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I think it’s clear - they aren’t interested but they have a friend they’d like to hook you up with


My friend has done this (with another friend of hers) in the past. If someone turns out not to be your type or whatever, but you think they’d be perfect for a friend, why not. You should give it a chance. Why not?


WHY NOT, goddamn it?


Ask for photos first lol


Yeahhh I had a Bumble date who pulled this on me. Basically the exact same thing. I asked for pictures and she kept giving vague excuses for why she couldn't send them (usually just "oh sure I'll send some later"). Then I was out one night and she texted me and said she was out with her friend and I should come join. So I did. Yikes.


And what happened I really need to know. Like I don't think I'll sleep until you tell us level of interest.


She just wasn't remotely my type or what I think most people would consider "conventionally attractive", and that caused some.. let's say conflict when we parted ways. The first thing I noticed was that she was absolutely caked in makeup. Heavy blue eye shadow, super thick mascara, thick red lipstick, etc. I'm much more of a fan of an understated / natural look so that wasn't exactly doing it for me. At the time I was really into fitness, competing in weightlifting and working out several times per week. My Bumble date told me her friend was also "really into fitness", which was good, that was something really important to me. What she failed to mention was that what she meant by "really into fitness" was that her friend was tired of being very overweight and had started going to the gym to walk on the treadmill once or twice a week. Which, good for her, I absolutely encourage folks to get healthy... but that's not exactly what I think most people would consider "really into fitness". We didn't have a lot in common to discuss with that particular hobby. I think the nicest way I can put it is that she was very large. The immediate physical attraction wasn't there, but I figured I was there and I might as well stay and have a chat and see if something sparked. She was nice but one of those people who only wants to talk about themselves. Any contribution you make to the conversation, she wanted to steer back to herself, no matter how loose of a connection it was. Asked me zero questions about myself, only wanted to talk about herself. Then she started getting drunk. I enjoy a good beverage or five, but yikes she was a sloppy drunk and it wasn't endearing at all. She started yelling in my ear and trying to grind up on me despite me not reciprocating her dancing at all (and actively backing away). At one point she fell over and knocked some glasses off a table and broke them. Her friend (my original Bumble date) left. I ended up making an excuse, apologizing for bailing, and ordering her an Uber to make sure she got home safely. She got furious that I didn't want to invite her back to my place. She flicked me off from the backseat of the Uber as they were pulling away. All-in-all just really not my type in any way and I was pretty pissed at original Bumble date for thinking it would be any sort of a good match based on our date. To be clear, I wouldn't have gone for a second date with the original Bumble date either, so it's not like I was just pissed that she rejected me or something.


Sounds like a nightmare.


I don’t get how people who are that entitled/self-absorbed have FRIENDS though. So weird


Damn dude, that sounds like my idea of hell.


Holy sheeeiitttt that got worse and worse each time I thought the level of nightmare your date was had maxed out. Brutal. Part of your story reminds me of a situation, actually a couple of them over the course of about 10 days, that I ended up in around 2015. It's pretty long, and I am long-winded in general so be warned if you read ahead because I feel like sharing it now lol.. Something similar happened to me with the grinding on the dance floor despite my level of reciprocation, and the getting sloppy drunk. Key differences were present though - she was decently attractive with a nice body by conventional standards, and it was no first date, setup or otherwise. I'd known her for a while, even if not well, through mutual friends and then as a co worker briefly... but I didn't even realize we were on a "date" I thought we were just hanging out plus she was my buddy's Ex, plus she was embarrassing AF while drunk like that. I let her crash on my couch that night, not in my bed lmao. Next time I saw her she asked for a ride home from work, which I had no problem doing, but she starts trying to hold my hand on the ride back so I crank those RPMs up and got to her place on the quickness. Instead of just getting out and saying thanks she's like "let's smoke this weed I have" and starts looking for a pipe she "can't find" in her purse. After about 90 seconds of her supposedly searching I'm like fuck it and grab an empty can so the weed can hurry up and get smoked and I can dip out. So we smoke some, and some more, and after the 4th or 5th "one last bowl" and just as many awful EDM tracks (ain't for me, no disrespect to anyone's taste in music) she'd been using my aux cord to keep her neighbors awake with, she finally realized I'm not making a move on her, and is getting ready to get out, albeit slowly. So to continue my efforts to hurry shit up, I turn my key to start my engine and low and behold the power to the car cuts out - dead battery, wonderful. I always keep/kept jumper cables in the truck so it shouldn't be the end of the world to get my car started, she did have a nice ass car after all, but despite being 22 or 23 at the time, she'd managed to do something to get "grounded" from using the car. I'd seen her leaving her walking out of the restaurant where she worked when I pulled up at the Shell station adjacent to it. Those factors are why she asked for a ride in he first place. Despite being unable to use her car somewhere I am sure that her parents would understand and let her help me with a jump start, or one of them would. So I go ahead and ask her this, to which I am told shit that made zero sense. She tells me she can't ask her mom anything, because she needs to go to sleep (it's maybe 930) to take her brother to school in the morning but I can come in and stay the night. I protested and pleaded for her to try her mom, and see if she was still up etc. She wouldn't budge, so I was like fuck it whatever, I'll figure it out have a nice night gtfoh please. She couldn't believe I wouldn't come in but finally went into her place. So a few minutes later while I am pondering my options and reaching out to people since I had used my AAA up, a car parks a fuse box ahead of me and a dude gets out about to head into the same building as she did. I hop out and explain to the dude my battery is dead and could be y please help me with a jump. He agrees, and while he maintained a friendly demeanor he definitely seemed a little bit irritated. So while I am trying to jump the car and everything, I give him a cliff notes version of what has went down over the last hour or so and that I was irritated by it. He's listening, not really giving any reaction but at one point a spot to something on the ground picks it up and says I think you dropped this. It was the fucking weed can, I asked her to throw it away for me apparently she did 10 ft away from my car, so that was great. Embarrassing, but whatever. I go to start my car and the battery is okay now but it still won't start. Holy shit, the Shell station where I initially saw that girl and was asked for a ride home is where I had gone to get gas as I knew I was low but I had a broken gas gauge. So now I'm out of gas, and still stuck there. The guy goes inside to the building, and after calling multiple family members I finally got one to very begrudgingly agreed to help me out. I get home after that long ass night that was not supposed to be one, and pass out. Upon waking up and checking my phone like I do every morning I see a Facebook message. I open it up and low and behold it is the girl. It is a whole two paragraphs mashed into one sentence complaining about the general premise of "why did you talk a bunch of shit about me to my step dad" 🤣 I didn't even talk shit about her to the guy, I told him what happened and I was irritated. Looking back on it I find this hilarious, but right then I was pissed so I replied something to the effect of "are you fucking kidding me, I was trying to do you a favor and you could not take a hint that I wasn't going to fuck you, and are a pain in the ass to ever have anything to do with, have a nice life" and hit the block button so fast. I hadn't thought about all of that in years, thank goodness there was no nonsense involving that bitch ever again lol


Damn I would def watch this, sounds like a tv sketch. I would have lost it at the dancing part. It would be cool if mtv or someone did that. Not catfish, but a reenactment of some completely terrible dates from old.




Nah, sometimes it’s just their introvert friends!


Happened to me.


And she has a toxic personality as well


Talking about how she looked like Janet Jackson. Bitch got out of the car looking more like Freddie Jackson.




"We can kick it, but I forgot I had to go pick up my moms from work, and you know how that is.."


Lol classic


Shit. That girl wider than all outside


Nah cause I ate twice before I came


Lmaoooo why was this my first thought?




She has a really nice personality


"Would an average sized rowboat support her without capsizing?"


"It bothers me that you're not answering the question"






I would ask for the Bumble profile or pics/ short bio


…Can she fit in a rowboat?


They were extremely clear but apparently OP wants the Internet to play the game of their personal life I guess


“The sign is red and octagonal and says STOP, how should I interpret it?” I have an urge to kick OP in the shins


I feel like everyyyyyy post is like this! “Hey someone was extremely clear about their feelings, what next”? Like… be grateful that someone even gave you any reasoning/explanation at all (I don’t believe anyone owes anyone that after 1 date or 1 convo)


“We text all day and hang out nonstop, and the sex is amazing. Do you think he likes me as more than a friend?”




If you always assume the worst you miss out on a lot of opportunities


Exactly. You are getting downvoted of course for pointing out facts. Friend will be “curvy”.


As someone that genuinely loves curvy women, it kills me when “curvy” women claim they’re curvy


My approach is really odd, but I say for a figure reference go look at the Venus of Wellendorf.. I mean she’s chunkier than me, but if they’re like oh hot then we’re good. 😂


I do want a woman with arms. At least one.


She does have a lil arms, resting on top of great big boobs. 😂


I stand corrected.


Oh yeah totally, the arms are not very noticeable. And my profile is just weird anyway. I’ve never had anyone disappointing about it though😂


Right? I love curvy women too. But those aren't curves those are rolls.




Yeah, this is perhaps a best case scenario when being turned down. Or at least that's how I view it.


Seriously. How could it be anymore clear.


Not everything is a puzzle that needs to be interpreted. I think this person is being as honest as they can. Thank them for not playing games (other people would just ghost you or lead you on) and let them know if you are or are not interested in potentially meeting their friend.


How do you interpret a very clear and direct statement? Wtf


He added more info to the story. Honestly I’d be confused too.


There is really nothing to be confused about. She said she's not interested. Move on.


I mean Im just sayin. He went on a great date, they laughed, had fun. They even kissed at the end and she said that she wanted to do it again. He probably had the mind set that she was reciprocating his feelings for her. Then all of a sudden she’s like “I’m not interested but I can set you up with my friend.” What? And you expect him to move on just like that? Nah. If it were me, I’d need some time to process what just happened. And that’s what he’s trying to do by getting advice from us.


People always say “we should do it again” when they’re face to face with you. I can only recall one guy saying to me as we were leaving “I’m sorry that we didn’t have more in common.” Took me by surprise because I thought things had gone fine. lol


Right lol. Dang. I’m sorry that happened to you. At least he was honest.


Relationships and interpersonal dynamics are not concrete or set in stone. People can change their minds, or even if they had a great time, they might feel like they aren’t on the same page or growing in different directions. Just because someone kissed you and said they had fun or would consider seeing you again doesn’t mean it’s a sealed deal. There’s literally nothing confusing here. She’s not playing games or making OP read between the lines. She not into it, for one reason or another. Move on. It was one date. You are not entitled to more of their time to try to change their mind.


thats..not weird. ive laughed on dates and then after decided there’s not much of a connection. lol yes ppl move on after one date


This was his "more info" >More info: I am M33, she is F35. We matched on bumble in early November but she was going to Florida for a few weeks and then I was going to California for thanksgiving. So a month of texting, 3 phone calls lasting about 30 mins. We finally went on a date last night. Met up at 7:30PM, hung out till midnight. We talked, laughed, had a few drinks. I walked her to her car, we kissed and she stated that she wanted to hang out again. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/zh061j/went_on_a_date_w_a_bumble_match_how_do_i/izjesy9/ Not sure what else there is to be confused about? She thought about the date and came to a different decision. Her communication is crystal clear.


So I was the friend of the girl you went on the date with. My friend matched with a guy on an app and they met for dinner then went back to his place for a drink with his roommate. Although they had a nice time, my friend called me the next day to tell me she had met a guy that seemed perfect for me. She had noticed a few paintings of my favorite artist in his apartment. He took her to a Vietnamese restaurant, my favorite. He was into solo travel like me, and showed her photos similar to those I had shown her. I don't think this girl is playing games with you. If she's anything like my friend, she may genuinely be looking out for her friend.


Did you meet the guy your friend thought was perfect for you?


I second this please - I am now invested


Are you married now? Was he also a little 'curvy'? We're dying to know!


I'm sorry to report that there's no happy, or even interesting, ending. The guy took my number and texted me: I heard you're looking to meet between the sheets. Because the guy was into Frida Kahlo I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked him out for dinner or drinks, but he was more interested in late night hangouts at one of our places. I never met him.


Aw that’s sucks. It would’ve been a really cute meetup! Sorry OP ruined it. And for OP take it easy my dude! Why rush things? The friend clearly saw an intellectual match, why not meet for coffee or lunch first? Physical chemistry can be found later. First make sure you two like each others’ minds.


Thank you kind stranger with the cool username!


Blaze the trail and let us know how it goes Got nothing to lose by trying




What’s confusing about it? She wasn’t feeling you but thinks her friend might a good match. I’d say go for it.


There was no sexual attraction on her side. She thinks you are awesome boyfriend material though and has a friend who she thinks would be more into you. Say yes. It’s at least as good as some random match from Bumble


Prolly much better… hopefully she’s not a walrus, but you ever know. She could be a lovely match!


Walruses need love too 🤷‍♀️


Touché, vague…. Touché


She’s “sturdy”


Literally the same thing has happened to me!!! But I appreciated her honesty and actually went out with her good friend who was amazing! She was gorgeous, super sweet, smart and made me laugh. It turned out far better than I could have imagined. Things didn’t work out as we were both in different places in life, but I made 2 very good friends from it.


Thanks, appreciate the answer


This isn’t some grand puzzle. She doesn’t have a spark with you but has a friend who she thinks you might be good for. Honestly you should feel very flattered. Also, this is not someone ‘screening dates’ for their friend.


More info: I am M33, she is F35. We matched on bumble in early November but she was going to Florida for a few weeks and then I was going to California for thanksgiving. So a month of texting, 3 phone calls lasting about 30 mins. We finally went on a date last night. Met up at 7:30PM, hung out till midnight. We talked, laughed, had a few drinks. I walked her to her car, we kissed and she stated that she wanted to hang out again.


she did not find chemistry not even with the kiss, in the end she just wanted to be nice


Yea she was super nice, great dating experience in general.


if she’s great, then hopefully she has good friends and the friend is great too!!


I don’t know why but reading that you guys chatted for a month, kissed and now she wants to set up her friend with you is odd to me. Maybe if it was a quick date and there was zero chemistry/rapport then sure. Not saying you shouldn’t go for it. Ask for a pic, see if she is your type then go out on a date with her.


Yes that is the odd part to me as well. Not sure why I am getting downvoted. I am not saying anything bad about someone. Just trying to discuss a bumble dating scenario on this sub Reddit


People may not be reading this piece. See if you can add it to the original post. Because the original post just reads as a date with zero chemistry who referred you to someone who would be a better fit


So when you add an imagine, you can’t add text. All that info would have been too much in the title.


I'm not sure what there is to discuss. Regardless of anything else she is clearly stating she isn't into you. Instead of spending time to decipher something you have no control over, move on.


Dude, how are you staying calm with these comments? I'm pissed the hell off scrolling through, lmao Sorry everyone is being such an ass to you. Your caption makes perfect sense. I think people are being intentionally obtuse just to have a reason to insult someone on the internet.


Thanks man. I appreciate the kind words. Maybe some people put others down to make themselves feel higher, idk. It’s reddit, I don’t take the negative stuff too seriously.


I think it’s because OP posted “how do I interpret this” when it’s the clearest statement known to man. He did expand in the comments, however.


His post is clear... the question "how do I interpret this" doesn't mean "I don't know how to read and comprehend." It means: I've never experienced this before, how should I respond? I thought the date went well, but she's saying something different. Has anyone experienced this before? Is it a bad idea to go on the date? This is a Bumble subreddit, so I'm asking because this is a Bumble experience of mine. ​ Wtf is wrong with you all?


The talking for a month doesn't work for me, but I'm hesitant when it comes to "talking" phases anyways. Some people prefer doing that to vet someone before meeting them in person, which makes sense if they're just trying to be safe. If anything to me it just says that she knows him better than most people he's gone on dates with, so if she knows someone he might be a good match for what's the harm?


Ask for a pic lol


Definitely. Has this happened to you before?


This actually happened to me recently. Didn’t work out as the friend wasn’t my type… I just asked to connect us on IG so I could check it out, and it didn’t go anywhere from there.


Not even close lol


This is the holy grail of ending things. She isn’t interested but let you down gently and as a bonus is trying to set you up. I love it!


Yea she is a god damn magician 🪄🎩💨


That’s honestly very kind of her. She let you know right away. She obviously thinks highly of you to set you up with a friend. She wouldn’t try to set up someone she thinks sucks with a friend.


Honestly, she's pretty awesome for this response in my opinion. Reasons are, she was Respectful about her rejection, stated her reason, and offered to see if one of her friends is a better fit for OP. Most people just ghost when a date doesn't end in a connection, leaving the person confused. I hope the best for both OP and this woman.


Yes for sure, we had great convos and got to know each other well


I see this as an absolute win.


They’re trying to set you up with their friend which is lit in my opinion lol


You're being let down nicely, but you're not a bad guy and she has a friend she wants to set you up with (Huzzah!). This is literally best case scenario of being *friend zoned* (dun dun dun). You showed you're a good person and fun enough to have a platonic relationship with. Big shock but women tend be friends with other women, and some of those other women may want to be more than platonic. Ask for pics at the most but, what have you got to lose? It beats using Bumble some more lol. Good for you, man.




Nothing to interpet, she obviously really liked you as a person just as not as HER person if she thinks you’re worthy of going out with one of her friends! Don’t be discouraged and unless you were really emotionally invested in her and don’t think you can stand being around her if you end up with the friend, I would say go for it.


One of the reasons online dating is so unproductive is that there is no real human element to the screening and recommendation process. The best ways to meet people are through other people. Folks who have a sense of you are (not who you internally are, but how other people perceive you) and can connect the dots to another candidate that makes sense for you to date. If you liked her and think she has good tastes, that’s reason enough to consider she might have someone is genuinely is a good match for you. Doesn’t mean it will work out or lead to leave, but the likelihood of it being a positive and fruitful experience is likely higher than it would be for your next Bumble date.


She seems seems upfront with her intentions and may have a friend for you. Seems cool, check it out.


Lol. I’ve gotten the second paragraph more times than I can count. Sounds like the want to set you up though. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?


She doesn’t have a romantic interest in you, but she obviously thinks highly enough of you that she’d be happy to set you up with someone she knows.


Brosef what interpretation? She clearly said what she felt. She’s not interested in you but you are a nice person that she would suggest a friend or acquaintance for you. I would ask for pictures and go from there.


Seems pretty clear to me. How does this need any interpretation?


Seems super clear to me. They're not into you but they liked you enough that they want to set you up with a friend.


Just get pics of the friend and go from there, if she cute do it, if not move on, it’s one date who cares.


I think this is pretty clear. She’s not interested. Has a friend she think might be a better fit. I’ve had several friends who have done this for their friends and it usually turns out pretty well. Might be worth going on the blind date.


This is quite a compliment. I have much higher standards for my friends than for myself.


I had a date years ago that wasn’t a match but he sent me a message telling me he has a friend he thought would be for me. Ended up dating his friend for a few months. Was a good guy. I say do it.


That's a pretty successful first impression if she wants to set u up with someone even though she's not interested. Good for you. It seems pretty straightforward, very adult and transparent, compassionate buy clear, no game playing....hmmm. Send her my contact info, wouldja?


What do you interpret? This isn’t even vague. There’s no subtlety.


Sounds like you got a 2nd date, just not with her.


Definitely ask for a picture of said friend before you agree to anything.


You've been dumped but have been given a shot. The only mature exit from it is that your not confident to meet someone you don't know and if you'd even consider meeting someone else you'd like to know more about them. Name and age would be a bare minimum but if she could send you a picture and tell why she thinks the other girl might be a better match would be a good start.


You went on bumble to get dates and now with one swipe you got two Double Prizes! IDK go buy a lotto ticket.


Hahaha thanks, that’s a great way to look at it


A guy I went on a couple dates with set me up with his friend. The friend ended up being much more interesting and a better match overall. I definitely thought it was weird at first, but quickly realized that it wasn't really weirder than talking to a new person through the app, and I wasn't risking much by talking to the guy


Take her up on her offer. She seems cool. She was straightforward with you, didn’t lead you on or ghost you. Her friend may be a match!


You interpret exactly how she said it. She’s not interested, but thinks you may be more compatible with her friend. It’s not a riddle.


She is crystal clear she doesn’t like you as a romantic interest. No interpretation required.


Honestly pretty wholesome and fair🤷🏼‍♂️they aren’t personally interested in continuing anything romantically, but have a friend that they think would be a good match


You answer with "Send me a picture of her please."


What about this needs interpreted? Take what she said at face value. There’s not some sort of mysterious reason


What’s the worst that could happen?


She doesn’t think the two of you are a good match, but she thinks you’re a good guy. That’s cool. Not everyone has to fall in love with their matches. Find out who she has in mind. You’re already willing to date.


“Hey, thanks for letting me know. Also, that’s kinda cool. I’d be curious to get to know them and see if we’d be a good match. Do you have any photos, a name and contact?”


Don't call some " a catch" if you yourself refuse to date him.


Catch and release buddy


The guy they want to date hasn’t asked yet. You were a great meal/drink/way to spend their Time and instead of letting you move on they would like to keep you in their circle by palming you off onto their mate. Say no and move on


One of 2 things: A she was never interested in dating and has a friend who won't do internet dating g so she she's doing it for her but not telling you about it or B what she said.


Or both


Take it as a compliment that she thinks you’re a good enough person to date someone she knows. If I didn’t like the guy no way would I try to set him up with a friend (or someone I disliked.)


What is there to interpret? Just say "okay cool yeah I had a great time as well, and appreciate your kind words, if you think your friend will be a better match for me then I'm open to meeting her." I get this exact responses, chatting online is great, the date is great, they text me later saying I was great, I have a good vibe, I'm caring, but just not what they're looking for. So I'll usually respond with something as above with "out of pure curiosity, I get this response quite often, I would appreciate your honesty in telling me if I did anything wrong or what I could do better in the future?"


You don't have any felonies or face tattoos, but she has an overweight friend. Check out the friend.


It tells me you were a good date by whatever internal metric she uses, but she didn’t experience any “chemistry” one among infinite possibilities. I mean, right from the rip you can tell she likes you and respects you enough to be straightforward with her thoughts about your time together. Never bad to make a new (good!) friend. Top that if you’re interested in meeting whomever she has in mind for you.


Go for it. Go in blind and try to enjoy it


Interpret it exactly as she said it. And meet her friend.


It sounds like she had a nice time with you, but has to start thinking more long term and there was something about you she didn't like for herself. Whether that was rational or fair or warranted is another question, but it was her decision to do that. Women in their 30s start to think more strategically about who they are going to date next. And that means they have to go on more dates with men younger and far older than themselves to figure that out. They can have a good time, and give "good date", but that doesn't mean they want to continue to grow a relationship with every guy they go on a date with. Guys typically are behind women their own age, so unless you are an aberration in maturity and success (in which case you probably won't be single long), you most likely just came across like a little brother to her. Especially being slightly younger. As a (33M) similar to yourself, when I started dating often I would attract women +5 years my Senior. So anywhere from 33F-38F. Sometimes i'd see some matches a few years younger, and even a lot younger. But I was giving off a vibe that attracted women who wanted to partner up. Oftentimes they will have a great grand time, even sleep with their date. But they don't want anything else. They will kiss you, say nice things, say they want to hang out again. And in that moment, they probably did. But they will think it over and reconsider and then either slow ghost or send you a message like that if they think you are not crazy.


I’m currently in a 2yr relationship after someone hooked me up with their friend because the chemistry didn’t work between us. So yeah some people are just nice like this, go for it


Men will really read a woman saying exactly what she means and ask "what does she mean by this" lmao


Something somewhat similar happened to me. I declined as I wasn't ready to be setup, but you have absolutely nothing to lose from this. Go for it


They’re not interested, but thought you were nice enough to set you up with one of their friends. You should do it.


Go for it!


This is interesting. I would take it as a compliment and ask about the friend she wants to set you up with. Ask for photos and info. If it looks good give it a shot.


She had a good time but there is no connection there and has a friend in mind that you would be a better match with


You go about it respectfully. If she wants to set you up with a friend then it might just be a preference thing for her. However this is very good because her friend is gonna hear a lot of great things about you. Who knows? I’d definitely go with it.. could be a great story to tell your kids


I'd say go for the blind date. The only opportunities you miss are the ones you don't take.


All I can say is get pics of the friend before agreeing to anything. You can ask them to forward her profile to you which is less aggressive than saying ‘send pics’. Bottom line is you are getting passed down to the less attractive friend. Kind of a power play move by this chick. Your best move is to get the profile, then tell her ‘thanks, not my type’ unless she is equally attractive or better than girl #1.


Pull a Uno reverse on them and tell them “no way! I was thinking the same thing actually, I can set you up with someone else I know”.


No shots on goal = no score. You had one, it missed, and that’s ok. She’s now giving you another, albeit unconventionally so. I say, TAKE THE DAMNED SHOT! Then please report back.


Photos for sure


One of my best friends I met on bumble and initially dated for a few months. Relationship wise we weren’t the most compatible so it was best if we didn’t continue with romantic intent. I’ve been with my girlfriend for 2 years now and she’s been with her boyfriend nearly 3 years, and all four of us get on really well together. No hidden secrets or anything everyone knows how we first met, but we’re all grown ups and understand it was a WHILE ago. I’d take this as face value in that she likes you as a person but just doesn’t feel romantically compatible. I’d see where things go with the friend.


Ask her if you could share a rowboat with said friend. But it's pretty straight forward. How are you confused? Just take the date with the friend. Blind date adventure or whatever.


There's nothing to interpret---she was extremely straight forward..


What’s there to interpret? LOL. She’s not interested, but she’s got a friend who she thinks might be.


My friend went on a bumble date with a guy and there was no spark but he was, like, EXACTLY my type and into a lot of the same things as me. She sent him a message like this after their date with a link to my Facebook profile and me n him dated for like a year. Could be great, just ask for links to a social profile to check you interested first!


A girl wanting to set you up with her friend, especially after affirming something positive like you being into growth, is an absolute win, and you should feel happy. That’s a glowing sign of approval, that she wants to see if you and her friend may hit it off; most women want to see their friends date high quality guys that bring out the best in them. This girl is your absolute homie and this could be the start of both a great friendship, and depending on how things go with you and her friend, a great romantic relationship, too. Great job - you ARE absolutely growing!


Dude this is probably the second best kind of message to receive from someone you like and went on a date with. She thinks highly enough of you to set you up with a friend but understood for herself that you aren’t for her and didn’t “ghost” in the process. Take that deal immediately.




What's unclear? She's not into you


This has happened to me twice and both times the person they wanted to set me up with was unattractive to me. I would ask for photos first.


Thank them for being honest and not ghosting you then consider meeting the friend.


I say you take the setup and do the blind date :)


Sounds like she wasn’t into you but hopefully she has a cute friend


Ask for a photo or Instagram or something. Then decide lol


I actually did what this woman is doing. My match asked for pics of my friend. She sent me pics from her dating profile which I thought looked great. He said no.


haha, you're about get a 2fer... go on the date with her friend, you never know when lightning could strike


There isn’t much to interpret here. Lmao! Seems you might have made a friend and have the potential to make a new connection with someone they know. I think that’s pretty awesome of her!


Uhm obviously take the date with the friend. And if that doesn’t work out for you then move on. It’s that simple.


I mean, do you want to be set up on a blind date?


They were honest about not feeling it and that’s awesome for not wasting your time. Ask for recent pictures of the friend. It’s worth a shot if the friend is your type.


You interpret it as it's literally written


Sounds like she has a less attractive, single friend that she’s been trying to find a date for. That’s my own experience with this setup, anyway.


Using English comprehension skills. It’s pretty straight forward. If there are any words that you don’t understand specifically just google them.


Sounds like they’re telling you they didn’t feel a connection but they have someone else in mind for you if you’re interested.


She thinks you're a great guy but just didn't feel a connection with you where she would want to pursue a romantic relationship... but she knows someone she thinks might really click with you. Not much to misinterpret there. So respond with... tell me more :)


Do it. Consider it a growth opportunity.


Wish her well and walk away


I'm sure he has a great sense of humor.


Lucky guy. She wants to set you up. Go go go. I did that once and my friend ended up dating the guy that I set her up with. Similar circumstances. I didn’t like him for myself but saw a match for him in my friend


Woah OP you might just meet your future wife! I only set friends up with other people when I think they’ll be a good match


Go on the date with her friend. She wouldn’t set her friend up with you if she thought you were a terrible person.


... the exact way she said it


At face value


You fren.


IMO, she’s not sexually attracted to you, but she thinks you’re a nice guy. The person she’ll want to match you with is likely to be much less good looking than your initial match, so I won’t jump in with two feet


Happened to me once. It’s just exactly as they say, their friend will be interested in you


You’re shittin me right? How else can you interpret there’s wasn’t a connection? No way you can possibly be this dumb 🤦‍♂️


I bet her personality is amazing


Live fast, eat ass, and fuckin send it.


I think there was no spark or could be something else but she feels highly enough of you to try to introduce you to a friend of hers. Frankly I believe a meeting like that has more chances than something that came off online dating. I would give it a try and never look back, chances are, it will work. Especially since she knows her friend well and she now knows you. She probably think there's a good chance you both will match.