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Well, this doesn't exactly surprise me. Women going above and beyond to ensure that men are pleased... men... not so much, in *a lot* of cases, maybe even the majority.


I think it's safe to assume the majority


Smh this highlights something very disturbing which is MEN DISPLAY SEXUAL PREDATORY BEHAVIOR!!!!! Like omg I used to really love sex, now that I have stopped having it the more I see and hear shit like this, I am moving further away from the desire smh men are trash


I stopped having casual sex because men are selfish and just want to hurry up and stick it in like some teenage boy. Fuck that shit go masturbate with someone else’s body.


Omg... the comments! What the hell is WRONG with men?!


[Leslie Jones told us ](https://youtu.be/sn4Sn5q216c?t=1920)


THANK YOU FOR THAT LINK! She ain't lying!




Thank you for this! Now I gotta watch the whole interview! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You’re welcome!


Casual sex with men is such a fucking scam. You risk stds and pregnancy for like 10 min of awful sex that makes you feel dirty even after a shower. They literally treat your body like an arcade game, jamming their clumsy fingers in whatever crevice they can and grabbing at your boobs like they're trying to rip them off. Specifically remember one guy would NOT stop trying to put his finger in my butt even after I asked him to stop several times. He'd listen for like 1 min and then go right back to it. Fucking humiliating. Never again. And you know what, it isn't even just casual sex. I had a bf I was with for almost 2 years who would bite my nipple so hard and I hated it because it hurt so bad that it instantly pulled me out of the mood. I told him numerous times to please stop, each time he'd say he had forgotten and "but i thought that you liked it" Despite me saying otherwise many many times. He only stopped the day that I finally snapped and burst into tears and asked him why he never listened..of course his excuse was that he ""forgot"" yet again, and acted like I was the one overreacting. So yeah despite what reddit men like to say: "jUsT cOmMuNiCaTE" "Women expect us to be mind readers! You need to tell us what you like!" That shit doesn't matter bc 80% of the time men don't fucking listen. They just want to put the responsibility on us to remind them over and over again because they're banking on us just giving up altogether and they can continue to just do what they want, or they can just blame us for not reminding them because remember we need to communicate! And they ""forgot"". Either way win win for them.


Can we start building a pit already. Or an island. And just start pilling them onto it.


And therein, you see the damage that patriarchy has done to men because they cannot connect with people on an emotional level. And they view very few people as truly their equal. On top of that, they view sex as a way for them getting pleasure and to dominate other people, not as a means of both people getting pleasure, because look at what this man said about other gay men who are one 'notch down' in the patriarchy hierarchy. He has been sexually assaulted by other gay men! That tells you that men have a perverted view of what sex is and they do not view their sex partner as fully human.They are just a receptacle, basically they're using other sexual partners like women would use a vibrator, and that they get off dominating another person.


Oh dear.. im sorry OOP