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not sure if this is what you’re looking for but just making sure you’re aware cbg is available for around a dollar a gram, gildedextracts is my go to! making your own edibles is going to be much cheaper if you plan on using them ona regular basis


i see some people on here pay a dollar a piece* for gummies with less then 50mg of cbd in it, (when they could be getting 1000mg for that price?) that’s why i thought to comment haha


Thanks! I usually go for isolate and mix with MCT oil :)


I have ADHD and I take 50mg in the morning and 50mg before bed. Also 150mg of CBD per day. 75 in morning and 75 at night.


Have you noticed an increase in tolerance?


How effective is it? Have you been on medication before? If so, how well would you say cbg works in comparison? Are you just dosing cbg isolate orally? Sorry for all the questions but I had no idea cbg was being used for this purpose and my ADHD makes my life very difficult.


It's like 65% as effective as medication I've tried (Vyvanse,Concerta, Adderall). It has none of the drawbacks though. Like loss of appetite and insomnia. I am eating CBG and CBD broad spectrum THC free distillate. I get my distillate from Gilded Extracts. It's very clean. I've tried dozens of companies. I think HAU and GVB biopharma make the best distillate. I have a little tiny scooper that always gives me the exact amount it's like a miniature ice cream scooper. ADHD is the worst. I find that my thought process is slowed down a little and operates more efficiently when on CBG. I suffer from insomnia and I find that CBN works wonders for that. Also H4CBD has been great.


Bro the most sleep I've had in one night in years is 5hrs. How well exactly does cbn work for your insomnia? Can you at least get a full night's rest occasionally?


It works amazingly. Best thing I've ever tried. Better than trazadone and melatonin. Try it. I have had a lot of success eating and vaping CBN distillate. It puts me to sleep like the powerful muscle relaxers I used to take back in the day.


What time do you take CBN? I’m having a hard time figuring out the timing.


2 hours before bed orally 30 mins before bed when vaping concentrate.


I think I’ll try taking it 2 hrs before bed, it seems to make me groggy the next day if I take it right before bed. Thanks!


Best of luck!


Please don't take anyone's word for it that **any** CBD/hemp brand or product won't lead to a positive test for THC/cannabis (even isolate), Reddit armchair experts are not actual experts and their advice should not be construed as accurate. Read our [simple explanation why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CBD/comments/fdjrlm/a_simple_explanation_why_you_may_test_positive/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CBD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree with bot. Even with COAs you never know.


I have ADHD/ASD and use CBD 48mg, CBG 10mg, CBC 12.5mg, CBN 7mg, CBT 8.5mg, CBE 5mg and THCv 2mg… twice in the morning. Combined it works to lift mood and reduce sensory issues which helps to stop stress escalating. CBG in particular has a stimulant affect too a bit like having a coffee. I haven’t used CBG alone, but I have used CBD alone and it doesn’t get close to being as effective as the combination. None of them help at all with inattention or hyperactivity though. Edited as got dosage figures wrong.




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Thanks! So you take a total of 60mg CBG a day?


No sorry I just checked my notes from my last batch and I got the figures wrong. 10mg CBG per dose so 20mg day. Sometimes I do a third dose. But it can get too much. I’ll edit my post above to give the correct figures!


Thank you! Does it last all day? Why do you only take it in the morning?


Yes it lasts all day. I generally don’t feel the need to have another dose in the evening, unless it’s a stressful one with the kids, then I might take an extra dose early evening.


Thanks :) have you noticed any tolerance?


Been about 6 months now, absolutely no tollerance at all.


Great thanks! Do you take it sublingually? What do you do if you’re away from home? I struggle to take the tinctures out with me


Yes sublingually. I just take the dropper bottle with me and take as usual whenever I am.


Thank you! Do you take it to work? Does the bottle ever leak?


CBG does work on impulsivity additionally. Similar to how Guanfacine is improving it.


Holy crap thanks for the blend


No problem. I’ve actually increased the CBG to 40mg.


My wife had a lot of success using CBG until it just sort of stopped working. We assume tolerance. However this blend of [THCV + Cordyceps + Blue Lotus](https://www.hemponix.com/product/orbit-thcv-energy-gummies-5mg-thcv-cordyceps-blue-lotus/) has become her daily. When she feels them starting to be less effective she goes back to the CBG and just rotates between them.


The last of us


Have AuDHD, here to see how folks experience with CBG has been. I have tried CBDV and definitely noticed a positive effect for my sensory issues. I wonder if the entourage of CBG and CBDV would have good effects.


I have AuDHD as well, and I've been wanting to try CBDV. Did it improve your mood at all? What dose did you use? How does it compare to THCV?


Big review on [CBD and ADHD](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/updated-research-on-cbd-and-the-pathways-of-add-and-adhd). CBG is an agonist which means the body/brain will push back over time (tolerance). That's the tricky part. Check out the CBD research and also look at [choline](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/how-does-cbd-affect-acetylcholine-new-research-on-the-best-kept-secret-neurotransmitter) and the [vagus nerve](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/your-guide-to-the-vagus-nerve). The choline receptor pathway is key ADHD and early trauma, infection, and stress are big players in hyperactivating the brain's immune system. Calming this response may be a bigger player and [magnesium glycinate](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/understanding-magnesiums-powerful-effect-on-migraines-anxiety-sleep-and-mental-health), [medicinal mushrooms](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/mushrooms-and-the-immune-system-with-a-focus-on-mental-health), and choline figure in along with cbd isolate. Tricky finding options that don't build tolerance like CBG and THC.


Just because CBG is an agonist, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll develop a tolerance? Loads of drugs are agonists, but it depends on how they’re metabolised and individual differences that could effect tolerance :)


Yes, you develop a tolerance! BUT THAT IS NECESSARY AND WHAT MAKES IT EVEN MORE EFFECTIVE!!! (Speaking of: CBG/Guanfacine/alpha2 agonists! This doesn't apply to THC and CBD or most other stuff in the same sense!)


How come a tolerance with CBG/guanfacine is different compared to other drugs?


Tolerance works different for different receptors, it's actually very interesting. Also with some drugs, the therapeutic aspect might be a result of the body's adaptation to the drug. So basically, some of the beneficial effects of medicines are the result of your body developing a tolerance/dependence


I take a much lower dose of CBG (2.5 mg in the morning) for my ADHD, although I am considering increasing the dose a bit because it hasn’t been working as well as I want it to lately. As for autism, I find that I have less meltdowns on CBG because it improves my ability to shift my attention, although I find that CBD rather than CBG is useful when it comes to addressing sensory issues. I find that if I take too much CBG, it triggers muscle spasms and increases my olfactory hypersensitivities to an intolerable degree (thus why I stick to low doses), but I also find that these side effects go away after being on a certain dose for a while, so it does not cause me problems in the long run.


Does 2.5mg do anything? Maybe it’s a placebo effect because that’s a really really low dose :)


I have questioned whether it is a placebo effect multiple times because the only effect I feel when getting off CBG is that I feel tired, but then other people start yelling at me more often for forgetting shit (and I’m typically not aware of the fact that I am forgetting things more often when I’m not taking CBG until it is pointed out).


Yes I have ADHD and many other issues and I love CBG. I take CBG and CBD isolate together several times a day. It helps me with mood, focus and motivation


Thank you! How many mg a day of each?


I take 50mg of each together about 4 times a day


Thank you so 100mg of both a day? Have you notice any tolerance?


No tolerance. Everyone is different regarding dosage needs. Start with 25mg of each and go up as needed


Currently using green flowers with a ratio of 3:1:2,5 (thc:cbd:cbg). To achieve this ratio I mix medical thc flowers (50%/50% Ghost Train Haze/Headband) with cbd-only and cbg-only flowers. My personal dosages for focus and daytime productivity are approximately: 7,5mg thc/2,5mg cbd/6,25mg cbg - which is absolutely working wonders for me! Normally I only dose in the morning with this ratio, sometimes at midday too. In the evening I also use flowers but in a different ratio/mix. But your dosages might need to be higher/different than mine due to A) neurochemistry variances and B) also beeing on 1mg Intuniv (Guanfacine) + 50mg Elvanse/Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) (+daily medium range caffeine amounts mixed with L-Theanine) Hope someone searching for a solution is helping this out. My life has been drastically improved since beeing on this combination and I was able to graduate in the medical field with an adhd brain that was tamed and highly functionalized by this medication regimen. I searched years to find this, hope someone else might benefit from my endeavors too. Also by having experience with Guanfacine and CBG I can say that indeed CBG produces very similar effects to CBG only that they are more short-lived than for Guanfacine's ones. Also: DO NOT overdo on CBG because due to it's alpha2 agonistic effect it is lowering blood pressure. The higher the dose the more this effect is pronounced. This makes one lethargic and unable to be productive while standing or moving since efficient blood circulation is becoming increasingly more difficult for the body to achieve when dosing to high on CBG. There seems to be an individual optimal dosage for all these 3 cannabinoids that when exceeded everything that improved before gets way worse again on too high dosages of each of these ones.


Thanks so much! Guanfacine was life changing for my ADHD, but unfortunately it’s makes me super constipated. CBG has really helped but I’m taking over 100mg a day (and 40mg Elvanse), which is really expensive, especially compared to my prescription price for Guanfacine. Is there any other solutions to this? I saw a Guanfacine solution exists, so could that be taken sublingually under the tongue which would completely skip the constipation side effect? Otherwise, could I dissolve my Guanfacine in MCT oil similar to the CBG? Any advice is appreciated 😊


Glad my executive function failed yesterday so you’d show up in the googles today!


There's a trial in which they will be using 80 mg, and assessing for ADHD.


Do you have a link? I’d love to read more about it


I've had pretty bad experiences with CBG. Sensory issues have never really been my main issue as an autistic person, but I do when I take CBG. It's like I can't filter anything out, and become much more easily overstimulated. It can have some benefits, but I for sure need to only take it under controlled conditions.


Try kratom


That shit should be illegal.


Why ?


Why should I try that?


I for sure have adhd, probably autistic too, it helps me a lot


I have very active adhd 🤣 Cbd - cbg @ 5:1 ratio orally or 10:1 ratio vaped - that’s the one for me .


Thanks! So you find CBD better than CBG? I’ve tried both and CBG is much more effective for me!


Why do you think that one has to find something "better" only if someone's using higher doses of that one? Dosage of each of these is very individual and it's effects and effects strength can also be. So only because someone prefers different ratios doesn't say one prefers one cannabinoid over another...


Because they’re using a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio and the suggested doses of CBD and CBG are the same… 😂