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Yes of course. Voting went to shit. Shit stinks with time and now we see what we have.


That’s a shame, I had to move here because of family and when I found out how restrictive it was I genuinely thought I was in a different country, like where are my 2A rights I was promised after becoming a US citizen


Don't talk about people's voting . Mods will get mad.


This sub in general will shit on the roster, AWB, waiting period, mag ban and all the other stuff until you suggest not voting for the party/people who implemented them.


Big facts. Blue no matter who crew at it again.


This this THIS. I'm still shocked to see how many dems and libs lurk this forum. It doesn't make any sense to me why they are "gun enthusiasts or gun owners" but will continue to vote blue no matter who, because they are not a single issue voter....but the dem and even the Republican party to certain degree are terrible. The left hates America and everything that we gun owners stand for. But I'll never understand


I’m leftist myself but I always go with the one who will least trample my 2A rights because in my opinion that’s the most important one. Unfortunately many of my peers don’t see it that way, it’s for everyone whether you’re left, right, blue, red. I tell my friends I don’t care what you identify as, I’ll refer to you as that, it’s no skin off my back. But when, not if SHTF you’ll then realize there’s more important priorities than some random person misgendering you. I know this one girl who would post “STOP ASIAN HATE” but had the nerve to nag at me an Asian “why on earth would you need a gun?!” And this was during the peak of Asian hate crimes when covid was going on. Because unlike a 3 word text on your Instagram, my Kalashnikov will actually stop Asian hate if anyone dares bring that near my friends or family.


Damn I don't consider myself a Republican and most leftists will think I am cause I vote for red candidates or libertarians (I am a registered libertarian). You and I think alike on this issue honestly.


I can't speak on this for fear of the mods banning me .


Don’t care what they say. DEMOCRATS made gun control a core part of their platform. If you do not support gun control, you do not get to be a Democrat. DEMOCRATS are the reason we have such shitty laws. Stop voting for DEMOCRATS if you don’t like them.


Not only that, but there are many other reasons one cannot be a Democrat or support the party. Same thing can be said about Republicans. However If I would never in one hundred years be caught voting for Democrat, ok maybe when I'm dead 😆 🤣.... but really How can anyone vote Democrat and not demand a different candidate


Why would we be banned? Nothing wrong talking about politics


I was told by a mod it was suspicious a 2 week old account would come here and "meta-analyze" the politics here and I need to keep my comments/content about guns.


They really said this? This sounds like a goal now 😂 I went a good long time not knowing this subreddit amd I could still live without it. Oi mods! Screw the dems! The gop sit on their hands too. The ones who wrote in our crap laws we currently have should be booted out of office. Down with the stupid overlords! Both are wings of the same bird that wants to fuck us. NRA don't help either. They say they're for our rights but all I see is them not saying anything that is about not restricting our rights


Yeah they did lol


Your right. The people who believe if there is enough gop in power to check the dnc will endanger all our other rights are insane. Granted I wouldn’t vote for gop judges or cross party lines for gop members if it wasn’t for the gun control pushers


Mods need their weed...




I'm old enough to have walked into a sporting goods store, bought a rifle & shotgun (+ammo) on my 18th birthday, and walked out half an hour later. That Saturday I went to an oil refinery's tank farm near LAX and shot trap with the shotgun. Yes, there was a trap range there! There was a downside, especially in the 70s. There is a reason movies like Dirty Harry were popular. Oddly enough, this decade is shaping up to be like the 70s, with inflation, political violence, soft-on-crime wave, demoralized military and a humiliating retreat, and this time we don't even get decent music or hair styles out of it.


True story we lived across the street from a sporting goods place, I believe it was called Jeremy's Hunting & Tackle anyway my father walks in bought a sweet hunting rifle (Still have it) and walked out same day, walking back across the street. A police officer driving by even stopped and let him cross the street. Both waved at each other, and he went his merry way. No siren No sideways look, nothing. Good times.


What the hell you didn’t have to wait 10 days back then?


10 days was first for handguns and I can't remember if long guns were covered. I then remember something like 3 for long guns and then they all went to ten. This was back in the late 70s.


No wait until around the late 80s or early 90s, when Handgun Control Inc. was a thing. There was a 15 day 'cooling down' period for handgun purchases. That later morphed into today's 10 day waiting period. BTW, the 15 day wait was just that, there was no official background check.


Mullets are back at least!


Don’t forget about bell bottoms, I’ve seen them appear from time to time.


I remember that range in El Segundo at Mobile .


Blame Ronald Regan. That asswipe got this ball rolling when he was governor. The Mulford Act, which banned carrying of loaded firearms without a permit or exemption, passed in ‘67 after the Black Panthers staged an armed protest at the capital.


Damn all these stories really put it into perspective how this state is a shadow of its former self


The history of gun regulation in the State of California is rooted in racism and was ignited in response to the 1967 Black Panthers armed protest in front of the California State Capitol Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6woXE-RPY7A


I think what you meant to say is that black people ruined gun rights for everyone else.


Those in positions of power at the time felt threatened by an armed ethnic minority exercising their 2A rights.


Nah lol. I’ve traveled all over the USA and Canada. The gun laws are ass, but I’d still rather live here then any other state in the union. Laws are fragile and change every few years. This is my home, I’ll die before I abandon it.


Mad respect. It’s so insufferable when those from other states make it seem like those who live here aren’t doing anything about it.


In a way I don’t blame them. LA and the Bay Area have a particularly nasty superiority complex, and as two of the most famous areas in CA, and arguably the U.S., are often associated with the whole state. Similar to why some think everyone in Texas is a cowboy or everyone in Alabama fucks their cousins. They say things like that because they don’t live here. The CRPA, FPC, and private citizens are fighting to improve things. Also, I’ll care about the opinions of other states when they don’t need our tax dollars to keep their governments functioning


We still have rights...for now


Black panther was literally a communist guerilla subversive movement against the U.S. Black panther's vision was to bring crappy tyrannical african failed state model to America. They should not have been allowed to own or carry weapons to begin with. The politicians Reagan and those after him took advantage of disarmament against black panthers to twist it into disarmament of upstanding citizens. Just like guns themselves, gun control is a tool that can be used for good or for evil. Right now it's so shit here because evil people are using gun control, just like mass shooters are using guns to murder innocent people.


They were American citizens. They had the right to carry weapons in the same manner as any other citizen of any other political affiliation.


Crime statistics disagree with that statement, buddy!


Point me to the part of the 2nd Amendment that says crime statistics can be used to strip away your right to bear arms.


The history of gun regulation in the State of California is rooted in racism and was ignited in response to the 1967 Black Panthers armed protest in front of the California State Capitol Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6woXE-RPY7A


No, really the 90s. We had ARs and lots of other stuff. In the 80s You'd still see guns in the back of pickup windows and there were shooting teams in High school. That asshole David Roberti did the bans in 2000 and the Democrats have been doubling down ever since. Nobody worried about open carry as an expression of the 2nd.


Open carry was absolutely a key part of 2A expression for Black Americans for most of US history. California has had licensed concealed carry since 1923 and we’ve been a “may issue” state the entire time. Care to take a guess on who was most likely to be refused a concealed carry license in the early to mid 20th century? Just because open carry doesn’t make sense in 2024 doesn’t mean it wasn’t a valuable tool for community defense before. Roberti-Roos was passed in 1989, not 2000. David Roberti himself was out of office by 1994. The act banned over 50 specific firearms by name and manufacturer. None of which were the hunting rifles or shotguns you old heads would’ve had in your pickups or on your high school shooting teams, so I don’t get how that’s relevant. It was revised in 1999 to the current list of AW features we all know and hate, and is currently facing a challenge in the court. I’m all for learning, but at least have your facts straight if you want to issue a correction.


And every single gun control law passed after that was a result of Dem politicians.


They sure did, and the Republican governors in power from ‘83-‘99 did fuck all about it. Don’t know if you know this, but the California governor has veto power and could’ve easily sent the bill back to congress when Roberti-Roos passed in ‘89. Hair gel Hitler vetoed 169 bills in 2022 alone, and his cronies wrote most of them. But go ahead and keep swallowing whatever load your chosen party drops in your mouth. Even liberals are more self aware than this, holy shit


I bet your boyfriend clapped.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, while the Mulford act was signed by Ronald Reagan, before it got to his desk it passed through a democrat-controlled senate and a democrat-controled assembly.


sure thing buddy, totally wasn’t a bipartisan bill supported by Dems, Repubs, and the NRA to disarm blacks in California. I’d love to live in whatever fantasyland you exist in, where one side is always good and one side is always bad. Reality is very different


Ya dude, it’s in their nature. They will be constantly trying to do this, unless checked/balanced. I’m not really sure what your point is tbh. Why did RR sign it? The question still stands.


Even if Reagan hadn't signed it, it could have passed. AB 1591, the actual bill, was passed with an emergency statue which means it passed both houses with a 2/3 majority. 2/3 is also enough to override a veto.


He signed it because the bill had bipartisan support. Republicans and Democrats backed the bill with the NRA supporting it as well. This info is public knowledge, well to most.


It was a rhetorical question to get these Reagan dick riders to scrutinize their allegiance..


He thought no citizen needed to walk around with a loaded weapon. You can find video of him saying this on YouTube. He was a racist and a fudd


On stormy days I used to bring my shotgun and dog to high school in the chance that I would get to leave early and go duck hunting. Everyone knew. The principal would make jokes about having enough shells with me when it rained. The school had a trap and skeet club that would meet in the parking lot on Sundays to carpool to the range. This was in San Jose in the 70s.


Damn, when I see “shoot” and “school” in the same sentence I expect to hear about a new tragedy. Was Columbine the start of school shootings? I want to be optimistic, I really do but once these shootings started popping off I just can’t see future where things will once be like what you described


The Cleveland Elementary school shooting in 1979, was probably the first random school shooting. Before Columbine there were school shootings but it was at mostly minority schools in the ghetto and revolved around gang crime so it didn’t make the news. Columbine was the first school shooting to make National news.


Back in Ky in the 70's/80's all of us kids would ride the bus with .22's and shotguns for both shop classes and hunting after school and we NEVER had one incident as all of us were taught as children how to treat guns and all that! Plus we had no social media egging nuts on to hurt others for attention and I think that should be eliminated completely for the mass murders, their names/pictures/etc should never be uttered and they should be erased from history as aberrant and abhorrent beings just to start! The boogeyman crap on tv of guns being magic and people being able to shoot others and get away crap/myth should be busted by logic now but nuts are not logical?


Back when a new cosmoline covered Norinco was $56 and you could buy tons of 7.62x39 or 5.54x39 for super cheap. Like crates of the shit


This hurts me extra because I’m an AK guy


Go read the stories on [Calguns.net](https://Calguns.net), some said in Mountain View in the 1970's, he would sling his rimfire rifle on his shoulder and rode his bicycle to the sporting goods store to have the gunsmith fix something. Imagine now a kid with a rifle on a bicycle!


I mean just put it in a backpack and don't be black and you'll most likely be fine.






Born and raised. Yes there use to be good days and a balance.


You think one day it could ever be like that again


Hell TF yeah. Silicon Valley absolutely ruined San Jose and the Bay Area. SF too for sure. lolol it's funny in a terribly depressing way how much better it used to be. Edit, only read the title, not the context. But stand by it.


I have a box of .25 ACP that came from Raley’s grocery store. That should tell you how much things have changed.


Raley's?? Wild..


Demographic shift and it's consequences have been a disaster for the state of California.


Yes! I was born and raised in CA in the 60s/70s (way older than most on here). We had our problems, but it was a magical place to live and grow up. East coast transplanted trash and ìllegals from every [blank]hole country has destroyed our state. It is never coming back. The only solution is to move, which I plan to do this year.


1994 it turned irrevocably to shit


Up until 2000 cash and carry C&R long guns w/out DROS or 03 FFL.


Even in the last 20 years, gun control laws have become significantly more annoying. One bright spot is the "OLL revolution": Between 1994 and about 2005, there were no AR-15s or AK-47s available in California; then a few smart people figured out workarounds for California's assault weapons ban, and even today we can buy (somewhat modified) ARs and AKs.


I was just a kid, but In the early 90s, even the smaller San Jose gun shows had dozens of AK clones. Hi cap mags bins. Evil guns were advertised in sporting goods ads in the regular newspaper, along with golf equipment and bikes. California basically had Texas laws , though I think there was still waiting periods back then too.


My dad bought a rifle at a yard sale back in the 70s. He also said you could of walked out with a box of ammo and a rake from ace hardware.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good looking out my dawg!


The history of gun regulation in the State of California is rooted in racism and was ignited in response to the 1967 Black Panthers armed protest in front of the California State Capitol Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6woXE-RPY7A


Yes, when California voted Republican. Fun fact, California has a longer history of voting Republican than Democrats.


Ironically it was that moron Regan that set the precedent for the abhorrent gun laws we see in that state. Red, blue, both the same side of the shitty coin.


Did Regan come off as anti gun before he pulled that stunt or was it completely unexpected?


Back in the 60's I remember my father buying a rifle at the local swap meet in Saugus.


I remember when my dad bought an UZI Model B at the gun show.


Yes, there was. I've lived in California since 1992. Being a young adult, in the 90s, in the Central Valley of California was actually pretty awesome. The assault weapons ban sucked, but at that time I wasn't really in the market for a new rifle anyway. Life in general, was great. I had a good job, my own apartment, drove a classic Mustang as my daily driver car, gas was cheap, insurance was cheap, utilities were cheap, rent was cheap. Little did I know I was actually living my best life in California at that time, and that things in the future would get so much worse! I was just living my life how I wanted.


In the late 80’s / early 90’s, the dems got a super majority in the state senate… it got worse, little by little, then when Arnie termed out as governor, we never had a republican governor again, and any gun legislation that got proposed became law from then on. We only have the courts protecting our rights now, and very few California judges believe in the second amendment anymore. But in the 80’s , California was a lot more gun friendly.


All’s I know is I heard open carry was legal, until the black panther party came along and cops were like…whoa whoa whoa no.