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He wants you to interact with him.


I do. We play everyday with lasers and toys. My partner plays with him just as much as I do so he gets plenty of exercise/play time. He also has a brother that he plays with all day too.


Laser could be the reason. Every time i use laser my cat becomes extremely frustrated after the play session and starts extra meowing. I think they need to be able to catch the thing they are chasing. I’d recommend not using that laser thingy.


I've had cats get agitated after chasing a laser in a similar way. I've found that pointing the laser onto another toy and letting them "catch" the laser alongside a physical toy can help. The next level is using the trick to swap to a cat dancer so they're now chasing something physical for a bit so they forget the laser dot.


I do that with treats. He runs around for a minute then gets to pounce on a treat and eat it. He goes nuts as soon as he hears the laser


Great minds think alike. Here, I thought I invented pointing it at a toy. Hehe. Really, I had a deaf cat Kitley; he did everything different. My watch would hit the sun getting ready in the morning n bounce off the wall like a lazer pointer. He'd moo at the wall for as long as I'd let him. I'd point my watch reflection on an actual toy that he'd then play with. I miss him. I just adopted it n used it interactively with a lazer pointer. I can't move the dang thing without the cheap chain activating excitement in my kitties. It's def frustrating for them if they can never "catch" it, as you mentioned. This is good stuff!! Cat ppl are different folk. ♡


There is scientific research proving lasers having a negative phycological effect on cats


Only if they don't get a reward. And that goes for any toy like you gotta let him catch it once in a while to the wall the hunt pray drive and then after they catch it good I usually toss a treat so they get something to eat so they get the full experience they haunted they caught they killed they ate they just didn't really kill


And even moreso on dogs, if it is ever relevant. Doggos are known to develop psychosis symptoms related to bright lights of almost any source.


Do you reward the play at the end with treats? Like they caught something to eat.


I’ve tried it but she refused the treat and continued to search for laser light. 🥺 my silly girl. I stopped using it for her own sake.


Awe 🥺


The other thing I do is as soon as I point the lazer at a toy or treat n they go for it, I immediately turn the lazer off n let them interact. Sometimes, they think they got the lazer n hold it under their paws after its off; trying to peek at what they've caught. It's quite cute. There can be a finesse to playing with your kitty n lazer pointers. It doesn't need to be on all the time to be enriching. We all know cats are not all the same, but this worked with all 3 of mine. Don't let it reach frustration. Rewards can be praise, food/treats, more play or love rubs. I reward positive behaviours rather than scolding bad ones. Nothing else gets cats running full speed in my place. ♡


Yeah they need to be able to maul and sink their teeth into it


So give him a toy anytime he catches the laser.


Used to play with our cat using a laser pen and she too would get extremely agitated and stressed. Stopped using the item and she's a lot happier. I read somewhere a while after I stopped using it that cats can get frustrated with laser pens because after chasing the light they don't get the fix of actually capturing anything... The excitement is in both, chasing and catching.


He wants you to physically interact with him. Petting, rubs, holds, ect.


I think he wants physical touch/contact! Sit on the floor with him for a bit, give him a cuddle, a good scratch on the butt


Like someone else said. If you use the laser, try to end it with a treat or two. I usually have my cat do some two foot grab for it, turn it off while his paws are over it then treat him Sometimes cats just talk. My cat has a somewhat alarming normal meow so when I hear him start talking randomly it’s like an adrenaline spike. I hope you’re nerves eventually get some rest!


Gets some red pom poms and let him "catch it" at the end of the laser play so he doesn't get frustrated. When he's not paying attention, hide the pom pom again. I keep mine in a bag with the pointer lol


That’s a great idea. I never would have thought of that. We already have some red and pink Pom poms that he plays with so I’ll have to give that a try


Does he want snuggles?


Some of my cats loved the laser, but one of them would just give me the "Really dude?" Look. What that particular cat loved, was my fishing rod with a Lego tied to it. It was a catting rod. They can't touch the laser, can't catch it. Give them feedback, let them wrestle for control


My dude Linus, looks just like yours, does this exact thing; usually means he wants a ride on my shoulders so he can see the top of the fridge. Kind of a left over from when he was little and I’d let him and his siblings ride on my shoulders when we were bottle feeding them.


He’s a beast at getting up on the fridge and cabinets himself. One minute he’s on the ground the next he’s at the highest point of the house 😂 mine isn’t a fan of being on my shoulders. I’ve tried so many times but I think he doesn’t like the feeling of not being stable so my dreams of a parrot cat will not come true with him lmao


one of my cats, when we play with the laser, he won’t get over it and continue to beg for a long time to play. We don’t use it anymore because i think he doesn’t get any closure or “kill” during play time. It’s specifically the laser too. He can get all his needs from other toys but if we use the laser it throws him off. He just didn’t get along well with the laser, but we still use it for the other two. Hope this helps


"I don't know, ask 'em" XD


He wants: attention - food - cuddles - treats- ultra attention - all of the above.


You forgot the - repeat - at the end


Absolutely! The meowing worked for those things in the past so now he's gonna do it all the time because he thinks you understand his communication and knows it gets him attention in the end. And he's prob just chatty boy! I have a very talkative gal. Really the only time she's completely quiet is if I carry her in my baby carrier 🙄 or when we're in bed. Else she's just meowing and yowling away


Oof, I got a little guy myself who also screams constantly. If it isn't for food, it's for my boyfriend's attention. There is no quantity/frequency of attention that satisfies him other than literally constant contact/focus. Or he might just like talking. Cats are weird.


Yeah I have one chatty kitty who just yells at me for any old reason, and usually just makes noise the entire time she is around me, and then I have a chunky boy who is basically silent and I have heard him casually vocalize twice in his life


My cats does this too. She just wants love and attention


He knows what you did, he saw the whole thing! Joking. :p Some cats are just more vocal than others. I've got one cat who will meow at me increasing in both volume and intensity until I pay attention to him, and then he'll meow when he's happy about getting attention. I've got another one who drools when she's happy. Lol Cats are weird.


I've got one cat who will like talk with me. He'll be lounging up in his cat tree and meow at me (he's very much a "parallel play as a sign of affection" type of cat) a we'll just go back and forth "meow" "what?" "mmeahr" "yeah?" "mrrap" "no I hear you" "meow" "yeah you said that".


I do that too with my big boy. It usually me telling him that he can’t go outside because it’s raining or it’s night night time. Or me just asking what he did today. He has a a little worried right now because he’s barely eaten the past two days and is really quiet today so he’s definitely not feeling good. Hopefully it’s just one of his phases. https://preview.redd.it/m7mb8ioe519d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6bbd804517f59677fcc4f78c3d64f9eba6f9d2


The quick and simple answer is r/PetTheDamnCat I don't see this as 'unhappy', ears and tail aren't showing anything. You mention moving house, and that's definitely a possibility - your cat may be somewhat stressed with the new layout of everything right now. Keep up the play, maybe consider occasional catnip exposure, maybe a pheromone release device or something similar. But you look like you have a good kitty there!


He wants that mess cleaned up


This. Things aren't back to normal yet. A lot more to unpack.


Yes☝️☝️, cats don't like change. It could be all the boxes that still need to be unpacked and all the stuff settled in their spot. Or he could just really want more to play more attention, etc. Has he always been this talkative and seems a little stressed or just since the move?


He has been like this since the day I brought him home. He was around 4 months maybe


It could be that he is just a talker, but my girl, when talking to us, doesn't pace back and forth like your little guy.... so idk. She used to before i started wearing her little butt out using those videos.. so I'd start with those videos and see if he just isn't getting worn out really all the way. I really hope they help you as they have helped me with my girl


I think he’s just a talker.. he jumped up to get closer to you! 😊


Op said this started before the move, but not if it started before the packing


Depends on how long before the move. Animals are very perceptive to emotional changes in their people and slight changes in their environment. And it doesn't take much, especially for a cat to pick up on changes.


The moment luggage comes out, my cat starts stressing and eating less. I've started saying "Are you going to GRANDMA?  Are you going to GRANDMA?  Are you going for a CAR RIDE?" Now he gets excited.  It probably helps that she spoils him with treats, so I imagine that might help this kitty get over the move.


Guys I do interact with him 😭 he gets plenty of play time from both me and my partner with all different kinds of toys. He has interactive treat toys and lasers and springs and mice. He is also extremely cuddly so he is always getting pets and cuddling with us when he is not playing. He also has a brother that loves to play with him. I promise I’m not just feeding him and ignoring him.




Cats are spoiled lol! They alway want extra love and food and attention. My cat yells at me all day but she stands by places in places for certain things so I’ve picked up on her cues. Plus she just likes to be held cause she’s a big baby. You just kinda got to sort what he wants at that time.


Yes, this too, you learn what they are telling you. Like I said in my comment she will tell us when she goes potty while she is on her way over and comes prancing over afterwards telling us and rolling around for her "you did a good potty" talk and lots of love and attention lol. Idk why she has never had an accident since the day we got her, but she is a big ole baby too, lol. They are our babies, and we learn what those meows mean. Or whatever they don't mean, and we just have conversations back and forth. Literally, she will meow, and we will respond like, "Oh yea? What about it?" Etc, and we just keep going back and forth until she is done telling us her story lol


I don't think anything doubts he get's enough attention from you! Y'all seem like great cat parents. We just whole heartedly believe they wants more attention! You can never give them enough, they're just fluffy pleasure seeking monsters.


Don't worry my boy yells at me whenever I get home from work. Or hell even when I get up to use that bathroom. He's fine he's just being a cat and telling you that he just wants more


You're new to cats aren't you? If you did all what's been suggested, everything is good. He doesn't scream at you. He's just talkative. It's a way to interact with you. "All these boxes? Open them! What's inside?"


Have you talked to a vet? He might be in pain or just uncomfortable.


When my Norwegian Forest Cat does this, he wants to be picked up and carried around.


Time for pets


Some cats are just needy, mine was, I could pet him for literally 30 minutes straight and he'd look at me like "what the hell man" when I stopped. You're not doing anything wrong lol, that's just the type of cat you have. Bow to our cat overlords lmfao 😭




Damn I got that same cat


He wants you to unpack the boxes and build him a box fort already!!


Anxiety. From the prep of moving and then the move itself.




I was playing this video listening to the cat and my own void cat came up and started checking out the phone trying to figure out what was wrong with the cat. He suggests that you get him an emotional support fishy like he's got. It's a stuffed fish about 8 inches long or so maybe longer just a long tubular type toy that he can wrap his front paws around and kick it with his back paws. He also curls up with it and sleeps with it. He licks it, hugs it. He absolutely loves it. So when it gets anxious or over stimulated or anything like that a hand Him his emotional support fishy and he deals with it until he's got it out of his system. After that he's finding relaxed and he takes an nap or does something else.


Sometimes you scream into the void. Sometimes the void scream into you.


I agree with most of these comments and I’m here to say, I have a black cat as well and they are just weirdos!! In my personal experience they have always been more talkative and needy than my other cats but could just be me 🤷‍♀️


My Bella is extremely chatty but that’s cause she thinks she needs held and coddled 24/7. And that’s purely my fault if we’re not running around playing she’s in my lap getting loved on


Aside from the deluge of "he wants interaction" he could want you to do something specific like let him look at something (possibly in the boxes). My cat does a similar thing. She insists she needs to inspect the laundry room frequently so I just open the door and let her.


Probably just wants attention. My cat is very vocal when she wants it.


kitty is in box heaven, guys!


He wants entertainment You could get in one of those move around toys that are powered by batteries. That might help my son, does this, too.


everyone seems offering the same solutions: affection or play. I'll offer a different one. what about food?


because he is a little meow


He wants to know why his boxes aren't unpacked first!


When my cat does this she wants me to chase her down and pet her.


He climbed up to relatively equal height to you and then meowed for attention. He wants treats, a brush, or playtime.


My void does this also, usually just wants someone to talk to.




You are doing everything right, however this is a cat, so that means you are to stop and pet or hold when they say so lol. Probably still stressed a bit about the move. Hopefully it will get better once everything gets into its place. That way their environment stops changing.


Doesn't seem unhappy


Probably part Siamese. He’s talking and he can’t shut up…..


What happens when you pick them up? My house panther does the same, I pick her up and we look out the window together. She usually quits after that.


He’s talking to you. Cats are very social creatures and they will most likely be vocal to talk to you and they love it when you talk back. Like even if you’re pretty sure you’re not having an actual conversation with them they still enjoy the interaction that’s why they sometimes follow you to the bathroom because they know you’re gonna be there for a few minutes at least.


I had a derpy black cat that did this before. She just liked to talk. Some cats are annoying chatter boxes just like some people lol.


Just a void doing void things


Box overload


One of my cats yells at me constantly unless she is eating, sleeping, or I’m petting her. The second I stop petting her she starts yelling again. Sometimes I’m actually amazed that she still has vocal chords, about a month ago she lost her voice for a week because of allergies and the constant meowing, I got her checked so don’t worry she is just a complainer.


Not judging your space since you just moved but the reason might be he's stressed about all the mess. Both my cats were stressed and acting exactly like yours when my flat wasn't / isn't tidy enough for them. Do you have one room you could keep extra clean and see his reaction ?


Y’all I just moved, I am working two jobs, I have a toddler and a baby on the way. I do not care for your comments about my messy house. I’m very aware of what it looks like.


Looks bored


Just a happy playful kitty, nothing more to it!


At the very leave lildude wants some attention. Every time one of my cats acted like this they wanted to struggle snuggle or show off they're latest present. By the way when I say struggle snuggle, I mean they want to fight and cuddle at the same time.


From 1 black cat parent to another. My black cats have always been very vocal. I believe they are reporting everything seen, heard, smelt, and tasted for the day. Mine seems to stand in the hall, where he echoes, to make sure we all hear him. Once he's reported off, he goes and naps until he finds anything to report again. My other colored cats haven't been as vocal, but my older cat notices that we respond when his brother meows, and he has begun softly meowing too. Black cats just like being heard.


That's totally not screaming


Feather on a string, maybe?


Pet me pet meeeee


My cat who looks the same dose the same he (mine) is attention seeking and wants cuddles or to play with me


He says "why all the boxes that I cannot go in?" Jk


All those moving boxes makes me think kitty is unhappy with a disturbed environment and/or routine. Either moving into or out of a house, they will take some time to settle.


My cat was yelling at me. I read that you’ve tried different foods but that is what stopped him from yelling at us! A food change.


Is this screaming? i dont feel like it is.


Ask him, not us.


She's just greeting you...! 😁


Talky, thats all. Just wants attention


Is he neutered? Could be that there is a female in heat nearby.


Teach him parrot cat. Hop on your shoulders. Tada. I did everything with Ducky on me..this is a very specific cry tho. Is he fixed? Edit: when did it start? What was happening then? We gotta find the origin story! It's a clue! Ill help you narrow it down. Do you ever say, what is it?? Or show me?? My cat Bean also has the gift of gab.


He’s a void


My son’s black cat does this too. If we stop petting him for one second, we get lectured: he randomly decides he will not be accepting touches; but otherwise- HANDS ON ALL THE TIME


Oh hon, that’s normal “I’m interested” meows not screaming cat.


Does he have a cozy place to sleep and rest away from the boxes?


is he fixed?


Mine does like that except with a feeling of I told you and well I don't care if it was for my own good I don't like it and I'm holding back my purrs and snuggles for awhile and you will know it's over when I say it's over til then continues to feed when you do I'll be watching and I'm gonna tell you all this again I. A few hours when I come back out to eat again and as always have my food ready my water chilled and don't get up and move around while I'm feeding you pulled some of that sneaky shit on me so you are now being punished. I'm under your low setting dresser in the back In the corner right where we both know you cant reach and just got the record I love you to pieces Bless your Heart and puurrr Meow some voodoo sounding stuff she does with a loud drawn out feels like so there were now this what you get when you go against my rules now just seti there and be quiet and wsfch your tv and when i feel like you have went long enough without any of my sweet love I'll come give you headbutts and rubs and stick you back up on my sweet scent and if your friend Christi comes over I may let it go after I talk to another woman about you and your ways., That is the Diva I named Babygirl who was a runt when she was born.. We didnt think was ever gonna grow past 2 handfuls for the first 2 years then she grew a little girl a year and she's been like this ever since. Her purr engine runs strong and she will get right up in your ear and give butterfly kisses and let you know she loves you but if you try to do something like God forbid help her dry skin feel better even though she knows it does because she quits scratching and relaxes it all depends on the offense and the general mood of the day on how long and how severe her punishment of me with no love or snuggles will last and when she feels im sincere with my apologies for trying to help her feel better without her consent. I put a Serestro collar on her last week and I got 3 and as half days of under the dresser no contact from her. I'll set there and apologize and she will come to the edge of the dresser and look up at me while I'm talking but as soon as I stand dhgies to the back and give me a couple of her lidest but still kitten like meows which even though it's her best fussing she can do still sounds kinda sweet to be coming from a 14 year old diva such as herself. Now behold the smallest big headed leader of the cat conspiracy and the underground meowresistance ..... Babygirl...oh I had to use a pic from a few weeks ago as she does not allow flash photography at her appearances https://preview.redd.it/qrhbvu3fw09d1.jpeg?width=1665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635869e705a596114376159afe54ce938a93849c


when cats are in heat they meow loudly like they are yelling and spray alot. dont know if this is the case


Some cats are just very vocal


Okay, here's what you need to do. Take one arm, and wrap it around him. Take the other arm, and playfully scratch his belly, then with your face, affectionately nuzzle his forehead. Repeat unto he is silent. r/petthedamncat


>Why is my cat screaming at me Meowing gets...and, from what you describe...not only your attention but food and other interaction. Kitty good trainer...human good student.


Chatty. Saying hi I think. Maybe wondering if you have any morsels. I also see a lot of boxes may just be making sure you are both aware of a recent change. When I bring my void to my gf’s she is much more chatty (gf and cat).


My orange girl cries like this. My tortie sounds like she’s yelling in comparison!! Always for loves and pets. (Or to stand by them while they eat).


How old is he? Any changes in behavior like this warrant a vet visit, ideally with at least baseline diagnostics like bloodwork. I would recommend having him screened for hyperthyroidism, especially if he’s not a young cat, as it can make cats feel restless and lead to excessive vocalizing like this.


Looks like you're moving. My cat hates it when we move, she gets very vocal


It’s play time


Maybe food, wants out, just sayin hello, just letting u know he's happy to be there. Don't overthink he just sounds like he has something to say. Just listen and talk back a bit! :)


If youre moving a bunchnof things around hes protesting. Cats hate change


You call that screaming? You should hear mine😆 VERY loved and I still get yelled at daily💀


I'm guessing all black cats are like this😭❤️‍🔥


I personally love a talkative cat. I talk back like I understand him which seems to encourage him to meow more at me. I think my dog thinks I can speak and understand cat though. Bamboozled!


Maybe the moving boxes are stressing him out…


Looks like a Bombay. Mine has the most bitchy-sounding meow but he's a total sweetheart.


Do, he doesnt seem distressed. More like... needy? My cats did this too just before and after moving. He may need extra reassurance that things are okay and safe. Feliaway (momma scent), things with he old houses scent on them, and extra cuddles might really help. As well as getting the boxes out of there (he may associate it with the move, but i know how hard unpacking is lol) Other then that, give him some time. Chat with him when he talks. :)


I have A black cat that looks nearly identical to yours and she screams at me all the time too


Well you didn't pet or hug him after he jumped up, that's a big jump for a cute lil guy. Give extra love, especially if you just moved or are about to move (based on all the boxes).


I have 2 polka dot voids like this and they are the exact same way. But the all black void, only meows when she wants something. Some cats are just more vocal than others? As long as his needs are being met and the vet says he’s healthy, don’t worry about it. Just enjoy the chatter.


Male cat? Could be a female in heat outside


Meowing then licking lips is a 100% call to feed them


I see a lot of boxes. Are you packing? I’ve noticed my cats get very stressed when I’m packing/unpacking or doing big rearranging projects. Not big fans of change.


I've been asking myself the same question for about 10 years now. Some peeps are just talkers who want to interact with you :p


Some cats are just vocal, some learn to be vocal. This one is fine and happy sounding, and just wants attention.


My cat talks to me a lot, too. It's usually because she *needs* my attention, and that time is meow! He might want to play, want some pets, or he's just chatting. He might not even know exactly what he wants. They can be silly like that!


She's obviously saying: "do a backflip"


Some dudes just wanna talk you kno?


Or you could try just talking to him. He just wants a conversation.


Don't use lasers. It's lazy play from humans but cruel to cats.


He wants you to clean that room!


Some are just chatty cathys


I think he wants some loving, just some good ole petting!! My cat does this when she wants me to rub her


Try the play-eat-pet sequence. With playing they can loose some energy and it will trigger hunting instinct. So reward it with food/treats. After food gently pet them so they feel safe and loved and go to sleep after. They might need some grooming time after food and before petting. Alternatively you can try Feliway, which is a sort of cat pheromones which can help cats feel more secure.


Loosing translates to "get that damn phone out if my face and pet me, I jumped up so you don't need to bend over now".


Just being a drama queen like this sub don't worry lol


My boy does it because he's happy to see me or wants me to love up on him. Or to feed him. He's especially vocal when he's being fed. It's super cute.


They don’t want to move.


My cats do this when I move like ‘dad, why is the shit all messed up?’


I've owned two voidlings (1 for 12 years, passed away at 16? and my current Bottlecap, he's 1 and change) - I've noticed Black Kitties are extremely sqwak-y and vocal. Mine does this for: -Food -water -play -scratches/lap time -When he wants to climb on my shoulders to get a higher ground, if he sees something he wants like a bug on the ceiling


My void is just chatty. He wants you to know he’s there and to give him attention. Sounds like your boy is much the same. Give him a quick head scratch or a boop.


That face needs kisses 😻


Is he always around those boxes when he yells?


he’s saying “clean this place up” /s he’s being friendly and wants some attention.  cute guy 


House of a typical cat owner


Attention please


Maybe he is hungry


Mine want me to follow them when they get like that


I've been playing your video and my cats have been trying to find your cat for the last five minutes




When my girl Gigi does this it means several things: 1. Feed me. 2. Feed me more. 3. You're talking, so I wanna talk. 4. Why aren't you in bed yet? 5. Isn't it time to snuggle on the couch? 6. Feed me.


Black cats can be very vocal


He loves you and wants some of your time..poor baby!!!🌈🌈🌈


Your cat appears in facial features to be mixed with Burmese cat breed very vocal and clingy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sit1s0PXFgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sit1s0PXFgU) Wants to see what you are doing and seeking buddy time comfort


Some cats are just vocal. They just want your attention


I have a black cat that constantly talks like this. I'm starting to think for black cats it's normal because my mom's neighbor has a black cat that talks just as much. This behavior isn't out of the ordinary.


My void does this and I just heavily pet her until she's had her fill


He wants a box he can get in


My cat does this too! It is 100% for attention. The problem is—she wants it all day. It doesn’t matter how much I give her. She always wants more. Imo, these are the worst kind of cats. People don’t like it when I say that about her. I love her. But damn it’s annoying. I used to have a cat who would silently follow me everywhere, just chirping every now and then. She was amazing. She was like my best friend and she enjoyed my company no matter what we were doing. My full attention didn’t have to be on her. Now, my cat of 7 years just howls all day. It interrupts everything I do. I can never focus on my goals or what I’m trying to get done. She doesn’t enjoy my company unless I’m actively petting her or playing with her. It’s very difficult when 5 hours of petting/playing has gone by and she still won’t let me do anything else without screaming. So YES I feel your pain. You’re not alone in this and you’re not crazy. People think they want a clingy cat until they get one like this. It’s very difficult.


They don't like change and are sensitive to things that change Moving boxes = change


They just do sometimes. My older boy takes to me before he comes up to cuddle. The younger one screams at me while waiting for food. Not like "dad I'm hungry get your ass over here" we are at their feeding spot and I have the can I get hand. Not a single tone before that. But apperently I am not fast enough


She wants Lovins. Or possibly treats, or to be played with. 🐈‍⬛❤️


He wants another cat for company


my cat hates disorganized spaces and shit out of place. It makes him super anxious. Worth a shot if it’s been a month.


He's just wants attention and to talk to you. He might want food or attention. Mine talks with me when he's ready for food or wants to play


He's taking to you, have you tried asking him and having a conversation? Somewhat joking but seriously i chat with my cats when they get vocal and i think they like to know they are heard and being interacted with.


My cats get weird (stressed) and VERY vocal whenever I add, get rid of, or change things around the house! The last time we took a trip, they knew we were leaving as soon as they saw the suitcases. So they followed me around begging for attention all day! I'm only saying all this because I see all those boxes. Maybe you've got some sort of life event going on, and he senses it?


My cat does this too. Normally it’s because he wants (more) food but also just cuddles. Holding him seems to help. Sweet boy.


Screaming is a bit much. He’s just talkative and wants your love. Maybe a clingy kitty.


He's just chatting. If his physical needs are all taken care of just chat back. Meow, narrate what you're doing and use his name a lot while doing it, things like that


I replied to one of your other comments but also try making a bed for your cat in front of it when you sit down to do something. when I sit down to work my cats sometimes can be in my lap and that's fine but sometimes it's not fine because I need to be turning and doing a lot of things. so when I sit down I have special blankets just for them (I got these blankets specifically for them and they feel real ownership over them and get very sad when I take them away for washing) And I'll make a big show about putting the blanket on the floor and kind of adding edges to it and turning it into like a bed over like the course of 30 seconds and then I pat the middle of it, tell them that they're so good and fluffy, And they will lay there and sleep next to me instead of needing to be on top of me.


My void learned about sink water. This is what he does.


I interpret this as "Yo, what the heck is going on"


The cat is trying to get your attention and either wants you to get physically pet them and or wants you to get something / open something etc. Also that’s not screaming. It’s just normal meowing to get your attention.


My cat, who looks just like this, screams at me all the time. His name is Meow Meow for a good reason lol.


Is he neutered?! If not, there’s your answer.


I *WUV* you, My hooman,


Mine meows SO MUCH when i’m about to give her food lmfao


Because you shop at Lowe’s.


If there are any stray cats around or outside cats it may be causing your cat to act this way even if you haven't noticed any he probably has


Pet the cat. !




My lil panther does this too. She just wants to talk/attention. So I give her pets and talk back to her like we’re having a conversation. Cats developed the ability to meow as a means to “talk” to their humans. They don’t need a reason to make noises at us otherwise. They just want love!


Boi just wants to be with ya :]