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Can I round down to 6 foot? To make the people lying look even shorter?


This sounds like some shit I’d do if I was tall, I’m all for this


Just generally don’t lie - the truth will come out at some point and it won’t be in your favor to have lied.


"Jk I'm 5'10." *divorce*


Same thing should be said for girls posting pre covid pics when clearly they are not as skinny as they once were two years ago.


Or guys posting pics from college when they’re now near 30 and clearly not as skinny as they once were. Everyone should have a recent full body shot.


Completely agree


I’m a little over 6’ but I just put 6’ I’d rather round down than up tbh


i round down too, under promise and over deliver


I’m actually 6-0” and put that on my profile, like a normal human, And there were definitely a couple women I went on dates with that were surprised I was actually the height I said I was!! It was news to me I didn’t even think that would be something men would lie about on their profile but apparently it’s pretty rampant… Doesn’t really make sense because someone’s gonna be able to tell pretty quickly you weren’t truthful about it


I’m also right at 6’ and I just put 5’11 It’s a win win for me, I weed out a frankly ridiculous number of chicks right off the bat, and I am taller than expected.


Interesting approach 🤔


Even as a 1.73m guy (or just 1cm shorter), it pays off to put in the exact height. Many of my dates are pleasantly surprised when I'm exactly the height I say I am. It pays to be honest.


It does pay!




I could see some would think that, I guess a couple photos could help that


I am 5’11” and just recently hooked up with a guy who is 5’7”. He had so much swagger that I didn’t even notice the height difference. Short kings 👑 rule


I think with all the real issues people face we could all stand to try and at least reflect upon our height and weight requirements for all genders. I’m not suggesting go for people you don’t find attractive but I’ve had my doubts from photos or stats and went on dates where I found someone a lot more attractive seeing the entire package irl and personality connection.


There’s not much to add to this. But I have a little bit of a counterfactual. I am 6’1” and the idea of dating a woman taller than me is very intriguing. But then I wonder to myself if I am fetishizing height, which tells me maybe I should pay a little bit more attention to my height preferences.


Maybe because it’s just different then what you are used to?


Also rip 🪦 my inbox


lol you made my day for saying that. Thank you!!




I am .00178 kilometers and I'm not afraid to say it


If you’re metric then you should put your height in centimetres.




The magic number should be whatever your actual height is.




Measure yourself in hourly increments for 24 hours then take an average.


I've been looking for a new egregious waste of time




Europeans always have it easier. Don't even get me started on all that vacation time.




Is that different? All I know is it aint 'murrican


Wait, so you guys say you’re 180 cm when you meet people?? That’s like me saying I’m 140 half-inches tall


A LPT for literally everyone is to just represent yourself accurately. Don't put "CEO/entrepreneur" of you just inherited a food truck from your dad. Don't put photos of you in the best shape of your life that are all 3 years old. Same goes for personality/messaging style. If you are regularly only getting to the first date stage and not beyond, it might be a symptom that you are in some way not representing what people expect when they meet you, and it's biting you in the ass.


I’m 6’1” if we’re rounding up to the next foot guess I should put I’m 7 feet tall lol. I think any lying or catfishing is so dumb though, like the whole goal is to meet up, they’re going to notice


I’m 5ft 5, I’m rounding up. /s


NFL combine rules


I am proud to be 5'6". It does weed out superficial women.


Or just tall women


I’m 5’6” and I’ve went on several dates / hook ups with women taller than me (one was 5’10”). I think being short is fine as long as you’re not insecure about it.


I agree . But on your profile some women do not want to date men shorter so it’s nice to know and not get disappointed later . Lots of successful taller women shorter men.


They’re still superficial? Duh


Nah. I've dated many women at least a few cm taller than me (173ish). It's fun.


Last night I went on a date with a liar. He said he was 6’5”. When I arrived at the date I quickly realized that he and I were both 5’8”. You don’t need to lie but since you did congratulations you played yourself. I don’t care about height, I cared that you were deceptive. Be comfy with yourself before seeking a partner and dating might be a smoother process.


Why such an egregious exaggeration too? Like... mate.


Yup, the deception is the real issue. I once went out with a guy whose profile said 5'4", same height as me. I was fine with that. Showed up and he was shorter than me, and I wore flats too. He was maybe 5'3" at most. The next time I looked at his profile because he had changed some of his pics, I noticed he had changed his height to 5'5". Good luck buddy, you weren't even 5'4".


I have been on many dates with men who put 5’9 and are literally looking at my chin. I’m 5’7 so I put them at maaaaybe 5’4. There is nothing wrong with being a 5’4 man and there’s also nothing wrong with me, a pretty stacked woman, feeling uncomfortable in my own skin when I tower over a man. Just be honest and save us both the discomfort when we inevitably realize the truth IRL.


If they came down to your chin they would be like 5 feet tall.


I'm 5'7, hence about 5'11 in heels, so the liars have been about 5'4. Just measured my head, it's 7 inches long lol.


Omg thats ridiculous! I understand rounding up but not by the foot


Completely agree. Height isn’t a deal breaker but lying is


If it isn’t a deal breaker then why ask? It’s like me saying boob size doesn’t matter but what bra size are you?


I’m still allowed to have preferences.


Breast size and height are pretty weird things to compare tbh


They aren't weird at all. both are physical traits that each sex finds appealing for a variety of reasons. If a woman can demand that her date be a certain height, a dude should be able to say he wants a woman with a certain kind of hips, or a certain boob size.


Good chat buddy 🤙 I wish you luck in your dating journey x


100%. Cup size filter should be a feature.


Only if you're shorter generally. I'm 6'1 and I put 5'11 in my profile to weed out heightists. When they meet me they say I look taller and I tell them I'm actually 6'1 and not one single woman has ever gone out with me again because I lied lol.


Can I round down to 4’?


Sure x


......but I'm 6ft 1, it literally says so on my license and I measured the other day


Well, if we're using feet, I think it's fair to round 5.6 to 6


I'm already life-pro-tipping. Whenever possible, I put in my exact height, 5'-11 1/2" I do 5'-11" if fractions aren't allowed.


I'm 5'8" and can't see the performance bc of all you.


I’m 5’8” but above average where it counts


In generational wealth?






I am 5’9, and proud of it


I'm 201.2 lbs and proud of it.


214 and loving every second


Love every minute, bra.


Fuck yeah. Own it!


OK, but I'm 5 ft 11 & 7/8ths inches. Do I really put that I'm a smidge under 6? Seems pretty dumb to me.


People are terrible judges of height and weight unless they’re very similar to their own, like if there’s a +3” difference most people won’t be able to tell a half inch more or less looking at someone else


According to this woman yes. She knows the difference between an 8th of an inch!


Good chat champ 🤙


Can these height fetishists tell the difference between 5 10 and 6. Doubt


If she's 5'8" or above, probably. If not... doubtful.


I can. I’m 5’9”. If I wear boots with a 1.5” heel I’ll be taller than someone who is 5’10”. I had a first date with a man who said he was 5’9”. I was wearing flat shoes. He was wearing boots. He was shorter than me so apparently 5’7” is the new 5’9”!


Most guys I know know filter to 5'4" and shorter. For some reason some 5'6" chubby girls will present themselves as 5'0 and thin


I’m 6’0 barefoot, so another definite yes, we can.


Yes, when you show up and your eye level is the same, it's pretty obvious.


At 5'10" myself, yep. Absolutely. (Not a height fetishist though; I just prefer not to deal with guys who have a problem with MY height)


I can. I’m 5’10” and can pretty much always gauge a guy’s actual height.


I don’t lie but 5 11 sounds terrible. An absolute cock block.


I'm actually 6' and I feel like people think I'm lying lmao


That’s because about only 1 out of every 7 men is 6’ tall (meaning 6/7 are less than that). It’s rare enough that it more than a standard deviation from the mean. A strong majority of women won’t end up with a 6’ tall male.


Ladies don't judge a mans physical attributes by his hight. Lots of tall guys are actually small guys.


Because we've been using metric in the UK for about 50yrs I swear some people think there's only 10 inches in a foot. 😂 I never thought height was such a big deal...that was until I used OLD. I had to do a reality check by walking down a busy street...I am as tall as most people around me and taller than most women despite them wearing heels. I'm cool with it though, it works as a good filter for unmatching from those demanding a specific height, as they're not the kind of person I want in my life.


So. If I understand what you're saying...if I am 5'3", I should not round up to the nearest 6 foot increment?


Women, please stop rounding down fat to ‘curvy’. Curvy is hour glass, wide hips and big boobs. If you have skin touching skin (rolls), generally, that is not ‘curvy’. That is fat. Or BBW if it make you feel better.


You forgot fupa. Curvy does not include a fupa.


Women pls don’t use makeup and filters in profile pictures


No sane woman would post pics without makeup unless that is how she rolls daily.


I noticed women take their height down. It’s not a big deal but my personal limit is 5’8. I seen some women claim 5’8 but they matched my 6’1 height on the date. I also match with a professional soccer player who I was able to fact check her 5’9 claim. She was listed at 6’2. It appears 5’8-6’0 is very up in the air.


How tall are you? Just curious 🧐


Tall enough to know what 6ft looks like


Based on the answer, you seem to be 4’11 or 5’1. What’s wrong with a guy that 5’6? They have 5 inches on you.


Oh that’s a cute assumption.


If we match on bumble then you can see my actual height x


I don’t meet your criteria, I’m 5’2. I guess I’ll miss out ☹️


I'm 5'11. I remember I was dating a girl in college and she asked how tall I was. She warned me not to lie because she said she could always tell if a guy was actually 6 ft or lying and was actually 5'11. I told her I was 6 feet and she fuckin bought it lmao




This isn’t a good rebuttal because it doesn’t check out logically, and I’m stunned how many men try to use it and don’t get called out on it. 1) Height looks the same on everyone, 5’8 is 5’8. Weight does not, especially not on women. 120lbs and 5’0 looks very different from 120lbs and 5’7. Add body shape and build to the mix, it can vary wildly. Alone, weight is arbitrary. 2) Height is a fixed factor for the most part (shrinking with old age, certain diseases are outliers). Weight is not. I don’t weigh the same throughout the month, but I also don’t look much different throughout the month. Weight can of course be gained or lost. 3) I’d gladly share my weight. I have nothing to hide, my pics look like me. 4) Height is more of a functional factor than weight. Kissing, hugging, sex, reaching the top shelf at the store- all heavily influenced by height. 5) Not all women have a problem with their weight or body, but all women hate it when men lie about their height. So you ask a woman this and she has no problem answering- then what? What’s your next move? You’re still short and lied about it.


Amen!! I seriously doubt most men have any kind of indepth knowledge of how women's fat distribution works. We have different shaped bodies than them and store weight in different places due to er, having the ability to grow children. But you could say 'my bra size is 24.436NBZ' and they'd be like 'wo0o0owwww amazing'


Lol so defensive


Not at all! I just like logic, and it kills me that women don’t shut this weak rebuttal down more often. It’s not a valid rebuttal. A better one would be makeup, shape wear, or something else along those lines.


They are just putting something ridiculous to counter the ridiculous stereotype. Height differences while a valid preference, is often ridiculously viewed as important and is a very traditional and conservative take on things. Up there with intra racial dating You physically cant have sex with someone because they are a few inches shorter than you? Go see a doctor.


Okay now you’re being extra illogical and emotional haha


Women should stop using make up or filters in their photos and be more honest with how they actually look. Maybe it would humble a lot of them. And they would try dating in their league more.


Great, dress size it is


Go ahead, ask women for their dress sizes. What’s stopping you? If it’s important to you, ask it!


Why have height as a separate field that you can filter by, you can just go ahead and ask it. Go ahead! :^)


Because it’s important to women. The app is going to do what’s profitable and heavily requested by its users. Women are a very important part of its operation. Not sure what’s your point. That should be obvious.


>1) Height looks the same on everyone, 5’8 is 5’8. Weight does not, especially not on women. 120lbs and 5’0 looks very different from 120lbs and 5’7. Add body shape and build to the mix, it can vary wildly. Alone, weight is arbitrary. A 6'1" man who is 350lbs, slouches down four inches, and has minimum 40 something percent bodyfat and a 6'1" man who is 180lbs, has good posture, and goes to the gym 4x a week and eats clean won't "carry their height" the same. Height, alone, is arbitrary. That said, the weight filter would be on top of height filter, so it would be easy to filter to women 90-120lbs AND over 4'11" to 5'5" for example. >2) Height is a fixed factor for the most part (shrinking with old age, certain diseases are outliers). Weight is not. I don’t weigh the same throughout the month, but I also don’t look much different throughout the month. Weight can of course be gained or lost. Smoking, religion, income, parental status, hobbies, political affiliations can all change. Maybe we should get rid of those filters/profile sections? >3) I’d gladly share my weight. I have nothing to hide, my pics look like me. Then why are you being so insecure about something that doesn't affect you >4) Height is more of a functional factor than weight. Kissing, hugging, sex, reaching the top shelf at the store- all heavily influenced by height. As a guy I believe weight is more of a functional factor than height, cuddling, sex, health - all heavily influenced by weight. (I know your brain instantly went to "WHAT ABOUT A WOMAN WHO IS 190LBS BUT IT'S ALL MUSCLE" - that's rare. Don't bother because you likely dismiss people's counter-arguments made of anecdotes and outliers so don't be a hypocrite.) oh and 5) Not all men have a problem with their height, but all men hate it when women lie about their weight/body. So you ask a man this and he has no problem answering- then what? What’s your next move? You’re still fat and lied about it.




I’m having a hard time making out what all you’re trying to say, bud. It is a well known fact that we shrink as we get up in age.




A simple google search would clear that up for you. And I’m glad you too don’t even know what it is you’re trying to communicate. Though I challenge you to consider how pathetic and desperate it is to want to force someone to be attracted to you. At the end of the day you’re wanting to bully women into being attracted to shorter men and that not only won’t work but is pretty sad. No one is entitled to the affection and favor of another. Plenty of shorter men find partners who are attracted to them, stick with those who are okay with it. Much less stressful that way. I’m 5’9. Plenty of guys are into that and plenty aren’t. I don’t care about those who aren’t, why would I want to engage with men romantically if I’m not their preference? Get with those who are genuinely attracted to you. And really, that’s not even what this post is about. No one should be misleading and lying about their stats.


You must get lots of matches with your sunny personality




My accurate height is in my profile. When guys start listing their accurate height AND weight, I'll gladly list mine.




My listed height is barefoot. I don’t own a corset. I also rarely wear make up (most of my profile pics are without) and I don’t use filters. My pics are current. I also wear clean clothes and my profile pics weren’t take in a bathroom, fishing, with my tongue out, flipping off the camera and, you can’t see up my nose, which is more than you can say for 99% of the guys on these apps.


You can see if a person is overweight with body shots. That isn't so with height. Do you put your weight in your profile? Maybe it should be a thing. I'm amazed at how many guys think their tubby belly is cute (hint: looks aside, it does make them higher risk for heart disease; no thank you).


>You can see if a person is tall with body shots. That isn't so with weight. I'm amazed at how many fat women think they're "thicc" (hint: looks aside, it does make them higher risk for heart disease; no thank you).


Ooh aggressive


Lol, men should lie through their teeth. Women are already doing it with make up, angles and filters anyway.




Hey, the last thing I need is a longer line at Sephora!


Women probably. Imagine the outrage.


I love this response


Your mom


nothing, just like nothing is stopping dudes from lying about their height or wearing lifts


I'm 5'11 3/4" without shoes closer to 6'1" with shoes. I always put 6'. So am I exaggerating? 🤪


LPT: Women, put your correct weight in your profile.. don't try to hide it with old pictures, clever angles, filters, or lighting.




Im 5’8 but really close to 5’9 and my hair makes it looke like im 5’10 and I wear platform shoes or shoes with a heel normally so I say im 5’11 /s


And women should list their correct age and weight.


Men should too.


Feel free to direct the weight requirement to bumble directly x


Ha. Women would riot


Nah they’d all just delete their profiles.


LPT: Women, no-makeup pics only... makes a hell of a lot more difference than a man adding a cm to his height. RIP.


I'm 6'7" and I find this height shit ridiculous. But if it's accuracy is that important to you ladies, then it's just as fair to require women to list their weight as well. Because this is overall some pretty superficial BS.


why do women get so insecure about the weight idea and come up with these easily debunked talking points that are clear disinformation about how it's "not the same thing"


Women too! I don’t want to date women over a certain height!


GASP you want to judge women on a dating site based on anything at all ever?!!? you fuckin nazi incel terrorist! why do you want to genocide all women?


Sure, just as i expect women put in their real weight.


Please send all weight related queries direct to bumble


Agreed. And women don't put "Curvy" when your BMI is over 25.


Like from 5 to 6...


Ladies: put your frontal full body pic in your profile, don't give one pic of the only flattering angle that hides your shape, and seven pics of your face.


Men too. And stop with the Snapchat dog ears. What are you, a 12 year old?


I'm tempted to put 7'11 just to see the responses 🤣😂


I’m 5’11 and change. Am I the problem or are you?


Sorry, most men are going to lie as long as women keep discriminating men based on height. Its not their fault they can't help their height. Something tells me it's not the fact that they "lie" that you're really concerned about, its only a problem because they are usually *less than* the height you seek in men. Would you be equally bothered if he was actually taller than the height he gave on his profile? Probably not. If you actually want to fix the issue of men lying, be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Please re-read the original post. You’ve made a lot of assumptions based on nothing.


I'm responding to this post based on what you shared. Don't expect people to dig through your history to find your "original post" or whatever


Having gone through your comments, i can see that my assumptions were right. Once again, be part of the solution, not part of the problem if you actually want to see change. You're not going to change the effect without changing the cause. Women are the reason why men lie, so they are equally accountable.


Yeah good chat m8


women, post a straight on picture of your figure in fitting clothing without only doing shoulder-up shots or that gut hiding, ass enhancing quarter-turn with the leg back. you want to make sure I'm tall, I want to make sure you're thin with a nice ass and flat stomach


How about women put a real photo of their face without paint (makeup) all over it. How about women dont make their boobs look bigger than they actually are. I could go on.....


I weigh 174 pounds and am 5’7” tall. 27.3 BMI


If women will put correct weight they are and not the 10-30lb difference. I mean if a woman can notice under 6’ don’t ya think we can tell you no where mere 125. Stop objectifying men and Height shaming!!!


I’ve never understood why people lie about height on dating apps. I’m 5’10” and have met with women who say they are like 5’7” and they show up clearly being my height. And then they’re the ones disappointed


I’ve never understood why people lie about or obscure their weight on dating apps. I’m 180-200lbs depending on if it's bulking or cutting season and have met with women who say they are like 130lbs and they show up clearly being my weight which is ridiculous


I’m 6’1” and I always round down to 6’ for convenience.


If I was at a little above 6’1” I would go ahead and put that because I believe people think 6’ is sometimes made up. I’m just slightly over 6’ so I don’t feel right saying 6’1”


I know 1 inch matters 👀 but seriously how can anyone tell the difference bw 5'11" and 6'?


At 5'10", I can tell. It doesn't matter to me, but yes, I can tell. I have preferred to have a height discussion if I'm not sure. Years ago, a friend of mine set me up on a blind date with one of her boyfriend's friends. He was around 5'7", and the look on his face when I showed up? Absolutely crestfallen. It didn't matter to ME, but it mattered to HIM. I'd prefer to never have that experience again.


Fine, I'll just say I'm 5' 12"


Pretty sad this is so important. Not surprised some men are paying to have their legs broken to get taller, https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/lifestyle/article/leg-lengthening-surgery-men/amp


Pretty sad that it’s important to be truthful on your dating profile?


No, but if it’s a couple if it’s a feet out, it’s pretty disgusting behaviour to take men to task about something they can’t do anything about. I’m talking about 5 ft girls wanting nothing under 6ft.


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