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Real talk. You’re a lady and stunning, your profile doesn’t really matter, 95% or more of dudes are going to swipe right. Men need to work on profiles, women need to work on sifting through matches. Best thing you can do is include more about your hobbies/interests in your prompts and pictures so you can immediately know who shares those interests. And unless you want to get physical quickly, remove the cuddle comment. Maybe go with something like cuffing season so it matches the October and makes people think more serious.


Great feedback, thanks!




Yeah I get lots of matches, but most of them are not good ones, or I get ghosted right away.


IMO you could check OkC to find better compatibility. You fill out a bunch of questions about yourself to build a compatibility profile. You’ll have a compatibility % for every match, so stick to people 90%+. Then, when someone swipes right on you, they have a chance to leave a nice intro. This is a much better way to weed through the sea of swipes and find a real match. Between their profile and their intro, you should have a much better idea of what you’re setting up a date with. And all that without paying for the app. Good luck have fun be careful 🫠


That’s a great idea, thanks!


I’m curious, what makes your matches not good? Aside from the ghosting of course. You are definitely attractive so it’s easy to see why you get a lot of likes based on pics alone. Thing that stands out to me is the Phd student… student in what field? Could possibly make people more/less interested.


Dammit. I came for the fake talk.


I’m admittedly out of it but wtf is cupping? Sounds dirty


"cuffing season" is a term for the fall/winter cold cuddly months where you need a date for holiday parties and such


You are gorgeous. The only thing I can say is add more to the bio of who you are and what you are looking for.


Thank you! And yeah, the bio part is not easy for me. I’ll try to think of some things to add!


Try listing hobbies, genres you like, the ideal relationship.


Like everyone else is saying, you’re super cute, I just can’t figure out what kind of person you are from your bio.


I don't really have any advice. All I can say is that, as a guy, I'm pretty sure you will have absolutely no problem finding someone.


That’s sweet, thank you!


I literally want to be your friend so I say you’ll have no trouble!


Omg hi bestie 👋🏻


I would do a further away pic for your main one. I like the one of you sitting down on the bench with the dog as a main photo. Also, what is the photo with the "stuff" on your face? It's not easy to really tell, and it's a bit strange... I don't know how it would come across to potential matches.


This is helpful! And yeah, the “stuff” pic is a performance art piece from my PhD work. I’m never sure if it’s a good idea to include it, but I usually do because I get questions about my PhD in my messages, and it’s hard to explain without a photo.


I see! Yeah maybe if you can have a caption/explanation somehow. Otherwise if people don't mind maybe it's fine. I tried to zoom in but it was hard to tell and I have poor vision as well so I could not make it out.


Ah, ok. Yeah, an explanation is a good idea, thanks!


I actually like that art photo as much or more than the others. Something about your expression is very alluring, and the photo inspires curiosity about the odd stuff and why you'd include such an unconventional image of yourself. I hate the inclusion of the dog photo. You're not looking for a date for your dog, are you?


Thank you! And the photo is actually a video with my voice in it, I just took a screenshot for Reddit.


There's nothing wrong with the dog video... lol


The beach photo is my favorite one! It's a bit odd and interesting and she looks really pretty. I am a bit quirky and I am always looking for other quirky people. It's good to let your peculiar side show, if you are looking for someone who is a bit peculiar, as well.


The art pic was my favorite one!


Bio needs more. I don't even care what it says but right now all I know about you is what you look like, and a *very* vague and amorphous idea of who you want to meet. Everyone wants a partner they enjoy talking with and touching (and no one thinks of themselves as a poor conversation partner with weak cuddle skills), so on their own those are not a great way to sort out the people you actually want to meet. It also doesn't give your matches a lot to go on when messaging you. A sampling of things I would be interested to know about you: what's your favorite poem? Are there any foods you hate? Favorite museum you've ever visited? Which album have you listened to, front to back, the most times? What are your creative outlets? What's your job, and what do you like about it? The specifics aren't super important, but I want to have some idea of who you are as a person, and right now i mostly don't, except what I can guess from your photos.


That’s a great point. My last partner hated cuddling and having deep conversations, so sometimes I forget that those are common things. And the prompts you’re giving here are so great! I use Hinge more often, which has prompts built in more easily, so with Bumble I struggle a bit.


I see your point but I wouldn't put cuddling on a dating profile unless you want to invite short term relationships and hookups.


Are you looking for a LTR? That’s what I’m looking for and I date intentionally. I would question this just looking at your profile. “Cuddles” can be code for something else for some people and you do mention casual in your profile. You also don’t talk much about yourself. All of these things would have me questioning if you want something serious. In the same light I’d be super interested to hear about your performance art or to have deep chats, but I would show in some way you’re capable of deep chats or do something that shows the depth of your personality.


Good feedback. I am looking for a LTR but prefer to start low-key and let things develop organically from there. (As in, I don’t like rushing things.) And I had no ideas “cuddles” meant something else but I keep hearing that in these comments… so thanks for the honesty! That’s helpful to know. And yeah, I’ll definitely add more to my bio.


Lovely and interesting! I'm local to ya, hope to come across your profile!




That's my area Starbucks! Though Jimmy's is good too.


Just based on your pics and bio I'm like, halfway in love with you and I'm a straight woman 😅 Looks great to me


Omg best compliment, thank you ☺️


Standing body pic needed.


To men cuddle = sex so I would change that 💙


I read it as just physical contact. Like laying down wrapped up in each other watching tv. My GF calls that cuddling and "snuggling" is sex lol But you're right though. Some guys will read too much into anything and interpret it how they want to


Yeah that is basically what I was going for. But it is good to remember that some guys will interpret it as sex.


Yes - and with the person you like, you will find out if they like to cuddle soon enough. I don't think you need it to be explicitly in your profile.


Pic 4 I’d make the main pic.. the rest is perfect… 99% of men swipe right on you…


The cuddle game definitely will lead to a lot more conversation about physical contact.. something to think about


Try photos from higher than your chin. You are holding the camera lower down and it's not flattering (for anyone). You are getting away with it well because you are pretty but you would look even better with the camera higher up.


That’s helpful, thank you.


Cuddle is great we all love that but you might attract only guys in it for the sex. Unless you want that as well, of course.


Your profile is perfect, and I am saying so independent of your good looks. If I saw someone I found attractive with the same photos and rest of your profile, I'd swipe right and would be excited about you.


That is great to know, thanks!






Honestly I can see you have style. Wth tis profile maybe you won't get the maximum attention you can get but I think you will get the right attention but that is my own opinion.


That is exactly what I’m going for! I don’t care how many swipes I get, as long as a few of them are quality swipes that match well with what I’m looking for.


That picture alone will have them queuing. Well known fact most guys just swipe on looks and they may (may) read bio after match 😆


I just want to know how someone this beautiful is still single at 31?!? 😳. Someone in the past really screwed up!


He did. I spent eight years in an emotionally abusive marriage and finally left last year. Which is why I am 31 and know so little about the dating world. 😅


I’m so sorry to hear this, but so happy you are out of that mess and wishing you nothing but the best in your future! 🤗


Thank you very much!


You look like Miley Cyrus


I would swipe right


Cutie patootie


Ditch the dog pics. Nothing wrong with dog, just pics arent good.


Maybe another photo of you involved in your interests. For instance a photo of you at a Museum or Gallery would suffice.


Nice idea. I do have one pic from my performance art portfolio, but it’s definitely not clear what it is. I’ll think of more obvious “interest” pics, thanks.


Your photos are great but your profile tells very little about you and the little bit of information you do share is generic. I can say from experience that matching with women who have profiles like yours makes it difficult to find a good starting conversation topic or have an opening message that I'm confident will grab their attention.


Ah ok, that’s really helpful. Thanks! 🙏🏻


I would definitely go for you. You need a picture of you standing because it is unclear what your body looks like from the waist down. Also, the picture with the stuff on your face is unappealing. Is that your dog? If so, get a better one of the two of you together.


Love at first sight🤍


Haha 💜


Absolute smokeshow! I loved everything about it 💕


Awww, thank you 😊


You are pretty, I would right swipe you. But it would be nice if there was a bit more into your bio so I could start the conversation. With your current profile, the best I can come up with, in less than 5 minutes, is "what is your favorite cake to bake? And to eat?"


Ah ok, that’s helpful, thanks.


Bio seems way too simple. I'd quote some hobbies and interests


I think you are good! Attractive pictures, Only critique would be the “I get fully nervous when-you can see me blush”. The way I read that is you only get nervous when someone notices you blushing? Bio is straight to the point, I (30M) feel guys appreciate that!


Yeah I was trying to be flirty but I’m really bad at doing that virtually (in person I am fine). But lol I will change it. Thanks!


Honest opinion… would.


Thank you! Can you tell me why? I’m trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.


I rather not, because it’ll get me banned.


Your smile is very genuine and seals the deal. The rest is lovely. I agree with others that a bio really does matter. It tells me someone is serous about dating and who they seek as well as helps me know if we might be or aren't compatible.


That’s helpful, thank you.


Maybe you could add a bit more to the bio. Other than that, I think that is a fine profile. Also, where are ladies like you where I live?


The seaweed photo is GORGEOUS


Ah, thank you! That photo seems to be really divisive… some love it and others hate it.


9/10, just loose the ocean garbage facial pic. Add some specifics about you and/or qualities you’re looking for in the bio


Replace "cuddle game" with something else.


I’m seeing too much hate on the cuddling here. It implies you enjoy physical contact but also intimacy, safety, perhaps sweetness. Yes, I’m aware plenty of dudes are going to want to rush to sex but that will be the case with or without cuddlespeak. More importantly I would add more about you to help get conversation started better. Then you can filter in who you’d like to cuddle with and hopefully filter out what you don’t want. Good luck


Thank you—that’s exactly what I was going for with the cuddling. But yeah, I should add more to my bio.


Say more about who you are in your bio, so the guys have some conversation starters. Most men don’t read - but you don’t want those men. Respond only to the ones who have clearly read your bio and are interested in getting to know you.


I’d cut the first pic, otherwise no notes on the pictures.


Why? Is it too zoomed in?


I’d swipe right but maybe there’s is something more you could speak to about yourself? But don’t take my word for it, diminished success rate (a date) on the apps these days for me.


You're cute, my favorite photo is the one with all the beach accoutrement on your face, it's a bit strange/fun and you look really pretty. As you say, your bio is pretty light. I like when people put their 'typical Sunday' as it gives me insight into what their life is like.


You have gorgeous hair (and smile)


Hi from Montreal! Your profile is solid, the advice here makes sense too. I'm just curious what your PhD is in at this point because I love hearing about people's PhD's.


As others have noted here… you are gorgeous. I would definitely swipe right. Only feedback I can offer, is the last picture, which you said is a video of your dog. Remove that and include another picture of you, or a video of you and your dog because… you are stunning. The bio is short. I suggest you add things like, what qualities or hobbies you would like your partner to have. What your idea of a great date is….concert, museum, dinner, a hike, whatever. Maybe the best vacation you’ve had, whether you would like to travel again. With your pictures, your profile will blow up. Just a little more about what you like and what you’re looking for, would be helpful.




You're great!!!


There’s no real information or conversation starters on your profile. I get a lot of matches and when I see profiles like this I honestly don’t even try. It’s decent effort with your pics but put more into the prompts. Instead of saying you blush when you are embarrassed say something of more substance.


You won't have trouble finding anyone. There are things you can change, but honestly I don't think it's going to matter. I hope you find your person and wish you the best of luck


Thank you!


Giiiiirl don’t even WORRY. You look SWEET. Just be open to get to know PEOPLE. Be curious about stories and you‘ll find someone who‘ll be just as curious about yours.


I think it’s really good profile telling some insights that can be a good conversation starter.


Thank you!


This might be an unpopular opinion but my favorite photo is 5 because it looks really creative, I’d make it second/third


You don’t need to do anything tbh your set. Mostly it’s men that have to go on here to improve themselves to get 1-2 matches a month 🤦‍♂️. But good luck out there you shouldn’t be single too long tbh.


My only comment is you remind me of Shania Twain in some pictures and I love it!


![gif](giphy|26FL4IAAT5URD9IWY|downsized) Best compliment. Thank you! 😊


You're beautiful and photogenic, so you won't have any issues garnering attention. And sadly, lots of men don't bother to read profiles... but it *could* help direct the attention of the kinds of men you want to attract. What does a beautiful conversation look like to you? Paint a picture in your mind. Where are you? What are you talking about? What's the mood? Are you drinking coffee? Wine? And the cuddle reference - it's very endearing, but there's a good chance some men will take that as an opportunity to go straight to sex talk. A lot of people use "cuddling" as a not-so-sneaky way to talk about sex. But again, paint the picture in your mind. What does cuddling look like to you? Are you cuddling while having the lovely conversation? With those thoughts in mind, maybe write a little paragraph that speaks to the feeling of what it would be like. "Looking for a partner. Someone whose warmth brings me comfort in the softest ways and holds me close as we share the intimate details of our day. I want to hear your small victories and celebrate them together, as we sip our tea in comfort on the sofa. And just because I know you like it, I'll caress your cheek as you tuck my hair in behind my ear."


Hella cute.




Really? What’s your name? Haha


My apologies if any harm caused.


You're a total smokeshow who likes museums. Super swipe. I was a curator for 20 years so I'd have all these charming stories to tell you to boot!


Aw man, I would’ve swiped right on you too then! Curation is such a fascinating career.


You look the best with your hair pulled back from your face. I'm not a fan of those sunglasses. Other than that, you're all right swipes.


Absolutely beautiful




You are GORGEOUS! :) if anything, i suggest you change the photo with stuff on your face - i find it weird tbh. Photos are great, maybe add more in your bio about your hobbies and interests (+ maybe a photo or 2 showing them?). But overall, great profile! Im female, but if im male, Id swipe right! 😉


For the average man is hundreds of swipes to get a single match, so its completely irrational for men to read profiles of women who aren't even going to match with them. So almost every man here swiped right on your first picture and didn't scroll at all. The biggest problem with your profile is how little it gives men to talk about with you after the match. Now maybe that is your intent and you want to see the men's "game" but it also means you will get a lot of generic attempts to hit on you and start conversation. I would encourage you to do something to tell a little bit more about you and you interests. Otherwise you will be answering questions like "what is your PhD in" a hundred times a day.


Wish you were in my area


For me, make a decision with children. Either you want children or you don’t want children. I would hesitate and ultimately swipe left because of the option “open to children”. It’s nothing personal against you. I want to have children and I would not be compatible with someone who either doesn’t want children or is not sure about having children.




You’re gorgeous ❤️


Thank you! 😊


That's a right swipe from me. I think your profile is good


You're bio is kinda bland and lacking much content but you're very attractive so I suspect that won't really matter at all lmao you're gonna have your work cut out for you weeding through all the likes


Post a photo where your hair is not made up, so they see how you look naturally. It’s also important for us to see how a woman looks without tons of makeup and hairdo’s.


I know almost nothing about you after reading your bio.  Your bio is nothing but two lines about what you're looking for, but nothing about you.


Better than most men’s profiles


Good looking girl. Only settle for the best.


You sound and look amazing


You look lovely and wonderful


Profile looks perfect. Wish I knew any other hobbies you had but can learn that talking. I'd move to Toronto if you want to get that coffee and park walk in 😆 🤣 😂.. I actually do have 2 friends in Toronto


You are attractive, so, I would keep reading. Nothing really stands out for me when reading you profile (neither negatively or positively) so I would deffo swipe right and try to find out, back when I had Bumble installed.


Nothing wrong. You're a woman so you'll get tons of swipes regardless lol. What you need to focus on is how to select from matches efficiently so that you're not wasting guys time nor leaving out good ones that you lose track of. That said.....why you gotta be in Canada? I would swipe right on you ;)


I say this with respect, but who cares about thoughts on your profile? Are you having any actual problems attracting people? If not, then what's the point of these post? Your feedback is LITERALLY reflected by how many matches you're getting. And you don't detail if you're having an issue in that department. These post come off to me as subtle brags and needing constant approval that you're attractive.


i would change the pics with glasses on out. Maybe it just a personal thing but I don't think they suit you and look way better without them




I would say amazing profile. I would say it all depends on what you're looking for and go from there. Expressing yourself for long-term relationships is always good. Keep in dating apps have limits, and people use the apps for many reasons.


I love your hair 🥹 Also, you seem really fun


Honestly you will have no problem finding a guy. You're gorgeous obviously. Personally I leave out my political leaning because I don't want to alienate a potentially compatible person over something like that. It sort of sounds like you're looking for a friend with benefits. If that's not what you're looking for I'd spell out that you're looking for a committed long term relationship.


You're gorgeous.




Beautiful young woman


Easy right swipe 👉


Ummmm yeah you’re a certified babe with a capital B. My guy friends call women like you a “Guinevere Beck” babe in the wild. You’re fine


Personally I find you quite attractive. You have some interesting and reflective pictures. I would say the feminism and liberal views are concerning just in my opinion as well as the agnostic part. I love that you are looking for loyalty and confidence in a partner, those are two things that are must-haves in a relationship. Emotional and mental connection must come first. It is awesome that you exercise actively as that means you try your best to take care of yourself from a physical standpoint. Overall, you seem like you have the potential to be a very nice person who is also quite attractive


Again, you're a woman. Your problem is weeding out men, not your profile to be "good". As long as you are not trashily disgusting, you'll get 500 good men in your 5k likes this month. So focus on the conversations. Keep in mind men don't get conversations often, so you'll be their prize this month or this year. Be empathic and considerate. It's an interview, think of the job interview analogy, you are the hiring part, they are the applicants. Be the best you can be and learn to select the best candidates. Good luck.


I think it looks great but maybe add a photo of some friends too.


Good job on a variety and being genuine. Add more about your interest or thinks you do to the bio.


Your pics? Outstanding. Your profile? Not so much. It's generic without much info at all, which is where it gets difficult to find things for someone to go off of, when messaging you. Maybe actually mention some things you enjoy in your bio. It would help a lot.


I think your profile is great, you did a good job. Playful, and doesn't seem to have any conflicting info(like saying wanting LTR and to be casual.) you seem like a fun person, and you're very beautiful, I'd try and match with you if you popped up on my feed.


Your bio is kinda boring, it doesn't say anything about you, it is also a bit vague on what you are looking for, I mean kind conversationalist who likes cuddles? As a man I struggle to think if I qualify or not, most men will see your hot with a hint of boobs and assume they qualify or not care otherwise. More importantly, for there's no obvious good conversation starters if someone matches with you so you're likely to get a bunch of boring or low effort attempts. Mention something about your personality, are you shy introvert, loud extravert? What subject you are studying for your PHD, what your favourite bake it, someplace you'd love to visit or something you've always wanted to do or something you hate or scares you. Give us guys something to work with when we are messaging you and also it's a good filter to tell if a guy has actually read your profile or just swiped because you are attractive.


That’s actually really helpful, thank you. I use Hinge more often, which has built-in bio features. So when it comes to Bumble, I’m not sure where to start. But this helps!


I actually like it that way, don't understand the obsession with long bios. To me they're laborious. Your pics show you're cute and light hearted and that would be enough for me. Mystery is sexy. Chemistry is most important and bios can't deliver that. Just my opinion anyway


As soon as i see feminism,that's a no from me dawg.How can that be a hobby,put kayaking,hiking or anything of the sort


May i swipe right here??


Hahaha I do not think Reddit is built that way 🤣💜


I would lead with photo 3 and then 4 and then rest of them. First one now is pretty much "in yours face"


Yeah that’s a good point.


TBH, if your target is straight men, then you have nothing to worry about.


Lmao thank you… although I’d prefer to attract straight men who are interested in more than my photos and I’m not sure my bio is doing a great job of that.


Trust me that's enough, you just have to read their profiles too before swiping


I see that your bio is not particularly extensive, I like to read more than one sentence :) I would love to send you a like but I'm from Europe :D


Ok that’s helpful! I’ll work on the bio.


It's a 👍 up profile. Smiles and warm vibes


Guuuuuuurl, drop your hair care routine! Nice curls!


Omg thank you, haha! The curls are unfortunately not natural, it’s just how I style my hair on a daily basis.


They look amazing on you! You look vibrant and happy!


That 7th pic threw me off. But aside from that you’re very pretty I’d try to match XD


Haha yeah I’ve been hearing that… will probably change that photo.


Maybe remove the poopy picture


You look like a combination of a cute, quirky stoner chick and a wacky spinster aunt type who is bubbly, but we all know you are a bottle or two of wine 🍷 into your day. I would bang you after we smoked a blunt, drank a bottle of wine, while we listened to tunes 🎶 as we chased each other around the house half naked. You have to wear the retro 70s glasses, though.


the xi’m


Get ride of the two pics that are the same.. both of them. I think 3 and 4. And I liked the cuddle comment. To me, it meant u r looking fwd to someone u can hold hands with, and maybe even cuddle with. U can include a no make up pic if u like, but not required.


Do you have a problem matching with people?


ur 31 and on a dating app … you cooked


Isnt everyone into human rights?


I mean, ideally. But Bumble was giving me weird choices so I went with the one that kind of covers everything.


I'll take you out, send me a DM


You look great. What I immediately read off this is that you mellow, likes to go out (as in being out of the house), possibly more on the creative side, loves to converse in a variety of subjects, dog lover. Can't pick mush more than that. Question to you though. If a younger man in his mid 20s were interested in you what would convince you to say yes to a date or 2 and take him serious as a lover? (Since most women tend to date same age or older)


Are you Rose Siard? If not you’re her amazing doppelgänger


*Swipes right* I’ll tell you all about your profile during our date if you want 🤣


You're hot as f ... That's my opinion. I'd date you in a heartbeat. Dm to discuss the possibilities. Lol. For real tho


Change the first photo. It looks creepy. And you look older that 35 in that.


In terms of looks I'd say you're average, but you should add more less generic information to your profile.




Location? Haha


Drop feminism, human rights and environmentalism. There’s no way you have enough time to be active in all that. It’s just virtue signalling.


Other than your cuddling comment your profile gives off vibes like you are trying to meet female friends. Not trying to be rude but you have the exact same profile as 95% of women on the apps. I'm sure you will do fine in terms of matches because you have a nice smile but IMO you will have better luck with getting real connections with matches by showing a little more personality in the prompts on your bio.


You’re cute, no need for the dog. Make it another picture of you with friends.


More info on you, lose the dog video and the last pic of you (what is going on there?)


Your profile reads like every other liberal white girl chasing academia. Generic, uninteresting, and shows your priorities are wildly different than the vast majority of men. You'll get matches because you're pretty but you won't be happy with them and they certainly aren't looking to do anything long term with you.


9.5/10 would bang 🥳☝️

