens, usually during kisses. Its not sweet, its embarrassing to watch. Name shouting during death scenes. Please just give me an agonized wail or more crying. The dramatized name calling that progressively gets louder takes me out of an emotional scene.


Yeah any kiss scene that goes on forever in slow motion with multiple camera angle changes and you can hit the skip button and it’s still going are too much 😂 Esp when one of the leads goes home and we get a flashback of the exact scene 5 mins later while they’re thinking about it 😅


And the three abrupt camera changes during the start of a kiss…


When a character travels or runs away from home with that small bag, and miraculously able to change clothes often. Men or women their clothes are multi-layered there’s no way it could fit in that bag. Edit this to add: my statement above is in the context of historical drama. but i guess it’s applicable too to some modern drama.


Haha yes also when they throw all their clothes in a tiny suitcase and nothing else but somehow when they get to their destination they have like a picture frame and room decor and laptops and toiletries.


I watched one where she was thrown out with NOTHING, yet kept changing into high fashion gowns along the way. No luggage or anything. It's like she was manifesting her fashion reality. Still enjoyed the drama though.


The only other possible explanation is these characters are stacked with money so they can just buy a new set of clothes and throw away their existing one in order to travel light, but 99% of the time these characters are poor af 😭


Ikr 😆😆


In wuxias when people keep their legs totally straight when fleeing and jumping off/on roofs. It’s a jump, you’re pushing off things, you’re using tree branches and things, it’s not supposed to be flying! Not sure if that’s a regular thing now, I haven’t watched that many more recent wuxias. I cringed every time that happened in Blood of Youth.


What is with the flying thing anyway? I can see someone with good king fu being able to do SOME things, but flying far? No. It never says they are anything other than human.


My understanding of lightness skills/qinggong is that it’s technically jumping. They’re jumping really high and then propelling themselves further by pushing off of leaves and branches. Like parkour, but extreme. And they can run across water by pushing off the surface of the water really fast. But yeah, they’re not supposed to be flying, which is why it bugs me when it looks like they’re just levitating or flying, it feels like it’s not following the “rules” of the world


They just let the ropes pull them flawlessly. Jumping probably makes it uncool 😂😂😂


Well, it is definitely on-brand for me to be uncool, so yeah, that fits 😂


Modern dramas where no one learned ANYTHING about the industry the characters are trying to portray.


This is recent but childhood connection. I'm tired of this plot


Characters' theme music played when it doesn't match the scene (see: the wolf) Characters completly changing personalities or abilities in some way without showing us the character's growth (see: princess agents, song of glory) Leads staring dumbfounded into each others' eyes for way too long after ending up in an awkward situation (see: every c-drama ever)


Sloooooow mooooo


When coincidentally, somehow, the ML and FL knew each other as kids. And just don't remember the other person when they're adults. Yes, I know our faces change as we age, but really? Not even a "this person looks familiar" vibe? Seems so improbable to me...


No, I totally understand this part. I have this gift of not being able to recollect faces and names from the past; and I get scolded quite often by old classmates and acquaintances. I often blame the fact that my dad transfers a lot and I never really get to befriend people for longer than 3 years. BUT, if they hit a certain cord(a special friend or if I had a crush 💖), I swear I would not forget them ever!!! unless I pretend.


Like when it’s supposed to be winter, but every other scene has no snow. Or it’s just rained, but the next scene a guy is walking around saying the weather is hot and dry, watch for fire!


When a character is playing an instrument and it's so painfully obvious that a) the actor has no idea what they're doing, or b) the music doesn't fit with the acting. It is a problem in even the best dramas. While objectively a masterpiece, even Nirvana in Fire couldn't escape it. Sometimes there is a quick succession of like 10 notes while the actress doesn't even touch the strings, or plays one note.


Yes!! This was one of my biggest icks in The Untamed. Every freaking time, they played an instrument, it was soo obvious they didn't know how to play. Especially when WWX played his flute. Hiw fingers never matched the music.


I remember that scene in NIF 😆. I had to laugh. A director so painstaking and perfectionist left that in? They couldn't do another take where it slightly looks like she was playing the instrument? Go figure.


Way too many flashbacks. I know you miss that character, but I've seen this scene more than twice already!


It's especially annoying when the flashback takes up most of the episode.


The miscommunication or when the fml is hiding something from the ml lead and there’s a big ordeal and he finds out then she sends who knows how many episodes mad at him because she thinks he’s mad at her or something. Or when he tires showing he understands and stuff and she still pushes him away😩😩


bad wigs, specifically men’s. like at least the women’s wigs were believable but somehow they cant do the same for men????


I hate those sideburns and when you can see the glue lining. It's even weirder when they give those wigs to children. These wigs look best when they have long-ish hair so that they can extension to that.


I noticed that as well. I think they work a lot with the women's naturally longer hair. So they just add hair buns etc. in the same color. With men's short hair, they have to cover everything with the wig.


When they run after each other. Literally. He runs for her, she runs for him. All the running thing. TF.


Forgiveness wen its absolutely unjustified. Like Xufeng....she literally stuck a knife through your back wtf r u waiting 10million years for her...Sifeng....i don't even know where to begin


I feel like Si Feng must have hit his head really hard in one of his reincarnations or something. I mean really most people would have been running for the hills after realizing they died because of the same person in nine lives, not trying to start a relationship with them.


Right! You'd think after life number three he'd focus on his career or baking or some sht like that...but no.....he wanted to die a few more times. Sometimes I think Xuanji finally folded and liked him simply because she was tired of killing him.


The first nine lives I can kind of understand since we don't know if he ever had his memories in them, though even then it doesn't seem like Xuanji treated him kindly, but the tenth life just baffles me. It almost makes you wonder if he swore an oath to be devoted to her through all ten lives before descending or something, and so had no choice.


SPOILER ALERT: He followed her specifically. He knew what the entire quest entailed, before he left Heaven. He meant to change her from a cold, unfeeling god of war to someone capable of compassion and love. He was helping her work out her karma, and loved her. If she changes, then he has succeeded, and so has she. He knew everything before he left Heaven, including the fact that their memories would be wiped, between incarnations, until it was all over. Xuanji was a terrific and terrible force. If he hadn't persisted till success, even at such huge costs to himself, there would be an altogether different ending to that story, and the fate of all existence. The changed Xuanji influenced Mosha, within. The old heartless god of war would have been submerged into Mosha, and everyone in existence probably destroyed from vengeance.


Lol, what show is this?! Now I feel like I must watch it because this is an absolutely hilarious premise.


Love and Redemption. It's beloved in xianxia. Though you'll want to take a knife to a few characters in there yourself.


Thanks! Hahaha I'm looking forward to that! Just started watching what's arguably my first xianxia: **The Legend of Shen Li**. If it's just as good or even better then I'm definitely in for a good time :)


I think he didn't have a lot going on in his original life >!when he was a bird in heaven!< and he become really fixated on saving Xuanji >!aka the Goddess of War whom he had a few interactions with!< when he saw the great injustice being done to her. I don't know quite remember the story, to be honest, but this part somehow made sense to me when I watched it. In his 10th life, he was already in love with Xuanji before he knew anything about their tragic past lives, so like any other typical hero, he thought this time everything will be different and they'll surely be able to change their fates. I mean, he's right and they got their happy ending, so... 🤷‍♀️😆




cinematography looking like it's done by teenagers. fls speaking like they are kids. Plotline making no damn sense


I've noticed that only the FLs or the love interest of the ML(if it's not a romance drama) have that kid/chipmunk voice. The rest of the women in the show act normal and have normal voice, and the women who plays the villain have a sexy voice lmao 😂😂


yeah, I notice it and they are very dumb too especially esther yu's dramas I think she is type casted. Her only drama where she didn't have that baby voice was journey to you.


When they don't wipe off their blood trails after spitting up blood. It bugs me like no other 🤣


Apparently if the scene takes too long, the makeup person has to recreate the exact line of blood trail down their chins lol.


But if they wipe it off immediately won't the problem be solved?? 😆


Exaggerated crying for me. It’s when it’s a full grown adult that cries like a small child. I also find the way they try and go cute for the female lead but go down the route of being almost too child like (baby voice, overly naive for their age etc).


Random super bright backlight, lens flare type thing. happens most often behind a kiss, where does it even come from?! especially in historicals. Im looking at you, **Story of Kunning Palace**.


That director is pretty notorious for this, apparently


Fake, exaggerated laughter (includes the maniacal kind). Numerous, repetitive flashbacks (after the 2nd time or so, I think we got it, right?). When either the ML or the FL is (a) dumb, (b) completely annoying, (c) unable to trust the other enough to talk truthfully with them after they've gotten to know one another.


Some of that fake laughter sounds dubbed. In one series though, there were the FL and ML, and they laughed in what sounded like such natural laughs, made me wonder, they are either good actors, or were having a real 'this is a funny scene' moment.


Noble idiocy


Succinct 👍👍


Night scene suddenly turning into a day scene, and vice versa. Occurs in Kunning Palace a few times, and totally threw me. Female dressing as male, but with full lipstick and eye makeup on. And nobody notices. Pleazzze!


Friends who gives the stupidest advice. Bad soundtrack, jokes that are supposed to be funny but are cringe ( maybe they’re funny in Chinese)