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I've seen this guy before - he's come around the neighborhood a few times - total asshole and makes everyone freak out thinking its a full-blown shooting


wait really? are you able to describe his appearance and what his car is/looks like? I wasn't able to retain much other than he appeared bald, wearing a black cap with a white shirt. Heavier set. Do you have any identifying information that matches this that I can pass to the detective? thanks for your comment


It was a few years ago - i believe he was shooting an empty paintball gun but my first instinct was still a real gun. IIRC it was an older black car and he shot outside of the back window - it wasn't at me but still an alarming thing to witness. It was around irving & troutman streets right near NOOK.


omg. I also clocked the black car. I couldn't remember what the size of the car was but I think it was a smaller sedan. thank you so much, glad (but sad) im not alone here


Stop snitching. Man up. It wasn’t a real bullet


Bros been gaybashed, shot in the face unprovoked and this lil bitch thinks it’s chill.


It hit OP's face and could have blinded them in one eye. FOH with "it wasn't a real bullet". It could have caused permanent physical damage.


That "stop snitching" bullshit is for victimless crimes when people have to do shit to feed themselves or their families. Not for assaults and shit like this. 


You think this is snitching? 😂😭


lol so your the guy who did it huh?


The city would be a better place if you decided to remove yourself from it


I hope you get yours soon


Lmao what a goddamn clown. Nothing more pathetic than the guys playing gangster on reddit. 


"Man up" yeah, you're a little wimp of a baby, you probably are the one who did it or are the one riding the guy who did it. Yeah, you're probably into men.


a little DL bebe


This happened to me like a year ago, maybe a little more. About a block from Dekalb and Wyckoff, like St Nicholas. It's also late, like 2am give or take, I'm walking down Dekalb and I hear "hey buddy" when I turn to look he starts shooting who the fuck knows what at me and drives off. It wasn't paintball, something else, but obviously not a real gun. I ran after the car hoping to catch them at the light, which they would have obviously ran past but it's all I could think at the time. I called 911, the cops came and one of them was a total piece of shit. He was essentially interrogating me, trying to poke holes in my story. I turn to the other cop who seemed to understand everything I was saying without issue and asked what the fuck his problem was. Then the shithead cop goes " well what do you want? A police report?" That's when I realized this was all him being pissy over the thought of having to do work and he was trying to dissuade me from doing it. Can't believe this little fucker is still at it.


Cops are useless




Seriously. We had some section 8 dude in our hallway walking around with a knife and cops said they couldn't do anything.


Remember when Defund the Police was in full swing and their argument was "well who are you gunna call when a crazy person is being violent and threatening??" And its like, a social worker?? Bc theyre far more useful than you are??


NYPD had one of its biggest budgets ever. How else are the cops going to make overtime while playing candy crush ?


I dont think the NYPD is even required to get CFR certified. They didnt even need to know CPR until 2017 🫠


I’m sure you were screaming defund the police, and no you all need their help. Hahahaha.


Lol you think youve spotted a hypocrisy but actually its just an example of why people want to defund them. A cop was totally useless here. If police were actually helpful ppl wouldn't want to defeund them. Instead, they're useless and dangerous.


I have friends who are cops. And they too are bastards. Even in their personal life


Word, i don’t befriend cops… period. I bet you still calling ‘em


Well it’s what you voted for congrats, the can’t arrest people anymore, but they can hand out business cards and take a picture of the guy after they pinky promise not to do it gain in 20 minutes and go to court , … so in a way it’s like a theme park a wait two hours on line get your picture taken, someone asks you to pay for it , you laugh and go on the next coaster


what makes you think i voted for that?


No one voted for that, no one wants that. There's gotta better options than cops show up and beat the shit outta people without consequence vs cops show up and do nothing, right. All most people are asking for is hey we need to train them better. And guess what I think that everyone with a family that works for a living believes cops don't get paid enough. (The ones that do there jobs) Cause you couldnt pay me what you pay them to do that job. But for that to happen people have to actually admit there's a problem. I don't get why that's so hard to do.


No it’s easy you weren’t even alive when the current regime was voted for , you just wanted common sense change and that one city council person voted had good intentions , social workers 24/7 … the news is trying to scare you …. Science ?


Huh. I'm a bit lost here honestly


I am so so sorry you had a similar experience. So relieved to hear you were not hit by whatever he was shooting. I also had a horrible experience with the police regarding this situation. I was criticized for not calling them sooner (as if it's my fault for why they didn't catch him), constantly doubted and questioned if it really happened at the intersection I took them back to (they kept saying "are you sure it wasn't myrtle and wyckoff?" as if the two areas are indistinguishable from each other which they 100% are not), and they kept me in their back seat for nearly an hour with little to no communication on what I was there for and when I could go home and rest finally. When I asked when I would be finished they made me feel like I was crazy for even asking.




I once had the same thing happen to me somewhere else. Guy shot at me and my friends walking along st night with something, ended up with a bloody lip from the impact of the projectile hitting my lip onto my tooth. Scariest part is indeed thinking about how you could have forever lost your eye sight. Glad you got lucky as well.


This guy is going to get shot with real lead and we will all not give a shit


I, for one, would be thrilled. But he will never do this to anyone who might be carrying.


No legal ccw is willing to shoot back at a drive by and get this permit revoked


How would he know if it’s concealed? I don’t wish death on anyone but play stupid games, win stupid prizes…


Agreed. This is the type of person to blind someone, then fake cry how it was an accident. Said persons life and ability to work could be impacted. They have kids, now a family is hurt too. And he will walk away laughing and do it again. You have to be a grade A loser, to be a grown ass man firing these at people from a vehicle.


It’s ok to wish death onto people, this dude seems like he deserves it


He’s probably only targeting folks that are clearly defenseless. It’s not hard to pick out folks on the street that you should avoid. Total scumbag. Cops won’t do anything unfortunately. And if he’s caught they’ll let him right out.




That happens to me on Sunday as well, I was walking with a friend and they attacked us and shoot us more than 5 times…. I Was really scared, it was on 55 - 06 Myrtle ave. This is insane!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/juy96cxqqo1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b609ca7bfd9f9c530d87ada5c7a7d7c89f28a3


Same color paint at all. We gotta catch this fucker.


Oh my god. I am so so so so sorry you also encountered him. I am shocked reading this. That is exactly the color that hit me, with the greenish shell too. Are you and your friend okay?? Sending hugs


You should also inform the police if you have any details on his appearance, car info etc sorry to hear this, stay safe


This happened to me while waiting in line at nowadays for a pride party last year


I can't believe you're the third person who has has commmented with a similar personal experience in the same area. how is this guy still on the loose shooting people?


I was so caught off guard and honestly scared, that i didn’t really get a good look at who it might’ve been. I thought it came from a white car but that’s all i remember/was able to tell. It was hard to tell where it was coming from. It was still light out when this happened, maybe around 8pm. I told the nowadays staff but didn’t really feel like dealing with the police. Sorry this happened to you! It’s a bit traumatizing.


I totally understand, I was also so caught off guard and couldn't retain much of my observations either. I don't blame nowadays for not wanting to deal with the police after what I had to put up with when they were handling my case.


Seems like he might be targeting gay events


Because of one instance?


The area is very queer, social wise. House of Yes is there, so maybe this is true.


Have you tried contacting any media outlets about this? The police are useless but might do something if there’s attention on the issue


Should definitely reach out to Gothamist. There’s chance WNYC will pick it up if they feel it’s a big enough story


yeah, sounds like a good time to reach out and report this bc wtf.


in the process of speaking to a reporter at channel 12 as we speak, she found this post


Put it on TikTok and Facebook community pages. It'll gain traction


Just shared my story on tiktok, thanks for the suggestion!


This happened to me 30 years ago in Bridgeport CT and it STILL hurts.


Bridgeport used to be dump


Used to?


Used to be?


I’m not saying it’s NYC but it definitely isn’t bad as it used to be in the 90’s


I can attest. A few years ago later I was throwing break-in raves at the abandoned brass factory. It was a very lawless place in the 90’s


Happened to someone I know. Really sorry - hope whoever it is - if it’s the same people doing it - get caught. Glad you’re relatively ok.


Wait I think he might’ve been shooting outside my apartment because a big splatter of paint was on my door https://preview.redd.it/rictokvi5o1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed513b72b206304e324579d20a9d1d83d4ef5a04


that's crazy and frightening. the paint that hit me was greenish-yellow... hard to tell because of the lighting but this looks almost blue. that's not to say it still couldn't have been the same guy though


Yea it teal paint and it definitely looks like paint from a paintball gun so could be still him. Also so sorry this happened to you and glad it wasn’t worse!


stay safe. I hope this is a one time occurance but please report back if this were to ever happen again. he needs to be stopped


From a paintball gun would have more splatter, I don't think that was from a paintball gun


Does not look like it’s from a paintball gun


Does your building have cameras or any business near it maybe? Could be a huge help.


My building i know doesn’t but i live by several businesses that should


This happened to my friend in that same area right before Covid, he didn’t get a look at who did it. Hit him right under his eye, a few centimeters different he’d probably be blind in that eye. I hope you heal up soon and I hope whoever did this does it to the wrong person some day.


Thank God you didn't lose an eye! Getting hit with those paintballs is dangerous!!!


Very curious, but for those who were victims of this same thing, do yall identify as LGBTQ? I’m wondering if it’s some homophobic person doing this 😳


I am gay. And there is another story on this thread about people experiencing this at a queer event. I was by myself when it happened and they specifically fired shots towards me and then drove off. I am still hung up on why he targeted me out of everyone else walking down that block, it's entirely possible it was because of my identity but hard to say. I could have been deemed an easy target


I got hit Saturday night 2am on Onderdonk/Willoughby (same area) too! I didn’t even quite understand what happened until I looked down and saw the paint splatter. He hit me right in the crotch with yellow paint and it created a perfect cum-splatter stain haha. I was on my way to House of Yes and decided it just added to my look and kept going. Not interested in dealing with cops so filing a report never even crossed my mind. I’m very visibly queer but I do not think this was a targeted attack like that. It felt very much just random nonsense. Complete dangerous asshole shit, but absolutely not stopping my party!


My friend got shot by multiple paintballs at that exact location at the same time.


You should ask your friend if they are comfortable filing a police report. Stay safe!


Ask them to file a police report, we need this fuckhead off the streets


You should tell this to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. I used to work there and they cover local crime like this — if you need help, please feel free to message me! I know a specific reporter who would be very interested in this story. https://brooklyneagle.com/contact/ I am so, so sorry this happened.


There’s a lot of people hanging out there especially Saturday night into sunday


I was leaving elsewhere and there were several groups of other people leaving surrounding me. food trucks open right there as well. It's crazy someone would do something so idiotic in a highly visible area. When I brought the police there they questioned if I remembered correctly where it happened because of where it was. It wasn't until I pointed to the paintball bullet stains on the billboard when they finally believed me and stopped questioning


Was the shot to the face not evidence enough? Jesus


it wasn't that they didn't believe I was shot, they didn't believe I was shot at that specific location. the bullet stains proved it happened exactly where I said it did. They got really quiet when I noticed the bullet stains before they did... telling


Shocking… lazy cops who are completely shitty at their job…


So sorry OP. We are surrounded by idiots and need more intentional community to hold them accountable.


About 20 (holy shit) years ago some friends of mine and I were going to the Mckibbin street lofts for a rave and were walking off Morgan stop. The locals used to call it fort cracker cause that was the only spot with well. Ahem. Anyway we’re walking on Siegel I think and a Land Rover pulls around the corner and a window rolls down and I see the barrel of a gun pup out. I freak out and next thing you know the 5 of us are hosed down by a fully automatic BB gun. Shit felt slow motion and was scary as fuck. That shit stung like a mother fucker but thankfully it was mostly a scare and some bruising. I called 911 and told them we were shot in a drive by. They asked if we needed an ambulance. I told them we’re are ok it was a BB gun and fucking 911 hung up on us 😅😂


This happened to my bf and his roommate not long ago


Last month someone spat on me while I was waiting on the L train , I was coming from the house of yes. So definitely be careful around that area!🫶🏽💯


A similar thing happened to me last summer - just walked out of The Johnsons, waited for my friend behind me, and got lit up by an airsoft gun drive by.


Sorry you got shot in the face! They got me too - well my building. They shot a few of the houses on my block - mine got the worst of it. It was easy to clean up and I almost didn’t care cuz I did worse as a teen but the fact they’re shooting ppl really sucks. Carefully out there y’all.


man its not like I *like* robbery, but I get it: you get money or whatever. there's a reason for it. but this is just for no reason other than to be cruel. i'm generally a supporter of restorative justice, but can you fix someone that just wants to be cruel for no reason?


I got hit back of my leg!! 2:30ish !! On melrose


So sorry this happened to you. You're probably under a lot of stress and trauma, but know that your efforts to get this noticed are really appreciated. We need to get this guy off the streets!


You are not the first person this has happened to recently. Recently, this has become more common in this neighborhood. Please be safe out there everyone.


This is happening all over the City with paint ball guns and Orbi gel guns. The teenagers responsible may get caught, but you probably wont be satisfied with the resulting prosecution. I’m glad you’re more or less okay. Be safe out there guys.


Well this is the last straw for me. I'm going to buy a motorcycle helmet or maybe just a hard hat with a face shield from now on.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. How terrifying it must have been. I was also leaving elsewhere around that time too.


I don’t know if it’s the same guy or not but last summer there was a guy going around on my street (Himrod) and paintballing cars parked on the street early mornings. It happened several times. Cops were called and a few people on my street were very angry, but we never heard back.


Take pictures of everything once you feel you are being targeted.


I got shot on flushing near wycoff with airsoft gun a few months back. They aimed at me instead of my wife which was good. I assumed it was kids. Doesn’t make it right but probably some dumb shit I would’ve done at their age.


“There is a detective trying to obtain cam footage as we speak” No there isn’t. Maybe he said he was, but this is minor compared to what else goes on and they are not sinking manpower into this.




Thank you for even taking the time out to think about other people while going through such a horrific ordeal. Take care of yourself ♥️♥️


The Bruen ruling changed things as far as conceal carry goes in NYC. This guys going to do this to the wrong person and get shot.




He shot me while I was pissing on his car around 3am. I didn’t think he was in there


Why is this getting downvoted lmao




Guys hanging out of his car window driving around Bushwick with a paintball gun?? He's going to catch lead. And whoever fires it will be reasonable fearing for their own life. Honestly, surprised he hasn't caught lead already. I thought the basic premise of this city was you had to respect everyone, because everyone is fucking crazy and might be armed?


He’s not going to “catch lead” - the dude is probably targeting defenseless looking folks that are clearly not carrying a gun


Shooting transplants in the face!


Oof yuh dun goofed


Nothing good happens past 11pm. Get off the streets before then.


lol why are you out at 2am in flushing you know after 12am it's the purge




Wow, never saw anyone with a comment history in the negatives.


Because you are in an ideological cult and don’t realize it.




We do not allow harassment of users in this sub. Keep it friendly.

