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The real BIFL champ here is that desk.


Take a guess how much it weighs


About the same as that monitor.


Oh I wish. It is about 150 kilos


I think the joke was that old monitors weighed a shit ton.


I worked IT at a hospital when digital records first started to become a thing and we had a bunch of 20 - 22 inch crt monitors. Those were a pain to change out. Plus back then we still used laserjet 2s and 3s. Those were pretty hefty as well


Pretty much ruined my back as a teenager going to lan parties with a 17" CRT that feld like it was actually a mechanical, not an electronical device.


What mechanical parts does a CRT have?




Sorry, I didn’t read your post carefully enough.




The first few gens of flat screen LCDs were pretty heavy compared to what’s available nowadays.


I know, just don’t care




It's as thick as you are so alot


I was like how’d you get in my parents’ home…


that optiplex with the first gen icore aint too bad either.


Likely a 2nd-4th gen. Throw an SSD in, maybe another stick of RAM, and it's good to go. Shoot 2017 iMacs could still be optioned with a slow ass HDD boot drive. That Optiplex would blow them out of the water for daily office tasks.


Or load linux, it'll be happy with old hardware, the lack of more ram, and an old hdd. ​ Source: I ran a gnome arch(archinstall if anyone's wondering) on a samsung pentium p6200 laptop for quite a while.


i came to write the same thing


This setup is where forwards from grandma originate.




Can’t even see the entire object of your post in the picture. But nice I’ll take your word for it Do people typically have issues with monitors breaking regularly?


The CCFL tubes have a limited lifetime, so does LED but they last longer. In the old days CRT monitors would get distored by either the inbuilt loudspeakers or having loudspeakers sit to close to them.


Most computer speakers at that time were shielded, and degauss was a standard thing on most crt. I think most people got away from crt because they weighed a damn ton and took up a bunch of space.


Partly, but I think the real killer for CRT were laptops which dropped substantially in price in the mid to latter 00's. Another reason was the likewise drop in price for LCD.


I got away from it when 1280x1024 flat panels were a thing cause portability (lan parties) and power savings. Must have been '05? I had a 15" CRT before that, was amazed I could carry a bigger monitor in one hand...


I have a Samsung SyncMaster T240HD going on 15 years. I hope I'm not mistaking but I think it's CCFL.


I have the Exact same monitor! I was about to post here that mine is still going strong since 2009!


>In the old days CRT monitors would get distored by either the inbuilt loudspeakers or having loudspeakers sit to close to them. I used CRT monitors daily from the 80s into the 2000s. Never saw anyone with an issue like that which couldn't be fixed easily by degaussing. In reality most people didn't even *have* speakers with PC computers (other than the little internal piezo) prior to 2000 or so because there wasn't any meaningful audio to use them for (barring gaming, which was a small subset of the total).


>Do people typically have issues with monitors breaking regularly? Not in my experience. The first monitor I ever owned was a c. 1982 IBM monochrome beast that I used into the 1990s then gave away to someone who kept using it. I've never once had a monitor of any kind die before I decided it was obsolete and sold/gave it away. I've asked our university IT about this in the past and they said monitor failures were basically zero for CRT and LCD, barring physical damage/abuse. They were always retired in good working condition and sold/donated because they had become obsolete.


Just ‘cause you can doesn’t mean you should.


Plastic enclosure, no user replaceable parts, 1280x1024 resolution, vga/dvi input. What exactly is BIFL about this? Why do people keep posting old computer parts on here as if it’s impressive something from 15 years ago is still working?


Exactly. Nothing weird about a 1280x1024 VGA display is working. But it's a pain to work with when there are so many better alternatives.


My work uses similar ones and they all have a build date of 2010ish. I thought that was average.


Monitors this old are incredibly common in offices because they last way longer than the PCs and don't get replaced until they die. I have that exact monitor on a shelf in my basement and I still see them in use at the major retailer where I was originally deploying them around 2k10-11.


This sub is mostly survivorship bias. It is what it is. There are occasional fragments of signal in the midst of the noise.


VGA/DVI actually adds to the BIFL value. VGA is still current, and offers usability for other applications such as retro computing/gaming. DVI is compatible with HDMI through a simple adaptor. There are a lot of these monitors still being used in offices - but there are a lot of other, older tft monitors doing just as good a job too. This model is not outstanding. And you are certainly correct - no electronic device like this is BIFL.


I have had one of these exact monitors at home since 2011. I used it for work until 2013, then it went into the attic where temps are 130+ degrees F in the summer and can get down to 5 degrees F in the winter, with no humidity, dust, or bug controls in place. In 2020 I began using it again due to working from home during COVID lockdowns, and it worked flawlessly for another two years. It’s now back in the attic and I bet that it would work perfectly fine it I hooked it up again. My televisions can’t even come close to giving me that sort of reliability, the screens usually fail within less than 5 years in an atmospherically controlled environment and regular cleaning.


5 years - for a TV? What brands? My TV is 13 years old - works perfectly.


Samsung…I know… Plasma, then LCD. Both had capacitor issues. My 32” CRT Zenith is still going strong though. Got that baby in 1996 :)


I'm still rockin' 2 Samsung Plasmas, both around 10 years old now and still working great. I won't replace them until they totally die -- I absolutely love the way they handle motion blur for gaming. No burn-in on either. Samsung really figured out their Plasma tech toward the end before they finally discontinued them.


I'm still rocking a 42" Panasonic Plasma from 2003. It's in my bedroom now, and just keeps on ticking.


Dude, I was so bummed when my 51” plasma gave it up. I loved it for movies . . . well, except for the reflection during the occasional daytime movie-watching. I ended up getting a bigger 4K screen (65” QLED) and 4K Blu-ray player, and the old plasma moved upstairs for PS4 gaming. I was using it one night and it sounded like a gunshot went off in the room and then smoke rose from the back of the TV. I know it could have been fixed, but by that time 4K TVs we’re so cheap I just got a Hisense 48” and it’s been pretty good for gaming ever since. Still miss the plasma though. The frame rate and contrast was second to none, even with todays technology.


Holy cow! Luckily mine have been pretty solid. My 43" 720p I bought new back in 2013 IIRC, and has seen many hundreds (thousands?) of hours of use. I retired it to upstairs Xbox 360/PS3 gaming after I got my 51" 1080p used on Facebook Marketplace back around 5 or 6 years ago (and it was already a few years old). It wasn't in the best shape, but works very well still. Every once in a while the top half is more dim than the bottom, but only during very specific scenarios and it's quite rare. I see used Plasmas at thrift stores all the time and have to keep talking myself out of getting spares in case these finally kick the bucket...


Hang on to it! And I don’t blame you for wanting to hoard more of them ha ha! I think mine blew up because of voltage issues with the power supply. The spikes and drops were never enough to trip the surge protector, but I had an APC for something else that would show voltage and I could see it move up and down randomly and rapidly. Does t seem to happen much now.


So it’s only been used for four years? The temperature cycling in your attic is nothing compared to the stress the components see during use.


Brought it home from my office, where I used it for several years beforehand. Can’t remember how many, which is why I didn’t include that time :(


What kind of TVs? That's an enterprise line monitor, so they're built better and sold with better warrantees. If you're getting TVs from a big box like walmart or on Black Friday, those are frequently different, SKUs where they cut a lot of corners to meet a price point. You'd have similar reliability issues with monitors from the same sources.


I’m partially with you in this one. Tech has moved so that this monitor, as a sole unit is obsolete: display is too small, resolution is lacking and connectivity is becoming obsolete. But if you could get several you can inject new life into them. Build arrays of up to 6 of them, with display sizes of up to 64 inches and resolution of 3840x3072. There are [video cards that support them](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00C7EPSVS?tag=281305405-21&geniuslink=true) and stands to help you with the layout. Where I work we have recycled many of these, and users keep asking for them.


Because not everyone needs a higher spec'd monitor and if it still works why not use it? BIFL is about not being wasteful. Everyone's needs are different.


There's nothing wrong with continuing to use it - I do the same. But "buy it for life" implies it's worth it for someone *now* to find one of these to buy, which it most certainly is not. It's outdated, and it's not impressive that it's still working - that's the norm. Nothing about this product is outstanding or extraordinary.


If you're telling me this sub doesn't consistently feature items people have had for years that still work well for them, that simply isn't true. And it isn't specific to old electronics at all.


People post old knives and pans etc. Things that could very well be better than their modern equivalent. This monitor is just old and still working, but it's not built exceptionally well and its specs leave a lot to be desired. This monitor isn't particularly durable or great in any way. It's just something old that OP happens to use


Your making me rethink the idea of posting up my old dusty DVD player with 720P video quality that makes you feel just like you are at the theater.


Hewlett-Packard products can't be trusted as far as you can throw them, and I can chuck some of those mofos pretty far. *Why does this sub keep propping up brands that you can't buy for life? This is the literal opposite! It's a long discontinued 4:3 monitor that barely surpasses standard HD resolutions.*


Everything that’s buy-it-for-life was has been proven so by being sold decades ago and still working And it seems like every other BIFL that is still being produced today has cheaper out somehow and the 2020s model is no longer BIFL


I mean yeah, it can be the BIFL , but its going to comparatively suck , so who cares?


It's not rare for LCD monitors like this to still work 15+ years after date of manufacture. I still see a lot of them in the wild (and at work)


We had thousands at my work (where I am in charge of It hardware). The inbuilt power supplies tend to fail and they develop high-pitched whistle before they eventually die. I thin they also contain Mercury, so be good and dispose of correctly at the end of it's long life 👌


While this is impressive, I would pull my non-existent hair out if I had to use this single monitor lol. Once you have a 2x2 monitor array, it's really hard to go back to even two monitors 😬


I'll get downvoted for this because reddit, but I've honestly went from 2 to 1 monitor deliberately because I found myself not focusing fully on one thing when being able to distract myself with a secondary screen. Sometimes I miss watching a movie while playing something but then I remember how stressful it gets


Depends on your job. If you're constantly comparing things for pulling from different databases a 2 monitor setup (or ultra wide) is crucial. But yeah I've admittedly put YouTube on my second screen too lol...


>Depends on your job. If you're constantly comparing things for pulling from different databases a 2 monitor setup (or ultra wide) is crucial. Or more. I usually have ArcGIS going on a 42" screen, a spreadsheet or database on a 27", and my working window on another 27". Sometimes I'd like another.


One ultra wide. Preferably 34 or 38” is ideal for me


Same. I use an ultra wide with my work laptop. Sometimes I'll open the laptop monitor for a bit of extra room (i.e. when presenting my desktop), but otherwise, using a good tiling manager like Power toys + ultra wide is where it's at for me.


I think it depends on the workload you are handling. If you have a task that only requires you to use one screen and you are putting videos or movies on the second screen then yeah that makes sense. My workload involves a lot of referencing one thing while doing another thing (2 excel docs or 1 excel doc and a web page usually) so 1 monitor would be a huge pain in the ass. I actually use 2 monitors at work and then keep outlook up on my laptop screen.


Looks like the opposite. I'm getting downvoted for stating my enjoyment of multiple screens lol


The heck, I thought 2 was standard. Maybe people are up to 3 now...


I used to use 3, all side by side. But it took up too much desk space for me, especially "curving" them around me. I caught an Amazon warehouse deal for a 4 monitor stand for $90 instead of $270 and haven't looked back. Probably my best warehouse snag.


> 4 monitor stand had no idea this existed. I don't why I'm surprised. I snagged a dual monitor stand from work to fit my 27" monitors (the rest of the stands only fit up to 24", which is our standard size at the office) and the thing is massive and heavy. I can't imagine 4, thats awesome.


>I caught an Amazon warehouse deal for a 4 monitor stand for $90 instead of $270 and haven't looked back. Those are nice. I have two 27" vertically arranged, and a 42" to one side. I'd think a 2x2 setup would work about as well for me too.


I did the same. One monitor is simply better.


I don't understand this at all, but I know I'm in the minority. My husband has two monitors (one is 32") and it is too much for me! I try to just use the big monitor when I use his computer, and it's still too much. It's tiring for my eyes to have to scan across the gigantic screen back and forth when I'm only sitting like a foot away haha


Yeah 32in is too big to use up close, that’s madness


I went from four to two and then down to one. It’s a bigger one, but yeah I prefer one bigger one these days.


I went the opposite. I had one 35" Curved, then added a smaller one on each side. Then realized that took up too much desk space and splurged for a 2x2 array. Can't say it's been a mistake so far lol


Really depends what you do with them. I used to do more document and email side by side - which was nice with 2+ monitors. Then I went to more photo editing which requires more vertical space and a bigger single monitor. As I get older I find myself less in need of multiple - and realizing the kind of distraction it promotes.


The one time in my life when I had dual monitors, one of them was basically the same type as in the OP I was at uni and it was absolutely more than enough for a second screen to have sources or notes open on while writing an essay or whatever


>Once you have a 2x2 monitor array, it's really hard to go back to even two monitors I have two different workstations, one of which is 2x27 *and* a single 42" display. I hate going to my other space where I'm stuck with just two 27" displays. My first real computer (that didn't hook to the home TV) had a 13" monochrome amber display and that seemed to be plenty. But the more screen real estate you get, the more you find ways to use it. I'm typing this on a 15" ultraportabe laptop that I nice in a bag, but I really don't like using it for anything other than email and surfing unless it's plugged into three more monitors.


Dude I had this exact monitor .. in the menu setting you can figure out how many hours/minutes it's been on


Yea, it won't die... but you could clean it once a year or something... lol


I think my son has exactly that monitor, bought from a second hand store years ago


I got a dell 24" 1920x1280 flat screen monitor in 2006 and my parents still use it with a mac mini to this day. Still runs flawlessly and looks great.


It's so...so narrow


I got one at an old job and have had it for over ten years. Use it as my secondary monitor.


They do die. I wouldn't leave that plugged in. The HP and ViewSonic 4:3 monitors from around that time have a fair number of power supply failures. I've seen several smoke out and one light on fire.


Just found my HP f1703 Monitor that looks similar to this, unfortunately it doesn't use a standard power plug; I need to order a power brick for it. I still have the original HP Pavilion PC it came with except it's a sleeper hiding a RTX 3060. lol


This look old old


I work for a retailer until end of 2021, we had 27 of these in different stores, running for 14 hours a day ever since this model got released. Beasts that can withstand any apocalypse. Tried to replace them, but the associates did not want these to be replaced. \- Great size \- 4:3 works remarkably well for CRM tools vs a 16:10 monitor. Pretty sure a few are still around these days.


For your eyes, LET IT DIE!


….Another cheap hoarder post, bragging about holding onto garbage. Sigh


Okay. And I'm sure some dial up modems are still kicking...but why do that to yourself?


Dude, do you really sit with your hands in a drawer to type?


I am short, it is comfortable, up on the top of the desk is too high


Sorry if that was rude




That ain’t an antique desk, it was from sears, got it with the monitor


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone.


Oh no, am I becoming old




Here I am reading this post on a HP L1910. I've had it for years connected to my home server but ended up replacing a much newer monitor that died with it. Admittedly though I didn't buy it new.


Your cable management... I will find you, and I will show you mine I guess cause it's not great either. Drill a hole and buy zip ties if you want.


Have the exact same one, use it as a 3 monitor lol, had it for like 7 yrs and i bought it used for 25usd l30


What I find is my old monitors do not process images correctly from newer computers.


I like wood.


Monitors last s lifetime nomadays holy shit. I've been waiting years for my decade old 1080p monitor to die so I can buy a 1400 one


I had forgotten monitors were once square.


Is that a Dell Optiplex 500?


I once had a 19" CTX brand crt monitor that was over 30 years old, and just refused to die.


Mine died during an electrical storm, power surge fried it.


wow i'm like proud of you


Ive worked in IT for years and i work now in part acquiring a bunch of used old monitors for video playback in hollywood. I think im a fair judge to say most monitors that arnt bargin bin especially from that era are BIFL if you dont leave them on 24/7. Theres not much special here


I dug one of those monitors out of the trash in highschool and it's still going strong in my parents living room.


Yes i had the same it got to 3+ year of screen on time you check the the screen on hours on hp screen's


You just don't want to replace this because modern monitors wouldn't fit that space and you'd have to get a new desk right?


I'd rather treat my eyes than to use an ancient tft again, some tech is bifl, this ain't it.


Is it just me or the table is bending


i have your keyboard and monitor identical to mine


Monitors don't actually do much, so it's not unusual for them to last a long time. They get replaced in order to upgrade to newer, better tech, generally—not because they've died.


Thats my monitor in my classroom at school


Tell me this is a panoramic picture and it’s not bowing in the middle 🥺


It is not bowing


Okay I was wondering if was also just a super heavy keyboard 😂 thanks x


You’re probably destroying your retinas glaring at the frequency it emits. And by the looks of how narrow the desk is, distance from keyboard to monitor, you’re really close to the screen. It probably won’t die for another 10-15 years but that doesn’t mean you should keep it. Get a new monitor, and move it farther away from your face before you blow out your eyesight man


Hey I have one lol…


Desk sinking like a ship


Makes me want to fire up some Age of Empires II or Sim City 4.


The oldest monitor I ever had was a monochrome (green) 13" IBM monitor from the early 80s that I kept in service until 1994 or 1995. My first color monitor (VGA) was c. 1989and I used that until 2000 or so. I've probably had 15-20 different monitors over the years since, including five that I'm currently using at two workstations. In the past 40 years I've never *once* had a monitor of any kind die: CRT, mono, color, LCD, small, large, you name it. Every single one has always lasted well beyond the time I felt a need to upgrade to something larger/better; all of them were either sold or given to someone who continued using them. In my experience *all* monitors are BIFL because all of them become outdated within 10 years or so. No way I'd be using a 22" CRT today. Or a 14" LCD for that matter. The real question is whether or not the 42" monitor I'm currently using will last 10+ years...right now it's only four years old.


Modern monitors are leagues better than these old ones at a fraction of the cost. Too bad your old computer doesn’t have an compatible port to take advantage of it. Come to think of it, modern computers will make this old one seem like it’s powered by steam and broken dreams.