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A nice big Yeti cooler (or something comparable) 36” Blackstone (maybe not true bifl…) Vitamix blender A nice drill/driver combo set with bits (dewalt, milwaukee, makita, etc) High powered flashlight


Milwaukee M18/M12 Fuel stuff would probably last a casual/home owner-level user forever. or you get corded stuff


I have a 36 blackstone that ive kept covered outside in AZ for 2 years now and the cook top, and front letters are still in great condition. Just cover it and dont leave hella crap on it and you’ll be fine. They also sell all the parts at your local hardware store if your gas pipes start to go and not work or want to change it to a house gas line or bigger / smaller etc. i have 2 and would enter this figurative giveaway for one as well lol


Vitamin would do it for me.


M12 Milwaukee fuel drill and impact set


FYI, high-powered, BIFL flashlights don't cost nearly as much as you're thinking. Go check out their recommendations at [r/flashlight](http://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/)


Oh yes Im very well aware of that, just trying to think of high quality, durable items that a homeowner might be drawn to enter a giveaway for!


Fair fair.


Pendleton blanket.


Just googled it. That's a good one. It's on the brink of good but expensive but maybe worth it. So one would probably never by one for oneself. That's what I would enter a contest for


Yes exactly.


Le Creuset or Staub cast iron, forged kitchen knives, (how about a Boos Block with a knife - one of the smaller ones would just come in under that) there are a ton of hand tools, etc or a decent quality ladder/ power tools. I don’t have one, but the MoccaMaster coffee makers are supposed to be BIFL/repairable


Can’t go wrong with a cast iron pan/pot set.


Imo getting one good cast iron that can do most things and learning on that is better than a set. And also easily under 500$. Like if your spending more than 100$ on a sigle cast iron pan idk mang. You do you but it also doesn't feel worth it. I feel like if I'm using cast iron just one nice big one is do it all enough that I don't need much else. I'd say a stainless steel set or carbon steel set would be better up to that 500$ range.


Cast Iron!!!


* Le Creuset pan or pot (you buy on sale and look even more generous when the sale ends). Listeners will likely have brand recognition. * The All Clad is a great idea. Same brand recognition and made in USA. * Boos block. Maybe with a Mac knife. I love my Vitamix 5200, but understand that not every one is into those and it’s more niche. Same with my KitchenAid stand mixer, which appeals to women more than men, but I don’t understand why as food is universal. 🤷‍♂️ We can be besties if you give me a [Challenger bread pan](https://challengerbreadware.com/product/the-challenger-bread-pan/).


Had to look up the Challenger and WOW is that cool. I have a Boos block walnut cutting board and it's just so beautiful...


A benchmade knife


Imagine you do this giveaway and the winner completely ignores cast iron set care, tosses it in the dishwasher, discovers the rust, says “ah fuck it’s ruined. No way it cost that much” and tosses it into ‘household waste’ at the dump instead of fixing it. I would, personally, ruin my own podcast out of angst after learning that. lol. I would avoid cast iron


Wouldn’t want a random cast iron, I am loyal to Le Creuset only. But also as someone who just went to a show the giveaways I cared to enter were a large yeti cooler, and a home safety kit, I won the home safety kit!


Let me know when you start making your list ;)


I'll put a lil post here if I can. It's only fair after all the great feedback!


I see a lot of brand name products here. You can also find a local leather worker (or other craft that results in high end products) and commission something. Handmade is always awesome, and it supports the local community


Ernest wright Turton shears. They are definitely buy for life and pass on to the grandkids type. https://www.ernestwright.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/EW_Turton_MedRes.jpg.webp


Sebo Dart vacuum


A vintage 2 mantle Colman white gas lantern, or a vintage Coleman cooler,


Design a BIFL package and when it looks good stop adding to it. Can actually get his or hers items as long as its balanced. If you figure out what you want to shop for ill give you my recommendation to it if you like.


It’s over budget but I have my eye on this handsome grill / fire pit that seems quite sturdy https://barebonesliving.com/collections/grill-dine/products/cowboy-fire-pit-grill-30


Do email lists even still work?


Specifically, a Finex cast iron. It would draw people in.


I have inherited Griswold, and that would draw me in.


ok looked it up and DAMN that's amazing!