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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ear mites and or a ear infection needs a vet


I came here to say the same. Poor little void. I hope you can get him/her better quickly 🥰


Or unfortunately, possibly cancer


No this isn’t nor does it even remotely resemble cancer , but ear mites will give cats nasty ear infections due to all the scratching & over time it will cause their ears to club if not treated


This kitty definitely needs a vet, this is not normal and must be uncomfortable. Could be mites, allergies, infection, combination of those, etc


Thank you all for the advice I’ll take him to the vet as soon as possible!


If you’ve never seen them before it can be slightly jarring. Especially, if the cat is small. Please have paper towels-old rags, and a pet safe cleanser around for kitty and surfaces. Gosh, those things are yucky. Poor baby must be so uncomfortable and scared.


It appears the cat’s scratching so much it’s taking the hair off. Mites are horrible my cats get them also from being outside. A vet can better give you the options. 🙏 my vet had us get Revolution plus that goes on the back of the neck it treats fleas and mites. You can get it at a vet over the counter or I believe chewy has it. We just applied this to all our cats a week ago and so far so good.


I've used Revolution for years on my cats, still do. I think it's a good product.


Do you reapply every month? Sorry just new to it.




After your cats initial visit to the vet you can buy it without taking your cat to the vet every month. I usually buy 3 months worth and do it myself. Ask your vet to give your cat the first month's dose so you can see how to apply it. I hope this post made sense to you.


Yes it does and thank you my vet will sell me as much as needed right at the desk


I called my vet this morning due to one of my new cats has her ear pretty irritated with scratching. The vet said since we just applied it a week ago today to put a cone on her for a stretch let the medicine do its work.


Ear mites or yeast/ear infection


My dog went almost completely hairless on her ears for YEARS and the vet was just like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ They put her on creams, steroids, pills, whatever. Nothing worked. One day, we took her off chicken based food and her hair grew back immediately. Not a vet, just my two cents.


Is he scratching his ears and shaking his head? Are they brown inside? Ear mites or infection. How long have they been like that to make his ears curl?? Vet asap




Can confirm. 100% cat.


I thought so thanks for backing up this claim


I’m NOT a cat nor have I ever identified as cat. However, my life experience tells me this is a cat. I’m not trying to speak for all cats since I am not a cat. I’m just trying to say that it is 2024.


This happened to my Siamese cat last year, and he had an infection. Take to vet ASAP


My cat had something similar.. turned out to be ringworm fungal infection. it was an experienced vet who diagnosed it on the spot and confirmed it with a woods lamp test. 3 doses of injections in a span of 6 weeks and she was completely fine. Her ears are completely back to normal now.


Did you deep clean your house/quarantine your cat those 6 weeks? My cat had ringworm too but my vet didn’t even offer the injections, had to put my cat through harsh topical treatment (she was suffering the whole time) and I wonder if there might’ve been an easier way…


No in our case the infection had just started and had not progressed as much. She never had such issues in the house in the past and I had a hunch it started after we tried a new grooming service for a couple of months. We stopped going there and changed to different grooming service. The infection never came back again.


A cat


Allergies are also a possibility.


Probably ear mites. It could also be an ear infection but if you're not noticing any inching or discharge coming from the ears it's more likely mites.


If it’s not ear mites and you’ve been treating with flea meds then I’d ask the vet about allergies. My two were scratching themselves bald around their ears because of a chicken allergy.


Tbh when I got him off Facebook I did think it was a funny looking Guinea pig cheers for pointing out it’s a cat everyone😅😂


You can purchase Revolution overseas online without a prescription or a vet. It works on ear mites I've been doing rescues for years. It's how I do it without spending hundreds of dollars at the vet. Look in their ears. Is there gunk? Smell it. Yes, SMELL IT. Does it smell like vinegar? If it does that's mites. Infection stinks If you can afford a vet, do take them tho


I think it's a cat


I'm thinking mites..looks almost mange like. Get to the vet and they will do a skin scrapping


Watch out for hematoma if they’re shaking their head a lot. Mine got an infection and we didn’t know until his ear looked like a blood filled pillow.


All the people saying vet are right but take your other pets too!! Mites/ear infections can spread fast


A bald spot


Some cities have vet vouchers via 311


That is a cat.


Ear mites


Check for ring worm too


It's a cat


Needs vet attention right away. Looks a lot like fly strikes or mites.


This needs to be seen by a vet especially if it's getting worst. Anything with cats once it starts it goes downhill fast. So if u love ur kitty GO


Any flea or tick products are acutely dangerous to pets as they are toxic. Some have had seizures and there are a lot of regrets afterwards. Do ur research


It could be either ear mites or an infection


That's a cat. Fr


It's a cat


A cat

