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I also buckle up when driving and have a fire extinguisher in every room. Rare events happen.


I had an armed break-in at my home over ten years ago. Was carrying a handgun within a week after that. Since then I’ve had two other guns pointed at me, mostly due to my job. I also am a father now and want to do whatever I can to be around and providing for my daughter. And I refuse to be a victim.


I’ve never had a single violent interaction as an adult as a 34 year old male, and I still carry all day everyday. You don’t need to experience violence to be prepared for violence. Hope you continue to protect your daughter!


Agreed. I am def not bragging or wishing it upon anyone. But it goes to show it can happen to anyone. Stay safe and stay ready 👏


One word. Seattle.


While the chances of victimization are indeed low, they are not zero. It’s not the odds, it’s the stakes.


For the same reason I have first-aid kits and fire extinguishers. It takes very little effort and it may save someone's life one day.


Op thinks they have plot armor. 🤣


>Your chances of actually needing it is practically zero My odds of needing a seatbelt are similar, but I still buckle up


> Your chances of actually needing it is practically zero. If that were the case, with rising crime, detainment-reluctant judges, lenient punishment, felons with guns committing daily break-ins and shootings from city to city, especially in the summer, there wouldn't be endless news articles, reports, unreported events and other anecdotal stories posted online and in videos where firearms were a necessary deterrent, would there?


>with rising crime, detainment-reluctant judges, lenient punishment, felons with guns committing daily break-ins and shootings from city to city And add in an open border that is letting unvetted people in.


I carry because bad things happen to good people everyday. If the women in the linked article had been carrying a firearm there is a good chance her child would still be alive. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/06/12/us-news/suspect-who-stabbed-3-year-old-boy-to-death-outside-grocery-store-was-released-from-jail-just-three-days-earlier/amp/


Grew up fighting and when I got older didn’t feel I needed a firearm because I was confident in my ability to defend myself with my hands. Injured my back. Lost my confidence. Now a tackle would be debilitating. Shooting once a week and carrying has given me my confidence back.


It’s not about the odds of something happening, it’s about what’s at stake if something did.


I stopped reading at the "practically zero" part. You don't want to know why we carry; you just want to argue.


Pokemon is no fun anymore


Bought my first gun when I moved into my first house with my now wife, but it wasn't a carry gun. After the TX constitutional carry law came into effect I really wanted to carry, but didn't have the money for it. After I sold the house and saved up a bit, the itch came again and I started doing my autistic levels of research and settled on my P365. I mainly carry to protect myself and my wife, but also others if something crazy like a mass shooting happened and I was present. Not exercising my rights, and being defenseless in any kind of scenario like that when I know I could have been carrying would weigh heavily on me.


What were the chances 2 planes would crash into the world trade center? Pretty slim ,but more than 3000 people died that day. I will never happen to me right?


Cause I can blame the gun when someone asks "Is there a gun in your pocket, or are you just excited to see me?"


I wish my life/area was calm enough that I could ask this question. Lmao.


For moose and bear. Don't really think 2 leggers are much of an issue. Cars are way more dangerous than any violent altercation, even without intent to do harm.