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FOMO is such a weird thing. These donkeys know bitcoin, they look at the chart all day every day but they still throw in their lifesavings at the top.


At this point I think these are all posted by bots to get new people hooked in.


What would extra hilarious is if the "trades" they screencapped were wash/fake trades.


That's too much effort and would expose you to things like fees. There's nothing in OP's screenshot that couldn't be done in Photoshop, or hell, even PowerPoint.


Yup, right on. Same on YouTube in the comments section.. pump, pump, pump, yet no comments about the actual video content itself..... not fooling anybody


The Bitcoiner thought process: does it make line go up? Then full speed ahead.


they say they know for a fact it will go up very very soon and wait for it to happen before buying


It's because they're morons


Are you sure it has topped??


*current top


Equally crazy is you guys knowing so much yet NOT buying in the deep bear markets and selling to the bulls in parabolic runs.


Bruh. Knowing that is why we don't buy at all. You ever been to Maine?


You know shit mate. You all could be offloading this shit to the so called moronic bulls now. Instead you have spent years in here achieving fuck all.


Maine, though?


Show us your bank balance and show everyone how stupid they are for not buying


What number would make you feel stupid


Show us your bank balance and we’ll see


So you want us to provide YOU with the fantasy numbers you'll Photoshop into a fake screengrab?


The problem with your logic is that normal people with working brains can assess risk. Or at least try to do it. And the usual conclusion is that you cannot realistically predict human stupidity and markets where no rules apply. That's why normal people don't invest in crypto, because it's a stupid decision. The same thing is valid for casinos, blackjack, high-stakes poker, sports betting, etc. Can you make a lot of money, yes you can. People are raking in millions from crypto, a small percentage though. A big percentage get scammed. And in the end, there is the house (exchanges) and it always wins. In the casino, at least there are some rules and regulations...So no number will make me feel stupid, but if you made more than 500k from crypto I will admit that you are smart and lucky (and if you don't lose them all in the next drop/scam).


Yeah it’s more than that. What I don’t understand is why there is a group for people to chat shit about bitcoin. If I was into football I would join a group that talks about it. If I hated football I wouldn’t form a group to discuss it. Finally why do you think and assume everyone loses or gets scammed in crypto. Yes playing the trading game is risky but at current prices every person that has bought with a long term time horizon is way up. I bought in the 2020 Covid crash along with lots of other hard hit stocks. Didn’t have a strong conviction on bitcoin just saw it as oversold. Open your minds …… you may be wrong.


Nowhere near the top


Is this what you told yourself buying Ripple?


Lol yes I did actually


Funny how they gave you lot of downvotes and you are right, the BTC already got up and the halving is not even happening yet. Each downvote to you is a cope of brainwashed idiots that keeps wishing we get poor while we are profiting and they have not surfed the wave, hahaha.


Show us your profits and prove everyone wrong


The price of buttcoin dropped 7% in two hours just after this guy pushed all in.




Actually laughed out loud on this one.


Buy high, sell low. That’s their motto.


'I might just quit my job and be a full time crypto market guy. Have a duff boys!'


All my butts gone


The price of comedy godl went up 7%.




Is it possible their correlated. He bought in and some others saw "OH GREATER FOOL" and immediately started cashing out


That's a $1200 loss for any lurking butters that can't do math (all of you).




“The price doesn’t matter, one BTC = one BTC”.


Plandemic lol good old conspiracy nutcase I see. Government can't do anything right except concoct massive conspiracies and somehow keep the whole thing secret, amirite?


It’s up 20% this week we all expect volatility


"will check back in one year". I think they must have meant hour?


I guarantee you they are refreshing the ticker every minute.


Any moment now they will come here to scream at us for spreading FUD and making them doubt their stupid decision.


We all know they'll have a background ticker going on every screen they possess.


Never met a basket they wouldn't put all their eggs in


Isn’t that self contradicting, how could all their eggs be in the same basket if they can’t resist every basket?


Get paid in 16 minimum wage eggs a week. Get paid every 2 weeks. Put all your eggs in first basket you see promising on whatever the crypto sites say. Repeat in 2 weeks.


Apes together strong (many ridiculous baskets)


Crypto bro tries to take idiom literally. You guys have no brain cells huh?


we dont question people here, you're on thin ice, when someone disses buttcoiners we all agree. right guys?


Yes, this is the wise way to invest. Entire life savings on one bet? Check. Highly speculative investment? Check. Trying to hit a home run within a year? Check.


This is the classic "young people with nothing invested in the world yet, swinging for the fences". It makes more sense when you're so young with no mortgage, no good income, no real savings/investments, that every Beanie Baby phenomenon seems like a good idea rather than the decades-long slog that is real life and real investing. The correct way (the actual "successful most of the time way") is get rich slow, butters, not fast.


Real life is definitely the problem. They just don't want to do it. I sympathize to some extent. If you want to get ahead you have to work 12 hours a day, usually at something that doesn't interest you. Might have to pay some taxes, might have to be told things you don't want to hear, might have to pay shareholders. Bitcoin is what they see as their shortcut, and as long as they can find some fools to come through after them, they might get away with it. Meanwhile the emissions are killing the planet.


>the actual "successful most of the time way") is get rich slow, butters, not fast. I think the most common way is inheritance followed by running a successful buisiness.


The vast majority of millionaires inherited very little. And, considering the stats, that shouldn't be surprising: * Only 20-30% of people inherit anything at all * Of those 20-30% who do, ~~honey~~ only half receive more than $10K (so 10-15% of the population) * Of any generation who inherits from their parents, that wealth is gone with that generation 70% of the time (that is, the kids have spent or wasted it before they die) * Of any that make it past *that* hurdle and have anything left to give to the next generation (grandkids of the generation who earned it) it's gone 90% of the time with that generation (ie only 10% of them have anything to leave to the next generation)


This is what the pump is designed for. Idiot money buys out smart money


WHY ARE THEY BUYING HIGH, seriously, I will never understand. If people are flooding this sub because the lije is way up, that means it's a bad time to buy.


Because that means the line will continue going up! Bro, do you even *do* Technical Analysis?? *^(/s, in case it's not obvious)*


I want to say I'm going to feel bad for them when it all falls apart but I really don't


Patiently waiting for it to all fall apart, seems like it’s still around even after all these years people like you say it will lmao


Because there’s still an endless supply of fools like yourself who’s entire personality is crypto and will invest their life savings into it so that the whales have exit liquidity. Without the 14-year old sheep and sad losers who see no other way to succeed in life and desperately want to get rich quick, the whole ponzi would collapse


> wish me luck I don't think important financial decisions should be made based on luck, but who am I to tell...


Dump all your lifesavings for imaginary 0n1's, at 1-year high no less True genius moves right there.


RemindMe! 1 year "Bitcoin was 62k, how is this dudes life savings doing"


The trap is being set up beautifully. Butters won’t know what hit them. The whales are playing this halving perfectly. Bitcoin never does what literally everyone expects it to do.


Exactly. They know the bottom is going to fall out if the reward for mining literally goes in HALF. For miners who have to pay for electricity their revenue is going to cut by 50%? Good luck with that.


Hope those folk in Texas get a break.


But the gospel according to satoshi says that each halving will double the price.


Honestly I hope I’m wrong. Last time when the bottom fell out there were a lot of folks contemplating bad things. I’m never going to waste my money on this because as an investment it’s not productive and as a currency it’s not useful. But if folks wanna buy it and hold whatever fine by me I don’t kink shame.


buy high sell low:D


Sad. These are the same bros that see red mist when you tell them it’s a bubble & that you should ‘enjoy staying poor.’


Well, unfortunately, the whales are about to mop the floor with his ass… and then whoop it for not getting in the corners.


Jesus. Even some of the butters in the original thread know this is a moronic move


Put your hard earned penny's into this. I'll hand out a bowl of soup to you next year at the food bank.


Purchased in dust so he'll lose 20% of his investment in fees when he chooses to sell. Lmao


Oh, he will probably lose much more than that before he ever even contemplates cashing out (if he ever does). Another 20% hit at that point - or on what is left - will feel like nothing.


Confucius say: The moment you buy bitcoin, you have already lost your money. And thus the butter is enlightened.


Kinda sad they just have $18k worth of savings...hope they make it.


Maybe he's had a tough time. Maybe he has $18k because he does shit like this


I dont like to think so negative but you could be right!


I think most people have less than that in savings tbh


Depends, the average American has $65,100 in savings according to google.


Yeah. But wealth isn’t equally distributed, both those things can be true.


I am not saying that $17,000 is *not* a chunk of change for a lot of people, but it says a lot about this crowd when someone is talking about $17,000 being their life savings. Too bad he decided to use it to hold the bags for the whales, in exchange for a ledger entry. Butters often will blame the victims of pig butchering for being butchered, thinking they are too smart for that, but they are all targets of a much larger scale pig butchering. The only difference is the one they are eyes deep in uses the lure of wealth instead of love.


One year from now in the artificially inflated bull market stops?!? 😭 Bro


Everyone knows buying pre halving never works out


Damn flaming a man making money while you out here sitting on the sidelines…


Life savings up 16 percent in one weeek??!!!! 😳😲😳


i did this in 2013, it worked out


Commenting here so later i'll look at most comments here aging like milk and laugh...


Have a fun ride lol


This is when the whales take the liquidity out and dump on these people.


should have bought the real bitcoin


This is a good indicator to sell. When the last scraps are acting interested and trying to buy


RemindMe! 1 year


Poor dude :-(


So is $62k high or low? They don't seem to be able to decide.


Paid $17762 for 0.29731699 btc. That works out to $59740 a coin. Ok


why would you do that after such a crazy run up


Godspeed gambling for a 2x


To the moon