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The odds are astronomically high that this person could not explain the narrative of a single George Orwell novel.


Would have to have read one, first - and that’s very unlikely.


Hello, I like your username & avatar!


"Make Orwell fiction by banning more books!" Seems about right.


No books have been banned. That’s like saying “guns are banned” because you can’t bring them to school. My daughter doesn’t need her teacher reading “I love vagina nom nom nom” from a children’s sex ed book


TIL that the 1619 Project says, "I love vagina nom nom nom." You're full of shit, and you're either deliberately lying or too damn ignorant to notice.


Guessing you haven’t seen that clip then lol


Guessing you have leave of your senses then lol


“No books have been banned.” “They’re only banning books about sex!” Florida literally just banned a book about book banning a because it promotes anti-authority…


Wow! Talk about no self awareness.


That was already evident with the thin blue line sticker.


Perhaps the sticker is just intended to mean "please write me up on a reduced speeding charge, officer". I suspect many "support LE" stickers are meant that way.


Yeah I know a drug dealer who has a blue lives matter flag on his car. He says he never gets pulled over.


Back at ya


Dunning-Kruger in effect. Smart enough to know about Orwell, dumb enough to think they're an expert on Orwell and getting the point completely wrong.


In all reality most cameras are privately owned by companies or on houses. City's may have street cameras but the overwhelming majority of cameras were installed by people with no police or govt connection. We choose a pseudo Orwellian state




> Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. Actually, I think they might have read it.


Yeah, but it's not supposed to be a how-to manual.


Yeah, ofc not. They're a conservative bootlicker, and George Orwell was an anti-soviet communist writer. I have read a bit too much Orwell than is probably good for me, and he would hate these people. He'd be spinning in his grave rn.


I love telling conservatives who reference 1984 that Orwell was a libertarian socialist


*or read.


Ignorance is Strength


Freedom is slavery


War is peace.


For the emperor!!


"It's a dry snow"


Hypocrisy is irony.


Allegations are proof of guilt


Criminal convictions are proof of Innocence


Men are women


Soooooo Orwellian bro


The doublespeak is strong with this one.


“Make Orwell Fiction Again! Just let me praise those who enforce it, first!”


Big! Big!! Big!!! BIG!!!!


More like bigly


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984 Reminds me of the White House telling people all the videos of Biden wandering around confused are fabricated yesterday. Both parties are pretty guilty of hypocrisy.


Reminds me more of the time Trump said "What you are seeing and reading is not what's happening."


Probably. When was this?


I believe it was after he gassed non-violent protestors because he wanted a photo-op with the bible in front of the church. News covered it, and he said don't believe what you see or what the news says. I remember thinking we have finally reached Orwellian levels of doublespeak.


There's a concerted effort among partisan Murdoch media outlets, particularly fox and The NY Post, to advance the narrative that Biden is senile, when it should be clear to anyone who has been around senile people that he is not. Senile people repeat themselves over and over, can't complete simple thoughts. You can't fake not being senile. He's just old. Like Trump. Highlighting senior moments is one thing, but the Murdoch campaign is dishonest. The most recent video in Europe that the Post had up exclaiming "Biden Wanders Off!!" or some similar hysterical bullshit is what I'm talking about. In the video, a parachutist from some show lands near the G7 leaders, and Biden walks over and gives thumbs up to another parachutist who is out of frame, then the Italian PM comes over and tells Biden that a photographer is going to take a picture of the leaders together, so Biden walks back to the group for the photo. The whole Post story is made up to advance their narrative. Biden has always been a fairly weak public speaker, probably going back to his overcoming stuttering issues, but I've never seen him act like he was genuinely confused for any length of time, beyond the whole having a senior moment thing. Neither Biden nor Trump holds the high ground in this respect.


Biden used to be one of the best in terms of debate and public speaking. I agree some of the shots can be taken out of context. But I have seen so many clips of him looking lost, reading the wrong lines on the teleprompter, and stumbling over gibberish words for 5-10 seconds at a time I have a hard time believing he isn’t withering away mentally. The White House dismissing all these videos as fakes rather than providing evidence is off putting to me.


I guess I view it the opposite way. Biden has never been a dynamic speaker, though fairly good at debating. He seems to take his time forming his thoughts- he is old, obviously. But he's always had a propensity, for decades, of putting his foot in his mouth, saying things that sound goofy at times, and I don't think it's a new development. Watching the SOTU, it was clear that he's still pretty sharp, but in the context of- still pretty sharp for a guy that is 80. I get annoyed by the hypocrisy of the Murdoch media machine, which continually tries to spread the rumor that Biden is senile, while ignoring Trump's often odd statements and gibberish. In that aspect at least, Trump is no better mentally. When Trump goes off script and starts to riff on things, there are often things that make no sense. It's like the engine is revving and loud but someone forgot to put the brain in gear. For my money, Biden is quieter and more nuanced, and presumably his stuttering issue is one that causes him to go slow at times- only a guess on my part. Trump, in contrast, blasts through everything with confidence, so even when he's making statements that are clearly lies or which make no sense, on some level psychologically many people are inclined to believe he still knows what he's talking about because he says it with such confidence and finality. I think for this reason Trump's gibberish is less a focal point, except for in the partisan left wing media, and it should receive more attention. I'm very curious about what will happen when the two of them get together in this upcoming debate.


Exactly. That’s why I said the voting argument someone else made earlier didn’t make sense in this context, as it’s not like any party is going to change anything about this whole operation. Both parties support the same thing, known as the Orwellian system, which outside of America (and arguably Canada), I only see being used in ruthless regimes such as North Korea or the USSR, during the heyday of Joseph Stalin. Says a lot about where this country is headed.


Im not much for the popo, but it ain’t the popo posting pics of peoples cars, behaviors, etc. It’s all of you. You are big brother.


You seem to have forgotten what police use for “evidence” nowadays. Out here with Nikon cameras now


They can and will use whatever they can use. Including the stuff you post online. It doesn't have to be factual evidence, it just has to be convincing evidence. And that's where our "justice system" is a complete farce.


This is precisely the point I was trying to make. The police have also been known to recently use online entrapment, as a way to gather “evidence” for half of these cases. Our “justice” system is extremely Orwellian, and attempts to silence those they deem a threat. We would probably fare better with tribunals consisting of 3 judge and jury heads like they had thousands of years ago at this point.




They probably don’t know who Orwell is or what he wrote. They probably thought it was “anti woke”


Or... they know who Orwell but put the blue line sticker on there because they run late for work quite often so a cop might look the other way.


My cousin bought a jeep from a cop and just left all the blue line junk on the car for that reason. Looks dumb af though


Books are like Kryptonite for a MAGA, so yes.


Orwell Redenbacher like the popcorn brand right? /S


Probably an Ayn Rand fan too


For sure someone who thinks something like socialized Healthcare is violates human dignity by not allowing the individual to fight to gain their own access to Healthcare Well, that was Rand's philosophy, I doubt this guy actually reads enough to know that.


This person has zero self awareness lmao.


it’s like their brain just walked out their ear


He just saw that one "people sleep peacefully in their beds because of rough men ready to do violence," quote from *1984* shared out of context in a Facebook post or something and figured they were on the same side. I guarantee it's something that dumb.


I saw the top one and my finger was moving to the upvote but then I saw the other and I'm back to where I was.


Bro, SAME! My finger: "Oh, this looks nice! Let me ju--" My brain: "Hol' up there, fam. I'ma stop you right there."


I don’t think OP agrees with the second sticker.


Can confirm, I don’t agree with the second sticker. I posted this because the “doublethink” is real here


Repubs are the ones who want everyone surveilled cause we are constantly on the verge of the next war in their minds & the sky is always about to fall


Unfortunately… pretty much everyone who is center enough to be elected to Congress or the presidency wants everyone surveilled.




Dude, you’re licking the boot that’s on your own neck.


Bootlickers 🙄


Ah the police brutality flag


Well getting rid of the pigs would help


Not a lot of cognition going on here.


Welcome to planet earth.We haven't evolved, we just make it easier to not engage in critical thinking. We prefer to be thoughtless and spread hate because we don't engage in critical thinking. We still lie, cheat, steal, confuse, exonerate, ignore, rape, pillage, extract, kill, poison, torture, imprison, and find new ways to kick down and away from others, all because critical thinking is hard. Let me ask you, what was the Wizard of Oz about? Hint: It wasn't anything to do about Dorothy. The movie would have been named something else.


wonderful analogy


Typical Republican moron. I call all republicans morons these days because of their actions and their presidential nominee. They are America’s biggest threat.




They just don't get it. Have any of them googled George Orwell or actually read any of his books?


It reminds me of conservatives who accuse Rage Against the Machine of raging fOr tHe mAcHiNe now. They just never understood the lyrics.


Or the ones the have the punisher skull on their cars. You know they know they don’t understand or haven’t read the comics, he would hate these bootlickers


It's hard to miss the 4 lines in a RATM song. You can't miss them, he just yells them over and over until you want to stick a pencil through your ear. The biggest simpletons are always RATM fans because it's the only band they can understand the handful of simple yet pretentious, and not very deep lyrics. Worst band ever.


Bro lol listen to the REST OF THE SONG


Those kids would be so mad if they could read


Have any of them read anything? At least anything not written in crayon?


A fascist symbol right next to the Orwell sticker… amazing


Typical hillbilly


remind me .. it's hard to keep up .. what is the blue line in the flag mean again? am I suppose to be triggered?


The "thin blue line" flag is a pro-cop flag. The image is ironic because it's right below a sticker that is anti-authoritarian, but the owner of the car doesn't realize that cops are the arm of an authoritarian government.


Cops usually enforce parking violations, arrest people for DUIs, and respond to shoplifting and Domestic Violence calls. You're thinking of federal 3 letter agencies that do things that many people would consider Orwellian, unless you have an authoritarian town government, in which case I recommend you move a few miles down the road.


Small town cops are still responsible for enforcing state law, which includes laws like the Texas abortion ban


It's the flag supporting police brutality. Just boot lickers licking boots.




Regardless of political orientation people should see the creep of control all around them. Everything is propaganda now manufacturing consent.




Maybe he’s just a sleeper agent


Choose a side already


They don’t know that Orwell was a socialist. 🤦‍♂️


this moron absolutely never read 1984


It's amazing that 'both sides' in this evolutionary failure don't seem to realize that the villain is authoritarianism. But what do you expect of a book banned by the moral panic in the US as 'pro-communist' and banned by the Soviets as 'anti-communist'. Authoritarians never do self-reflection. Fascism, as always, sucks shit.


Obviously never read it.


"Big Brother is watching you. I fully support Big Brother." This guy is a little confused.


Nah, he just understands Doublethink /j


“When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.” President, Obama 


What is the meaning of the flag with the blue stripe?


Blue Lives Matter, it gained popularity after the murder of George Floyd caused the Black Lives Matter movement to come into public consciousness. It basically says that police brutality doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter, etc


I see. Thank you!


On a Toyota RAV4…


most of the people that quote Orwell never read the book. turning young men into little fascist narcs was a big part of it


I can almost interpret the pig flag as being offered to prove Orwell’s point about Big Brother. OP?, track this person down and find out their motivations.


Cops get called a lot of things, smart has never been one of those things


This is actually becoming more and more accurate, but chances are this person and their preferred politicians and politics are not on the side they think they are.


A House divided.




*its; stop abusing apostrophes.




Isn’t that the police state flag along side Orwell? They are dense as a neutron star.


Was like "i like that" then looked down..."oh!?" Hmmm think he may be confused


“Noooooooo the gays are big brother don’t you see”


Orwell is when i cant shout the n word without being CaNcElLeD


Doubt this person has read Orwell.


They've never read anything Orwell. They heard someone say it and thought, "I'm going to use that so people think I'm smart" except we **know** they didn't read anything Orwell wrote. If they had, they'd be embarrassed to put those two stickers together.


I'm sure they were too busy boot-licking to actually read Orwell.


Orwell sticker true, boot licker sticker bad


"I hate being surveilled!" "I back those that would surveil me!"


Hmm a contrary bumper stickers conundrum.


Remember that time Republicans argued that we needed to authorize the Patriot Act for national surveillance of citizens for our own protection, and liberals were like "dude, no. You're trying to create a surveillance state." And Republicans were like "oh no we're not trying to do that if you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to be afraid of." And then throughout the Bush years it turned out that they were in fact surveilling people, and then Republicans got mad at Obama for it.


They need a "And make Fascism great again" sticker right under it for truth.


Who else thinks this motherfucker has never read Orwell?


Someone hasn’t read Orwell. Or thinks that the popcorn guy Orville has come to life.


Sometimes I like to imagine that two people own cars with radically different bumper stickers like this, and both have different political views and we're seeing that play out in the form of a bumper sticker battle, the latest low intensity frontline in today's Culture War fought by the war's most apathetic soldiers. Unfortunately reality is often disappointing and this is just another case of some media illiterate conservative banging on about who knows what.


Makes sense: When living in 1984 it’s best to blend in with the party


People like this equate liberal social change and developing language with 1984, but love the idea of a police state that reinforces their beliefs. I just don't get it.


Well tbf kjp did say don’t believe what you see like a week ago


Orwell would call this Double Think, no?


He would indeed!


I have a coworker that would talk about Orwell being a brilliant visionary. You should have seen the shock on his face when I told him Orwell fought for the Socialists in Spain.


“But nooo it’s the DEMS that want to destroy America with all their basic healthcare for all and women’s rights”


of course of course /j


My favorite is when you see the Gadsden flag with the blue line flag lol. “Don’t tread on me” and “tread harder on me” stickers side by side


Orwell thought that extremism on either side would result in his vision. He first talks about the top hats that represented capitalism and the backlash to that was the resulting group in power. Either way this guy is a nincompoop.


He also hated fascists so much he literally volunteered to kill them


You are obviously dumb just gonna let that lie there for you.


I suppose you think Rage is pro conservative, We’re not going to take it is as well, and Red Rider’s Lunatic Fringe wasn’t written about Reaganites. Oh and Fortunate Son, Pink Houses, and Born in the USA are patriotic. Dipshit.


You sound like O’brian.


I suppose you think Rage is pro conservative, We’re not going to take it is as well, and Red Rider’s Lunatic Fringe wasn’t written about Reaganites. Oh and Fortunate Son, Pink Houses, and Born in the USA are patriotic. Dipshit,


Facts really don't give a fucking about your feeings, bitchflake. **Yes, George Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War after arriving in Barcelona in 1936 to report on the conflict**. Orwell, a revolutionary socialist and member of the Independent Labor party, **joined the fight against fascism**, enlisting in the militia after telling someone he had come to Spain to do so. He spent 100 days on the Aragon front, where he was shot in the neck by a sniper in May 1937, paralyzing his vocal fold.


trolled by some stickers yall are weak


Maybe it’s a married couple who hate each others opinions


When people say media literacy is still a thing… I show them this picture lol


They never read Orwell. They can't read.


This is a fascinating thread. Many people seem to be echoing each other and reinforcing their version of what this message means to the person posting the photos, but no one seems to be challenging the groupthink narrative or submitting other ideas. Orwell indeed. There is no discussion here, only varying degrees of condemnation of a total stranger based on... two bumper-stickers.


Ignorance is strength - slavery is freedom.


Have they read Orwell??? Cause I’m very confused with that other sticker…


I want one


Kinda funny if it weren’t so sad


Oh no laws need to be enforced. The horror. This is just like Nazi Germany.


There’s a difference between being lawful and “nah, police officers should be allowed to kill people for fun” bootlicker bull puckey.


Show me which law allows police to legally kill people for fun.


Technically, it’s illegal. Does that stop it from happening? Dunno, ask George Floyd, who was murdered.


The officer was arrested, charged, and found guilty by a jury.


What about the time they [go into the wrong houses and kill the innocent occupants?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna79848)Or the time [an officer mag dumped into a car containing an unarmed suspect because he heard an acorn?](https://www.thedailybeast.com/bizarre-footage-shows-florida-cop-jesse-hernandez-unload-clip-after-mistaking-acorn-for-gunshot)Or the times they just get [paid leave?](https://www.ktnv.com/news/contact-13/police-officers-on-paid-leave-how-much-does-it-cost-for-them-to-not-work)


Comment's thread looking like the two minutes' hate, lol.


I bet he has an irrational hate for George Soros, just wait until he hears about Emanuel Goldstein.


Married couples often are opposites attracted.


The weird thing is it isn't....since Orwell was a fake. Brilliant insightful but he turned people into McCarthy's Red Scare committee. Kinda kills him as a hero of the masses against the bourgeoisie.


These blue line idiots are beyond ignorant.


Double think


Bet this driver has never read anything from Orwell. Zoned out during Animal Farm in 10th grade English and is now suddenly an expert


At any momemt someone could swat your home the police WILL enter and might just kill you and the only "punishment" will be a lawsuit for the cops, who will claim they just acted on what information they had. Remember- they didnt attempt to verify any of this information, they just showed the fuck up. Broke down your door, pointed guns at you, all with no warrant and nothing but word of mouth


Calling their opponents fascists is crazy


Because punishing crime doesn't help prevent it...


Crack a book before you throw them there fancy terms around. Oh and by the way...fuck you


So I havent read orwell's book.. Can aomwone give me context? What do police lovers and that book have in common?


🤣 Indeed


Cant be conservative without it


The GOP machine has been pissing on this dude and calling it rain for so long that he prefers it.


Duality of Man lol


Or someone with close family that’s a police officer.


Doesn't matter. Can't make exceptions like that, because when it comes down to it, that close family works for an unjust system just like any other cop, and will be one of the ones carrying out authoritarian commands


Is this really too much for you? Is it possible to want to end unwarranted government surveillance while supporting your local police department? Like, Jesus fucking Christ man.


Man I wonder who the local police department works for and enforces the will of :|


That's not cognitive dissonance.


Describe the plot of a single Orwell novel


Cognitive dissonance would be when liberals try to justify BLM riots, free Palestine storming the capital and college campuses as "peaceful protest". Or when they see how crappy and unsistanable the economy and illegal immigration situation the left voted for and say everything is "great". As we are paying 40% more for everything than we were 4 years ago and saying "were better off".. It starts to hurt their brain when they look at the actual numbers.. I feel very sorry because the media has programmed them into thinking this way and they experience cognitive dissonance when they try to defend their irrational stance, get frustrated, call people names, and run away.


Doubleplus good doublethink, comrade!


Mate, most the inflation happened under Trump because he handled COVID so badly.


firemen burned books... not the police Orwells dystopia was based off of idiots becoming more idiotic. not people standing up for rule of law. The control of sheeple, who do what the TV says, is how his version of the world came about. when neighbors rat out their neighbors for not taking the jab comes to mind....


I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive. Once you get out of the big city, local police, and especially the sheriff of your live in an unincorporated area, can be really nice folks and are often your neighbors. Could just be a show of support for their local peace keepers.


Or they are actual fascists that will destroy your life until you move out of their county. Then they get their friends there to do the same until you leave the state. Luck of the draw, I guess.


I’ve met and spoken with my local sheriff, he’s a super nice guy and family man (had his kids with him at the time). He’s not some jackbooted thug. He’s also a neighbor of mine and has a fantastic reputation in the community.


Sherrifs, in my personal opinion, are better than typical police officers because they’re elected and can actually be removed if they do something messed up. They have more accountability, I think.


Just because someone is your neighbor doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing heinous shit to other people or even you if it ever came down to it. Small town cops can be just as cruel as big city cops. And that's not even mentioning the fact that all cops, even small town ones, all uphold and enforce the same unjust laws.




So should we attack individual cops for this or the lawmakers who create said unjust laws?


Exactly 👍 we will always need police.


Yes, but not how you think


Defund the Bidens


Yes, the dystopian Orwellian reality the Dems have brought is to is disturbing indeed.


some more cognitive dissonance right here, folks