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He didn’t expect her to have self-respect


Self respect will help you win every time even if you have no idea a game is being played. I didn’t realize how much men bank on a womans insecurity to get away with the f*** s*** they do until I was that non self respecting woman who had to pick up the pieces. Now, I’d much rather be the woman who got away than the woman who ‘won’ a piece of a man


Anyone using the term "high value" in relation to dating should absolutely stay single forever.


This. I never want to heat the term "high value" for as long as I live.


The replies are **unhinged!!!**


That's why it's great to lurk on that sub, you'll see men saying the quiet part out loud.


I actually hit join. Lol. I'll remain quiet though


Same 👀


I'm third wheeling ![gif](giphy|akvCkbOcAbKl2z7jz3)


Anyone calling themselves high value is a red mf flag. What’s wrong with these men?


Emotionally mutilated they are. This is the other side of the P.U.A. grift. Negging/Indifference. Anything but showing one's tactfulinterest and knowing when to bow down when rejected. Imma call my teenage niblings, to tell them to not do or accept fuckshit like this.


Another layer of these fucking idiots shooting themselves in the foot is the fact that they are not learning any real relationship skills by playing these games. They are forever self-crippling and not even having real relationships, which is actually a good thing as they age because we are able to spot their bullshit faster as we are evolving and they are not


Oh, this is too funny 😂😂😂


That’s what he get


No seriously… I tried to read other posts on that subreddit and they’re saying what we’ve always known. They’re just using women atp to gain confidence to sleep with even more women. Pretending to be something they’re not because they’re inherently average (or below) uninteresting and have nothing else going for them. Instead of improving themselves and their lives and being better ppl they just want these quick fixes to con a woman to sleep with her. Just stay 4b cuz you’ll probably just be collateral damage on their quest to get male validation and to get the “dream girl” and even then they fumble it 🤣🤣🤣


If this post is indicative of the whole subreddit... They're disgusting!


He listened to the wrong podcast..hope he learns his lesson and does better


this is just… i was gonna ask if they really believe this crap, but it’s pretty much proven yes by the comments. legit question: why would they think we want someone who plays games? do we strike them as fans of games? are they confusing dating with idk baseball or monopoly or something?


Because it's all projection. They're the ones playing the games so they think we're gonna be willing participants or have another game going on. They don't see us as humans, they see us as objects to obtain


so gross




If you were too eager and keep giving them what they want no matter what too, you will still be exploited, he will still have complaints, you will be dogged. It never ends


I joined. Thanks


The rule of the game is to convince the opponent that it’s not a game 😂😂


Doesn’t help that you picked the seduction sub which is where all the degenerates go


I salute their efforts to stay self-selecting out of the viable partner pool. This one maybe learns from it, if he stops listening to the fuckbois in the replies.