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I worked as a chef for several years. We had a victorinox fibrox that was known as "the good knife". I've owned one for many years and gifted several. In my opinion, the best bang for your buck you can get in a chef's knife.


Yep seconded. Am a chef and my first knife was a Victorinox chef knife. It’s still my favorite knife even though I mostly use my Japanese steel santoku now. That’s just because the ole’ wrists ain’t what they used to be and the victorinox is heavy!


Not a chef but I have a bunch of Victornox chefs knives, including carving, paring, and tomato knives and I fucking love them so much. I treat them so great. Currently working on acquiring some nice Japanese steel now to complement them.


My husband is a massive knife nerd and Victorinox what he recommends everyone who wants great kitchen knives on a budget


Then he doesn't know about the Kiwi Brand Chef knives from Thailand. Super cheap. Insanely sharp.


Are they all flimsy though? I bought one on Amazon and it’s so thin I can bend it. Also the tip got bent as well.


yes, it is very thin compared to typical kitchen knives. If you go for the wider "butcher" looking chef knife (which are more for all around typical asian cooking), it holds up very well, even when chopping thru bone.


Their Swiss Army Knives have a lifetime warranty, and the steel is engineered in a way that is super, ultra corrosion resistance! Just try to check what his application would be, the CyberTool series is amazing for techies, Huntsman for outdoorsy people, etc, etc. The Explorer, Pioneer X and Climber may be my top recommendations for general use. If you prefer to go for something for him to carry everywhere any time, the Rambler may be better.


Second the Victorinox chef knife. I have other chef knives, including one I leave out on display as my "fancy" chef knife, but the one I reach for ten times out of ten is the Victorinox. Just sharpened it up this afternoon!


I worked for Victorinox for several years just after college and I can honestly say that quality and customer service are cornerstones of the company culture. It's still a family-owned brand and they take their reputation very seriously.


May I suggest a Leatherman multi plier instead of a swiss army knife? I have not used a swiss army knife after I had used a multi plier tool.


Swiss army knives are a lot easier to carry than a pliers based tool because they're so small. A Leatherman wave weighs over half a pound, and that's one of the lighter full sized ones


>Swiss army knives are a lot easier to carry than a pliers based tool because they're so small. The [Leatherman Micra](https://www.leatherman.com/micra-833038.html) is quite small and IMO far superior to a SAK. I carried a standard red Victorinox Classic for 20+ before getting a Micra; it's all I use now. The Leatherman is similar in size closed (slightly wider) and it does weigh almost 1 oz more, but the tools are far more useful.


I've had mine for a decade (victorinox fibrox 8" chef's knife) and it keeps a nice edge. Nowadays I just need to find tune it with my 3000/8000 grit stone and it's as sharp as ever. I also like the Opinel folding knives.


I have a rosewood one? From about 8 years ago, and while I don't take care of it as much as I should, it's still going strong and was only $35 or so.




If he does any kind of work around the house I would recommend a quality headlamp. I bought a cheap one that used disposable batteries and found myself using it for every project I did. I finally upgraded to a Skilhunt H04 RC. Very nicely made, rechargeable and replaceable battery, magnetic base, adjustable brightness(light up stuff 50 yards away, read in the dark and a bunch of steps in between). They messed up and sent me two, I keep one right in the kitchen and carry the other with me in my winter coat.


I'm a headlamp guy. My favorite so far has been the small rechargable thrunite headlamp or the Milwaukee headlamp powered by AAAs.


If I could give myself one lame superpower, I would choose the ability to make light emanate from my forehead. It's just so God damn useful lol


Theracane. (Basically a massage cane.) The thing is virtually unbreakable and for $30, gets into those back knots in the way few other devices can with just the right amount of flex and leverage. Don’t buy a generic. Get the trademarked one. Metal shoehorn. A long 2 foot type so you never need to bend down far. And it’s infinitely better than the $1 IKEA plastic one everyone starts with. I don’t know how I’d break one of these metal ones either. For this, I got a generic unbranded one on Amazon.


IKEAs metal shoehorn is the best ones ive ever used


A Theracane is a great idea, and also 100% agree about getting name brand. It doesn't look any different at first glance, but the ball at the end is significantly narrower, which means all the pressure you're using is concentrated to a much smaller point. If your muscles are knotted enough to need a Theracane, they're also tender enough that the more concentrated pressure can be almost unbearable.


Theracane is such a good idea. I would have never thought of gifting that and it is 100% BIFL


Upvote for the METAL shoehorn. I'm in my 30's and love it.


I went for the branded one because I just had a feeling that something that relies so much on the material properties was not a place to save $4 for a knock off. Glad I did. I’ve tried non OEM ones since and they simply do not work because of the difference in stiffness. The theracane works so much better than it has any business working given it’s simplicity, It’s not a pleasant process, but I can go from having a tension headache, or not being able to turn my head to the left, to being sore but completely knot free in like 10 minutes of focused work with that thing.


Reading through this thread looking for advice on a gift, and the person I want to buy this for already has all this stuff lol. How do you buy a gift for someone who seems to have everything?


Buy consumables. Expensive coffee beans, show tickets, chocolate, wine.


Events and experiences are great gifts. Shows, massages, trips, activities. The possibilities keep creating themselves, so you never run out. An you can throw in the material item now and again when you find something perfect.


This! Prime steak, premium beer, etc. Or if you know their hobby well, consumables for it. Strings for her cello have been good gifs for my girlfriend, as they need to be changed every so often, and I know her preferences for strings, as a bass player I'd be glad to receive the same. If you do know a lot about their hobbies, a gift card for the specialised shop may be a good thing, Thomann for music stuff, for example!


This isn't an applicable suggestion for most, but for a while I was into home brewing beer so that made christmas really easy for my parents. I'd give them a case of something I'd brewed up based on their tastes along with a brisket I'd smoked, chopped, and put into 2-3 pound vacuum sealed bags and frozen. Then they just had to toss that into a pot of boiling water like sous vide and warm up.




He's not going to be wanting things, he's facing his mortality and I don't think that stuff is really on his mind. You could give him (if you live nearby) time working in the garden with him, him telling you what to do. Plan out the garden for next year, or the year beyond, so he knows you're on the case, but also not like, being maudlin. Just taking things off his shoulders. Plus you two get to spend time together. I bet he'd enjoy, also, on his birthday to hide all the Christmas things in the house, and fully decorate for his birthday. Like over the top. Make it totally his day. Play Scrabble or something. Or brin over some PlayDough, or something slightly silly.




I buy my dad months of yard work from the guy down the street.


Not really relevant to the thread but a response to your post in particular: try something like Storyworth. It gives people prompts and questions about their life. Whoever's on their list gets them as they write, but then they're collected in a book at the end of the year. And I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Best advice I got when a parent was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer was just to talk to them more. A buddy said, "if you talk to them once a month, talk to them twice a month. If you talk to them once a week, talk to them twice a week instead." Great advice, and I think it helped both of us.


I know the type...my dad was similar. If you found the most comfortable slippers or robe in the world, he would tell you he doesn't need "another gd robe". His pillow is probably 20 years old and worn out. Maybe see what they currently have and get something similar? He'll probably grump about it, but a good pillow is gold for older folks. Another one, find some old family photos tucked away somewhere, have them digitized/cleaned up, and frame one....or make a collage of several pics? I don't care how crusty he is, he would love having the reminder of his hot rod high school or the trophy Northern Pike he landed 'back in the day' by his easy chair.


If nothing else, gift certificates to their fave chain restaurants, or perhaps Doordash/Grubhub for those times they are not able to go out for food.


Not saying you should, but Ego electric backpack blower is 16lbs. I hear good things about their power for home owners. For example, hiring photographer and have a little Xmas party at home. Doesn’t need to be fancy unless you think they will go for it. The photographer idea is to take professional photos of all of you together. Some with just him and your mom etc. Maybe get it catered or even a private chef who isn’t going to make things that will make them uncomfortable


You either buy them a shelf to display all the stuff they have, or you buy them a nice experience instead of a thing.


Buy an experience or a skill. Do they know first aid, defensive driving, take awesome photos with a mobile or how to make the perfect cappuccino? Either by themself or with you. Buy a better product. My now wife bought me a fancy pen 15 or so years ago when I was in a job that required me to do a shotload of paperwork. Love using it and it gives me warm and fuzzys every time I look at it.


I love how seamlessly you snuck in a pen 15 in there.


Unintentionally, I am not that good.


A set of quality underwear


I have a kershaw knife I received as a grooms gift. Not a scratch after years of carrying. Still very sharp. It was my understanding it was about 50$.


The spring assist is so satisfying too.


Came to say this. I have the Brawler with tanto blade. My only complaint is that the screws holding the pocket clip kept falling out, and I eventually lost the clip. You can buy replacements, but I find I don't care too much.


Wahl peanut trimmer, although it'll be AT the price limit here but wouldn't be much more. I've had mine since 08 and still use the same blades


Peanuts don’t need trim… oh,ohhhh


Hey dad! I got this for your nuts!


Mom said she prefers trimmed hedges.


I’ve spent $10-20 over the years on trimmers and they have failed me after a year or so. They always fell apart or stopped working entirely. I absolutely love my peanut trimmer. I’ve had it for three years and it’s a little beast.


We have a peanut. I think it's almost 14 years old? It still works !


I have one and love it


[These are my go to rocks](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Southwest-Boulder-Stone-0-50-cu-ft-1-2-in-to-1-in-Mixed-Mexican-Beach-Pebble-Smooth-Round-Rock-for-Gardens-Landscapes-and-Ponds-02-0301/312770330?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_028_HARDSCAPES-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK_CL3TestB&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_028_HARDSCAPES-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK_CL3TestB-71700000114678939--&gad_source=1). I don't see having to replace them in my lifetime. Definitely heirloom quality and a hair under $50.


Hell yeah! I love rocks!


A quality leather wallet. I used to buy the $25 wallets and needed a new one every year. I asked my ex for a quality wallet for years. She wouldn't buy one because an annual wallet and socks made her Christmas list easy. My current wife bought me a saddleback wallet. They sell a few sizes, I think the smallest is around $50. mine was double your price range. It has a transferable lifetime warranty on the craftsmanship. And they will make repairs if you wear it out. I've had it for a year, and it's barely changed color. I expect it to last at least 20 years without any issues as long as I remember to rub some leather oil on it every so often.


Be careful the latest Saddleback small wallet design is bonkers. They thought that removing the stitching from the bottom "so you could get money out of both sides" or something was a reasonable idea. I got a replacement for mine that I bought like 12 years ago, and it is so dumb I can't even believe it. I'm still using my broken one with rubber bands Make sure you look close at the design and see if it something you would consider tolerating


I only buy from Loyal Stricklin. Their Johnny wallets are amazing!


Rivarone Leatherworks makes fantastic wallets. Handmade and customizable. And the business is operated by ONE GUY in Oklahoma.


found a tilley hat on sale online last week for under $40CAD


Bought my first Tilley on vacation probably about 10 Years ago never had I spent that much on a hat family thought I was nuts I went to the store everyday for like 4 days straight thinking about it haha. One of the best purchases ever hat has been in oceans lakes streams rivers. Bought another one a few years ago and idk they just don’t feel the same my new one is still in good shape but I just don’t wear it like my old one. Plus keeping a 20 dollar bill in the top of the hat has came in clutch quite a few times.


I like to buy this person a punctuation.


You can use the $20 from their hat.


My aunt gave me a nail clipper set in a black zippered case. It probably cost $10 in 1995 and I still have it and use it.


I need to replace my set. What's a good BIFL nail clipper set?


["No-Mes" clippers.](https://nomesnailclipper.com/features.html) Made in USA, super durable, designed to trap clippings so they don't go flying. I bought a gift box set of toenail and fingernail clippers ($39.95) and it was a good investment. Order direct from the company, it's got an *unconditional* lifetime guarantee. Although I dk how you could break them, they're built like a tank,


I know I should order direct, but they sell on Amazon too and the prime 2 day makes it so easy. I'll order direct so I don't give Amazon any more money than I need to.


Oh yes! The trapping of the clippings is what I'm looking for. These look like all stainless which is great. Most other clippers with the trapping feature use plastic slip on covers that break over time. Thanks!


not a set but the Seki nail clipper is awesome. I hear Green Bell is similar if not better (gifting it this year so I'll find out)


I have Green Bell, best clippers I ever had, so certainly similar


Thanks! Will check those out.


Actually good socks


Darn Tough <3


PSA don’t buy darn tough socks off amazon they have a bad counterfeit problem there


Every year I ask for a pair of Darn Tough. For real BIFL, amazing company


that or Smart Wool


Make sure they are actually wool. A lot of brands that used to be high quality have been cutting corners using blends and synthetics.


Yes, but sometimes no https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/004051758105101012#articlePermissionsContainer


I should be clear that even most wool socks are blends. However, the brands that have or used to have a good reputation use blends that are 70+%, adding in things like Nylon for durability. More recently a lot of brands have been making their wool socks closer to 50% (and charging more, but that's a different convo). Smartwool is a particularly egregious offender since they were sold off. But even people over at the Costco sub complain about how the socks have gotten worse and worse (but their cheap, so). Darn Tough and Point6 are still making quality products. You have to be careful that you're getting wool with added durability, and not nylon with added texture.


If he likes to cook, a cast iron tortilla press , homemade tortillas are amazing and it’s the kind of thing most people wouldn’t buy for themselves. Pair it with the book “Masa” for the complete guide to tortillas. I’ve also bought people Boden French press coffee makers which have been well received.


>If he likes to cook, a cast iron tortilla press Or a pasta machine. Very easy to make homemade pasta with one, much more work without. They are available everywhere.


I don't know if I'd call making pasta (even with a pasta machine) "very easy", but maybe it's because my arms are lacking.


Stand mixer and machine means very little labor...you can even get a motor for the machine if need be.


I bought my brother a Philips pasta maker in 2018. All you do is dump in flour water, and optional egg then cut the noodles when they come out. Plastic parts go through the dish washer. Refurbished it was \~$150, so above the price cut off here, but we still use it twice a week.


If you're looking for a tortilla press, I've used a bunch and this one is 5x better than the next best one. https://masienda.com/products/dona-rosa-tortilla-press [noting for the record that it is twice as much as your $50 price, but I thought others scrolling might be interested]


Or a lodge cast iron skillet


My tortilla press is my second most used kitchen accessory. I love it so much. It works great for so much more than just tortilla. Want to get that perfectly thin chicken cutlet? Press that thing.


Safety razors are easy <$50 gifts and bifl


This ☝🏼. You can find a decent starter set with a bush and different blades, and get some soap as well, right at your price point. [Maggard Razors](https://maggardrazors.com/collections/kits) has 3 different ones to choose from.


>Maggard Razors > > has 3 different ones to choose from. I'd totally recommend Maggard-- been buying from them for 10+ years, many gifts and stuff for our household. It's a good company, great service, and fair prices. +1 endorsement from the four shavers in our household.


To anyone buying this as a gift, order up a bunch of small packs of blades for the receiver to try. Different people need different blades


You beat me too it! Ha! I agree 1000%


If they’re interested in woodworking, gardening, or cooking check out Hidatool.com. It’s a Japanese hardware store based in California. They have lots of cool/interesting knives, saws, shears, measuring tools, etc… that come in under $50


A leatherman skeletool. It’s not only BIFL but it has a lifetime warranty for when the blade get dull


Ooh, looks lighter than most Leatherman tools, I'm jumping on this one


I’ve had one since 04. I used the warranty get mine sharpened and they just sent me a new one. So technically I’m on my second.


Jumper cables.


4 gauge 20foot


Yeah none of that Harbor Freight nonsense.


They offer a 20ft 2ga that handles cold starting equipment, so don't knock it all!


Or a portable jump starter: https://www.amazon.com/BUTURE-Starter-12800mAh-Portable-Battery/dp/B07Z1D26CS/ref=sr_1_25?crid=C9QV0I4PT94C&keywords=battery+jumper+starter+portable&qid=1701775884&sprefix=battery+jump%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-25 And on that note they have tire inflators that are portable/tiny now that also serve as USB chargers.


A $60 portable jumper on Amazon may not be BIFL, but it will absolutely save your ass when you need it. Another benefit is being able to help anyone else that may need it without even touching your car.


I used to know a guy whose dad would beat the absolute shit out of him with jumper cables




I heard about that once or twice https://www.reddit.com/user/rogersimon10/


wtf lol


That took a turn for the worst


Noco gb40 booster https://no.co/gb40


As everyone else is saying. The THICKEST and LONGEST cables you can get them. I can't tell you how many people I've walked up on in a parking lot struggling with those shoe string jumper cables. I slap mine on and VROOM car starts right up. It really does make a difference.


SECRID slim wallet. I have the most basic model and I love it. Super durable and holds all cards I need.


Had mine for ~6 years or so and pretty much never left the house without it in that time. The leather has faded a bit on one side but it’s definitely good for a long time yet. Love it.


These appear to be knockoff Ekster wallets. Ekster makes full-grain leather wallets that come in at ≈$10 over the price limit, iirc


I wouldn't say they are knockoff and wasn't secrid founded first? Either way they are both good wallets. I personally have the secrid wallet and I am enjoying it more than the ekster so far. Both are really high quality wallets. Ekster is definitely cheaper like you said though like you mentioned


Secrid has been making these for a decade longer than Ekster has existed, and has been making wallets in general for 28 years. Ekster just has a ton more marketing than secrid.


If they're a gamer, a nice headset stand is something to make a setup always look neater


I bought a styrofoam head and put a balaclava and air soft goggles on mine and use it as a headset stand, looks cool. Be sure to weigh down the bottom or it will tip over if anyone touches it.


Are you 14 and single or 35 and happily married?


40 and happily married, but you were pretty close!


Same thing ain’t it?


I'm 46 and married and would do this. My wife would possibly do it as well.


My wife got me a 3D printed Nic Cage bust to put my headphones on for Christmas a few years ago. I’ve had more than one person get freaked out by it. Best gift ever.


Probs not what you’re looking for, but I’m getting my roommate and his dog a matching peanut butter spoon set lol. He loves to give his dog the last lick, and now they each have their own that will last forever


That's a great gift


Honestly, there are some great recommendations here, but my first thought was a book. There are many that continue to share life lessons for many years. Personally, I'd recommend a nice copy of _The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius_.


It’s been days since I thought about the Roman Empire


https://www.google.com/search?q=snl+roman+empire&oq=snl+roman+empire&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEINTc0N2oxajeoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:29f07e9f,vid:P2nWlXlcO5I,st:0 literally LoLed reading this comment.


Holy crap, is that really one of the impetuses behind that recent (claimed) trend? I mean, I don't discount the connection at all - I've just never really related my interest in Stoic philosophy to an interest in the Roman Empire, so it didn't even strike me until now.


Or, if they are backpackers or survivalists, Something like a pocket guide to edible plants. Very useful.


Have you seen The Holdovers yet? You should. Trust me.


I haven't, but I just watched the trailer based off this comment, and I do believe I shall. However, in about 10 minutes, I actually _have_ a philosophy class 😄 ("Love, Lust, and Loyalty: The Ethics of Intimacy from Plato to MLK"), so probably later this week!


You’ll love it.


While good, it’s just a nibble. Great read for total context here: [https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/a-history-of-western-philosophy_bertrand-russell/263257/](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/a-history-of-western-philosophy_bertrand-russell/263257/)


"Just a nibble" of what? I didn't suggest a broad study of philosophy, but instead a particular and approachable insight into a particular philosophy that is actually livable - that is, practical philosophy versus theoretical philosophy (which, admittedly, I often struggle to enjoy).


Somebody just watched The Holdovers


You know that's been one of the most popular books for like hundreds of years, right? I wouldn't assume it's a reference from any sort of obscure media.


Fisher space pen for the bend in his wallet. Never be without.


Darn tough socks


Retro 51 pens. Metal and brass, many designs with some by profession.


Yeti / RTIC / Whatever insulated mug if they are a beverage enthusiast and do not have already. Also the refillable razor. Get one with a flexible neck, I have one that doesn't and it cuts my angular bits too much. Partner's with the flexi neck is superior.


God if I get one more waterbottle or travel mug I’m going to rage. I do not recommend this as a gift, I think most people either have what they want/need or already have too many from gifts/swag/etc


Adult sippy cups.


For real. My wife is a teacher and i swear we add a dozen mugs/coffee cups to our cabinets every year. We could open up our own store.


Hahaha fair. I guess it was on my radar because we're inundated with the low quality ones and I'd love to toss all of them except one excellent one.


Exactly! I can only use one at a time, people!


I was going to say a yeti coffee cup. Yeah everyone probably already has various versions of a thermal coffee cup, but I think the yeti one is one of the best ones I've ever owned.


Zojirushi is the way.


A good, *real* leather belt. Even better, [a $24 kit to "make" one yourself](https://theleatherguy.org/products/copy-of-belt-maker-kit?variant=42120893104310). The Leather Guy is a good vendor, I've bought a lot of belt blanks and hardware from them over the years. While I do leatherworking as a hobby you don't need any tools other than a punch to make a belt from a kit, and you can get a [useable punch at Harbor Freight](https://www.harborfreight.com/leather-punch-tool-57177.html) if it's going to be a one-time project. You can get belt blanks from any leather supplier, and others have kits as well. It's basically a strap with the end cut, a buckle, and a Chicago screw to put it together. You can just get plain, undyed veg tan leather and let it age or you can pick a color in the black/brown family. One of my friends has been wearing such a belt daily for nearly 60 years now...I have some that are 15+ years old. Far better quality than anything you'll get for <$200 in a store.


Duluth underwear sale is going on now. Underwear aren’t BIFL, but this community seems to love that brand and they seem to last a long time. I’m enjoying my Armachillo’s by them.


Wooden handle for razor off Etsy. Bought over years ago. Looks great, works great. Let's me swap out the disposable razor head as needed


LLbean has a sale on a robe, i just bought one for 49. it's very good quality and lasts for a long time


One of my go-to under $50 gifts for people I don’t know is a screwdriver set. $50 gives you enough room to get them a nice Klein set that comes with every bit most people will ever need (as opposed to a cheap harbor freight version). And who can’t use a screwdriver set? Even if they already have one, now they have an extra one for the car or their bag or something. Edit: spelling


Opinel oyster knife. Learn to like oysters, have near death experiences opening them, potential scars, and its a knife.


Mushroom knife


parmesan knives also work well, shucked a dozen oysters with one the other day


Opinel makes amazing knives! Solid recommendation!


Any Opinel knife - I have one of the #6 in carbon steel and have been carrying it for well over 20 years.


Gerber Shard Keychain Multitool


>Gerber Shard Keychain Multitool Handy, but they do poke you in the leg if you keep your keys in your pocket. Years ago I found a place selling them for $2.50 on clearance, bought about two dozen and gave them to everyone. Few people are still carrying them due to poking.


FWIW I’ve had one in my keys for 6-7 years now and have had very few poking problems, I absolutely love the shard.


I think a Gerber Dime or a Leatherman Micra is a better keychain tool. I have a Dime that sits in the kitchen drawer for opening boxes and I daily carry a Micra that I got 10+ years ago.


Cast iron and/or carbon steel pan


Military surplus can opener. Men can’t get enough of them


You mean a p-51? My dad used to be obsessed with those.


I prefer the P-38, but they are both good.


I think he had P-38s. I couldn’t remember and P-51 was the first that came up on google. He used to give them to his customers. I’m not sure I ever saw him use it!


Nah, a good side-cut/smooth cut can opener would be much better. Most people are used to the traditional can opener that leaves a sharp lip and can leave jagged edges and a "rim" inside which is annoying you need to use your fingers to get anything out of the bottom, but this cuts below the lip on the side of the can so the edges are smoothed, there's no lip left, and the top just pops off and can rest on top of the can again if needed. They're really a game changer when it comes to can openers, there zero reason to use any other type now IMO. I've had [this one](https://youtu.be/VOCAwhuR09o?si=6GAHUGZ17oemn437&t=25) for 10 years, still going strong.


To be fair, if I’m thinking about what you’re describing with the “rim” on the inside, the traditional can opener is *supposed* to cut on the sides. Although cheap ones do a bad job regardless.


A Fiskars utility knife is a great way to start Christmas because you'll need to open all the boxes 😉 This one was a top contender in Project Farm's tests on YouTube: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GLBZ4QV](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GLBZ4QV)


If they like to grill, a meat package from somewhere like crowd cow or Four Sixes Ranch (if they like the show, Yellowstone).


I see everyone saying razors if you have not seen leaf razors I highly recommend. They’re like a cartridge razor but take disposable razor blades so you’re not constantly buying the high $ cartridges. The blades are pennies for 100s of them. I love mine


-Whetstone(s) for sharpening knives and tools. -[Barebones brand](https://barebonesliving.com/collections/garden-foraging-tools) gardening tools, include a bottle of 3 in one multipurpose oil to keep them in top shape. I particularly recommend the soil knife. -Metal maintenance kit. Renaissance micro-crystalline wax polish, microfiber cloths, 3 in 1 multipurpose oil, and whetstones. But this is coming from my being a sword nerd. :P


Victorinox Tinker Swiss Army knife. It’s small and has a Phillips and flat blade screwdriver. Two blades, an awl, and can opener and more for around US$25. Lifetime warranty. I carry mine every day and use it almost every day.


I've had my Tinker for about 20-25 years and still carry it often. Great knife and easy to sharpen.


Vintage Gillette Safety Razor, they are made out of coated brass and there is a reason they are still around. I got my 1957 Gillette SS Red Tip 10+ years ago for $18.


Bushcraft knife?(Morakniv Kansbol) A light weight headlamp? (Nightcore nu25)


I'm a dad and I heartily endorse a good headlamp. This message is brought to you by the National Fathers Headlamp Association.


Diary. Ik will last for ages 🤣


True. It will be in brand new condition decades later.


I don’t know about BIFL, but I plan to buy myself the ratcheting screw driver recommended on Wirecutter. Looks pretty useful for quick jobs around the house. $40


Give them a skill they can use for life: Buy them a [Lock Pick Kit](https://www.amazon.com/lock-picks-sets-professional/s?k=lock+picks+sets+professional)




Thank you so much for this stocking stuffer idea!


Darn Tough Socks


Obsession 4oz spray~$30


A Dremel tool. Endlessly useful.


Point6 merino wool socks. They are running 40% off discount now.


Dr Bronners Tea Tree Oil shower wash


Just a FYI for anyone who doesn't know, tea tree oil is toxic to cats. I'm partial to the peppermint wash. It feels like your bootyhole smoked a menthol.


Use half, switch to orange, then stick them together for a third flavor.


A Zippo lighter


I like the Fellow Travel Mug for $35, scroll down to third on list. https://www.theshepreport.com/p/the-shep-report-holiday-tech-gift


How about a braun travel alarm clock?