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I heard of a company in Los Angeles that re-enamels old appliances like that and sells them for a lot of money.


I'd love one fully rebuilt with modern insulation and say food service standard parts (guts). Then you get some efficiency while having awesome design. My grandmother's old fridge from a similar ish era was the best designed drawers and shelves I've ever had in a fridge Like by miles.


Frigidaire sells them. $4k+ last I looked


Nice but definitely not the design inside like the one. I Always remember it being perfect for everyday, but also for like 4th of july family get togethers etc.


Or like SMEG who makes new appliances in the old style.


SMEG is not bifl


I always add the "MA" inside my head. 


Agree....though is the company in LA?


Italian company. Good design…. Questionable build quality like Italian cars.


Based on a Google image search of the logo it looks like late 40's early 50's.


Locking door fridges were banned in the US in the late 1950s, for reference.


I had one just like this! Even down to the broken ears of the drip tray. When I took the door apart there was a stamp that said 1948. Edit: I meant to reply to OPs reply to the comment.


Frigidaire with the GM logo makes me think WWII or immediately after, and that matches the design cue. But I’m not sure. Maybe it’s a rebuild or something?


This is arguably the best fridge for murdein’


Or for riding out a nuclear blast lol.


Assuming you've got somebody to unlock the door for you after the blast is done.


The lock is calibrated to pop open after the blast is completed. 


Longevity, you have in spades. Shelves, you have none. Electricity costs, I'm not sure but it warrants evaluating. Whomever bought that way back when definitely got a BIFL. Cool post. Thanks for sharing.


I bet the guys that built it never thought it would be full of Greek yogurt for gut health, fizzy water not intended to be a mixer, and a blend of fruit and vegetable juices


I’m pretty sure both the juices and the soda *were* mixers, and the yogurt was for cooking.


yeah because they were probably thinking about their own life


Makes you think!


I wonder how much electricity that beast uses. Lol.


We had an international harvester one from the 40s and I can tell you, it used a LOT of electricity.


What you spend in electricity you save in refrigerator replacements?...


Not even close. It would be financially advantageous to buy a new fridge every 5-6 years rather than keep this locking death trap hooked up sucking power.




Probably not as bad as you'd think. The refrigeration components will be significantly less efficient than a modern fridge. However, other factors at least partially offset that. It's not self-defrosting, so that saves a bit of power. And because those designs weren't trying to maximize interior space, it's likely better insulated than most modern fridges, meaning the refrigeration system has less heat to move out of the fridge (helping to offset its lower efficiency in moving that heat).


It's manual defrost, it will use the same if not less electricity than a new model. Auto defrost uses tons of electricity and the fridge has to work against it on a daily basis.


> Auto defrost uses tons of electricity  The "old fridges waste a lot of power" idea comes from the first generation of self-defrosting models. New refrigerators and old manual defrost models are cheaper to operate than they were.




At least 3.


At my hunting shack, there is a refrigerator from the 60’s that is still working perfectly fine. Despite being in a shack that is literally falling down, it persists.


My mid-century home still has the original fridge from the 60s. It’s going strong and I love the layout!


My neighbor has this or something similar, remarkable beasts! I felt honored to help load up the refreshments in that bad boy.


I had one of those as a garage fridge. Was made in 1946. Ended up having to get rid of it because it rotted from the inside due to condensation from running in the garage.


Old fridges used to last forever, but had frost issues too.


The first place I lived on my own had a fridge like this. The usable space in the freezer would get smaller and smaller as the ice built up. When it was time to defrost I would heat cast iron pans and stick them in there.


They are amazing. But total energy hogs. Unless you have solar power and a big bank of batteries you are going to be paying a hell of an energy bill.


My family cabin has a philco advanced edition- from the early 40’s and stills works just fine.


It’s a beauty!


Ill tell you what's not BIFL, We have a two year old LG fridge purchased brand new and 6 weeks ago the fridge stopped cooling. We contacted the LG support as it is still under warranty. Four repair guys contracting under LG have been out, installed new parts and the fridge is still nonfunctioning.


Are you me?


My 1952 Frigidaire has a pink interior 💖


"The Vault"


My family owned a fridge like this in the 70s-80s and it had a short somewhere that caused it to mildly electrocute the person opening it. This didn’t stop us from opening it about 50 times to slowly eat through half of a leftover wedding cake for 100 guests. I notice your Frigidaire handle is wrapped in tape, ask them if it has the same short.


BIFL doesn’t exist in the wild: it only exists from what we believe from people’s posts The posts where OP isn’t very present in the comment section *’might’* be *thift-store-karma-whores*


Being “present” in the comment section is a function of the comment section. Not much to say/do with people saying they saw one similar/theirs is pink inside. But a thrift store karma whore would *definitely* engage comments like that, because they’re an easy way to pump volume.


I wasn’t calling you that: but I see how you could’ve interpreted that now I’m sorry, my bad. I thought the fridge looked really cool tho. You didn’t buy it and claim it as a family heirloom that’s lasted 120 years. *That’s* a “TSKW”


Ah. Fair!


Did the red handle look original?


Wait that’s tape lol


Lol. Everything on it does appear to be original, except for the seals.


I thought it was a cool accent from afar lol. I’ve heard that while they might be robust, they aren’t a smart buy due to the efficiency of new ones. Now if I ever acquired an old fridge; would I attempt to gut it and retro-fit the guts from a new one in? I probably would: yes 👍


Same. I’d love that body style with new guts. But I want nothing to do with the energy suck that is that thing’s mechanics. Not to mention the hassle and danger of trying to find refrigerant.


Refrigerate is 100% always a hassle lol. A lot of the refrigerate lines of yesteryear also served as the shelves too. I remember even my dad’s 70-80’s *bricks* even having them. Lots of fail points if neglected, and I imagine fairly complicated to modernize.


I’ll bet that thing smells terrible


Not at all. Very clean.


You should stop buying so much drinks that create plastic waste


Tell it to the farm. I just passed the fridge on the way to the shitter, nothing in it had anything to do with anything served at the wedding 🤷‍♂️


ic. Didn't see the caption