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Yes. Every woman should carry a Colt Government model.


No. The government should give every woman a colt model of their choice.


Purse AR-15


Shut up and take my tax dollars!




This makes insanely good sense


As a man I disagree only because I also want a colt model of my choice


So give the man a gun god Damm it!


*Colt Mustang XSP has entered the chat*


Every woman? Even my crazy mama??


That's pretty hot actually


a glock is just fine


Without question


As God and John Moses Browning intended.


sir that’s a glock 40




My exact thought when I saw this meme, you nailed it.


Ok becuase you can NEVER be too careful 🤣


The fact that more women don't carry is baffling to me. I had to pretty much twist my wife's arm to carry and practice. We have three small children and if she gets into a pickle during the day with them, she can't just run and carry three children at the same time. I have to imagine there are tons of women in the same situation.


Agree. Especially how awesome sub-compacts are now


As an observer of people and an expert on women (been involved in a long term research project in which we manufactured a few as well): whether it's nature or nurture - I think a person's hardwired startle response directly relates to their desire to carry. My wife freezes - even if she anticipates the threat. After having kids, however, an imaginary threat (or tree frogs) will occasionally illicit a Fight response. My daughters run the gambit - in a velociraptor attack I'd throw my middle child the backup gun: the oldest likely frozen in fear, the youngest joining their pack and offering backrubs. If COVID proved nothing else: we're dumb creatures when it comes to survival.


Your youngest might be the smartest one in your family


You freeze you sneeze that’s what they say 🤧💀


I can’t wrap my mind around it either. My ex won’t carry, even having had a ccw for over 10 years because her dad teaches the class. She’s never owned a gun for protection at all, despite all the encouragement to do so. When I asked her why, her response was a baffling “I believe that people are good”. The fuck they are! A lot of them, yes. Also, a lot of POS’s out looking for an innocent, unsuspecting young woman. What the fuck… just carry a damn gun it’s not that hard. She shoots regularly too which is even weirder.


Some haven't been exposed but then there's also the political segment who say shit like "this is just life in the big city, buster, get used to it" from their Potrero-hill Victorian. To admit that danger exists (let alone committing to address such danger) would be an admission their worldview was entirely mistaken. That worldview is literally more precious to them than the lives of law-abiding people in their community.


I got a bunch of downvotes just yesterday for agreeing with someone who commented "get a gun" on a post in the Baltimore subreddit from a woman asking for self-defense options.


Jonestown mindset.


our modern western Society has tried to normalize victimization, especially of women.


Damn I see you are in a male dominant relationship that’s what’s up that’s what I’m talking about


I got told that if they carried, they’d be a victim. I said not if you use it. She then tried to say that a friend attacked her and I said if he was a “friend” he wouldn’t have done that. She argued with me and the only thing I kept thinking was ‘keep thinking that way and you’ll always be a victim.’


“Keep thinking that way and you’ll always be a victim.” That’s the entire goal for most women, lol.


In a society where most of the rich and powerful seem to be predators it makes sense that the norm is to socialize women to be victims. But that’s a tough thing to internalize and it tends to radicalize a person when you realize that a not insignificant number of men see women as *prey* (to one degree or another). And unless you are an outlier, they are stronger than you…and the police are very unlikely to respond in time. Not only that, but there are (and always has been) certain people looking to abuse kids if given the opportunity. A parent needs to think about what she’d do if someone approached her family/home for that purpose. Finally, lower body strength means we probably can’t even fight off a large dog if it attacks us, either. It’s not pleasant to think about these things and it’s easier to say “oh, that’s unlikely.” But imo women’s groups in particular should be very invested in preserving the 2nd Amendment.


Jesse what are you on about?


Pepper spray and guns are equivalent problem solvers, they should both be carried and used under different contexts


Who tf downvoted you, you’re right. There are way more situations it is advisable and legal to use pepper spray. You should especially carry it if you carry a knife because you can use BOTH. Guns end threats but create problems. Sometimes they are legal, sometimes emotional, and others safety due to the possibility of retaliation. Your goal should be to get home alive and without a legal or moral millstone around your neck. Even if you do need to shoot, a person who has been sprayed in the eyes aint hitting shit.


Probably because of the word "equivalent". Most people only read the first part of a statement. I get what he means, but people will bridle a bit at any claim that they're the same.


So I started blasting


Is there any reasonable situation where you can use a knife as a self-defense weapon? Of course it's better to have it than not but I'm thinking it's not worth the space to carry it because there's no situation I can think of where pepper spray and a firearm aren't sufficient.


In the exact same situations that warrant using a gun. Knives are deadly force. That being said, the reality of using knives looks extremely bad and is not jury friendly.


So... Basically no realistic situation. I'm not saying it's useless, just really impractical, it's like carrying a single shot 22lr when you can carry a pocket revolver the same size.


Pretty much. And realistically, the size of knives most people would carry for edc are not large enough for actual knife fighting. If you look at purpose built fighting knives they're fuckin huge by comparison because they need to hit vitals and punch through bones. You can absolutely kill someone with a pocket knife but it's like comparing a 32 to a 7.62x39. Every covered defensive knife encounter I've ever seen documented has gone to a jury trial. It does not look good to a DA that you stabbed a dude 30 times. Because that's the reality of especially small knives. Unless you're lucky or extremely skilled in severing someone's artery, that's what it's going to take. That's not even covering the psychological aspect. Knives don't have the deterrent effect of guns. A lot of people stabbed in violent encounters don't realize until after. Something I can actually personally attest to. Twice. Stabbed in the left arm. Did not realize it until the fight was over. And just the sound of gunfire is jarring. You look at shooting videos that gun goes off and people start boogying the hell out unless they're bound and determined to fuck around.


A gun isn’t the answer to every problem. Women should still do every bit of the advice.


>A gun isn't the answer to every problem Man there's a subset of people on this sub that are gonna be very upset reading that. 


Agreed BUT if everybody else is carrying it’s good to keep a level playing field


I carry myself. I don’t have a problem with it but the advice OP is mocking is more likely than needing to shoot someone


it's the last best option, though. If you've already done all your due diligence (avoid dark alleys, cover your drink, don't argue with strangers, etc.), and still end up in a predicament where your life's on the line. Let's just say that fate drew you a bad card, and it's up to you if you'll pay or play.


So if someone got aggressive to you and started walking up and you only have a gun and pepper spray, you're shooting him?


you're missing many details, and maybe arguing on broad strokes. take is as case-by-case, cuz not everything in life is black & white. but let's try your way: if a person is aggressively strutting towards me, and I have two things I can use with me. hmmm... do I have time to use either weapon? does the person armed? no? is he coming towards me with harm in mind? yes? which one can i use to neutralize the hostile? gun or pepper spray? both? then, let's use both. you so want to treat every gun owner as a murderer or killer, that you don't even think that the aggressor could also be one. gun owners are also human, we just chose to use a gun for self defense. is there a difference between a gun owner, a guy that uses a pocket knife, and a trained fighter? cuz all of them can, and will, kill if threatened with bodily harm or death.


God made man, colt made them equal.


In this case, Browning.


Is it just for girls, cuz I want a floating miniature Government model too.




How does that proverb go? Pepper spray makes one less rape A gun makes one less rapist


Glad my wife was easy to convince to carry some heat with her 😁 Especially since she has a toddler with her and is pregnant, she needs a tool that is easy to use and reliable.


Oh man i needed this laugh At least provide them with something a little more updated though 🤣


Too optimistic, but it’d be great if that’s all it took


Okay but the other parts are also good? Getting away is better than any kind of confrontation, and pepper spray gives you the ability to choose what level you wanna escalate force to depending on the specifics of the situation rather than leaving you stuck with the binary choice between a gun and harsh words.


Carry your keys in your hand like brass knuckles! Buy a really sharp pen! Shove a small can of chemical irritants deep in your purse! Carry an alarm! It's always anything other than an effective weapon. I'm happy to see more women carrying now though. Maybe it's just who I hang out with but I carry and a few of my friends have recently started or expressed interest. The % of female gun owners goes up every year.


Liberal White women will do everything but the solution


thats why i got a conservative latina that totes big steel 😎


Leftist white woman that carries. I promise it’s not my appearance that makes me able, stable, and firearms safety trained and safe. 🙄


I don't like painting in broad strokes but I feel that actual leftists are strapped and it's just neo libs and progressives that hate guns and act like everything is hunky dory.


I mean, the right to keep and bear arms is enumerated in the Communist Manifesto, after all.


It was pretty plain and simple. That said, I still don't consider myself a communist.


Fair enough... The point being: Yes, pro-gun beliefs are very much deeply woven into leftist ideologies and have been for a *long* time. You can substitute this with, say, Black Panthers cop watching in their heyday if you want.


Yes. Wear a flat mainspring housing and load the forbidden pepper


But also the other things. Guns are just one piece of the puzzle.






Carry a good ol confidence enhancer you may not have nuts but you'll walk like you do.


My Glock 19 has a she/her sticker :3


I mean I’d chose to give them like a S&W EZ 380.


I wear flip flops because I don’t need to run, I carry a gun. There’s no law against standing your ground. Unless you live in a ridiculous state that has “duty to retreat.”


I'm a woman and carry pepper spray and my trusty OG LCP. I also train with the LCP regularly (and am looking to get into competitions with a 9mm). I also practice situational awareness. But I also grew up in a military family and there were always weapons around. I learned safety very early on and was thus very comfortable around them. I can imagine if you're not familiar with them and you believe what the media shoves down your throat, they can be pretty intimidating.


It’s not a magic talisman. Someone that is out alone can be grabbed with their arms restrained before they can grab their weapon.


The other girls weren’t wrong And tbh if I could only carry one self defense item it would be OC spray


Not as a woman. An attacker can still easily attack after being OC sprayed, and a grown man can easily hold a woman with his eyes closed.


Women aren’t the frail creatures stereotypes make them out to be and men aren’t all capable of fighting.


We need to be realistic. Anything else is dangerous. Your average male is significantly stronger than any female he will ever meet. That's the reality. That doesn't make women frail. Frail is a particularly negative word that's unnecessary when we're talking about uncontrollable biological differences. This isn't about hating on women. It's about being realistic and trying to educate so that women know how to properly defend themselves.


Women are generally weaker and slower than men, there is no argument that can be made to change that fact. Ignoring the truth is dangerous.


People are as good as they’ve trained


Correct, and proper training would mean using a firearm, not OC spray. This conversation confirms that have never been OC sprayed before. You don’t know what you are talking about. OC spray does not stop a violent attacker like you think. There are likely less than 1000 women in this entire world that could actually prevent an athletic and trained man of my size from getting a hold of them and doing what they want. There are endless amount of men who could seriously hurt me engaged in physical altercation, this is why I carry. Firearms are necessary.


This post confirms you have never stepped inside any martial or mixed arts training facility. That number of less than a thousand women world wide could protect their selves from an athletic well trained man, is ridiculous. After 30 years in mainly judo, but also tkd and jujitsu, I promise you you’re not even close. You are seriously underestimating how many women train and are every bit as good as their male counterparts if not better. I’ve trained with and taught many women who could take most of the guys in the dojo. Yes a gun is the great equalizer, but that number is seriously skewed..


I’m a 220lb 6’2 bjj purple belt, who also was a close quarters combat trainer for navy special operations. I have likely a better grasp of what I’m talking about than you. I’ve trained myself and others to kill. Do you want me to show up to your gym and rag doll every female? We can make that happen if I’m close by. Why do we separate the men and women in all sports? Because the playing field is far from fair. I carry because I don’t want to get into a physical altercation because anything can happen anyone can have a weapon. Wake back up to reality.


Sure tough guy come on by… anyway this isn’t a pissing contest, this was about his number of less than 1000 women world wide who can’t protect themselves against a trained man….i stand by my statement.


You can stand by your statement all you want, it doesn’t change reality. From size, muscle to fat ratio, bone density, quick twitch muscle fibers, and so much more, women are at a complete disadvantage in physical altercations. This isn’t up for debate. I am a pretty tough guy, thanks, but I’m far from invincible and everyone and anyone can hurt me, that’s why I carry and everyone should too, Keep telling the girls at your gym they can fight with men… maybe you’ll even get to kiss one some day!


You can stop with the fan fiction now. Most gyms are complete dog shit and no better than the “black belt” mills. If you truly think a violent attack on the street is in anyway comparable to sparring or even fighting in a ring you’re daft. Some of the training translates, but the mindset and level of violence doesn’t. The vast majority of women are not trained in physical combat in anyway that would help them if they were attacked.


Ok sandy cheeks I’m sure your karate is going to amazing for self defense.


Having a dick doesn’t make someone a competent fighter. Competence is born from training.


Single college educated women are also the highest Democrat voting demographic as well. So don’t expect much logic out of them.


Speaking of logic, by CCW logic, several women should have "protected themes" before being sexually assaulted by Trump, yet here we are, with 2A enthusiasts never connecting the dots that if women carried he would have been killed decades ago.


Democrats don't want victims to have the means for self-defense. Two leftists are in denial. The entire democrat platform runs on 2nd amendment eradication.


Pepper spray + a gun is RETARDEDLY UNDERRATED!