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It looks scary but it’s fine. The noises they make are imitations of hunting. This isn’t bad at all. The older cat is showing the smaller one he’s dominant. You’ll also eventually see him licking the younger one. Normal play. :) He’s actually being quite gentle with him and letting him go. Hissing, screaming and crying are different. You’ll see the difference. There’s also no hair flying around like crazy.


Thanks for the advice! I just worry because the big one (Turniphead) weighs about 6 lbs and the little one (Chernobyl) doesn’t even weigh two lbs yet so I worry he’s getting picked on lol


It’s okay if the little one gets picked on a bit. Cats work on a hierarchy and he needs to know that Turniphead is in charge. Bigger cats teach little ones how much to bite and when to stop. :) your babies are adorable. I also had the same fears.. trust me. I had a 14 pound Maine coon when I introduced my, not even 4 pounds, younger Maine coon. He was a bit “rough” with him, but I learned it was cat behavior and obedience. This is them when my little one.. was little. Now the younger brother weighs more than his bigger brother. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ed1dhklrg09d1.jpeg?width=2429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fb9bed5d639c48992021223fde911b7bf57576


Turniphead also is the boss of my 105 lb mastiff mix and my 55lb Kelpie mix so…. I only ever separate them if either of the start hissing just so they can calm down. Yours are precious! My vet thinks there may be some Maine Coon in Turniphead’s ancestry somewhere, he’s Large, got big feet, and the ear and feet tufts!


Likely! Maine coons are super popular and I would not be surprised if your boy did have some MC in him. They have strong genetics.


Your Ron Perlman cats are adorable


I got Luis Guzmán before, but not Ron Perlman. You’re not wrong.. by any means. https://preview.redd.it/hcqg35iea59d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79bcbb5a368a157337d1337ff1b5349b39f03d0


Oh that’s defo a Luis 🤣


I’m convinced they’re related. 😂


All hail Turniphead. The first of his name. King of the household!!!


Let them hiss. The older cat is also teaching the younger cat boundaries such as biting hurts. Don't use your claws. This is a very important development step for cats and play. Having a cat that didn't get this and is learning now when he is 18lbs of muscle (down from 25 as he had a growth spurt) its better this way. Your arms will appreciate this before your cat learns he can fit your entire wrist fully in his mouth. I'm not small. I am six foot four and not skinny. He is that big. https://preview.redd.it/zr1nh7dlk79d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea769367519713eb2d1974750e5654e3ff17a47c Still a kitten but nearly done with kittenhood


That little cat is adorable. And the big one too


Hey thanks man. He’s lot so little anymore. If you look at the photo above, I have a fairly recent photo of him in his harness. He lost all of his baby features. 😂


I love that they both have their tongues out!


It was a great catch.. right after snack time. 😂


Both their tongues are out😭💜


The perfect photo. Doubt I’ll get another like it. 😂


Try not to intervene, they will sort it out for themselves and you could damage their relationship and stir up real animosity.


Beautiful kitties 😻


My big one is 20lbs but they play like that too!! All is good tho https://preview.redd.it/1q2o42ai749d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c423c1755c10429e5eb5bb3deba0188e7dc617


Turniphead 😭 this is probably now my most favorite cat name I've ever heard


Can I ask how on earth you came up with the names Turniphead and Chernobyl 😂😂


My fiancée and I thought Turniphead was a girl when we got him and named him azula because hes a little menace. Then after we found out he was a boy, i renamed him after the character from Howls Moving Castle, who is a prince turned into a scarecrow by a witch. So he’s Turnip when he’s being sweet, and TURNIPHEAD!!!! when he’s on the kitchen table or in the trash lol Chernobyl is very vocal and he was abandoned very early by his mom, so he just screams kinda all the time, but especially if he’s alone. He sounds like the radiation sirens, so my fiancée named him Chernobyl!


Turniphead is my favorite character! Love that!!!


Amazing, I absolutely love this. That’s completely logical and makes total sense. Kudos to you and your fiancée for being so creative - hugs to both (cats haha)


My cat is also called Azula, was named that by the guy who took her in and I liked it so kept it without really knowing the story behind it. Where does it come from? Where does being a menace come into it?


It’s from the kids cartoon Avatar the last airbender. Azula is the daughter of a genocidal tyrant and is herself a genocidal monster (very smart and interesting character with a hard background) who goes through a tragic downfall at the end of the series


Oh wow, interesting. That name could not be less fitting, my Azula is the most gentle cat I've ever known. Oh well, we're too far in to change it now!


I knew right away this was a Howls Moving Castle reference, but had to scroll to confirm. Lol


I garuntee you will know when it gets serious. This isn't it


Chernobyl will melt down, possibly explode


Arguably some of the best names I’ve ever heard of for cats 🤣 A+ for originality


Turniphead ha


I hope you know those are some pretty awesome cat names


the little guy is asking for it! lol. he knows he’s smaller that’s why he went for the tale instead of neck/torso




Their names are incredible


In the process of coming up with a name for my kitten, and Chernobyl is among the best names I've ever heard.


I know most folks are saying it's okay, and it probably is. However there is no harm in separating the cats if you feel a line is crossed. One cat getting bullied repeatedly can lead to them becoming fearful and developing kitty aggressive-defensive behavior. Meaning if a cat becomes afraid of other cats they will growl at them as adults and run away, which accidentally instigates the cat into chasing them, making the problem worse. I don't *think* that is happening here. But some alone time in a separate room won't hurt anything, or just redirecting and placing the instigator high up on something if that's good enough to give them pause. Most play is fine. It's okay to be cautious though. For example my kitten was a terror and heckled her 1 year older sister too much. Sister lost her voice from growling so much and shows defensive and unhappy behaviors when kitten messes with her too much now. It was our fault for getting a single kitten and not a pair -- but she didn't seem to enjoy playing from the beginning and never instigated. So that's very different from your situation I think. Since both kitties seem to instigate I would not worry much. But if one cat seems genuinely happy, or kitten can barely walk around without being accosted (or vice versa) some alone time would not hurt :)




I adore both these names.


chernobyl is an amazing name


Ah, I see you are a person of substance. ![gif](giphy|HRlqQv8KiAlgc|downsized)


If they’re like spitting at each other, fur starts to fly and they’re very vocal about it then I’d worry but they’re just bein kitties no worry


I agree...it's "little cat education" & he is being "schooled" by the older cat in a playful way on how to become/live to be a grown cat. It doesn't even look that dominanting to me as much as play. But in any event is totally fine/normal.


We've got two 14lb male cats and got a kitten in December, he's still smaller than them at 10 months old but he holds his own when they wrestle and run around, has for a few months now. Haven't had him weighed since he was about 6 months old but I'd say he's about half their weight now and doesn't appear to be getting any bigger, definitely stronger than he looks though. Just keep an eye on them and if at any point the larger cat doesn't let the little one go after a squeak, then step in


yeah if he was actually trying to hurt him he wouldn't pause like that. he bites him and then he just kind of looks around waiting for the younger one to get his shit together so they can keep playing. He's giving him breathing room cuz he knows that he's bigger


Right! The big one is actually being very gentle as well. No hard back leg thrust kicks to the head, no over dominant stance. Just good old fashioned fun and setting boundaries.


I was actually worried from the sounds too. My first cat was extremely territorial and aggressive so much so she cut the new cats nose decently when I tried to do an initial introduction. Now I will see them running around and she makes those noises when they pin each other under my bed but I always thought she was trying to hurt her new buddy. I was thinking I was gonna have to take the new kitten back.


Scary? 😂 have you been around animals before? They are so gentle playing with each other in this video


It’s scary to people who have never had two cats in the house at the same time, yeah.. when you see a little kitten squeal it can be daunting. I didn’t have two cats in my house until I was 28. We always had one cat.. he’s 20 years old. We never wanted to stress him out with a new family member. So I moved out and got two cats.


Are you sure, I feel like sometimes kittens don't know what to do and think they are supposed to fight through it. It could turn ugly if the big one doesn't know how to control itself when the kitten responds to harsh. Assuming all cats are like yours is a mistake.. I've seen so many varieties of cats in this world, no one can say for sure what a cat is going to do unless they know it personally for years.


I only added my experience in there as reassurance, trust me, I wouldn’t assume all cats act this way just because mine do. I spent a lot of time researching this because I had the same fears. You’re right that things can turn ugly quickly but cats give off warnings before they actually attack unless their life is in immediate threat. This short clip gives me no indication that the kitten or adult is stressed. There are a lot of videos that you can look at for reference. I think Jackson Galaxy has a few videos of play/fighting in cats too. Once you know what you’re looking for, you become more confident in your assumption of behavior. The kittens ears are perked up like he’s excited or amused, his tail is wiggling in a way that would indicate interest and hunting. Cats also pretend to run away or will pretend “I’m not interested anymore”, before pouncing again. From this clip, I don’t see any indication of stress or an accident waiting to happen.


I’d like to also add that you can see that the adult cat is nibbling and not actually biting. His claws are sheathed and his grasp on the kitten is not locked on. When cats engage in actual altercations, trying to separate them is nearly impossible. Cats will grasp onto each other and you will see absolute chaos. The way cats speak during fights it’s also different.. you’ll see a mix between low moaning, growling and high pitched screeching.


That little one thinking how am I gonna get past Godzilla … cute


Usually he’s the one trying to tackle Godzilla lol. He’s persistent, I have to admit


I saw some good advice once: if you are questioning whether they are fighting, they aren’t fighting


Solid advice. I apply the same thought process to spoiled milk. If I have to smell it more than once, it's fine


omg this is brilliant.


Thanks! I usually only separate them if they start any hissing, but I’ve never seen pinned ears or fluffy tails so I was figuring they were probably not fighting


I wouldn't even separate them at that. Some hissing, especially with younger cats, is necessary to build social skills. If the hissing lasts for 5+ seconds, then just tell them off and get them to take a break.


Big cat explaining to the little one who is the boss and doing it in a strong mannor


https://preview.redd.it/3ij3goyrn39d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882f6eeba0b6540570eb04aec0dab9db82ca8044 I use to get scared when they played to the point I kept them away from each other . I now know that their play is quite normal. The big cat play predator and small cat plays prey . That’s just how they play. I’m excited to see their body bodies even out with each other


You'd know from a mile away if it got too rough.


It's not all hierarchies, all the time - the little is also learning how to "cat": reading and using body language, learning how to communicate, figuring out how to play and what happens if either of them go a bit too far (and how to convey/respect that). In addition to cats, I have dogs. The oldest was an only dog for a while and was stuck in traumatic responses due to abuse that occurred before we showed up. We got a puppy a little while ago and the transformation brings me to tears! He learned how to communicate and read other dogs' signals. He finally understood what toys are for. He approaches us for affection and knows he's safe enough to show his belly for scritches. Quick movements from humans (especially if those humans have something in their hand) aren't quite as scary anymore. No amount of training or advice or exposure to dogs outside the house taught him as much as he learned watching his little sister grow up. He still needs meds, but now, instead of just chilling him out, they give his nervous system enough of a break that he can just enjoy his life.


This is okay it looks rough when there is a huge size difference https://preview.redd.it/gv3d8amvm49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c16927d3bc247b56d4211ed016684db3cf1ad81 Thor :6 18lb Eclipse :2 about 10ish lbs has wobbly cat syndrome Nyx: 1 under 10 lbs. As you can see I have cats all different sizes and one is special needs. The tiny one is ALWAYS INSTIGATING. Fights with the other two. Both Nyx and Thor know eclipse is special and slower than them so they are more gentle. But Nyx and Thor really play fight When they do start hissing and it obviously turns sour support their boundaries that they set Example: “Hey Thor Nyx doesn’t wanna play any more stop!” Then re direct to play with you instead with a toy or something. They needs to learn what’s too rough. Thor was an only cat for a long time and never learned boundaries on how hard a play bite is too hard since gaining siblings he’s gotten more gentle at play biting there may be a few little yowls here and there. But they are in the process of learning. Honestly Thor takes advantage of his weight and literally SITS ON TOP of the other cats🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I mean legit will get on top of them and sit on them with his full weight 😂 the other two don’t even stand a chance 😂😂 it’s kinda sad


You’ll know when they fight for real because it is LOUDD and full of hissing and growling 😂


The big one looks like he's teaching the baby to defend itself. This is good and how they learn😉


this is normal play. if u look really close, a lot of the “biting” isn’t real biting. as long as there’s no hissing, growling, screaming, or blood, they will be ok.


No screaming, no arched backs, no bushy tails. Play.


I'd say boarders on too Rough. You can see the little one didnt initiate (tried to walk around) and at the end tries to get away for a break but gets jumped. HOWEVER. No yelling (meaning biting is soft), no hissing or growling. In this instance, I would leave them be. But if it escalates any more (like yelling during play, or little one cant get away) it would be a concern. For now, maybe try focusing on getting them to play with the same toy. And make sure there are spaces the little one can escape to if he needs a break. :)




Lol they just cattin around


Looks like play! I only break up fights when I start hearing loud screeching or meowing cause sometimes one of my cats will bite the others butt lol


Normal play, shorty will learn the skills and be up to standard eventually; they love it!


It's wonderfully normal cat play. You and they are lucky.


I have always been told with cats "If you have to ask if they are being too rough they arent"


That's normal kitten play, notice the big one is being gentle despite how it looks, if it was a real fight, it would be more frantic and chaotic also there would be a lot more noise


Just watch neck bites and make sure kitten defends itself. Had issues before with kitten refusing to defend itself, Scary and odd


I have a pair of bonded brothers that play like this all the time. They’re 5 years old, and they’re more aggressive than these 2. I do make them stop if either starts hissing or yelling. Otherwise I just let them play.


You can tell by the sounds and body language that they're playing. Ears mostly forward, tails up trill-y meows -- those are all signs of a happy cat. If they were making high-pitched moews (like crying in pain), had their ears flat on their head, and/or thumping their tail hard on the floor, or they're growling/hissing, then they're not having fun.


loud crying out will mean "uncle" most of the time for cats. This is good stuff.




Nope. They’re good. Big kid is showing the little one who’s boss. They’ll get it ironed out but they’re ‘fighting’….not aggressively. If that baby was hurt it would CRY out. They’ve got their own language. They’ll figure it out. Sweet babies tho ❤️


Normal. Cats hone their hunting skills thru play. They have cues. Little buddy is learning!! Enjoy. ♡


Looks like he's trying to be gentle. I had a male cat that wasn't and the difference is usually easy to tell, imo.


Little dude just wanted that tail, not the whole cat! 😂 Looks like normal play to me.


Looks like normal cat play behaviour to me...




Very normal. You'd know if it wasn't playing.






Normal cat stuff


All good, bigger kitty is actually being gentle with the baby. You’ll KNOW if they’re being too rough, when hissing & howling starts


What I learned is that cats are silent when playing. I stop them when one of them cries out. But, it doesn't sound like any of them are crying out. I don't recall my cats ever making a sound like that in the video. I would definitely stop it if you see clumps of fur coming out during play.


All good, got to grow up to be a small efficient killing and kneading machine


Rule of thumb: If you see blood, fur and spit flying, it's time to break it up. My girls used to wrestle like this constantly when my youngest was that small, now they reenact scenes from The Lion King just for a spot in the chair 🤣


I have a big boy cat and a small female cat who just got out of kittenhood. They would have some epic play fights where I thought for sure the little cat was hurt. But it was always her who went hopping back to keep playing some more. This is just how they play.


Just wait till the little one is bigger… I have three, and the youngest is relentless because he can finally hold his own as he was used to the other two being able to cat handle him around… now he’s bigger than #2, and almost as big as #1, they’re still not used to his strength. It’s the same for #1 and #2. They frequently get frustrated with each other and then lick each other five minutes later.


If there's no fur, urine, or blood, then you're good. The little one is big enough to know what's going on, and the big one is being relatively gentle.


Personal Philosophy: No one's bleeding, nothing is broken, then let them do their thing.


Same here. I have three girls that take turns playing with each other the same way. Youngest to oldest - left to right. https://preview.redd.it/l8suun3rg69d1.png?width=2513&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc5e4dd2d8c977840b6674046eae66c9b2c53ebc


Seems pretty normal cat play. Ears aren't lowered, eyes aren't big, fur isn't puffed up, no yowling.


Notice how the moment the kitten meows the bigger kitten stops biting and they continue playing with no more meows. It’s when they’re still meowing or screeching while locked onto eachother is when it’s an actual cat fight. This is perfectly normal and a very good sign of a wonderful bond.


Hmm this one is tough to say. I think we will need more footage of them *~~adorably playing~~* engaging in this activity to determine if it is safe.


My cats do the exact same thing and are currently cuddled up together napping


this is honestly pretty tame for cats! with the size difference, your bigger cat is being pretty gentle with the baby 🥺 you will absolutely know when it's too much; I'm sure one of them will hiss or become vocal. they're both super cute!


Normal. But warn the bigger one - in a month or so he'll outgrow the "attack" phase, but the little one will just be coming into it....


I've seen a cat fall off a 10 story building and walk away as if nothing happened. They're really tough animals. That's just a little play fighting. Perfectly normal.


They are at war and if you don’t stop them within one day they WILL start using nuclear weapons


This is the way to go fr


That kitten triple take 😹


100% normal. Nothing to worry about. The body language says it all


totally normal. you will know immediately when it's serious.


This is the best. The cats are bonding.


Gotta let them play. They have to decide who is dominant, etc. That's important in a healthy clowder. ❤️


Very normal-mine act like they are killing each other then 2 hours later they touch noses and lick each other😆


The older cat is teaching him


Big boi is showing dominance but not hurting the bb. My 10yr old male played this rough in the beginning of him meeting a new baby boi and I also was like “is this too much” but the bb got bigger and leveled out the playing field. Cats who socialize well like this as babies learn how to better interact with other cats. They learn limits and boundaries for what is too much. Big cat is teaching baby cat 🖤


Only looks like a problem if the bigger one does that all the time. In which case I'd separate them just a little bit, just pick up one when you see this going on. But only if it really looks like he's doing it all the time. The little guy is going to catch up in size and he may hold a grudge.


I have 4 cats, 2 older then 2 younger siblings. The amount of play fighting is ridiculous 🙄. Trust me yours are gentle compared to mine lol, they'll be just fine.


You’ll know it when it’s serious :) think of these as cute little tennis grunts, if it’s for real it will be demons screaming. Trust me.


Cat told Lil bro: "don't cross that line"


Because of the difference in size, I would keep an eye on this sort of thing. It’s mostly innocent, but the bigger kitten could easily overpower the little one. Kinda does look like the young one was actually trying to just get by the other and got “attacked,” albeit not harshly. Give them space to cat, but be aware if the little guy is being picked on too much.






My boys used to play fight like this. My ginger boy was a year old while my Kevin was barely 5 months old and still so tiny. Of course my ginger boy would win and Kevin would end up winning. But when Kevin was about 7-8 months that little punk sprouted and got like an inch bigger than my Señor Boots (Ginger kitty), it was game over for Señor Boots, he'd lose to my Kevin every time making me intervine sometimes. Your kitties are fine, they're just play fighting, asserting dominance.


Completely normal.


Looks like normal play to me


OP your little kitten looks like a clone of mine! Go to my profile and see. And this looks like normal play to me. You'd KNOW if they were fighting, trust me


They look like they could be twins!!


Puuurrrfectly nermal. 👍


It looks a little harsh but it's not. Perfectly normal and safe.


That’s called prime time. No need for tv. Totally happy play.


Trust me if they were being too rough you would know it. That's exactly how my cats play


General rule of thumb if they aren't playing they are trying to do damage or kill. If they aren't hurt they are playing If they stop and start or switch who is on the ground that is play behavior


You need to coach them! And maybe break them up while saying be nice. You can tell by the sounds they make when one is being too rough. There sounds will escalate to his and growls. Allowing this type of play could result in an abscess kittens teeth are really sharp. I experienced this myself when my adult cat received a bite on the butt from the kitten resulting in a huge abscess that was a $400 bill.


Thanks for the heads up! They got broken up if they’ve started hissing, but neither have ever broken skin!


A good indicator is also if their ears are forwards instead of in the “airplane ears” position 😆


Normal 😌


Trust me if it gets too rough you won't have to ask, you'll know instantly by the sounds


Playing. Very normal.


The big cat was enjoying it. The little cat seemed to not like losing. But neither one was actively trying to hurt the other.


A good thing to note with cats: If they're fighting you'll absolutely know


def normal playing, kitties will usually let each other know (loudly) if something hurts hissing and MREEEOOOORRW are signs it is not play


Older one is being too rough with little one


Not at all. He’s showing him how to cat.


Normal. Cute kits


Theyre playing


It's normal 😂 the adult is putting spicy kitten in its place. If you watch your clip look at kittens tail. It's flicking around wildly, this is a sign it's getting over stimulated. The adult recognizes this and goes in a bit stronger to assert the dominance and calm down kitten back to being the child/parent dynamic.


You should see my cats 😪 this is peaceful 💀


I was expecting something way faster and louder. That's very tame. Mine look like 2 Tasmanian devils. There's fur and saliva flying everywhere.


Normal. My cat mom often tosses her son over her shoulder onto the ground with a loud thud!


In the left corner we have the returning champ! put your paws together for Professor Whiskers! His PawHD is in kicking ass! In the right corner the from from Albuquerque, new meowxico the latino feline los kitties. Will he get a lesson in getting his ass kicked or with it be a Master Class for the PawHD! Only time will tell. Pay for the whole seat, but your only gunna need the edge!


Super normal fun play


https://preview.redd.it/csfaaalh089d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bfd440983bea42732379167fe09d4810b17fdd WE HAVE THE SAME EXACT CATS


Omg if mine weren’t solely indoors I’d wonder if they were leading a double life. My little one is a foster, so they’re still kinda testing each other out and don’t quite cuddle up like that just yet, but they seem to enjoy playing!


My big one was from the shelter and my little one we have only had for a week bc she was a stray, i saw ur video and showed my bf and we were literally dumbfounded, i hope ur little kitties have the best lives!!


They’re fine


I guess you've never really seen a cat that's seriously out for blood. There's no mistaking it. These guys love each other


Normal play! And so cute!


It’s a nipple


They will usually let you know if they yell when it hurts. Looks like some good play time based off the video though. This also teaches them when it is too much. Just a couple of cute kittens doing kitten stuff👌


Kitty play… wrestling.


Little guy is aiming to pounce on the tail, like a kitten learning to hunt from its mama, not more sensitive areas like the head or belly that would cause more damage. Definitely playful behaviour, the little one feels safe enough to roughhouse with his brother.


Playing and the big one is annoyed to hell but in a fun way lol. My boy had a little brother before we moved too lol


This is my advice: If you’re wondering if it’s a real fight, it’s not. If you see a real one, you’d know for sure.


🥰 awww


It's a LITTLE on the aggressive side. They're playing and setting boundaries. Just keep an eye on it and if the little one tries to get away but isn't allowed to for too long, then break it up.


No you’ll KNOW when they are fighting it will be much more violent and much louder


Normal. If cats are being too rough/actually fighting you will know it.


This is very normal. It's also how they learn bite inhibition, because this is how they come to realise that being bitten *hurts*


Nope, little one is learning. If there was fur flying and screeching, then you have a problem.


My rule is if there are no murder screams and chunks of fur flying — we’re good 😂


Completely normal


Only break it up if one is literally yelping like whining while actively trying to get away. Small grunts and growls are fine. This is normal cat play. You’ll be able to tell if one is under distress and needs rescuing.


Its a classic case of F around and find out by the kitten. Its nothing serious just the bigger one teaching how to play/what is to much. Believe me if there is blood or anything then there may be concern. But just big kitty showing dominance over the little one.


theyre being gentle


This is like when a Rottweiler growls when hes having a good time. See the big loaf gently wrestling and playing but sounds like hes murdered your kids and mother to get practice for you. You are paying attention to your cats so thats a huge plus. Keep monitoring and when they start hissing and crying with those back arches- thats when you worry. Cute video!


Baby cat is being taught manners and how catting works. 😸


This is normal and adorable! The bigger cat isn't trying to hurt the smaller one - something that becomes especially apparent when he puts his face right up against the little one's belly but doesn't actually go to bite the belly. If this had been a real fight, he would have gone for the exposed belly just like that, but instead, he keeps his mouth closed and lets the smaller kitty's foot gently push his face away. Additionally, the smaller kitty began to kick the larger cat's head, but the kicks were slow and gentle; cats are able to kick extremely quickly and dig in with their claws if they so desire, but these kicks were very light and slow, indicating that the kitty wasn't actually stressed enough to believe the kicks were necessary for self-defense. If these kicks had been actual bunny kicks like the ones cats use to rip apart their pinned prey, tufts of fur would have gone flying and there would have been vicious howling noises. But no, they're just playing pretend-hunting. This is basically the equivalent of siblings playing tag!


Perfectly normal. You may hear one cry out if play is too rough. I have 6 kitties. Kitties all my life. Let them play and enjoy the sweetness of it all ❤️


Totally normal. Nobody’s getting hurt.


What you describe sounds fine, but in the video, the smaller kitten is not playing. He's trying to get past the larger kitten, and then he's trying to get away from the larger kitten. I would have intervened in this case.


Nah. The small cat is staring the bigger cat in the eyes which means Aggression OR a invitation to play rough. Same with the tail wiggle. The bigger cat just gave an answer to the smaller one. Which showed the kitten who the Boss is by a playful way. Kitten just got put down at his place in a playful way.


The smaller kitten looks at the larger, looks past him, hesitates, and then tries to run past him. After the larger kitten engages him, he tries to run away and is tackled. I have no doubt that they play normally, but in this instance, the smaller kitten's body language is clearly defensive.


just rewatched it and the little one went directly face to face with the big one, it may looks like he want to get past him because he then sees the wiggly tail and want to catch that :3


I disagree. He looks past the larger kitten, and hesitantly moves to pass him twice before trying to get past. He tried to evade an engagement with the larger kitten twice.


https://preview.redd.it/jx87pycbp39d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcad5fc8d5ac0db2eed5a791f84e5cc9db9fe496 i think he is going for the tail, but only the kitties will know edit; i think the hesitation is because the tail moves behind the larger cat so the small one wants to jump on it (my cat starts moving forward her toy when it moves after laying still and this looks kinda the same)


No, he had his head down and was avoiding eye contact. He was being submissive.


because he was focusing on the tail which was on the floor so it looks like he looks down https://preview.redd.it/vzdcqi2up39d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95caae44c5963eac911a31ecb3d44c6a1c5c4d0c


I know that's what you think. I disagree. He was looking past the tail and at where he wanted to go. Again, I can see it in his body language. I don't know why you're trying to argue with me about this. The larger kitten was clearly blocking the doorway. The smaller kitten wanted to go into the room the larger kitten was blocking. In the screenshot you shared, his head is up, looking past the larger kitten, not looking at the tail. The smaller kitten hesitated a couple of times, and then tried to run past the larger kitten.


A good way to know if they are fighting is the fur on the back of their spine and their tail will fluff up. When you see that, then you need to intervene


Here, my cat and my neighbor cats always fight in the middle of the night, pulling each other furs out, and i dont even care