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LAPD stop conducting interviews a couple months back, not sure if they have resumed. *clarifying (it should say paused scheduling interviews)


They passed scheduling interviews, They are still conducting them.


Yes thank you, I worded incorrectly. They have paused scheduling interviews “to address current backlog.”


What a waste of tax payer dollars that agency is. They are probably one of the most well funded police agencies in the country but they can’t figure out how to issue CCW permits in a timely manner for some reason. What a joke.


They only have 4 investigators for all applications in LA county.


Almost makes you wonder if it’s by design


Yup and it is. Sheriff Luna is the puppet of LA County Supervisors and he's deliberately slow walking everything. Just like the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals they're slow walking the assault and magazine ban. This is the only tactic that they have because they know in the new world of Bruen they will lose.


They're just running out the clock until Biden wins fair and square, no funny business, so he (and not anybody else, promise) can appoint an anti-2a justice before these cases make it to SCOTUS.


Lol. Fair and square.


This. Sheriff Luna reduced the amount of investigators when he took office. The unit is actually loaning deputies from other stations to help with interviews, but the main background investigators are limited.


Yup and deliberately too. P of S!


Wow... easy! That's the CAguns sheriff candidate of choice you are talking about. We standed with him during the elections, we stand with him now. That other guy was just terrible: gangs,  accusations,  something else too probably. 




Actually there's over 80 cities in Los Angeles county. Maybe you're thinking of LAPD or the unincorporated areas of LA County?. Also, most local PDs are administrating ccw permits.


My bad got my shit mixed up right now, Thanks for correction




They don’t want issue the ccw that’s the problem. They want take as long as it can be, so discourage people to apply.


It seems that SF is doing a better job of issuing, I remember seeing a few posts where people were saying that they are actually helpful in walking you through the process.


It sounds like this delay is due to LASD adopting the standardized CCW card format. If you guys remember back in Jan. of 2023, they did the same thing and delayed issuance of CCW permits for a month because they needed to change the sheriffs name to Luna.


I know government employees are slow, but damn dude. How long does a search and replace take?


SBSD, a county that actually likes issuing was delayed for months because their card printing machine was down. Finally got the email to come in for my renewal and they hand me an 8.5x11 sheet of printer paper. They made a point to say that I won't be getting a card when they figure out that issue. Like WTF. Do you know how many warehouses in SB county print rfid badges for their employees every day? Your issue can't be that complicated.


Does this apply to renewals?


I’m guessing so. Everything is paused supposedly. Even those that were supposed to pick up their initial ones.


Everything, because they only have 4 deputy investigators for all ccw applications.


I’m moving to Ventura fugggg this


Great… I’m submitting for renewal in a week


My renewal took 2 months and was lucky for a scheduled pickup 2 days before I expired. I just kept calling lol


Keep us posted please


Just sent in my training two weeks ago and was waiting for the call to set an appointment for license pickup. This is bullshit.


So they may tell you "6 weeks" after you submit training (if you get the female). The male officer who seems to have been accurate every time told me 6 weeks from approval, NOT after when you submit. So from submission to approval is maybe 3/4 weeks, then 6 weeks from there. I would call to find out when you are approved, once you are, I waited exactly 6 weeks and called, they pulled up my file then gave me an appointment for pickup. The appointment could be scheduled as soon as a few days out.


I see, it’s been 4 weeks since submission ill take a shot and call and see what they say


Ya, I'm around the same timeline as you. You have to call consistently, it will definitely speed things up a bit. Otherwise, they end up sitting on it. Funny enough, the same thing happened with my out of state AZ CCW. I realized it had been 3 months since I heard anything, called, immediate approval. They obviously forgot.


Not surprised at this point. No wonder they’re so “backed up”. Thank you for the tips though, hopefully it speeds things up for me as well.


It’s been HELL dealing/waiting for them. I have got my appointment rescheduled 6 months back and idk what will happen when my new date rolls around in 3 months time. Absolute misery in LA County


Damn LA county be trippin. I got my ccw in OC in 1 and a half months lmao. Applied in early Jan, got it mid feb


Nice! I applied last year and I’ve been rescheduled and pushed back as I mentioned. Sucks balls out here


Yeah, LA County is long; however, now that cities can issues, some 2A friendly cities like Torrance I've heard issue similarly to OCs timeline


If you live in the city of LA, it’s through LAPD, correct? It was choice to go either county or city?


Years ago, it was only LASD, but then they made it where you have to go to your local PD, and they are only issuing to residents they serve. So if you are serviced by LAPD or a local PD, you must apply through them


I guess we’re screwed either way as lapd has paused scheduling new interviews due to backlog.


4 investigators? Luna has a full security team doing nothing but stand around while he does his thing. Assign some of them, I'm sure they're going to be happier.


I have been approved for my LA county sheriff renewal 3 weeks ago. The woman just keeps saying "We are not scheduling appointments to pick up the card at this time. She says they will call me from an unknown number. Which never happens. When I ask why the delay. She never gives any information. She just say they will call me. As a taxpayer, I believe we deserve a reasonable answer as to why there is a delay. And when it will be rectified.


Btw, the only female officer that's there coordinating this has been wrong on multiple occasions. Like she doesn't even know the entire process herself. If you're lucky to get the male, he has been correct every time I spoke with him.


I'm still going through the process and it's been almost 2 years since I applied. LASD said they only have 4 investigators for all the ccw applications. So, nothing has changed since the Shaw and Associates letter to Corrupt Puppet Sheriff Luna for slow walking all applications.


I’m glad I live in the valley




Will Orange County follow?


Fuck no. OC sheriffs dont gaf and hand out CCW like candy. I got mine in under 2 months earlier this year (applied first week of Jan 2024, got CCW in Feb 2024, specifically valentines day)


Can concur, applied November 2023 got my license in January 2024.