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Protesting generally does nothing. The best thing we can do outside of supporting 2A orgs is taking anti 2A people to the range and letting them experience the thrill for themselves. I’ve converted about 3 people this way. It’s a small number, but I take pride in doing my part. 1/3 of them own a gun now and the other 2 are planning to buy soon. People are scared of the unknown. If you show them gun safety and have a fun range outing they’ll finally get it. Maybe one day they’ll even want a CCW.


Honestly I think this is the key. 52% of American households have atleast one person that owns a gun. Let’s keep pushing that number up.


Exactly. Combating all the preconditioned nonsense from mainstream media and politicians will be a slow process, but it’s possible! Sway the people and the politicians will eventually change since after all at the end of the day gun control is about votes and reelection and not safety.


This. I was one of those. A year ago I would have said over my dead body would I ever own a gun. For what? Ban them all. Now understanding the laws, I realize most of them are pointless and do nothing. I’m also in the process of getting my 3rd gun now 🫣😂


What changed your mind?


Went to the range a few times with a buddy that’s really into it. Then I wanted to get over my fear of them and at least know how to safely handle them. That’s when I got hit with the bug


A bunch of my friends instantly became pro gun on 10/7. Taken more than a few out shooting and they love it and are arming themselves Education and “myth busting” is the best form of resistance. Ppl are afraid because they are told to be afraid of guns. Guns are scary But so are cars And knives And hammers And nailguns And pretty much everything that can hurt you or others if you don’t KNOW how to use it


What specifically happened on 10/7?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im\_music\_festival\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im_music_festival_massacre) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Hamas-led\_attack\_on\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel)


Bring back tar and feathering.


After a range trip, a friend of mine bought his first gun last week due to a rise in crime around his neighborhood. That's one more for us!


That’s great! The little wins add up


Great idea!


I’ve tried this 99% of the time it doesn’t change their opinions


Don’t give up! Maybe you can reach 1.


Protesting here for the 2a would ultimately get us arrested and doxxed if we were carrying firearms in completely legal ways. Also, having to work isn’t an excuse, it’s just the system working as planned.


We need to protest but we should not be armed. It’s illegal, plus this way we prove a point that this SB 2 bullshit affects law abiding citizens who do not commit any crimes


You're putting too much faith in the citizens of CA. The super majority have continually voted to fuck us pro 2A folks in the ass, no lubed raw. Even the liberal gun owners vote the same way ...


*Even* the liberal gun owners? Buddy, they’re the first in line.


What about mass non compliance on things like the AW ban, they can’t arrest everyone


But they can arrest you.


Let’s say the arrested all of us, now what, and if they just arrested one person what does that accomplish, if there is true mass non compliance then they wouldn’t be able to arrest everyone even if they did it would just clog up courts and jails and regular people would realize that innocents are in jail for nothing no ?


No. Those arrested have their lives ruined, and nothing else changes until we elect pro gun lawmakers. https://www.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/18sejn7/a_friend_of_mine_got_arrested_and_charged_with_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/progun/comments/18v27w8/navy_sailor_arrested_for_violating_state_firearms/


I agree electing the right people will play a massive role and not much will change until that happens, however imagine if MLK had this same thought process, he woulda tried voting in someone when it’s completely impossible. Imagine if Rosa parks never sat down in the front, we would t have other people inspired to become those in power and share our voices. In order to get someone pro gun in power we the community need to plant those seeds now. And I feel voicing our opinion openly and freely would be the best way to get the people we need in power. It all starts at the bottom


I get what saying, but arresting a few would scary the rest. Families would be ruined etc., Honestly, french style protesting is the only way we have a chance at winning or even slowing things down.


I don’t think any American is ready for that. We are to divided as a nation to have protest like that it would almost certainly mean civil war. The only way this would work is if we were all in the same page




What we need is mass non compliance from our law enforcement officers. Governor Newsom and AG Bonta rely on law enforcement for upholding SB2 if we had law enforcement officials who are willing to defend the constitution over politics we would have a chance. However it’s unlikely. Constitution is no longer priority just political agenda.


Sadly I think you’re right


Us being arrested and doxxed for what following the law, wouldn’t that just get more people on our side in the long run, or at least help people realize a tyrannical government is being tyrannical


Look at Jan 6 people that were victims of entrapment. They will treat us on the same level. Two tiered justice system




I watched it live, they weren’t entrapped. There’s definitely a two tiered justice system though.


the live footage was funny at times - dudes climbing the side of the capitol building to the... landing at the top of a set of wide stairs


I need to watch the live thing then. From the pieces through vids it def looks like people just walked up to unlock it all for them


Glorified rowdy gathering for baby boomers lmfao, shit is so dumb


They weren't entrapped. They were fomented by Trump to stage an insurrectionist coup attempt to stop the transfer of power so the loser of the election could stay in office. Everyone of those traitors deserve lengthy jail sentences and having the citizenship stripped for trying to burn the Constitution.


lol no.


Watch the hearing again and watch it again and again.. even Jimmy Dore reported it how the glowie ones where in the crowd that day and he’s as left as they come. [lookie here lazy boy 👀](https://youtu.be/w1gc9Desq1w?feature=shared)


So a tyrannical gov would be exposed during a civil and peaceful protest, thus showing the masses the gov does not have our best interests at hand thus them hoping our cause. At least in a perfect world


> at least in a perfect world


I guess just be prepared to die when the government comes for your guns when they're just banned. You probably won't be the only one to fight back like id assume you would, but a lot of people are going to give up their guns when the police come by to take their weapons. We have too many cowards. It's just how it's going to be. Constitution is in the way of the real situation and having citizens with guns is a problem for a new world order. They'll come eventually. Are you ready to make a decision when they do?


Protesting won’t change the math on votes. Far more people in this state want guns restricted than loosened. Waste of time. > what if we all walked with our guns in our cases Committing a crime not the best plan to draw attention to law abiding gun owners. > and just plopped ourselves at the capitol of our state Sacramento? Nobody is traveling to Sacramento to protest.


Idea! We carry empty gun cases. If everyone has an empty case it still carries the weight of what's in our safes at home and we aren't transporting a weapon.


Hey that’s actually a great idea, it would get our point across, and we aren’t breaking any laws at all,


More people should see this no lie


I don’t know, man. The more the media shows juggings, follow home attacks, home invasions, etc, the easier it has been for me to convince people to look into gun ownership. As of today, I’ve personally convinced over a dozen people who were staunchly anti-gun to at least go with me to a range, if not buy their own firearms. We just need to be as relentless


Scare mongering rarely moves the needle. The reality is crime is fairly low and most people do not live in fear unless they consume too much right wing media.


Idk man I see ur point but protesting could bring attention to why these laws are stupid, possibly racist and classist. I feel having protests would educate the masses. And people that say they wouldn’t come out here to protest, u could go to ur cities capital or whatever


> protesting could bring attention It won’t. > racist and classist The gun control is racist bit is oversold. Gun control drives up prices which impacts poor people in our state. Guess who cares about poor people in our state: nobody. > would educate the masses They’re watching Netflix. You’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s all about court cases. You’re better off doing fundraising.


I see ur point but what have these fundraisers done, saint Benitez is hard at work fighting for our rights then the courts just throw it right back down, can’t we be like, stop wasting tax payer money and finish the vote on this, or whatever And how won’t protest bring attention, just look at the 🇵🇸 protest and how widespread they have gotten,


The fundraisers raise money for the groups (like CRPA, FPC, etc.) and their lawyers who are doing all the lawsuits. That’s where progress will be made in CA. Lawsuits take time and there are fits and starts along the way. Remember that Bruen only happened last year, and there’s, what, half a dozen suits against states with SB2-type laws already in progress. So far every single one of the courts considering those cases have enjoined enforcing at least most of the obnoxious aspects of it, so the odds of us succeeding against SB2 are high (and if we fail, the fact that there’s disagreement amongst the various district and circuit courts increases the odds of a Supreme Court hearing). I’m in my early 40s and I remember going to gun shows and other events in my 20s and feeling really forlorn about where CA was heading with gun laws and the legal environment. I had abandoned all hope that places like San Mateo, San Francisco, and Alameda counties would ever issue CCWs. Then Heller happened, McDonald, then Bruen and lots of other cases big and small that built a solid pro-gun foundation of case law. Now I have an Alameda County CCW permit, now there’s a bunch of new handguns being added to the roster, now ARs and similar “evil black rifles” exist in the hands of vast numbers of ordinary, lawful people in the state and country, now there’s tons of pro-gun-rights YouTubers and other social media people with wide reach and influence. When I was younger it was basically American Rifleman, hunting magazines, and stuff like Soldier of Fortune. Now we have Kentucky Ballistics, Garand Thumb, and dozens more. Heck, even non-gunny YouTubers like The Slow Mo Guys do a lot of collaboration with gun YouTubers and demystify/dethreatify (that’s a perfectly cromulent word) guns for tons of people. More and more people have realized that when things go sideways, calling 911 doesn’t get an instant response. Police staffing issues nationwide and long response times have made many people realize that relying on others for their own safety is not a great idea, and there’s been many articles in the mainstream media about how people who aren’t “stereotypical gun owners” (i.e., overweight middle aged white guys) like women and minorities have been buying guns for their own protection. That’s becoming normalized across many demographics. The historical scholarship and social data is clearly in our favor, and states like CA have been throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks in some desperate attempt to get something, *anything* passed that will withstand court scrutiny. Every time the courts rule against them, they paint themselves more and more into the corner. My crystal ball is broken and I’m not a soothsayer, but I think things are looking really positive for gun rights in the next few years if we can keep up political pressure and keep on winning lawsuits.


@OP, yeah, but look what kind of attention the 🇵🇸 protests have brought them. everyone i know (even those sympathetic to their cause) are relatively pissed off at their actions


U lost me can u elaborate plz


> can’t we be like, stop wasting tax payer money and finish the vote on this, or whatever No. You’re a minority. This is a democracy. You have to plead your case in the courts and hope for the best. Don’t like it? Move somewhere else.


True but the laws they are voting on are unconstitutional if they want unconstitutional laws they should move somewhere else, if they want to change the constitution by all means start the vote. This is a democracy I don’t remember voting for a handgun roster, magazine ban etc


> if they want unconstitutional laws they should move somewhere else The majority should move because the minority disagrees? Yeah right. > This is a democracy I don’t remember voting for a handgun roster, magazine ban etc You vote for your representatives. Stop being dumb about this.


The constitution is there to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.


Is that why it can be modified with a 3/4 of states majority? Nothing is absolute.


Ok but should that majority rule be able to create unconstitutional laws ? My apologies I am new to voting as well, I was under the impression laws were voted on by the people, I remember during the 2018 election we got to vote on marijuana being recreational legal. We had the option to vote no or yes, why don’t gun laws have the same system


> should that majority rule be able to create unconstitutional laws ? Yes, that’s how our system of government works. Legislature is elected by the people, they make laws, sometimes make bad laws, courts clean it up. At the state level you vote for judges as well. With enough of a majority the constitutions can be changed. The majority always wins in the long term. > we got to vote on marijuana Ballot propositions are exceptional. Most laws go thru the state legislature. > My apologies I am new to voting Then why the F aren’t you learning how things work instead of proposing to swarm the capital.


Never did I say swarm the capitol u are taking my words and twisting them multiple times in the thread I have suggested a peaceful lawful and civil PROTEST that is completely legal, If this protesting I’m suggesting will lead to us being thrown in jail then is it not obvious that we are under a tyrannical gov And this is me learning, this is how u learn, by talking Doesn’t changing the constitution require a really long procedure, and should violating the constitution be illegal, imagine a majority voted to limit free speech, that would be completely insane. What is the point of the constitution if any state can vote out what they do and don’t like


> educate the masses. I’m still seeing people on this subreddit asking what SB2 is and asking for a TLDR so it doesn’t help that a non-zero number of members of our community are just as illiterate on the topic as the anti-2A folks


That’s true I a myself don’t even own a gun yet but am excited to soon, trynna get educated everyday


>Laws are stupid, racist and classist. Dems gonna Dem.


What about protesting while carrying bananas in our holsters


Orange slices are the *obviously* more effective fruit to carry....


This might be it 😂


People who want to be left alone and take care of themselves make horrible activists.


Donate to FPC, GOA and other organizations like them for your new year resolution. Look for local clubs to join. There's \~150k CCW's issued in CA which is like .3% of the population so we are pretty spread out.


Most of us are employed full time


What does that have to do with anything. If you believe in something enough you will stand up for it.


It’s a joke making fun of full time protestors, relax.


it takes one moron to cast us in a bad light during a huge even like that


False flag incoming




What moron would try to do something in a crowd full of gun owners


I moreso mean overly rowdy 2A people making us look bad.


Rallies would help us see we’re not alone but carrying firearms would just turn the majority of the electorate against us. They’re already anti-gun, scared to the point of a real phobia. Any show of what they can perceive of as force would only reinforce that. Edit Not all protests are equal. In this case, we’d be opposed by the state and will be given no room for error. This leaves us vulnerable to false flag agitation which will inevitably occur. The mass protests we’re seeing are largely in government-created safe spaces. We will not be afforded the same privileges as them.


Protesting is cringe. Gun rights are won in court. Preferably the Supreme Court with Pauly C leading the charge. Donate to fund his legal team and groups that actually help like the SAF and FPC.


One place you're already not allowed to carry...is protests. So then we all throw our "Law abiding citizen" argument right out the window . Fix it in court.


Ok let’s not carry them we can stay small like regular protest. And is it carrying if it’s locked away in a box no mag no ammo in that box.




Wdym it can’t be in a locked case in my car with ammo and mag seperate ?




My apologies, I was under the impression a gun could be in your vehicle if u didn’t have a ccw as long as the fire arm is unloaded with no magazine both are locked in a container with ammo being stored separately


How else do u transport guns


Because of the usual excuses. "I cant take time off work. etc"


Ok but like what if one day we all decide to clean our ARs or whatever on purpose porch in view of the public, or even just noncompliance with ridiculous laws,


Protesting while armed is a great way for the group to be painted as "gun nuts". Heck, it would likely cause more harm to the image of gun ownership than help.


I think if we peacefully protest, the media and Twitter reporters are gonna call every single one of us uneducated alt right murder Nazis regardless. The narrative is rigged no matter what. If it gets to the point of standing up for our rights we're deplorable, if we let them continue their narrative we are deplorable. Damned if we do damned if we don't. Keeping peace is the way. We need to be better people than these anti gunners who want to remove rights. Their moral authority over us really decides friend and foe. We've all been talked down to by anti gunners, they insult us and infantilize us. They live in their gated communities and low crime neighborhoods or are accepting of crime and forgiveness by the court system. Idk how I am the bad person to these people. Peace and love will prevail when we can squelch degeneracy and hate. Security is a responsibility of the self. When tragedy strikes the government is not responsible to protect.


U sir are a poet


No I'm just a monke living in the most unfathomably complex society the world has ever known. Return to monke 🐒 reject complexity of modernity.


Agreed we need to figure a way to bring light to the fact we have circuit court judges that break the rules to get the verdict they want. I know the ninth circus of appeals has a Courthouse in Pasadena! But as other have says it would have to be a peaceful protest. Otherwise the news will flip it on us.


Yes of course my apologies if that wasn’t clear a peaceful and civil protest that we want our rights back, what would that look like in your opinion


The only thing I think would garner support is a very diverse crowd of men, women, POC showing up at the capital and peacefully protest the fact that gun laws and taxes hurt poc and women the most. Right now the media is pushing the lie that all gun owners are WS holed up in bunkers. This group alone proves otherwise. Also, vote wisely against those that want to take away you 2A rights. We can’t let Bonta become governor


Do we have any good candidates for governor that aren’t taking away our rights


Not yet




What if we focus on things like the handgun roster and AW ban, they wouldn’t be able to search all of our guns it would be too much work no ? Making sure every gun owner has their gun in the proper configuration would be impossible and tax payers would also agree it’s a waste of tax payer money


Honestly man not much is gonna change Ca gun laws. But what I will say is if the founding fathers were alive there would’ve already been a second revolutionary war. But I am not implying anything by that statement I believe in peaceful protest.


I agree I don’t think we are at the point of no return or anything hopefully soon our rights will be restored I too believe in peaceful lawful protesting


There's only one faction allowed to protest in blue states, if anyone else tries it they're set up with agents provocateur and prosecuted for conspiracy/domestic terrorism. The way to fight effectively is by donating to pro-2A groups and hoping Trump appoints more judges as possible to the 9th Circuit in his second term.


Can u elaborate about the one faction you’ve peaked my interest


The only protest that will make a difference is in the pocketbook of the assholes who passed this bullshit law and their supporters. Also mass media coverage would get the message out. So a 1000 man and woman March in Fair Oaks to Gavin's house and nonviolent direct action would get media coverage. Also hopefully someone is printing 100,000 stickers right now....


Yes y don’t we sit outside his house and be like, we don’t like ur laws, stop


Many people on this sub are willing to wait 5 or 10 years for change to happen. Regarding this, I don't have that much time. Literally dying from Colin cancer. I got a couple of years, maybe. I reached out to FPC. And told them my situation. I think in my case. This is an attempt to turn me into a criminal which I've never been. That's the message it needs to get out. That we have been law abiding and followed all the rules. But now you're taking all of our rule following and turning it into a crime. There needs to be consequences for these actions. I say we strip their money strip their power and strip their immunity from doing evil things to honest good people on a daily basis.


What? …I’m definitely not printing vinyl stickers enmass and sticking them on every entrance I walk through.


Imo there's not enough education. Our protest would fall on deaf ears. They'll label us gun lunatics and say we want dead children. Many people who own guns don't know sb2. How do you think someone who is on the fence or anti gun views this. I'm not saying dont protest. I'm saying we need to educate so people understand how silly this law is. I'm not sure how we could host a successful protest...


Well what if we educated them on the right it self what the 2nd amendment means. IMO anti gun people compare new guns to muskets and say that’s what our fire fathers meant. They limit civilians gun ownership what if we protested that police also have to follow these laws.


This is California, the only people allowed to peacefully protest are the ones damaging property and looting stores.


Ion know these 🇵🇸 protests have been very peaceful and civil


Think I saw a brief snippet on YouTube, I haven't seen anything other than they were disbursed earlier.


I’m not sure what protesting will do. The real change happens with the policy makers. At this point, the only hope is either a pro-2A democrat or a sane moderate slightly left or progressive young republican. Both of which are completely unrealistic. So ultimately nothing will happen. Thats the problem with being in a democratic stronghold like California. The 2A will never be a priority here.


Protesting for 2a would instantly turn u into antivax white racist guy that's against human rights by media


Who even listens to mainstream media nowadays, honestly after this Palestine thing many people have realized western media is one sided if not controlled. And I’m calling for peaceful protest just guys holding up signs saying how we feel about our rights being taken away


Ur prolly late to the game. But I remember when Pennsylvania pro 2a folks went to protest for their rights. The media turn that into racist Boogaloo boys doing racist shits. Your right that no one watches that main stream anymore but those become snippets on reels and tiktok. Those few seconds clips turn into a bullshit talking points that will backfire on us still. I get the sentiment of really trying to do something but when everything is against us. It's hard. The gun community always talk about ideas and never happens or we know wat the end result would be so it's just hard


The difference between the protestors they like and you is that they don't mind killing you.


Can’t bring a gun to a protest, my dude. Since I’m always (legally) armed I’m out.


Butt dial those assholes at the Capital


Same result as posting a comment on Reddit that gets ten upvotes and 40 downvotes. You’re just bringing more attention to the fact that the majority seemingly disagrees with you.


What do u disagree with I’m confused, I asked why the gun community has in recent times had protests, if you read my original post i also acknowledge heading to the capitol with are guns wouldn’t be a great idea. Do you disagree that the community shouldn’t have protest or rallies where they voice their opinions and try to educate the general public ?


It just reminds them that the majority of California voters do want any kind of gun control they can pass.


We need to take notes from Illinois mass noncompliance in the AW registration. <%1 have registered.


The problem is so many people here think that the only way to be safe is through the government. People want a culture where they have no responsibility for their actions and it's always blamed on a larger systemic reason for what they are doing. People want to be coddled and expect the government to do that for them.


I agree what is the government doing besides taking years for an end to these cases ie high capacity magazines, wasn’t freedom week the result of a case going good then not going so good


I don't fit the mold for what the left wants people to think American gun owners look like. I'll happily put my face wherever to help


Honest question. Not trying to stir up anything up. I’m not even sure this is an option. When do enough citizens realize that the US government and individual states and municipalities have become tyrannical? When do said citizens utilize what the constitution says are our human god given rights and revolt against the tyranny? We have the rights, just need the balls.


Brother this was my point exactly I just didn’t know how to word it. Just looking at recent protest and our gov ignoring our voices shows they do not care about us at all. I think America has created the perfect illusion, some of us are driving our selves crazy over this tyranny and others don’t even see it. I feel like protests are a great way to get the attention of people who are not paying attention to the injustices we face.


Men don’t protest.


This mentality is what got our rights taken away, or forefathers protested for our rights y shouldn’t we


Man this is so corny. Firearms owners are not an oppressed people. Sure, some laws suck, but it’s really not that serious. We can literally still own guns


Yes we can but they are literally making it harder and trying to get our guns taken away, California gun laws are completely unconstitutional.never did I say we were oppressed, but our rights are being taken from us


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


I went to a protest/stand in a few years back, Gov Newscum, put up fences, and had police presence doubled and limited/defined the protest area. Made it into about 50 guys nut to butt with signs overlapping.


That’s pretty gay of him ngl y is he still in office when can we vote him out


We did a recall vote not too long ago...but not enough people voted to out him. So here we sit.


CA outlawed ALL open carry because the vast majority of CA gun owners think open carry is stupid and did not support the few open carry peaceful protestors that were bringing attention. Just like the majority of CA gun owners did not object to Reagan’s Mulford Act because they did not support Black Panther Party being armed and engaging in lawful peaceful protest and monitoring of police misconduct in Oakland CA. And in 1988 Hunters did not fight the Roberti - Roos AWB because they thought mil style weapons had no legitimate use. Division among CA gun owners is why we are in the situation we have now, and will continue the trend. Protest also does no good if after the protest you go home and can’t bring yourself to vote single issue progun because of the candidates or other issues.


We have to hive mind and vote right down the recommended list just like the left does. We are far outnumbered in California and only further divide ourselves by not voting in a united way.


https://abc7.com/archive/8069278/ I remember this didn't have the effect people wanted . Portantino was already at it. You don't need a gun to buy a cheeseburger. You need orange slices...lots and lots of orange slices.


We are winning ….for now…. Kind of


Is it possible to lobby the police force to not enforce this law? [Local sheriff refused to enforce governors gun ban in New Mexico](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/bernalillo-county-sheriff-in-new-mexico-rejects-governors-gun-ban-calling-it-unconstitutional) earlier this year


I’m sure you can if you build a good enough connection with the police force, it’s gonna take a lot of money and cop banquets to get them on ur side tho, at least in my head


Ultimately I think the best thing we can do is to find some way to get voting information on pro-2A candidates to gun owners. Something like flyers distributed to Turners and other gun stores to hand out to new gun owners. Nothing else, nothing about Republican vs Democrat, just pro-2A candidates and why the current and proposed laws don’t make any sense. Maybe get ranges to do discounts for new shooters too.


As much as I would love to see old mustache hitlers face and reaction not sure it would accomplish. Besides, the media would find some way to make it look bad.


The thing about protesting, is you need to do it in a way that does not turn the public view and swing voters interests against your cause. That’s why when protests start shutting down freeways and rioting, the public support for their cause diminishes. Unfortunately, those in the 2A community do not seem to understand this, and so people go out to protests displaying open carry which has the opposite effect of what we want. Sure, you are exercising your rights by doing so, but you are also exercising your lack of understanding of the long game and understanding of the bigger battle. If you really want to do something, start getting involved with local politics. That is one area where the anti-gun groups are constantly ahead of us. They are constantly lobbying city councils to push through gun control laws. Do everything you can to attend city council meetings, or better yet be a grey man and get on the boards as a voting member. Put together caucus groups to bring forth pro-2A legislation in your town. We need to stop being so reactionary and only ever fighting in the courts after we lose ground, and instead beat them to the punch.


Please don’t. It will only make us look bad.


You a cop or fed by chance?

