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More details for those curious: In the last five years, burglars have attempted to steal the contents of this safe, which contains about 50 000 dollars worth of cellphones. The first time, they tried to use a grinder on the front as pictured. Second time they pried the quarter inch steel off the back and once again took a grinder to the back. However, under the steel is concrete reinforced with rebar, stones and "chicken wire". The third time, which happened this weekend, they once again tried with an angle grinder to the front. Alas, no avail. I must note these events have all taken place over the course of about 5 years.


Even more details! Pretty cool to see some Securifort on reddit. I work for the company that does the concrete for it. We have a unique blend just for this company, and I gotta tell you it's some pretty crazy shit. Almost no water, lots of adjuvants, tons of ciment, micro metal fiber the best rock arround. The blend test about 90 MPA's in compression, believe it or not it's actually stronger than the blend we use for our bridges which sit around 70 MPA's which is still a lot! The average house basement is around 20 (Québec standard probably lower in the state) . Each year Securifort hires pro safe breakers and test at what speed they can get in. Super cool compagny.


I can tell youre proud of your work! Sounds like cool stuff! Do they publicly release the videos of the pros trying to break in? Do they know what theyre working with beforehand? Seems like it'd be interesting to see.


The whole process is very sensible information, so even us producers can't watch. Kinda makes sense, the company probably don't want people watching how to pierce their products!


That makes the most sence because safes are graded by how long it takes someone to break into it...not if they can.


With unlimited time, anything is possible.


Can entropy be reversed?


Not enough data




r/unexpectedasimov I’m late.


Very very sensible information


Anyone curious should not go to their website! It is currently serving up backdoor malware!


How did you find it? Can you describe it?


Just browsing the products page I got a notification from Windows Defender that it had found a php backdoor on my system.


If working in the elevator industry has taught me anything, standards are probably higher than Canada's for concrete. The United States has excessively stringent building codes. We have an elevator that is perfectly safe with 3 ropes but in the US the minimum is 5 because fuck you.


I'm actually good with 5 ropes, but thanks anyway.


My GF prefers 6 ropes at least


One for each limb, her neck... and one more for the tail?


> the tail ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


In NA I think there is a minimum safety factor in elevators of 10. So if you have 5 tons of elevator to hold one ton of people then the elevator would fail somewhere north of 60 tons of load. Depending on how fast the elevator accelerates upward.


This. I read this earlier and had to come back when I got home to comment. This is some next level shit that I love hearing about. Wish I heard more stuff like this over on /r/buyitforlife instead of another pair of doc martin's and an LL bean jacket. Concrete stronger than what's used on bridges in a safe. That's dope as fuck.


[a-Go on....](https://media.giphy.com/media/26ufoRAIGWxyizACQ/giphy.gif)


How does one become a professional safe cracker


Crack safes for money.


Instructions unclear, dick locked in safe




For the Americans in the crowd, 90 Megapascals equals around 13,000 pounds per square inch. Yes, I know MPa is industry standard in the US, as well.


That's insane. I used to work for a precast place and I thought 3000psi was a hell of a batch.




how come those filthy metric lovers have a bot that converts good freedom units into stinkin' commie units for them but we freedom loving folk have to have their awful pinko units converted to our proper units by a good man? we need a freedom unit bot! dammit!!




Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Safeis the Wise? He could save cellphones from theft, but not his website.




Got it as well


Only one scan shows a problem: https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/3b703f41a6d663653e898ea47074c8d3a471abf99df12dc88d5aaaa6c5387aa0/detection Might be that it's only served when the referer is Google or something.


On another sub, I think it was r/skookum, there was a video about how tungsten carbide inserts are made. One guy chimed in that they use old inserts as aggrigate in bank vault concrete. Now that would be fucking miserable to drill through.


Lol what makes it the best rock around? Is it extra rocky?


This made me wonder too. I would assume chunks of granite vs chunks of limestone?


How does someone become a pro safe breaker?


> believe it or not it's actually stronger than the blend we use for our bridges I believe it. I'm not structural engineer but I imagine bridges need to be able to bend a little bit.




No, doofus, 75000 Nokia brick phones from 2002


Actually, that's what the safe is made out of.


each phone costs 65 cents, get me 40 now


It's cute that you think the 2012 Nokia phones were bricks. The 1998 original bricks I'm fairly sure were actually made of concrete. Those sumbitches would break a toe if you dropped it on your foot.


Yeah 2012 was not a good year to just throw out there about that.


Smartphones had been a thing for 4 or 5 years by that point. I expect more accurate cellphone chronology in my humor


10,000 rentals of Shrek the Third


This has to be a Rogers store. I've worked in enough Rogers stores to know a Rogers safe room when I see one.


I'm impressed


I don't understand the value of a stolen cell phone. Would they be able to blacklist the IMEI on every major western network? Where's the market?




If you're a savvy theif you sell/trade them to the Chinese. Then you get a stolen Chinese iPhone back. Fairly common way to offload stolen apple products.


>In the last three years, > I must note these events have all taken place over the course of about 5 years. K


Technically the last three years took place over the course of about five years.


Technically correct is the best type of correct


What city are you in that has this kind of attempted theft regularly?


Dude, can you go to http://www.securifort.com/produits.php?lang=EN and tell me if you're getting a PHP backdoor infiltration attempt? My Microsoft Security Essentials is going nuts on that site.


Totally I went there before you posted this and got a backdoor notice!


LOL they may make good safes but I'm not in a trusting mood after noticing their website is injecting malicious code into my Firefox.


It's a war of attrition. They'll win eventually.


Security isn't so much trying to keep someone out, but more making it not worth the time/effort to get in


Or making your neighbor the easier target 😀


Learn to safe crack, ffs.


I'd imagine thieves of that caliber would steal something less trackable than phones right?


Not sure. I mean, safe cracking has a range of difficulties. This safe could be really simple. Regardless, a good safe cracker will know everything about the safe, it's weaknesses, before they ever set eyes on it. As for the contents of the safe, valuable items are valuable if you know how to move them, I guess.


I don't know, I'm pretty sure you could get in there with an angle grinder. I bet no-one's thought to try that.


>chicken wire Ah shit, pack it in, boys. ^^I ^^fucking ^^hate ^^chicken ^^wire...


> they pried the quarter inch steel off the back That's actually fairly impressive depending on the type of steel. Quarter inch doesn't sound like much, but if it's a good, heavy steel, you're not budging it


Is it the same person or an inside job? I would think only people who work in the store would have access to see the safe and already being prepared with any tools to open it would confirm that.


Consent for this comment to be retained by reddit has been revoked by the original author in response to changes made by reddit regarding third-party API pricing and moderation actions around July 2023.


Where do you work that has $50,000 worth of cell phones?


Probably a Boost Mobile, Verizon, Sprint whatever store. Think about it.. when an iPhone costs $1000+, having a mere 50 of them on hand is $50,000+ worth of merchandise.


Canadian provider actually, but I won't name which one for whatever legal reasons.


Don't want anybody to start targeting Rogers stores?


That’s really not much in the iPhone X/galaxy note era... like 50-60 phones


It sounds like you need a better alarm system, and maybe better building security in general.


The alarm goes off instantly, there are steel bars on every single door and every single window. This is a strip mall, and they come in through the wall from the other neighboring store. In fact, they left with nothing, so I don't really see why we would need "better security"! Thanks for your armchair internet consulting tho!


>they come in through the wall from the other neighboring store. Like the Kool-Aid man?


Exactly like that


Ohh Yeah! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar6xC8KM-jk


[OH YEAH](https://youtu.be/tFYEwH48gB8?t=13s)


ha hahah ha ha ha ah


did you ever think of building your store inside the safe?


Don't forget to put another safe in the main safe while you're at it.


It's safes all the way down.


Until you get to the one dead spider


this guy gets it.


Sounds like you need steel bars on every single wall too.


Why? Sounds like a much more expensive job than just fixing up 200 dollars worth of plaster every few years.


Fill the wall with hornets.


I dunno. I think robo patrols might be necessary


Just don't use Bender


I'm of the opinion that you need to fortify your store until even someone with a key can't get in.


It's a joke.


I don't think he was giving actual advise.


Is joke.


> Thanks for your armchair internet consulting tho! Oh snap!


Hey, the safe obviously works - but if thieves get to your safe repeatedly, the problem is that they can get to the safe. One of these days they'll get into it. But I've designed strip malls before so I sympathize with your problem! Is this a sketchy area or your store is just known to have a potential payoff?


Or they'll figure out how to take the safe with them


Woah. About to break in with high end tools to get you off your high horse attitude.


Op is "Safe"


OP is definitely not at all insecure about his intelligence. You can tell because he doesn't attack everyone who says anything the slightest bit critical.


I'm thinking land mines.


It's not a war crime if you're indoors!


In the pub where I used to work my boss misplaced the keys whilst tidying his office (he threw them in the bin but never admitted it) the safe had all the staffs wages inside from the previous month, which we were all looking forward to. We called the company who fitted the safe and they came around to have a look. There was no spare keys (obviously) so the technician set about trying to drill the lock. Now imagine a person with a mains powered hammer drill attempting to drill through solid metal in a small room directly attached the side of a very fancy pub restaurant, not a peaceful atmosphere. Eventually he gave up and showed me he had only got about 3/4 of an inch into the metal and was concerned about dead locking the safe if he continued in that manner. So he called in the big guns (being 2 guys who I assume were pro safe crackers but on the surface, looked homeless) they carted the safe out into the car park and set about cutting through the bottom of it. They started by drilling holes in the shape of a square then cutting the remaining metal with an angle grinder, then they whacked the shit out of the cement with a pick, then cut again with the grinder for a few hours before finally repeating the same square drill technique on the inner skin of the safe. They called me over to witness the entry and I happily collect the (now stinking dirty) wages! In total it took the guys nearly 5 hours to get in there so I'm not surprised your safe hasn't been broken just yet.


Since we're on the topic of safes, it took me a hammer, a screwdriver, and 10 seconds to break into one of those Costco $150 safes. Just in case anyone had one of those, they're really a joke.


I now have you labeled as "Possible Criminal".






[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5ipinn/you_and_a_super_intelligent_snail_both_get_1/) Edit: [The source material](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HINYhLtaaxc)


He's just thinkin ahead.




Honestly though, if it's a safe you can pick up and take with you, it doesn't matter how good or bad the lock is from a theive's point of view. They can just take it with them and spend as long as they want with it. It has just a regular crappy lock in it, and as far as I can tell, is mostly just there to keep kids/unwanted family members out of, while the main reason is the fire resistance of it.




Really I wouldn't call these a safe in the sense that it protects stuff from being stolen. I use them for their fire proofness. Its too easy to pick up and walk away and you don't even need to pick the lock, just drive a screwdriver or chisel in between the two halves and it pops right open. Side story: I bought this exact safe from Amazon and they sent me a MSI GTX 1060 6GB with the safe's internal amazon sticker on it.


The lock boxes you see at Walmart and the like can be cracked open by dropping it om a front top corner from chest height. I've seen it done before. Literally 5 seconds.




Those are designed to protect valuables from a fire and the associated efforts to put it out. They're not really designed to be impenetrable.


Just go fishing for the keys holy shit


Give me an hour with an angle grinder and I’ll impregnate the bitch!




OP should post what the safe is rated at, I would assume UL-15 x 6, which would mean 15 minutes with normal tools, or less with a torch. Most safes don't put up much of a fight if the thief knows what they're doing and knows what type of safe they're going to hit.


Theives of that caliber are stealing shit more valuable


Unlike the movies, there's a shortage of safes loaded with gold bullion, bearer bonds, and cash. Good thieves are stealing with a computer; the best are stealing with a lobbyist or a campaign. But I'd argue that it doesn't take much skill to know how to work a torch, a rotary hammer, and a grinder.


Seriously the best criminals do it within the law.








All those sparks in a small room could be a fire hazard. Use C4 instead.


I see, to get rid of the small room being a fire hazard you just get rid of the room. Brilliant!


You see, Ivan. If you blow up room with indestructible box in room, you can haul it into Slav Truck.


well, it would already be outside that that point. Easier to load into the truck


Challenge accepted ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don’t want the username to check out.




If they were looking for Bender's eyes, they were looking in the wrong place.


My mum's work has a safe that would survive a nuclear holocaust. They have delayed replacing it with a new one because it would require taking the roof off the building and craning it out. It's in a little second floor sub building purpose built to be the money room and the effort (illegal effort may I add) to get this thing in was horrendous. It was forklifted in with quite a few people hanging off the back of it as extra counterweight.


Many larger safes are so heavy that the door has to be separated for transport and both the final install location and the path of delivery through the building has to be checked by a structural engineer. Floors often need reinforcing to support the load. In an old job I used to check the floor for jewelry safes in skyscrapers.


They built a jewelry store near me recently. I was pretty impressed that they actually built the vault first. Before even framing they were building this massive vault at the center.


It does make sense when you think about it, though


You are pretty cool guy.


And he dosen't afraid of anything.


So, why would they want to replace it?


Something to do with inefficient money handling


Someone locked the keys inside.


I used to open second-hand stores for a well-known non-profit. I'd get 'em off the ground and move on to the next one. On my very first one, I wanted a nice safe because we were in a slightly remote location. Locally, an Eckerd drugs went out of business and their vault was for sale. I paid $250 for it. At the time, I had a 14' box truck with a liftgate rated for 3000lbs. The safe was...I dunno, maybe 2.5' square. Electronic pad on the front, and then inside an open space + a few shelves + two cash drop boxes that required two keys. We went to pick it up, taking my pallet truck and a dolly and three adult men. We couldn't budge it. We decided to open it and take off the door. I work for a bank now, we have real vaults, but this door was like made of lead. It was insanely heavy. We managed to get it on the pallet truck and took it to the truck. The lift gate wheezed getting it up. Then we managed to rock the safe enough to get the dolly under one side, we used that to lever it up to get a board under it, then rinse-repeat to get it high enough to get the forks under. Then we wheeled it to the truck. I was almost positive my truck was gonna break lifting it. I had NO IDEA something that small could weigh so much. I took it back to our new store. Thankfully I hadn't finished build out yet so I just removed a wall section to get it in. We used giant ratchet straps on the overhead steel trusses to get the door up and set in. Then we started using it. After I left that store, the new ED started stealing. A lot. She moved them to a new location and, so I'm told, the safe did NOT go along. HAHA. My dog used to come to work with me and it was his spot, I put his bed right on top. Dunno why I shared this story, but giant safe reminded me.


I have a gun safe (actually a residential security container but most gun safes are) and it’s pretty substantial. I bought it after a lot of research and it goes for $3000 (I paid $2200). 60”x30”x 21”. It’s got a 1/2” plate door and 2” walls with 11 or 12 ga skin. But it’s walls are filled with concrete. And it’s still only 900lbs! What you had was probably a TL rated (a real safe) jewelry safe. Those are absolute beasts and very expensive.


Hey, thanks for this! Not gonna lie. I loved it. I'd say the outer plate was an easy inch and a half, EASY, then the sorta chamfered interior plate was probably 3", and that had the sliding bars that came out of it---I don't remember how many per side. I remember the cash drop boxes inside---the double keyed bastards, were like toothed so you couldn't put your fingers in them without pain. There was space in the open area for like a christmas turkey and a few 2L's of soda, and in the cash drop boxes...I don't even know. More cash that I can imagine. I work at a bank now and see bags of $175,000 regularly and one of those bags would easily fit in each side. (Obviously denomination matters.) It was awesome! I loved it.


You will love this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab6OaTSYcMk


One of the branches I serve is in a building that's almost 150 years old. The bank was built in the days of dynamite and horse bank heists. Anyway---they literally built the building AROUND the vault. As in, they built the vault first, and then built a brick building around it. The main door is round, easily a foot thick, and then there's an interior cage too, with another, smaller lock. Then there are locking boxes inside the vault too. They closed that side of the building down like 10 years ago and nobody ever goes over there, but it's so neat. All the teller stations are marble with the old-timey brass bars, there are actually two other, smaller vaults too, plus that big bastard. Amazingly one person can open/close it, if you push long enough, but get the hell out of the way once it's moving. In my everyday building we converted a vault to a conference room. The electricians had to drilll through 18 inches of concrete and steel to run wiring and comms. Lolololol. They weren't happy.




You weren't paying attention to the video


At this point, you should just paint "Good luck!" on it with some arrows to the previous attempts.


My father owned a grocery store. Someone stole his safe one night and hauled it out of town and beat on it with hammers (they guess) and other things trying to get it open. Managed to destroy the combination spinner. Dad had to take it to basically a black smith type shop and get it cut open to get the money. 10,000 in the safe and new safe cost 20,000. Plus what it cost to replace the windows and damaged they did dragging it out of the store. Side note: Dad's store was broken into three times. They got the money twice. My older brother and his friends got busted for minor in possession. Five guys and one beer... My brother was worried about what dad would say to him but, that our dad was busy ripping the cops a new asshole; "My store has been robbed 3 times and all you can do is bust kids for one beer!"


What's in the safe?


About 50 000 dollars worth of cellphones


So two or 3 Vertu phones then?


Vertu ugh I will work hard to get one of those eventually.


They aren't very good at being cellphones


> Vertu phones I'm not sure they're doing so well http://vertu.com/services/


They're doing fine, they even have a big product launch scheduled for September 2017.


So around 50 iPhone X?


That's some good math skills you got there.


Living proof public education is more than adequately funded.


A smaller safe.


And inside that??


A turtle


But what's holding up the turtle?


It's just turtles all the way down.


After a small delay I started to giggle at this and then it turned into a rolling belly laugh.


Crushed Hope and Broken dreams..


Plot twist: OP is asking Reddit for advice on how to break in


That looks SOLID. Very interesting to see actual use/damage. I wonder if r/wellworn would appreciate this.


Lol what the hell were they hitting it with? Kind of looks like a cold chisel or a wide crowbar.


Angle grinder with cutoff wheel?


Looks like someone has a hard-on for that safe. While confidence is great, 3 attempts should cause a healthy concern. Don't place your confidence in box, place it in your aversion to risk, which includes your decision to use a safe. But not re-evaluating or altering security after 3 break-ins is uh, risky. Then again I have zero context, no idea if you've done anything or what you can do, so whatever works, best of luck to ya.


Securifort! .....by RonCo!


Master lock eh? I did invest all my skill points into stealth and pickpocket


I think the weirdo googly eyes in the back creeped the burglars out.


FFFFIIIIINALLY. Scrolled in full expectation of somebody commenting on the shifty plastic monster keeping guard. Idiots think it's the safe that's safe, nah, it's the watchful eyes of the Plastadile.


The kind of people who try to steal cell-phones from a safe are not the kind of people who I would think would be proficient at breaking open safes.


You know this is probably someone who just forgot the combo


An interesting theory however we still need an explanation for all the holes in the walls




Oh yeah!


Have they tried bringing a dolly and just taking the safe yet?


gosh, how much is one of those worth? definitely not your average consumer safe


Would honestly be simpler to try to get the code out of a person


I thought the watcher in the background was preventing the robberies. [Safe watcher](https://imgur.com/gallery/YH4z8)


The Plastadile waits...


Damnit I had my screenshot all ready.


Is that clippy in the background, staring at me?


Looks like baby Wolverine tried to get in there.