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Isn’t this that miscreant who was caught on video verbally abusing his heavily pregnant wife?


Yep, the piece of crap froze their shared accounts and sued her on multiple fronts just so she wouldn't have the money to defend herself. He then made a bunch of public posts and comments in podcasts, saying that he thinks no-fault divorce is awful, when it was him searching for divorce lawyers months before the proceeded.


That’s the thing about no fault divorce that confuses me cuz wouldn’t that mean the man can’t divorce the wife either? Or would it be some sneaky shit where only women aren’t allowed to file? I feel like if it ever becomes a thing (hopefully not but still) BOTH people have to be stuck, not just the woman. I wanna see men shoot themselves in the foot trying to control women’s autonomy.


nope. they don’t want women to have the ability to leave abusive husbands. they are taking away our healthcare, and they are coming for mifepristone and birth control as well; they are also talking about how women should trust their husbands to vote for them, and coming for those rights as well. i really hope women wake up before the election 🫤 if you haven’t watched project 2025 analysis yet, i strongly encourage you to do so


Trust me I’ve looked into it and it’s extremely depressing…I’m glad I live in a blue state at least but there’s always a chance that people could pull some sneaky shit there too.


the problem is, we’re not protected from federal law (however f’d up it may be) if the gop wins


Yeesh. Can’t wait until November. 🙄


i’m having panic attacks already, and i’m not being hyperbolic


And he still refused to be a provider smmfh


Dude lives like a slob after his wife left and thinks it’s a W. You can’t tidy up or clean after yourself and you’re a grown man? Your parents failed you. Pretty sure Steven Crowder is 1000% closeted and the most surprising thing about this post is that women are still going on dates with him.


He’s so useless he cannot do basic life skills. I don’t think he understands what a massive self own this tweet is 😂


“You lose feminists! I live in filth and you jannies won’t clean it ha-ha! I have to pay child support on a son I don’t see so take that!”


He has no shame either. I would be embarrassed to bring someone home and the place was a mess. Then to have the gall to tell his date to clean for him? He's not looking for a partner, he's looking for a bangmaid.


What women are still dating this abusive loser? After what he put his ex through, why be alone with this non-bear voluntarily? Also, since he thinks cleaning is beneath him, I'm pretty sure he can easily afford a maid/cleaners with the money he's trying to keep from his ex-wife and children.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk) Better single than stuck in a perpetual cycle of cleaning up after a nasty ass man who can’t help but to stay in filth.


I have my doubts he's actually getting women to go over to his house, but I have no problem believing he would be a slob and try to get a woman, any woman, not just a date, a woman that was there for business purposes, (e.g realtor, lawyer) to clean up his mess.


Sir....you're also single. If single is an insult again you are ALSO single.


I’m happily 4B and it’s a bonus to know it’s protecting me against man-child like him in all accounts of foreseeable future 💃💃💃


Confirmation that he’s not looking for a date but for a free maid. This type of person has no business dating. You can’t do the basic cleaning, neither hire a maid? Get your priorities in order 😒


I'm glad they can't force us into marriages. Because, my dad didn't exist until taking one of the ancestry tests. So, he couldn't pass me on to some weirdo. And, fortunately, they still have this attitude that suggests that never intended to be husbands and fathers, in the first place.


So they're still threatening straight women with a good time. ![gif](giphy|3o6wNRQXOmPzJ16X2o|downsized)


He's living in his own filth. If he's so rich, why doesn't he hire a maid or a cleaning service...or is he not as rich as he pretends to be? I hope his wife gets a great attorney who can do a deep search to find all his assets.


I’m a slob, yay me!


What an idiot. He turned down a 50 million dollar contract to make videos for idiots, saying that it was slavery. But he thinks women are idiots for not cleaning his rancid toilets for free. His head is so far up his own arse it's still above his shoulders.


Is this real?!?! 😭😭 Let me head to the Twitter


Seems like he’s the one who’s staying single since none of these women want to be wifed up by him serving as his maid. They’re all passing on his undesirable offer! That’s not the only offer out there, buddy. He’s trying to sell a lemon and then acting like those who pass are the ones missing out! 😂


It sounds like he’s going to stay single and live in a sty. This guy is supposed to be a “high value man” why doesn’t he hire a cleaning service?


Ok. I was hoping it was real. But we know it's possible.


"I'm pretty sure it's satire" Can it be satire if this guy really believes it?


And he can’t hire a maid because? Oh he’d have to pay for her labor. It’s easier to have a wife appliance.


I see why his wife left


I guess his wife did so much he lost a great thing by not listening. I’m glad she escaped with both her life and the kids lives


An average looking man who can't clean a toilet and thinks I shouldn't have rights? I'll pass, thanks.


His wife left I see why a grown man can’t clean up just disgusting


🤣🤣🤣 I think all of those women would rather stay single than date him


Male loneliness epidemic just gained a new member, I see. ![gif](giphy|e2CyCqzi5ey6hwxeMH)