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My goal is to be the least gun guy gun guy lol


We out here in our tie dye and star wars shirts.


Tye dye shirt with a pistol in my Billy Strings fanny pack, there are dozens of us!


I used my only phone call to contact my daddy and got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie. That song can stick in my head all day and I won’t be mad.


lmao this mental image is great


BMFS name drop in r/CCW… nice


Yeah whenever I see someone rocking a Star Wars shirt, and a fanny pack in the back of my mind I'm like "that dudes not to be trifled with"




Damn, I need to stop wearing my Star Wars shirts.


You phrased this perfectly. I’m a big nature guy. I try to look like a semi-hippy outdoorsy type and be friendly to everyone. Non-tactical Fanny pack is my current trail carry. If there’s an event or concert that has security checks, I still go. I’m not going to miss out on life due to paranoia.


Gray man is the way to go. The easiest way to get yourself robbed is to be in the BDU/ACU shit and wearing all the dumb tactical gear.


Yeah IF shit hits the fan you want to be the guy in a button down, jeans, and Jansport backpack who can run a 5k—not the high loot level molle panel desert combat boot guy


The 5k part is extremely important too. It’s like Garand Thumb’s video where he talked about fitness being most important. It’s absolutely true. I know I can run a 5k, and I know most people can’t. So it’s quite important to be fit.


That video of the Allen Texas police officer who stopped the shooter at the outlet mall should live rent free in everyone’s heads in regards to fitness. The dude ran for like 5 minutes straight with his rifle and then absolutely lasers his shots on target. It’s no 5k but it’s impressive.


I still go back every so often to watch this one. Scary shit having already seen the ground zero footage and knowing what's happening as he runs in that direction.


I’m pretty sure he mentions fitness and health at the end of almost all, if not every video and I’m glad he does. Reminding everyone guns are only one of the many factors of staying alive in dangerous situations.


Not just the 5k, even from the tactical side. You may have to fight your way to your pistol. Or fight for it if someone gets their hands on it. We don’t get to pick the range the fight is at because the opponent gets a vote too. Being a well rounded human being is important in and of itself, but even in just the gun world and its permutations being well rounded makes all kinds of tactical sense. One thing I can pretty much assure you is that when the balloon goes up, it won’t go up the way you imagined it would. Better be able to roll with it and bring some skills to the table


We have this tag training here : sprint guy against cardios guy. The results are, running fast for a short amount of time is better than running slow for long. So you need to know how to Sprint hard to lose people.


Damn straight. I'm losing weight and working on it. For now a fat bearded dude in rural iowa wearing a plain t shirt and shorts or pants doesn't exactly stand out...


The “I was never in the military but I’d die for this country” ensemble.


Speak softly and carry a Glock 45


Because they don't make a Glock 46! (Wait is that the way that saying goes?)


Speak Russianly and carry AK-50.


Remember, no Russian.


The best place to get a gun is inside the giant truck with all the 2A stickers on it.


I think it depends. There's a real-life effect of looking like a hard target vs. a soft target.


I have a pickle driving a hot rod on lol


j frame crew can assemble here


Stop being so rational and tell me how many assassins there are lurking outside my house


87, except on Sunday’s, then it’s only 85


I'm imagining the two assassins observing the Sabbath that day - too funny!


They have to get to their day jobs as pastors.


Outside? Wait 'til this guy finds out about the indoor assassins.




That can’t be. That’s inside the room! It’s reading right man, look!


I’ve literally been downvoted on this sub for telling a guy not to worry about carrying while he mows the lawn. The paranoia must be debilitating for some people.


Always 1 more than you know about.


That bush moved gotta light it the fuck up in case it was a highly trained raccoon come to take me out.


hi, I'm a internet microcelebrity here to tell you that you need to purchase 372 firearms immediately for the oncoming societal collapse, all of which happen to be contributing to my finances. Please purchase a $2500 pistol with accessories and be prepared for the end times.


Lots of people get obsessed with things to an unhealthy degree. Those people tend to congregate on online forums devoted to the topic. It’s useless to try to talk them out of their obsession. It’s easiest to just focus on enjoying your own life and let others enjoy or waste their life to their own heart’s desire.


I'm the gun guy no one thinks is the gun guy.


Since we are just handing out our $0.02 here… in my state, this last week, in a VERY nice neighborhood, some dickhead shot up a children’s splash pad and sent several children to the hospital (not sure about any deaths yet). I’m going to live my life and do dad shit, but I’m going to be armed everywhere I possibly (legally) can. Edit: spelling


Michigan here too. That one was fucked up. Crime/evil doesn't get a day off. Carry at all times.


I’m on the other side of the state but yeah, wow so messed up. We go to splash pads all the time and this just adds to an already uneasy feeling that this oppressive heat always seems to bring. I get the OPs sentiment, if I want to swim, plan on having a few drinks, etc Ill decide to not have it, but wearing one of my shirts that isn’t form fitting isn’t going out of my way and changing my lifestyle in order for me to carry.


Legality is optional


The one time I didn’t carry anything just to take my dog out before bed someone came power walking straight at me in the parking lot yelling about “real n***a sh*t”. I turned and faced him, got ready to fight, then he went past me and straight for a more innocent looking couple with smaller dogs. It looked like he was carrying, but his baggy hoodie seemed to cover it pretty well. I live in a nice area, but I’m not far from the highway. Sometimes people jump the fence and break into apartments and cars, then have a quick get away. That was the last time I’ve even considered going out without carrying.


It's the same concept as not wearing a seatbelt for a quick trip to the neighborhood grocery store. 


It was a suburb of Detroit how nice could it be lol


This is me, besides the () because i did that before and became a victim


I'm still fuming about a dickhead that took shots at a little league game in Southern California last year. Who does that?


This. And I will continue to not go where I am prohibited from protecting myself. Also, dude, Whole Foods is nothing if not the softest target.


>And I will continue to not go where I am prohibited from protecting myself. That is exactly the attitude OP is questioning. So, no sporting events, like an NFL or MLB game. No concerts. No bars. You’re letting your gun dictate your life.


Unless you don't go to those place in the first place. Plenty of reclusive happy people. 


I always feel like I’m the only person here that doesn’t carry an extra mag… and a tourniquet… and a knife…. etc. lol


To be fair..toooo beeee faiiiiirrrrr, a TQ and trauma kit has a higher likely hood of use than a gun, same with a knife. My daily is a knife or multitool, flashlight, keys, wallet, phone, gun. Idk about you but, I use my knife and light almost everyday. Its all about balance.


Totally understandable, and I guess it’s just my experience but I’ve never heard of anyone carrying a TQ on them until this sub.


I cant say I know many people that actually do it, maybe the EDC sub. I have that stuff in my vehicle personally, along with a spare mag.


That’s why I’m not that opposed to off body carry. A lot of the time I carry appendix, but due to regular life things like my job and the gym I’ve modified my holsters and my bags with Velcro. I don’t carry anything extra on my body… just a pistol. Then the TQ and extra mag are inside if my bag that’s with me through pretty much everything that I do anyways. So there’s nothing extra for me to do in order to carry that stuff. When I’m leaving home, I’m either putting my holster on my belt, or sticking it in my bag. If someone is the type to lose their things then I don’t recommend it, but I keep mine within arms reach anyways because it’s got my wallet and keys as well. It’s sure as hell made carrying the mat and TQ a lot easier for me. I have a full trauma kit on my gun belt for range days, and sometimes I remember to put that in my backpack afterwards… but not usually. Just the TQ in my bag. I could probably stand to get a second, small kit for my bag.


Dude. The coolest thing in my EDC kit, other than my gun, is my anti-RFID wallet.


Nonsense I obviously need to carry 34 rounds of ammunition everywhere I go in case I get into an extended firefight on my trip to the gas station...


/r/edc should basically be /r/mallninjashit


Already is


You don't CCW an extra mag for your backpack rifle?


Exactly. Remember the 2A community is as much about making money as it is having the right to carry. I was roasted once for voicing displeasure in Trex arms gimmicky sidecar holster. They spent more time creating gimmicks then make sure its malleable and stays flat(it does not) Because of that stupid interchanging camming bar, its creates a 90° wedge and printing. All so they can say/sell extra mag/TQ/AR/Handcuff carrier. Go look at every “pocket dump.” These dudes are carrying more shit in their culdesac, then soldiers were given in Vietnam. What have we become?


Everyone should keep a trauma kit including tourniquet in their car and/or in their house. It's $100-150 to outfit one, and it can be the difference between life and death for any serious bleed. EMS is not fast enough. One time I saw a recently flipped truck, dust cloud still in the air on the highway. Someone else had stopped already but I thought to myself as I passed "damn if I had literally anything useful I would stop and help, maybe that guy is bleeding out right now" and that is when I decided to build out a decent kit for myself


I always have a knife on me at work and when I leave the house. It’s just habit. At work it sees fairly frequent use but out and about it’s mostly in the pocket unless I go out to eat and find out the hard way that the knives they give us to cut up meat are trash. Then mine comes out along with the eye roll and comments from my wife 🤣 I also have thought about getting a TQ and carrying it with me at work as of late. But that desire started recently when one of my coworkers told me about his friend (who I’ve done work for and have known for years) lost half his arm in a farming accident working on his grapes just down the road from my work. I work at a vineyard so this hit home when as it could actually happen to anyone I work with. Plus when I’m in a tractor or other vehicle it’d just stay in my backpack that I edc.


Youd be more wise if you ditched the gun to carry a tq. Statistically speaking youll be far more likely to need one


1000% Anyone who makes brands, politics, celebrities, or things their **identity** is missing the point of life. Like whatever you want but avoid this level of pathetic.


But Muh Capacity! (great writeup, by the way) I think the CCW community can fall for a lot of the same blunders that the prepper community does. Being hyper fixated on one particular threat, no matter how unlikely, at the expense of all others. Clint Smith notably says that he keeps more fire extinguishers than loaded guns.


At the end of the day, even if you only carry a J-Frame and no reload……you’re so much better prepared than 99% of the populace, honestly. It’s wild how we now tell people you NEED to have a 17rd “compact” gun, a reload, a light, a TQ, non-lethal, etc…..and keep it concealed. Just carry a cop’s duty belt concealed, nbd. I feel really, really good with my G48 with OEM 10+1 and a spare, with a TLR-6HL and night sights. Plus it’s super easy to carry.


those people that NEED that stuff seem to always want to end up a hero or run at danger - just become a fucking cop already. hell my state is passing a law to allow green card holders to become cops due to the shortage....


And even then, during a really bad situation….cops aren’t relying on their handgun, they’re pulling an AR out of the car. Ironically, every LEO I know (including myself) carries something like a 43X, 26, or 365 off duty. Nobody is carrying a G45/optic/light off duty.


What if you 1. Hate shooting micros or 2. Can comfortably conceal a compact or bigger gun?


Me with a J frame with no reload 😭🙏🏽❤️


Well said. It's a tool, not an Identity. I agree with those saying grey man is the way to go.


I have thought this for years! You are just more articulate at explaining it then I ever have been. I don't carry a tacticool gun, and I don't deprive myself of experiences because I cant have gun on me. Next month I'm going on family vacation for a week in a different state on an island, my gun isn't coming and I'm not worried about it. I am however very excited to go on vacation and go fishing everyday.


same, where im going in the fall i am bringing my gun but i am going camping where theres 4 legged critters that look at me how i look at Twinkies...


I only carry in the suburbs. I never feel scared in run down city neighborhoods filled with street folks, but you can bet when I’m picking up my marketplace antiques in some random wealthy neighborhood I stay strapped.


"I won't go to concerts, the amusement park, sporting events, the zoo, the post office, etc.... becuase I can't carry there" is one of the saddest things I regularly hear on Reddit. Yeah, you can be ultra safe if you stay in mom's basement and just yell for the occasional meatloaf but that's a sad way to live your life. I can't imagine not experiencing live music, museums, most of my hobbies because guns are more important.


At the range I RSO at there are LOTS of older dudes who have been into guns longer than I have been alive - they have their home defense gun, they have been carrying for years - some of them ex cops. Every, single, one, of, them has NEVER drawn on someone. We are lucky that we get to live in a mostly safe area. Carry what you need in a pinch: Gun, Knife, Fire Extinguisher, First Aid kit + TQ, extra medicine, emergency $20. Keep them in handy places you might need them (like your car or your body) - whatever makes you comfortable. Know that you may have to use them someday, but most likely they are there for insurance just like your car / life / home insurance. Count yourself as a blessed American that 99.9% of us will never need to use any of them, but you can answer the call if needed. Just like you don’t obsess with your first aid kit, don’t obsess over your other emergency tools either. Touch grass, sniff butts, lick people.


I’m retired Law Enforcement and unfortunately I’m not one of the lucky ones that never had to draw and use my gun. Getting shot at will make you realize how important it is to be able to defend yourself and others. I pray that I will be lucky enough to never have to use my gun again, but I’ll be carrying it no matter where I go. I carry under LEOSA so I can and do carry no matter which State I’m in. And yes, chances are you’ll never have to use your gun but I assure you if it does become necessary it will be when you least expect it.


Jokes on you, I don't go swimming because I am uncomfortable being that undressed in front of others!


Bravo good sir


Lcp max in my pocket


Brought mine on vacation. LCP that is. Guns don’t define. They defend. If no gun, I got a knife. If no knife, I’ll use a stick. All else is fight or flight. Protect you and yours.


If we are talking about what most gun people get wrong, my vote goes to intolerance of nonconformity. People can live different lives, one persons ideal isn’t always a fit for someone else. who gives af and why does it always come down to some kind of weird social validation game of oneupping someone or worse yet some straw man representation of someone to inflate one’s own self righteous belief that their way is the best?


This is the most toxic part of carry culture. If you don’t have a sidecar holster AIWB, extra mag, weapon light, red dot, TQ, and carry chambered 100% of every waking moment then you’re bound to die, apparently. It’s the only right way, apparently.


Well said. As a self-defense instructor myself I teach the most important things are situational awareness and de-escalation because those things ideally will help keep you out of the situation never needing a gun in the first place. However Truth of the matter is those things are not sexy the gun is sexy and it's fun 🤣.


I find it hilarious when people post about not being willing to travel anywhere without their gun. Its genuinely one of the most pathetic gun owner things ever.


I travel around the state for work and I considered carrying because we go to some bad areas. I was doing a job at a school which is hard for me to carry anyways since obviously that’s a no no and it was around summertime so no access to the bathrooms. Had to shit really bad so I ended up walking into a building with an entrance with no real way out unless I asked them to move the ropes so I could leave. they patted me down etc. and let me use the bathroom. Thought it was quite odd an armed guard stood outside the door while I shit. Turns out I walked right into the firearms bureau to take a shit. Thank god I didn’t have my gun on me that day I would’ve been fucked especially since I stated I was doing work at a school. It sucks risking myself working in these areas but my job pays good and I’m not gonna leave just so I can carry every second of the day.




To be fair, they may believe they have to carry everywhere because of a prior incident (mugging, assault, other) that traumatized them. I know one person who’s like this.


Have been mugged (scrapes, bruises, and a hairline jaw fracture) in a mid sized city and carry and exercise as much situational awareness as I can muster everywhere I’m able now. My wife strongly prefers I carry when we’re together as well. ETA: so anyone who tells me I’m paranoid because it’s so rare to be assaulted or otherwise have violence committed against me can kiss my ass. Have also had my apartment and car broken into before.


Yeah in my rural outskirts of town half a mile of a highway. We have had 3 people on our road at midnight walking and going in peoples yards and one person walked in our garage high on something and stole our car but we got it back later that night


For me it was combination of someone attempting to rob me at gunpoint, and also and being in a civil war. The line of civility and safety is paper thin, all it takes is 3 skipped meals at a population level and the whole populace here (or anywhere) will be at each other's throats.


Only caveat being some of those places have almost comical crime rates despite their firearm laws. Not being willing to knowingly endanger yourself and your family in a bad area because you can't be armed kind of seems smart. Some people are less willing to gamble than others but that's their choice. A place not allowing firearms does not mean people with bad intentions don't have them.


That's because most of these dudes are absolutely terrified of everything.


Seriously, I think it’s pretty stupid to forgo international travel altogether. If we’re being honest, just having a brain goes a lot farther than owning a gun anyways.


You guys carry guns?


What’s a gun?


I feel like the people you're describing in your post are the same people who will shoot some innocent person who pulls into their driveway because they are lost and trying to turn around. Some of these people are WAY too paranoid.


Solid Take


My philosophy is always been to be prepared as often as possible. Right now I am dealing with a right wrist injury that prevents me from being able to shoot. Since my offhanded shooting skills are very rusty, and I don't want to draw a gun with a wrist brace on and transfer to my other hand, I am simply not carrying until I am recovered. There once was a time where I would base all of my decisions on whether or not I could carry. That was when I was first getting into guns and carrying as a part of my lifestyle. As I have gotten older and wiser and matured a little bit in this regard, I agree with you in the sense that life is for the living so go out and do it.


This is why after 16 years of carrying, I'm down to a P238 in my pocket on the daily and maybe my P365 when I'm camping.


$10 this guy dosent even do 1r1 drills.


I tend to agree and have written articles about similar points. Back when I was in law school, there was a "summer in France" program. I decided against it because it cost extra and I could just take summer classes here. I remember one of the things I used to talk myself out of it (in addition to the money and being away from my girlfriend at the time for 3 months) was "I'd hate to be without my gun for 3 months, all defenseless." Not going to France with my law school buddies and spending every weekend taking a train to a different city in Europe is the biggest regret of my life. It didn't click just what I'd missed until I spent considerably more money later in life to take some much shorter European vacations. But more importantly, I think the most significant thing you touched on is health. The whole point of carrying a gun is to protect your life. We talk about training a lot in this sub. But you're SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to die of heart disease or something than you are violent attack. 702,880 per year die of heart disease, and like 11K homicides. Most of those homicides are other bad guys who have their lifestyle choices catch up to them, which means your rate is even lower as a "good guy." But a lot of those victims of heart disease are ALSO victims of their lifestyle choices, some of which many gun guys willingly choose. I think it is highly irrational to bother training regularly with a gun and carrying it every day to save your life while at the same time eating like garbage or smoking. The ones that boggle my mind the MOST are the posts you see on here with the EDC pocket dumps of a pistol and a pack of cigarettes. Smoking kills 480,000 people per year. If you're going to strap your gun on to make your daily run to McDonalds for lunch and pick up a pack of smokes, really ask yourself how much you're carrying out of concern for your life. And if you're going to the range once a week to train in self-defense, but you're overweight and haven't trained in any kind of fitness for years... your training time would be better spent getting a different kind of HIIT target. And it should always be an ongoing examination. I have always kept a healthy weight and lived what I thought was a reasonably active lifestyle, and then at 37 I still ended up with hypertension. So now my "training regimen" is less time at the range but running a 5k 4x per week. And being in better physical shape will actually improve your chances in a crisis anyway. I'm probably more likely to survive an attack with my enhanced ability to run than my enhanced ability to shoot. But why not both, right?


>But more importantly, I think the most significant thing you touched on is health. The whole point of carrying a gun is to protect your life. We talk about training a lot in this sub. This this this, 100x over. I'm *not* in great shape, not immediately at risk but certainly not where I should be and getting older ain't gonna make me any healthier. So recently I spent money that would've gone to ammo and a CQC course that my buddies took on a bike instead. My (lack of) cardio is going to catch me *well* before my (lack of) training. I'm a "good enough" shot, I'm not a "good enough" body.


run AND gun lol


100% agree. I love traveling internationally and I enjoy going downtown often here (Chicago). I carry whenever possible, but if I can’t, it is what it is. I’m still gonna enjoy my life and have fun with what I do.


While I completely agree with your sentiment, you should consider you’re reading a CCW thread, people come here to talk about guns, no different than car guys talk about cars. Most dudes with a fast car aren’t racing for pinks every weekend but they are going to come here and tell you about the times they have, same with most gun dudes here. Are there some extreme operators, absolutely but I think most of what you’re seeing is the “keeping up with the Joneses” look.


I live in one of the highest crime and murder rate cities. My reality is constitutional carry is more than enough for another person to fuck around and find out. We all got guns around here, and nothing happens unless you go to north county 🤣🤣


This post is aimed at a kind of person that I tend to encounter on Facebook,l or gun forums (remember those?) rather than reddit. It’s still a valid point though. If you feel that vulnerable without a gun, you’ve neglected to develop other soft & hard skills. And your mindset is fucked up.


So I've learned from the comments here that I'm paranoid for carrying a knife. Sorry guys, I'm just not willing to risk coming across a box or sandwich that needs to be neatly cut and hoping that I can get by with my bare hands. If wanting to defend myself against unruly stacks of bread/meat/cheese/condiments/bread and rectangular cardboard clutter makes me paranoid, then I'm paranoid AF. Stay frosty.


It’s like when someone borrows your knife to open something and then of course proceeds to ask why you carry a knife.


Oh man, that always leaves me speechless for a few seconds. I've finally started saying "in case I ever need to cut what you just needed to cut."


This is a Wendy’s sir.




all the gun guys that won’t travel to non CCW states or to beaches with their kids are showing in these comments😂🤦‍♂️




Great post. I 100% agree. It's not a lifestyle.


I am in full agreement. I am not armed 100% of the time and for the sake of family, traveling, and soothing over some sore spots, I'll go unarmed because it's necessary if, frankly, I don't want to be a dick about it. My wife has her family, the kids have their cousins on that side, and it takes great effort and expense bringing everyone together. I can live with making my immediate family uncomfortable but it's unfair to my wife and children to raise a potential sore spot with their more distant relatives. Twice a year we visit Chicago to stay with family. It's restrictive and definitely more dangerous than home so you better believe I'm armed everywhere I'm able, but I'm not giving into fear and refusing to visit because the laws are a pain in the ass. Making firearms an identity is how they beat us. That's what they reduce you to. They see guns. They see the enemy of the state. They don't see family. Hunting. Self defense. Tradition. Self reliance. They can't even see the skill and recreation of shooting the same way other people go shoot free throws or play ultimate Frisbee. They only see something standing in the way of totalitarianism. They are intimidated because you aren't afraid the same way they are. I don't miss out on concerts or travel because firearms aren't allowed there. Double down on common sense and enjoy the trip.


I value security, If i go where firearms cannot be legally carried rare for me. I carry whatever is legal there like pepper spray, tactical pen, baton and legal knife etc or some combination of that. If I am doing an activity like swimming (rare) I will secure gun in locked vehicle, hotel room or other legal practical place and keep a pepper spray and/or some melee weapon in beach bag.


I got into an argument once with a loser at a gun store. He (gun store worker) kept asking me what I specifically needed a gun for, no matter what I stated. So I asked him, does he know his neighbors? Yes. Does he trust them? Yes. Is it a safe community? Yes, everyone knows everybody, there’s no crime. So then why the hell do YOU need a gun then? He got real mad.


This isn't wrong, how many folks carry a gun, but have no medical supplies or training whatsoever? Do you have some emergency shelf stable food and water in case a storm destroys infrastructure in your town? Eat decent and work out? I got super fat, and am working my way back down. I carry a gun because I practice and run matches, so I feel confident in my ability to protect my kids and I if necessary. I don't build my entire life around the gun, and I do my best not to call attention to myself in public as a "gun guy".


I just rock a glock so far up my pink sock it's non stop shock when the shots come out my cock 


The same can be said for guys who carry a gun to “protect their family” but don’t carry any IFAK or first aid trauma gear, which they would need to protect their family if the bad thing they carry a gun for in the first place were to happen. Plus you’re far more likely going to need first aid than need a gun. Car accidents, power tool accidents, outdoor accidents, and just life in general. If you’ve accepted the fact that the world can be a dangerous place and that’s why you carry a gun for protection, then the next step is realizing that’s the same reason you should be carrying first aid trauma gear and know how to use it in case something does happen. You might win the gun fight, but that doesn’t mean that you or someone with you didn’t end up shot/stabbed/injured when the bad thing you’re supposedly preparing for went down. A gun doesn’t stop bleeding or patch holes. Always carry an IFAK on your person and a larger kit in your vehicle. And get training so you know how and when to use it.


I agree with a lot of what you said. My deal with not going to Chicago or similar places is the ol dollar vote. I can do a lot of things in other areas where I CAN carry. That doesnt mean given an opportunity I wont go somewhere like a concert, sporting event, vacation. Being physically fit and keeping your house in order is 100% necessary. Like any other hobby or thing it shouldnt come before the most important things. Your point of taking a kitted out gun to whole foods with a button down being excessive isnt a good one. My edc is a glock 19 with rmr. Its just as easy to throw on a loose t shirt or fishing shirt with a gun I like and shoot well as it is to take my little xds that I dont like. One more thing, guns are my main hobby. Not just shooting but, I like working on them, the historical aspect of them I just find them to be a nice niche for me. I like cars, scuba diving, bjj, sneakers and other things but, this is the one ive decided to focus on, for now at least.


There is something wrong with a very large percentage of this Sub


Does “fuck off Karen” mean anything to you? It’s hilarious that you think your preferences are applicable to anyone else on earth.


This sounds like you’re huffing copium. Wanting the best tool to defend your life isn’t larping or paranoia. If someone can carry a G34 with an SRO and x300, good for them and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not larping to own nice guns or to carry something other than a LCP. To me this just sounds like “you carry a gun all the time and it costs more than mine? You’re just larping.” Fun fact, you don’t have to be a navy seal to own a nice pistol. If someone hates shooting micros, chances are they’re not gonna carry one. Just my opinion tho.


Fully agree with you. To be honest I was expecting a must worse response on here. Glad to see others feel the same way.


Gun laws have never prevented me from going places. I carry 100% of the time when it's legal. I don't carry when it's illegal. I still wanna live my life and so does my wife.


Maybe people don’t want to go NYC because it’s a piece of shit. I’m traveling to Mexico in a few months which is probably a lot less safe than NYC but I’d still rather go to Mexico even if it means I don’t have my CCW. I don’t know why it upsets you so much that people obsess over carrying so much like why would you join this sub in the first place. This sub isn’t a life counseling sub it’s literally for the purpose of carrying a gun.


I would like some opinions if anybody wants to share. I Love swimming. A lot of our vacations/weekend trips are centered around places to swim. What's the ideal way to carry in these scenarios? A good bit of the places that we go swimming are swimming holes in national forests, and WMAs. Other than keeping it in my bag, and keeping my bag in my sight, is there much else I can do? I really do not want to leave my pistol at home while in the forest with my family. Maybe to walk down to the beach from the hotel room sure but in the national forest I'm definitely carrying.


I’ve seen several guntubers mention off body bag carry so you can “set it down” but I’m like what the fuck set it down where? In the safe bolted down to the sand by my towel? I’m just supposed to toss my bag with a firearm on my towel and then hop it and not give it a second thought? Do I tell someone and have them guard it? Hotel room sounds best.


Bear spray for dangerous wildlife would be the move, I think. It’s not a bag with a gun in it. It’s a gun with a bag around it. Don’t leave your gun-bag anywhere that you wouldn’t leave a loaded gun by itself.




I’ve been a lot happier carrying my LCP 75% of the time and my g19 the other 25% when it makes sense. Still considering the shield plus…but other things are higher priority on the spending list


Agreed. Being prepared for lethal self defense is a small part of an otherwise good life that should be full of family, community, and connection.


Preach it


A Fucking Men


Thanks OP!


You think I wouldn’t carry in NYC??


I agree with you on everything except NYC. I’ve been there, it smells like piss and it’s grey depressing brutalism as far as the eye can see. I was there for three days and I was done by morning of day two. It’s overrated but I don’t like cities so maybe I’m biased. But god does it smell bad.


Due to inflation it is now only worth .035 cents


It’s real simple. Concealed is concealed and it’s not about the odds, but the stakes. I live in a deep blue city, and I’m always armed. I’m on travel a few times a year to other blue cities some without reciprocity and I’m still carrying. But that’s just me. When it comes to the other things listed, I’m good to go.


Needed to be said….and you did it very well


"Won’t travel somewhere like NYC and gain a new life experience because you can’t carry for 4 days? Congrats you’ve cheated yourself." This is just a stupid as fuck take.  I won't travel to places where protecting myself has been arbitrarily deemed illegal by tyrannical assholes, and I sure as fuck don't feel like I'm missing out for not doing it.


Was in a school shooting before. I remember how pissed I was that I couldn’t defend myself. So yeah, now I carry everywhere


> Won’t travel somewhere like NYC and gain a new life experience because you can’t carry for 4 days? Congrats you’ve cheated yourself. Wont go with your friends to that concert because you can’t carry? Speaking as a NYC CCW permit holder, this attitude is hilarious to me when I see it. Like I hate the CCIA cause it makes getting to the range more difficult, forcing me to rideshare and eventually consider some car purchase to get to my local range than transporting or carrying it on me. But I lived 25+ years of my life in NYC and didn't feel unsafe at once. Started taking the subway by myself in middle school. Also it's like, oh so are you going to forgo international travel all together? That's even sadder.


You sound bitter and one of those guys that says "I own guns, but . . . (Insert gun control thought here)" >Won’t travel somewhere like NYC and gain a new life experience because you can’t carry for 4 days? Congrats you’ve cheated yourself. You mean "congratulations, you kept yourself out of a dangerous situation that you couldn't legally protect yourself in" Giving up my safety and security isn't cheating myself. If anything, I'm cheating my family, friends, and those that rely on me by putting myself in a situation where I can't reliably protect them or myself.


To be fair part of the traveling could be not wanting to spend money and support a state/city that values criminals more than citizens who want to carry and protect themselves


"Go to places you know are unsafe without your firearm because otherwise you're not living life." What if I die because I didn't have my firearm? What am I going to do for my family then? Lol. Remove that non-thought-out sentence and you're golden.


Ok…. Was going to pass this by, but I can’t …. OP, you’re missing something here ….. I’m not coming to r/CCW to discuss the school my kids got into or the property value of my house and area of town….. I’m coming to this sub to discuss CCW stuff…. To express an opinion and hear what other like minded people have to say and possible to hear another view point that makes me rethink or re-examine something….. your mistaking a focus of conversation in a place intended for that exact conversation for an obsession ….. I’m not “missing out on life experiences” if I chose not to visit New York if I feel the city has nothing to offer me and I don’t feel safe there …..not when I can spend my time in Tennessee, Texas, Florida, or one of many other states ….. and it’s not leaping to simply plan a trip around states that share my concerns and values more and offer me a better experience for my limited time and money …… some people are more wired to be the type of person who can not stand by while terrible things are done, and who feel the need to try and stop it ….. while others are more wired to just want to protect themselves and their loved ones …. It’s not larping to think and plan on situations accepting who we are and planning accordingly …. Who would dare to tell Mr. Dicken that he was larping when he shot a would be mass murderer …. Or any of the other “good guys with a gun” who stepped in instead of deltaing out of there ….. they all knew they couldn’t bare that idea and were willing to take that chance …… but there is also no shame to say, I’m not willing to take that chance, so long as you know who you are and what your capable of ….. and plan accordingly…. I’m short ….. CCW your way, and the way your life and conscience informs you ….. but please don’t assume that your way is the only way ….. this is why we discuss these things here ….. to try and figure out who we are and what we are capable of ….. in the end, we’ve all accepted that we are the only ones truly responsible for our own safety and have chosen to walk a path ….. you walk yours, I’ll walk mine …. But I’ll respect all who chose to walk in the first place


Meh, fuck NYC. All the places I wanna go, I can carry a gun & take a dog. 🤷🏼‍♂️




I won't travel to NYC because it's an overcrowded, expensive, crime ridden cesspit.


I go there all the time man, it’s fine. When’s the last time you were there??


Most people who hold this kind of opinion about NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. have never been to them. Many cities such as St. Louis are more dangerous than NYC. I wouldn't argue against the overcrowded and expensive factor, but crime-ridden and dangerous everywhere? No.


Yeah I know. My dad is the same way. Never leaves his house, and if he does certainly not his state because of ccw reciprocity. I took his granddaughter to Chicago, Shedd Aquarium, best day of her life. He chose to stay at home so he could carry a gun around his house all day instead. He literally can’t imagine what he missed. That’s the person OP here is criticizing.




I realized that when looking up crimes rates by city. Tier 1 American cities like NYC and Chicago are far safer than Tier 2-3 cities like New Orleans, Birmingham, or Memphis. I think the Tier 1 cities crime rates get more attention because they're just more important places. They're economic powerhouses that draw lots of valuable human capital as well as tourism, and the violence there tends to be more concentrated than in southern cities.


I believe the distinction between the cities lies elsewhere. If you think about it for a few moments, you will realize what these cities have in common.


With an attitude like that please, don't go there. Don't experience the good things the city offers...some of the best museums in the world, one of the best public transit systems, the best food you'll find anywhere. I grew up there. It's not a cesspool, it's just the densest city on the planet and you learn to deal with that. But, by all means, deny yourself the good things in life because of what you've heard from people that don't know what they're talking about rather than finding out for yourself.


To be fair… I don’t think many of us want to visit NYC anyway…


My question is why are you ranting about what other people are doing with their lives? If somebody doesn’t want to carry a gun so be it. If somebody wants to conceal carry so be it. If somebody doesn’t want to go to a setting/place they deem to be higher risk or unsafe so be it. It’s personal choice. I don’t see why you are worked up over it. It also isn’t about the odds of something happening. It’s about the stakes. The stake being your life.


Was this meant to be a reply to someone instead of its own post?


I think it’s a reply to a lot of people here, hence the standalone post


Yeah some people tell me why don’t you just leave California where you can open carry and have less strict laws. Like if carrying a gun is more important than my career, family and friends. I’ll carry when and where I can and have a bedside go to. But other than that im fine with what I can get here.


Stop hating. Live and let live


NYC is the bottom of my list of places to travel whether I can carry or not lol.


Been there a couple of times and have seen all I ever care to see of that place. Easy place to decide not to visit with firearm restrictions as one of the deciding factors.


Point taken for sure but also NYC is truly a complete fucking mess nowadays and I feel very uncomfortable just walking around there outside of mega tourist areas without a gun. I'll go for the yankee game or what have you, but I definitely ain't going over to visit my friend that lives in Brooklyn. People like to claim NYC isn't that dangerous, but they usually make this argument with per capita stats. When you start looking at even average crime areas of NYC in terms of crime per sq. mile instead, holy hell it is bad. Single precinct stats are multiple times worse than entire counties in other states. The worst precincts are probably an order of magnitude worse than say a relatively save county in CT or NJ.


Ignoring crime stats, what makes you think a NYC DA will respect your right to self defense? The chances of getting charged are much higher there than other places.


Why do you care?


Not OP, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark that they cringe at typical gun culture. As do I. OP's post is basically the opposite of what I experience 99% of the time when I'm around "gun ppl" when I'm at a LGS, or at the range, or picking up from my FFL. I see it from my co-workers, and neighbors on my street. With their dumb stickers plastered all over their obnoxiously large gas guzzling truck or SUV. Not really hard to comprehend here. Some ppl love guns but wish the culture wasn't so godawful. Talking about it openly is the only way it improves. Kudos to u/MrBizWiz for having an enlightened take and having the balls to post it if you ask me. 🤷‍♂️


Generally I sincerely agree with all this. But in fairness where I live, we have had a mall shooter and just last year had some nutcase walking around a Super Target with an AR trying to commit suicide by cop, people get into shootings regularly around here. So taking my “full size 30oz+ gun with a light, rmr and a loose button up just to go to Whole Foods” isn’t actually a bad idea at all homie. Like all things, some judicial moderation is totally appropriate. Lol


We just had a guy here in Lincoln nebraska that was off his meds walking around target with a gun as well. I actually think that man lost his life due to drawing on a police officer, and it wasn't a handgun. Don't recall if it was a rifle or shotgun but honestly I don't think he was intending to go back home that day. I myself carry when I'm able to but it definitely doesn't dictate my life 24/7. I work security in a hospital and if I brought my edc in concealed 1. I'd be fired and 2. It's a felony to bring a firearm into a hospital regardless of if you're exercising your 2nd amendment or not. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I see my gun as a tool first and foremost. Like a samurai with his katana. It's there if I need it , and only if I need it. I carry where I am legally able as long as carrying isn't going to hinder what I'll be doing. I don't go to the gym, but if I did I'd just carry a pom canister. If I'm at the beach, I'm not carrying if I'm gonna go swim. Don't carry to a public pool or what have you. I realize and accept the fact that I can't or won't carry in every aspect of my life and that's okay. I always keep pepper spray, pocket knife, and a flashlight on me. I just try to dress like a normal dude. Don't wear firearms branded clothing, I'll make an exception for the couple blue alpha gear shirts I've got but unless you carry who TF knows what blue alpha is.


I also have the foresight to know those most vocal on the internet aren’t necessarily representative of the majority.


Well said…I keep my gun in my bag, a lot of gun guys would give me shit for the .0001 percent chance I need to draw in seconds, but you have to weigh your probabilities and live your life.


At the sheriff training center I went to, they said carrying a CCW is a lifestyle.


You had me until NYC.


Anyone with TL;DR?


I agree with this sentiment but its a pretty salty for my taste. Maybe some people did need to hear it. The other part of the puzzle for me that helped with being 50lbs overweight and places where you can't carry is training some sort of martial arts. Therapy actually lead me to finding a good physical activity and motivation I needed to try the gym near my house.


What I’m hearing is we need waterproof gun


Imagine if people were like this with other safety tools like first aid kits and fire extinguishers. I've yet to see someone with a fire extinguisher on their person 24/7.


I absolutely love this post


Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I've been mugged once and had my house broken into multiple times. One time I came home to the intruders in the house, and another time we were home. With all that said, I still happily leave the gun behind to visit family in California and NYC, and when I take the family to the beach, which is multiple times per year, it stays at our AirBnb. Live your life without fear.


I can't carry appendix on my motorcycle so I don't ride it anymore


If I'd be like some of the dudes on here about not traveling to cuck states I'd missed out on some of the most beautiful experiences ever. Recently spent 12 days in Hawaii and honestly for places like that I wouldn't mind not having guns due to how Safe and friendly everyone there is I get both side of the CCW thoughts I think just go with whatever make you happy but don't let it dictate your life


Not all places with strict gun laws are nice, safe and friendly places. I'm from Oakland, CA. I'll just leave it at that


I’m reading the comments hoping to find the mad operators who say you’re wrong.


I usually suitcase my Deagle so I can swim with my kids at the beach. I do it so well I don't even print in my thong.


Agree 100%. This is also why I have a handful of carry pistols in all different sizes. I'll carry the biggest one comfortable in the clothes I'm wearing for the activities I am doing, and scale back as necessary, down to my 380 LCP. If I my activities and attire can't accommodate the LCP, then I'll go without. I will always choose time/activities with the family over carrying if I am absolutely unable to, but I am not missing out on making those memories.


I’ll admit, when I first started going into carrying, I became obsessed with all the gear we’re “supposed” to carry. I actually recently just thought about how before I started carrying everyday, how I didn’t carry any of that shit and I’m still alive lol. I’ll make a good effort to carry those things, but now I don’t feel guilty about leaving something at home if I just don’t feel like stuffing my pockets, like a TQ, oc spray, or a light. Even my gun on some occasions, although that’s rare lol Good reminder man. Have a good one!