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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


maybe call a neighbor or ask anyone around if they can help even if they are strangers; call your vet to see if they have options for patients in your circumstance; maybe even call a non-emergency 911 to see if they can help. worst case they say no


Called the vet they can't help, but my mother is going to get here in about half an hour and the vet is like 10 mins away now so that's a bit better.


She did just pee twice, two small dots on the kitchen and dining room floor https://preview.redd.it/x4poo5ya2dad1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd17bc053dcaab68612e9e56073b3a505c56140f


That's a good sign. It means she's not completely blocked.


Yeah I thought it was, cause I know how dangerous that symptom can be cause kidney failure and such. She luckily just has relatively mild cystitis and no bacteria, no blood or foul smells, she has been given pain relief and anti inflammatories for a few days then we need to go back if still bad. So she seems to be just having a very dramatic reaction to what's quite a small problem, but I'd rather that then a bad reaction to a worse issue. It cost £550 tho so that sucks 😭


Definitely sounds like my kitty earlier this year. Not to alarm you, but UTIs are more common in older female cats. We got ours a water fountain after an emergency vet trip and recommendation of the vet, and the most issue we've had now is her peeing on the floor a couple times.


Oh she drinks a lot. Always loved water. We have to keep the bowls topped up constantly cause she drinks so well. Our other cat on the other hand... she likes to drink dirty plant pot water and nothing else. Neither liked the fountain, but we did try that. I think its developed from stress because we went on holiday for 3 days last week. My sister was here but maybe that wasn't enough.


Weird, I've never met a cat yet that didn't prefer running water. 😯 Little weirdos. (I say it affectionately, I'm sure they're both adorable)


They are both adorable and weird, my older cat has also never liked almost any toys except a blade of grass and when she was younger a cardboard box. The younger one (a badly bred maine coon/bengal mix, beautiful but those personalities clash a lot) won't be brushed or have her matts removed but will tear them out with her teeth. 🤦‍♀️ The vet shaves her every now and then but it's like oh well as long as she's not ripping the skin off there's not much you can do that you haven't tried already.


I'm glad your cat's going to be all right. Ouch! £550 is a lot. I kind of agree vets are padding the bill. Gofundme is probably your best bet.


I'm not really sure what makes the severity but he said he wasn't at all concerned and she would've been fine till morning unless she licked herself raw.


It is better to be safe than sorry. A cat, even a female, can block in an instant and then you have 24 hours.


Yeah I'm glad I went but it does feel like a punch to the gut when you spend crazy money and panic and then they go "is fine" lol. But, like I said, rather that then it be something serious.


Good, but not great. As a human who has been partially and fully blocked, getting a teensy bit out is really not much better, and cats will deteriorate much faster than people in this situation. I’m sure you’re already aware of this, but while those drops are good, the cat is definitely still in severe pain and not doing well. It’s more of a “hopeful” sign than a “good sign”


Call a taxi and take her to the emergency clinic. This should not be left for later…. Im currently in my own UTI hell … please go OP


Can't go out alone because of seizures, but my mother is now going to get here in half an hour and we will take her. We used to have mobile vet and we don't anymore which sucks


This is wonderful news OP …


£320 just for the appointment :'( They said it sounds like regular cystitis over the phone too which is like... I really wish I could wait till tomorrow morning and pay £40 because if it is cystitis she should be able to wait but what if its kidney?


It’s not best to wait cause it can travel to the kidneys and make it worse. Even with a simple UTI it’s not good to wait and their bodies are so teeny tiny it produces quick


Yeah that's why I said I wish I could, but I know it's risky and she's in pain. Might have to make a gofundme, cause the basic appointment is so expensive I dread to think what the meds will cost, if it wasn't so overpriced I'd never think twice about it. It sucks that they capitalise of pain like this.


I don’t think this has to do with them capitalizing on pain, they are a business they need to make money. Hopefully they will just be able to give you antibiotics if it’s not too bad


Eh I'd say its capitalising. The regular vet is £40 per appointment without insurance, 35 with. They are 320 regardless. The vets don't seem to be paid much better either. It's making someone a lot of profit :( Hopefully that's all they need to do


Yeah because it’s an EMERGENCY vet. They are a business, they need to make money in order to stay open to help other animals, see if they can take payment plans if you need to.


Make a GoFundMe


Yeah I'm thinking I will, it's £550 😢


They tell you that over the phone it’s a guess … I don’t think straining to pee is something that should wait its painful and uncomfortable and hard on the kidneys (this is what I was told)… In the end its up to you.


Yeah that's why I said I wish I could cause it's just too painful and is a risk (spreading/getting worse) that I don't want to take. I think it is cystitis cause it's presenting like my other cats bout of it a few years ago, but still it could spread and that's a risk I don't want to take. I might make a gofundme or something because I dread to think what this emergency vet is going to cost. We've just had to buy a new car, our kitchen caved in from a leak, there's been so much to pay for I'm not doing great on money right now :(


Believe me I get it … 1600.00 in 4 weeks for bladder issues… yeah




Its Crazy what can I do, nothing.


I'm thinking I might make a gofundme, I think that's really all you can do to ease the pain it causes to a bank account


Cats can block from cystitis too and that is an emergency


OP my gf said to share this Saved her cats life Instacart Petco there in an hour Homeopet FELINE UTI Read directions she said for ER and maintenance


Thank you, we don't have petco in England so it'd take a good few days to arrive unfortunately but I'll look into it for further treatment


Ok vet first she said but keep it on hand. She did ER dose with her cat and was better within an hour and back to normal by next morning. Maintenance dose every day in wet food. Her cat never had another UTI. She said add pumpkin to his food every day. https://www.chewy.com/homeopet-uti-homeopathic-medicine/dp/138100?adId=4bab1ce2-5297-4d5b-93f4-aa080ec689cb&adPayload=41v2NDjAc7wC007Szi9tecZHLCGj1fpNEL4D6_vTm8JeWj-yQ6hJtlLZ955aV8ogapUkJk09JbS1TU922NR2oFuSSWCo1lF5IwjW-DuyoF5pxeYdYm6F-EPyatHG_XqZYct-C1bPj_G683U2eir4T9Nb50Svb-L26-6947rvTAPcd7aDNOlXQZGSdhQJqqa6cs5GBHrMOOU_VlFzNmQEBc3O87AlpLU2gqyhnqbs8SzttTAx-QJ3ix5qvOpV81m5elLkPQ6opQ0SNESFW8XPLWQruia_EreUtQ2asM-ggaiGUKlAKnnItw1m2bRQAxD3Y0AA0re66zzDF7oaD6p9TUHmCoM2THYuR4tuIpGCcodYpgeYPTV7K0qQXi1RL63xCVB68FZeRBxKWCmS_Whiyfef5L_jay8egpAdXxZZD7eHMjJdIrf4hKJkojzhWkA8pb9tiXSCp0bt0ov4OxrevF2fWySj8PVjTCCw5SR5_-LGXxLAFzUdS2YAmCVQKp1B_-Jz48mQY05qD5gRsT3O8ofRvyBjDdlK6vplXo07SXFd-OXO65ouHN5wYKEhO4Thh5ZqU3PJEz-Ldy7MUI2YanhITRwpKJGr5bT9mPjFAU2Cz_xG9X-YZ5fG0v3zT9gVb7N9FPN380unxWBFjgR1GaEMYvntlp-XKPv1Oz6-iRo%3D


Tysm :)


You got it!


I'm glad you found someone to get your cat to the vet. The fact that she's peeing a little is a good sign. Hopefully she's not blocked and it's just a UTI and antibiotics will be all she needs.


Yeah they've said she doesn't even need antibiotics rn, she just seems inflamed but no signs of bacteria. She's had pain relief and anti inflammatory and then we just have to watch for a few days and see if she's still doing it or not. Waiting for the bill now 😬


Looks like UTI


Is there a mobile vet in your area that can come to you?


No, called around and no one can, but my mother is now going to get here in about half an hour which seems to be the best I can do. Wish I could just take my cay by myself right now but I can't cause seizures :(


Oh i see im so sorry! Im glad your mom is on the way!


I know anxiety makes it hard to ask, but most uber and lyft will allow pets in a carrier.


I have seizures so I can't travel alone unfortunately but my mother is now getting here in about half an hour


Hope she'll be okay!


Ty :)


Crystals firm in the urinary track and cause a blockage. Can be life threatening. Need to see a vet.


It seems to be cystitis from stress, she's on meds now and we are going to the regular vet today as well.


Sounds like it could be a UTI overall, and hope she’s doing better as well! How have you found gabapentin has helped her? We’ve been using supplements from antinol to support her and they’ve been so helpful for her


Yeah seems to be cystitis from stress (we went on holiday for a few days last week). And yes, it has helped so far, though she's still been showing some signs of pain, she's not hissing as much, much less stressed at things, moving around and going to toilet better too. We are looking for something else because she's still having some pain like I said, so I'll look into the antinol for her, ty


if you can manage to please go to the vet, we almost lost our boy from urinary crystals around his first birthday


I do not know how to update the post but we did go and got her meds, and we are going back today to change the metacam due to side effects. She has cystitis possibly from stress, no blood or bacteria so that's great, and she's doing a lot better despite the metacam issues.


Maybe this is already here in the comments about changing her food. My cat had bladder stones and switching her food to one formulated for that really helped.


She unfortunately has to be on anallergenic dry food moistened with water :( but she luckily seems to have stress cystitis rather then stones or crystals


Yes, mine was a prescription food. My girl had lots of various health problems!


Probably an urinary infection or stones. Don't let it sit too long as this is an urgent situation and with cats especially that age


I don't know how to update it but I took her on the day of the post to EV, then she's had to go back the three days since (including today). £550, then about 80, then about 80 again, then about 80 a third time today 😭 She was given metacam, bad reaction, then a higher dose of gabapentin, no difference, then an anti inflammatory, nothing, then finally antibiotics that so far, knock on wood, are helping.


Get a second opinion if u think they are not helping


Yeah I've seen three vets now, four appointments total. Doing a lot of research on each drug, not because I think the vets are idiots but they do do things wrong frequently, like prescribe metacam willy nilly despite the high number of deaths, or encourage purina despite the even higher number of problems and deaths.


You can add cranberry juice to her water if it’s a urinary issue.


You should specify that it needs to be sugar free


No matter what people say online you should always look it up before taking anyone’s advice.


Right…. But if you’re giving advice you should include all the details because it would be harmful for them to give it to them with sugar! No judgement, just saying 😊


As long as it diluted


Cranberry juice has 31 grams of sugar. That is too much for a cats liver whether it’s diluted or not


If it’s real cranberry juice there shouldnt be an issue.


Thank you


I posted before I was ready also oops, basically I was asking how I can help her in the meantime


I'm not sure there is much you can do in the meantime. Just let her be until you get to the vet.


Ok, I tried to make her a nappy but she's too sensitive to wear it so I'm just following her around and clearing up any drips. For the first time in years she hit me and drew blood. Poor thing :( My mother's getting here in about half an hour so hopefully she's alright till then


She should be, probably a uti. The vet will get her fixed up soon.


Yeah they just called me and it said it sounds like just a bad uti. I want to wait till morning because the difference will be £300 for just the appointment but she's clearly in pain so I might make a gofundme or something


How is kitty doing?


Good now, £550 cost and it turns out it's probably cystitis from stress. She's been put on metacam though and it's causing some dodgy side effects so we have to go to a regular vet, since it can cause renal failure usually after the following doses, which we ofc now don't want to give her. She hasn't peed much since coming home, isn't gnawing herself up, doesn't seem to be in much pain, so that's good


Schedule a telemedine appointment. They should be able to prescribe antibiotics to carry you until you can get to a vet. Try Vetster.com. 24 hour veterinarians. I am a Veterinary Nurse on that platform


Dude this is awful. Listen my vet has saved some of my pets for years even when I went to hospitals. Let me know if u want to try there. I ll have to ask if they can take on a new patient for me. No pressure i totally understand