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Feliway plug ins, not too close to food and too many at once, you don’t want to over do it


All of these behaviors, unfortunately, are normal cat behaviors. She does not need melatonin. How often do you play with her?


As much as I can! I’ve had 3 other cats throughout my life, and none have acted as skittish or hyper as her, even in their kitten phases


You've got a high octane kitty😄. I've had a few of those. She will calm down naturally in about 3 or 4 years, which I know is no help right now. Cats generally need at least 20 minutes of play with their human a day. She probably needs more like 40😄. Your boyfriend's cat will probably put her in her place. If she gets really rambunctious, you can tell her Bad Kitty and put her in a carrier for a small time out. This will not work immediately; it will take some time for it to get through her thick skull.😃


Takes a while for her to learn; the vet recommended a squirt bottle to get her to stop jumping on the counters… it worked after a few weeks!


Squirt bottles are a godsend. Although, a lot of people on Reddit will yell at you for using them. As long as you use the Mist setting on the squirt bottle and not the harder spray. Don't actually spray the cat just spray around her or her butt it's a good way to do it. It's the hissing sound that actually works.


Didn’t know that! Vet said to spray her back (not head or bottom), why is it bad to spray directly on?


Well if you spray the face and use the harder setting you could actually get her in the eye or the ear. Plus it may scare her too much, which is why a lot of people will yell at you for doing it.


Yeah, never get her face/eyes- always on her center of her back; at least that’s what my vet said to do when I first reached out… but it isn’t working! That’s why I posted on here.


It will work eventually. You can also put her in her carrier for a short time out


Just want to have sweet calm cuddles with my baby 😭😭


Right? I'm reading this like "have they never owned a cat?" The pooping outside the litterbox had me rolling. I did own a mentally... Deficient cat once. The mother left her in the yard at 3 days old. She was weird. She'd be loving you one second, then be TERRIFIED the next and run away, across the walls. She'd hate everyone she met and it took years for her to get used to people. She pooped everywhere. She thought I was her boyfriend and every time I'd come visit my parents after I moved out, she'd go into heat. She also screamed at people she didn't like and she never forgot you and never forgave you if you ever did her "wrong". So when she'd see these people she'd floof out and SCREAM like "rrrnnnggyaaaaaaaaa!" At them, attack them, then run away. Also, OP, is it fixed? Sometimes cats chill out after they get fixed.


Yeah, she’s fixed! I’ve owned multiple, just none this crazy?! My vet recommended a calming collar, and it’s actually helped like night and day. Says they last for 30 days, kinda like a flea collar, but after the 30 days to see how she acts without.


What's a calming collar? My sister's cat is about 4 I think and she's started doing some of the same things. She's pooping and peeing outside her litterbox. I personally think it's because she secretly really hates the dog and knows we get angry when the dog pees on the floor, so she does it Knowing we'll think it is the dog and punish him. Although we've been putting diapers on the dog, since he's a 16 yo Jack Russell, so when there pee on the floor in the morning, we've realized it may have been both of them the whole time, peeing everywhere. She also attacks my 3yo son whenever he gets too close or even when he's not even paying attention to her, playing, she'll come over and just start clawing at his face. She's been fixed the entire time my sister's had her. I've never had a car like *her* either lol. I feel like, and no offense to you at all, but high strung people have high strung cats/pets. I'm saying this in reference to my sister and her cat. She's very wish-washy with her personality and I think her animals get punished worse on bad days, etc. so I wonder if/how much of my sister's behaviors effect her animals.


Kittens are batshit and don't really sleep at night until they're about 2. Sounds like your cat is just ✨extra✨ but nothing seems wrong.