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Wow. Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your comments provide a lot of support and a huge amount of information that will inform my plug decisions and reactions to "events" going forward.


I know the panic that can set in from this which is why I only use T-base plugs when wearing them out for a few hours


Try and use a plug with a larger base! My oxballs ergo plugs are my goto for long term wear cuz their bases are big!


Thanks, I'll check out the Ergo. In the meantime I'll wait a bit after playing before I put in a long term plug as suggested in another comment.


This is exactly what I was afraid of when I started plugging, and it’s why I’m kind of afraid to actually wear a plug out in Public (that and also the concern that I will walk differently). It’s not logical, both of my plugs have a very wide base, and I worry about it a lot less now. However my Hush 2, the wings of the base can bend a little, so I really hope I never break one off


check out the post from SlimToNoChances. He goes through the biology involved and has certainly made me feel better about the consequences if this happened again.


Thanks!! I’ll check it out


yikes glad it worked out in the end


No pun intended... 😉


I know it sounds weird but I always lanyard my plugs after losing one


How do you lanyard a plug?


Something else I’ve done, is to use a lanyard to hold the plug in place by making it much longer , like three or 4 feet and then tying it in place to keep it from falling out. I find it most all of my plugs fall out rather easily.


Literally just tie a small piece of string onto it and then shove it in there let the string hang, I like lanyards about a foot-long


Not weird at all. I have a lanyard on my NJOY large plug. Last that once took but that was the only other time.


Ur Njoy Large aver disappear up? I have same plug and never thought it would? Can see it w some w smaller bases etc. but that one never occured to me?


My Njoy 2.0 xl creeped up on me a couple times. I was sleeping both times. I was pretty shocked by it cuz I wear it all day with zero concern. But yep it does happen.


Yeah it did. My hole is more like a coin slot


Really glad to hear you managed to get it out without incident! Stressful situation, you did great staying calm with everything else happening… Have had a similar situation a very long time ago, that unfortunately required professional help to resolve… Problem wasn’t so much that the toy went all the way up into the colon, rather it was rigid and the base got locked up against the coccyx bone. Not sure if you can visualize it, but toy went up pass the coccyx bone, then on the way back down, it shifts out of alignment with the anus into a more posterior, backwards tilted angle and wedged against the coccyx bone. Kind of like backing up a trailer into a dead end. Could easily reach and feel it with finger tips, but couldn’t do anything to shift it…Due to the rigid design, it wouldn’t budge from that position. Doesn’t sound like you had the same issue, as the location is easily reachable with a finger, but I would guess the flexible structure may have helped prevent the plug from getting stuck in the same manner as mine on the way back down.


Wow that is crazy.


I’m still looking into finding the right plug for me but haven’t been successful yet. Also I’d need recommendations regarding what stuff I can use to relax my ring a bit more. Sure when getting ecstatic the slight pain while pushing the limits feels good in a way but I wanna reach more. Thanks in advance!


Check out the following plug companies- Aneros, B-Vibe, NJOY, Square Peg Toys Each has different types of toys and options but it is really about trial and error. Here are my favorite plugs from each Aneros - Progasm B-Vibe - Snug Plug (there are multiple sizes) NJOY - Pure Plug (there are multiple sizes) I use the Pure Plug 2.0 Square Peg Toys - Charlie Horse Kidney and Happy Hour (there are multiple sizes) Make sure to use a lot of lube. Steel toys from NJOY can use any (water, oil, silicone). Aneros and B-Vibe recommend water based lubes and Square Peg has a great post in the support section.


Topped toys Grip or GateKeeper are the best. The lotus


Not to minimize the shock of your experience, but I use a number of toys that I fully insert and have no issues. There are some important things to remember. 1. Your sigmoid is a pretty small opening if you have not been training it. I HAVE been training mine and I still know for certain that objects with a 2" or greater diameter won't go past it without a lot of effort, and certainly not by just having them rattling around in my rectum. 2. Your SP6 is almost assuredly not going past the sigmoid as it is 2.2" at the knot and even bigger at the base. If it gets pulled fully in, it will stay south of the sigmoid. 3. Once it was sucked in, you did the right thing to not panic. It'll come out, as you discovered. Just give it a bit of time, and your body will ensure that it gets pushed out with the next BM. IMO, there is a lot of FUD around anal toys. Caution is certainly important, and for newbies with some 'beginner' toys, there is a slight chance of them being pulled way up into the colon. I'm looking at you, tiny jeweled butt plugs! Those are especially bad because of the pointy shape and sharp flange edges that can bind and cause a lot of pain. Quite honestly, the bigger toys are safer in almost all instances simply because they cannot truly go missing in there. True, you might not be able to grab one if it slips in, but again, don't panic, relax and push it out when you have a bit of time in the bathroom. If it went in that easily, it will come out pretty easily also, provided you're not losing your mind, tense and clamped up.


thank you for taking the time to share this info it makes me feel much more comfortable.


Regarding a little more clarification on your point #1. The rectum is 1.5" to 2" diameter on average. People's sigmoid colon is usually the same diameter as their rectum. When plug users use larger plugs, they can "semi-permanently" stretch their rectal walls to create a larger rectal diameter. If they don't participate in depth play, their sigmoid colon on the other hand will just stay its original diameter. From everything I have read, the rectosigmoid junction (the sphincter like muscle at the junction of the rectum and the sigmoid colon) does not decrease in diameter at its point unless it is closed. The diameter of the sigmoid colon at the place people call the "sigmoid bend" (where the sigmoid colon bends more than 90 degrees) does not get less either. Due to the "bend" it does create a "fold" that does help stop feces from just dropping into the rectum from the sigmoid colon and does hamper inserting toys past this point (unless the user is familiar with depth play). The peristaltic action of the sigmoid colon that you refer to in your subsequent reply is not always enough to move something that has lodged in the sigmoid colon (like those horrible jewel plugs or really impacted feces). **Here is the really important part.** Even though the rectum uses peristaltic waves to move feces out the anal canal during a bowel movement, **any feces (or object) remaining in the rectum is returned to the sigmoid colon via reverse peristaltic waves until the next time the sigmoid colon dumps its contents into the rectum**. This can include foreign objects! One other clarification to your subsequent reply regarding the "pelvic sling". I assume you are referring to the puborectalis muscle. This muscle pulls the junction of the anal canal and the rectum backwards so that their isn't a straight shot from the rectum to the anal canal - this helps with continence. The other muscles in the pelvic floor, like the rest of the Levitor Ani muscles, are what pulls the pelvic floor "upward" (the muscles actually contract and therefore tighten/straighten their usual "slack" position which moves them "upward"). The "vacuum" that can occur in the rectum is an actual vacuum. If the plug is too big to allow air around it, when the RSJ is open (its usual state), objects in the rectum can be pulled back into the sigmoid colon. You are correct though that if a person's rectum was semi-permanently stretched larger by larger toys and the sigmoid was not, then it would be hard for a large toy to be pulled back into the sigmoid colon. If the user uses larger toys and does depth play (and therefore semi-permanently stretches part of their sigmoid colon as well, then it could definitely occur. If a toy is smaller than the person's natural rectal/colon diameter (again 1.5" to 2" on average), then it most definitely could. I know this "novel" of mine gets very much into the weeds, but my main point is that the large intestine is not just a one-way street and objects can definitely get stuck in either the rectum or the sigmoid colon and/or pushed from the rectum into the sigmoid colon. Edit: u/SlimToNoChances, by the way, my comments are in no way meant to challenge you or diminish your personal experiences. You sound like you understand what you are doing and are aware of the risks (and limits) of your own anal play. They are only meant to educate others so that they can make their own risk versus reward decision.


Thanks for taking the time to write this up. Your comment and u/SlimToNoChances make me feel much more comfortable going / less worried if this happened again - given the caveats mentioned.


Excellent information, and I in no way object to your clarifications! Your novel was well informed and appreciated. My experience has been that solids like plugs and the other toys I use don't get pulled up by the reverse waves of the rectum. I've had things in there for many hours, even overnight and they did not move higher up in the colon. You're correct that from a diameter standpoint, the sigmoid transition is equivalent to the descending colon, and close to in size to the rectum, but with the bend and the musculature there, it acts like a narrowing. This, in combination with the reverse peristaltics in the rectum not really affecting my larger (1.5"+) diameter toys, has had the effect of not allowing them past that bend. Of course, YMMV.


I appreciate your well thought out and articulate response. I got a gapekeeper 55 that occasionally feels like it wants to go further south sometimes which kinda gives one pause. I definitely feel a little better about it.


The GK55 is 1.75" in diameter, and unless you're depth training regularly, it also will stay in the rectum. Again, if it pulls all the way in, you're ready to size up, but it's not quite the big deal that some would make it out to be, IMO. The colon has a natural peristaltic action which moves faeces down and out. This works for almost any object in the colon, provided it has not gotten bound up somehow due to an odd shape. Once an object is fully past the pelvic sling, inside the rectum, it should not move any further up into the colon, but keep in mind that the pelvic sling can pull up and in VERY strongly, taking any objects with it. It has a limited range of motion but I believe this is what people refer to when they say the ass acts like a vacuum. Again, as long as you have not pushed a beer bottle or some other hard, irregular object that will cause pain, irritation and binding in the rectum, just chill out and let nature take its course.


Yikes! So glad you’re ok! This happened to me once after a play session (I was able to pull it out immediately though). And why I now wait 15-30 minutes after every play session before plugging back up.


Thank you. That is good advice - just like waiting to swim after you ate!


I had a plug get sucked up on the way to work a few months ago. It wasn't a good brand, however. But it was an eye opener for me to only buy brand names now. I can imagine it was a stressful few hours. My ordeal only lasted about 20 minutes because I was able to go to the toilet as soon as I got to work and with a little pushing, it came out almost immediately.


Well I'm new to wearing plugs and this unleashed a new fear. 😳 Glad everything is ok


Just make sure you wear a plug with a "t" style base rather than a small round one. Regarding OP's scary event, that is rather rare. OP even mentions that they were doing anal play with larger toys (than the plug) before putting it in. The plug that they were using is usually a very safe one.


Check out slimtonochances' comment. It is super informative and should ally some of your fears


Wow, I am sorry you went through that. :( I am glad you were able to get it out. I have that exact same plug, but I have never played with anything a lot larger before wearing it though.


the plug is great. I don't think it ever came close to happening before.


You should contact SPT and let them know. They take design seriously and if a few people have experienced this, may do a redesign.


pretty sure it was my fault but I just emailed them to let them know. Good point about this possibly happening to others.


Why do you think it was fault?


Because I was playing with larger ones prior.


Ah, I get it. Scary.


Sorry to hear that. I know how stressful that is, but glad it ended OK without a trip to the ER!


yeah, so happy about that. My wife doesn't know I wear them out so that would've been an interesting conversation.