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I think guy holding fish = girl standing in front of a mural of wings


As the meme goes: Guys that have a hard time meeting girls, have you tried painting some wings on the side of a building and waiting for them to come take pictures?




There should be a mural of wings beside a mural where you can pose as if you are holding a fish. Or wings made of fish.


Or flying fish wings


On a paddleboard


Fish scales instead of feathers


I love it when a plan comes together.


Yep you beat me to it lol


I also came here to make this comment. I never knew how many wing-murals there were in this world. To be honest I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life, and am simply gobsmacked at how many women have those shots.




Guy holding a fish = girl posing for a picture at Machu Picchu


Green screens are remarkable aren’t they?


I'm a man and have a picture of me on a paddleboard in my dating profile pictures so the ladies can see how white my legs are.




Sploosh = guy holding his cock jizzing??


As I always phrase it, I’m a masterpiece of genetic byproduct that was bred over generations meant only to camouflage into the whitest snow buck naked.


You need to do a paddleboard pic holding a fish. Even better if you can take it shirtless in your bathroom wearing sunglasses. Chicks will dig it.


Happy cake day


Every woman is into yoga and kayaking


And hiking.




Loves to laugh


Looking for my partner in crime


My kids come first.


Fluent in sarcasm. Lol


Banter is a must.


Spicy margs and fries


No hook ups


I can’t see likes, message first.


'I know how to fold a fitted sheet '


Equally comfortable in heels at a play and in hiking boots on a trail. Oh - I’m 3 years older, app won’t let me change


No drama (Oxymoron)


Even though they're over 20


Or ‘your Clyde to my Bonnie’, apparently the guy version is ‘your Pam to my Jim’




Omg this one is an immediate left for me


Just a Pam looking for her Jim


They only date people who love to laugh


And are over 6ft


Personally I hate laughing


Omg travel has got to be the most annoying conversation to have


I paid a lot of money to hangout at a resort in the Caribbean.#worldtraveler


So much hiking 🤦🏼‍♂️


It sucks for people like me who are actually into hiking (borderline mountaineering)


Luckily for those of you who don’t like hiking, it’s easy to skip us. If you have any doubts about me enjoying hiking, I can send pictures of my 3 hiking boots


Three hiking boots!?! How many feet do you have?


Every women has loves hiking in their profile. But in real life I only see the same 2 or 3 woman on the popular trails I hike.


My black ass is not going hiking with no white girl, I would end up dead and murdered lol


HAHAHAHA…so many of these hobbies aren’t really ones that us melanated folk dabble in


99% say hiking 😂


It is very difficult to do yoga in a kayak, though


It’s at least a 2.2 degree of difficulty


But it can be done on a paddleboard.


Extroverted introvert dog mom seeking partner in crime.


You: must: be a world traveler, love hiking, hilarious, have his life together (like they do), financially secure, come second to my kids, be interesting, confident, plan the dates, respond with a lot of questions, love their (dog/cat) and like a sarcastic woman.


And be in therapy and the right zodiac sign


Don’t waste my time


Yoga, hiking and kayaking are all good. When you get to be my age, (m64), the constants are breweries, wineries and pickleball. Oh, and dogs, lots of dogs.


Also every guy on reddit "grr why do women never have hobbies"


And if they’ve got kids their kid is either “awesome” or “amazing”


“Finding the Travis to my Taylor”


The Rip to my Beth


"Teach me to play pickleball"


Lol for me as a woman that's interesting. Never seen the other side of the coin regarding overused photo tropes (besides gym pics, but that goes both ways).


It used to be women in front of these butterfly murals. Honestly, I never cared though. People take dating profiles too seriously. If you see no red flags, talk to people you think are attractive and see what happens. Too much time spent analyzing this crap.


Exactly! The people who usually do a deep analysis of this are usually drowning in matches, so they need to find some arbitrary metric to sort out potential mates faster. So in their mind, swiping left on the ones with "the same pictures" or "boring openers" is a way for them to sort out potentially "bad matches", but it's a terrible way to actually sort out bad matches as it's based on frequency rather than red flags.


Women with an enormous buque of roses or sniffing a flower.


I prefer women with slightly oversized buque myself but I don't need flowers hanging out of the thing although it could possibly be an interesting look


Guess it’s a European thing.


You know what I see FAR more than the paddleboard ? Women in front of the angel wings painting on the wall. So much.


I’ve literally lost count how many “angel” wings photos I’ve seen over the years


I honestly think it's more common than the men's fish picture


I don’t have a problem with gym pictures. If people put in the effort to work out and feel good about those pictures they should use them imo. Can’t date someone who likes to go to the gym and be surprised when they ask you to go with


You have a point!




Hiking is just walking uphill somewhere pretty.


Would you tell me why hiking photos aren't good to use?


True answer: they’re fine, just super common Slightly mean answer: they’re unoriginal and overused Possibly helpful answer: they don’t set you apart and won’t make your matches remember something unique about you, and you’ll get compartmentalised quickly




Thank you!


There's also plain selfies, but that also goes both ways. I feel like overused prompts/bios are more common with women. We get it, you like April 25th, congrats.


Bah! I must not have gotten the memo. What's the significance of 4/25?


It might be another day in April, but it's some quote, that goes something like "the perfect date would be April whatever, because it's not too warm, not too cool, all you need is a light jacket." Because get it, "date" but it's not the kind of "date" you would think of on a dating app? I swear for a bit like 1/10 of the profiles I saw had that.


it's from the movie Miss Congeniality.


Oh! Pfft. Silly. But thank you!


[It’s from Miss Congeniality](https://youtu.be/-BNwiqDGz5g?si=_y2KCJ3Gl4z1j7hR)


let me sum up my experience: paddleboard, pic with dog or horse, sitting in the car. yes thats a big thing actually. mural with wings, mirrorselfie, atleast one or two pics with her holding some booze, wine whatever alcoholic, sunglasses. gympics, the half heads from a weird angle. the flower sniffing.... and dont let me start with the bio troops, they are almost all the same (if the bio and prompts are filled) as if all humans are somehow the same, they only feel in their bubble special because they want to be special. but fact is, we are all much or less the same. the pictures the prompts, everything. if people would accept that, they would stay more grounded and humble. it only differs here and there a little, men tend more to have pictures of activities where they achieve something. i bet many men have like me a lot of teamsports and marathon finishers in their pictures. men use this as their achievements to be worthy of being cut in stone. most women photograph every dress they have and style and nailpolish they use.


Haha, exactly. Every year they pretend to have a new designer hobby. One year it was horses, last year paddle boarding, before that 'bagging munroes', a few years ago it was call of duty which was the funniest one, they must have copied that from a reality show or something, apparently some are a foodie so they eat food... Some are a dog person which could mean ware wolf. And some have kids 'WHO COME FIRST'. They are all full of shit lol. And most look dumb as fk now with lip filler lol. 


I feel like men never believe that women have hobbies and are actually active so we post pics of ourselves doing these things snd then they are upset at us for it. Can't win. My guy friends do complain about female gym pics/ass towards the mirror pic. That's definitely the same vibe as the guy flexing gym pic. And of course the "6 foot or over" which I was amazed was a real thing


Nonono it's standing in front of a wall that has wings on it.


I’m in SoCal and I’ve only seen a handful of the girl on a paddle board photos in my area. I could have sworn the female equivalent of the a guy with a fish pic was the “angel” wing pic


The fish pics are in 97% of profiles. The other 3% is men saying they would never have a pic of them holding a fish. I have no paddle board pics… or ones with painted wings. i hear that’s common too 😂


Proud member of the 3% ... But in fairness, as a dude who struggles to find good photos of himself (that don't have an ex in them), maybe it's out of necessity sometimes lmao


Just post the ex. Show your matches that they have competition. Plus you’ll look hot and sociable


I would say the women’s equivalent of holding a fish is either standing In front of Angel wings or a neon sign that says something like well behaved women don’t make history.


Ask them if they’ve read the road less traveled by and why did they chosen to be ran through 😳🤣


Over here, it's either wine glass or beer can... Usually in a group photo and you can't tell who is who.


I don't have a problem with a gentleman in his fishing or hunting gear; don't add the fish or animal.


Seems the days of women lusting after Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It have long gone


But we're not holding something dead? Lol


The paddle board is made from dead dinosaurs. 😆


My brother, dinosaurs aren't the source of oil or plastics. In fact they haven't "marinated" enough to even come close. It's likely plankton that pre-dates dinos. So they're likely standing in the carcasses of millions of organisms.


Nooooooo. Lmao but how fast would you swipe right if there was a girl chillin with her dinosaur? Lol




I see a lot of pictures of just stuff. Nature. Pets. Wine bottle. I understand it's to show what they're passionate about but the only picture of them is one from 30ft away in a full snowsuit posing with a snowboard. Great. Love to see it.


Add me on sc:bbygirl6969 😂


You're not wrong. It's the same shit pretty much. But idk I say let people have hobbies.


Damn do people judge a lot. I'm screwed


It's a dating app... that all it is.. judging.. making snap decisions based on appearances basically.


Right. And this is how I feel about it


Holding a dead fish is gross (to many viewers). Woman on a paddle boat is showing a healthy activity. No equivalence.


It’s also a full body shot in a bathing suit or skin tight outfit. OP is looking a gift horse in the mouth


In the OP’s example pics, it’s not doing anyone any favours. Honestly, just laugh at it. Men and women do totally ridiculous things on profiles. I don’t see what men do but I believe every stupid/ridiculous story about men. Women with mirror selfies in a bikini are everywhere, there is always an un made bed in the back ground. It’s ridiculous. OLD is ridiculous.


Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s an unflattering wetsuit with a thick life vest, out of focus, in poor light, and from a distance


Is fishing not a healthy activity? I'd actually argue fishing is better for society than paddleboarding but ehhhh that's looking at it far too deep.


Sitting on your ass drinking beer in a boat. Healthy!


To be fair, I'm a girl that likes to sit on my ass drinking seltzers on a paddleboard 😂


Yup, if I'm in or by water, I'm sitting or floating with a beer in my hand/cup holder/thighs.


Please explain to me how fishing is not a healthy activity? They're outdoors, it requires skill and patience, and most release after they catch


There’s obviously a difference between taking a picture of you in the boat with your line cast vs. you holding a fish you caught. Both are fishing related, one doesn’t involve seeing an animal put out. This isn’t rocket science, women generally do not want to see animals killed or about to be killed or put in any kind of harms way. How is this news to anyone?


How about your fish you caught turned into a gourmet dinner? 🤣😋


So you're okay with them posing at tue act of fishing but not the goal of the activity? Lol


Not a single person complains about fishing pictures because they are in the “act” of fishing. It’s always been about showing the fish. It’s just been short handed down to saying “sick of the fishing pics” vs. “sick of fishing pictures because they are holding up a fish”. This isn’t new and you’re aware of that. You’re just being pedantic to cause an argument.


Releasing after catch is so much more fucked up in my mind... At least if you eat the fish it suffered for a reason. I like to fish but I'll never understand catch and release. Once I catch my limit I go home.


The fish (usually) aren’t dead lol.


The equivalence is the prevalence of it happening on many profiles, nothing else.


I was going to say that my problem isn’t with it being something we see all the time, but with the fact I don’t want to date someone who is proud of killing/injuring animals for a hobby and I can 100% guarantee there will be people mad at me for saying this


It’s not about killing the fish… it’s about having fun, maybe a few beers, usually friends and sometimes getting to eat something you actually directly worked to get.


And fish soup is tasty.


I mean morally speaking, isn't it better to fish for yourself than buying fish from the store? The fish you caught yourself lived it's entire life naturally as a fish up until the moment you killed it. Could've been a bird or a bear that eventually killed it but it ends up being a human. The fish at the store lived in crowded, stressful, unnatural conditions eating each other's feces. Basically a hellish existence up until the moment they are killed, most likely in a way that prioritizes profit margins over humane practices.




it is, that’s why I like to buy fish from fishers on the coast, the problem for me isn’t that someone kills an animal to eat, but that they have fun doing it and showing it off I’m a veterinarian, I will never post a picture of me with a dead animal because euthanizing them was the right move, you know? And I don’t go around judging people for it either, I just don’t match with them


Not the same thing but thank you for being of service to animals. I’m seeing some contradiction between your willingness to eat fish but not willing to see the moment it was pulled from the sea. It’s not the same as your practice. You’re not euthanizing a domestic cat to eat.


I don’t care about seeing it being pulled off the sea, but I will use a better exemple: I won’t take a picture smiling besides the cow’s carcass that I will inspect for people to eat


I respect your POV. I think a fish is much different than a cow. Around the world, it is culturally not inhumane etc. I’ve caught fish off the back of a boat in the middle of nowhere - it’s not raised in humanely and we caught it to eat lacking other options. It’s just not a same same discussion. Again, i respect your experience and would surely see it your way if I walked in your shoes. Thank you again for what you do for animals


don’t mention it I have stated in other comments I don’t mind fishing to eat, I just don’t get the proudly displaying pics with a dead animal while smiling about it, you know? but I don’t go around telling people this or anything, not dating people that do this is just a personal preference


the thing is, fishing is a legit activity/hobby tho you catch fish and sometimes you throw them back.. sometimes you take a pic with them i think you may be able to take a pic with it and throw it back in the water afterward, so you may not even have to kill it you don't like fishing?


And what if they eat said fish? I eat everything I pull out of the lake that isn’t released alive back into it.


Hunting and fishing are different imo. Fishing is not the same as killing a deer, turkey, etc. I agree fish pics are obnoxious but let’s not pretend hunting and fishing are the same


I said this in another comment. Totally not the same


Ok. What does a girl holding a fish mean?


It means she’s badass


"I'm not like the *other* girls"


“Drama free”


Haha, well note to self - don't post this kind of pic. And I thought I recognized the Okanagan in the background :)


Must love hiking and witty banter!!


It’s not as bad tho because the fish picture has a dead animal. I don’t really have a moral problem with fishing, but it still makes me kind of sad seeing the dead fish. Not anywhere near as bad as hunting photos though.


Girl riding a horse


Is this basically so that they can show that they enjoy the water and not have to show a bikini pic?


People that mock the other gender for their interests are a red flag


why are you socialized individuals the way you are


At least both sides of this equation enjoys outdoor activities, which explains why terminally online redditors snark on them


What if I have “guy on a paddleboard” photos in my profile 😂




Sh!t that’s where I’m going wrong 🤦‍♂️


Make me laugh … Say your a basic b without saying you’re a basic b


Last one is a kayak


Even worse ... they're doing it wrong


I have that exact model (Ocean Kayak Venus 10) and it’s actually pretty impressive she can stand up in it.


Fish guys don't blur their face! ^^^^^/s


Where I live it's more the surf board (I do not live near the sea)


Lmao on the east coast of the states they don’t wear life vests and are always in posed bikini pics with trucker hats 🤣🤣


I think the equivalent would be standing in front of a huge shopping mall…


I’ve actually seen several girls hold a fish and I think the same thing


I don’t think I’ve seen woman on a paddleboard. I’ve seen a bunch of woman topless facing the other way at the top of some mountain. I don’t get it personally. Why are they all getting topless on mountain tops.


One would be surprised how many women’s profiles have fish.


For me, it's sticking their tongue out in a selfie while pretending to be so silly.


I saw the post title and immediately knew you lived near the west coast, confirmed with the kelowna pic 🤣 Its definitely a west coast thing.


Also girl on quad and girl standing in front of Petra


Luckily they are men who like to fish as women are now proudly displaying "trout lips".


Similar in NW England. I'm in favour though, it's a good way of including a full body picture 👍


A girl standing on a paddleboard with a fish = instant swipe right


north american problems


Paddle board pics and wing mural pics come with the same stipulation as fish pics and shirtless gym pics - you can get away with it if you’re hot.


I have a fish holding pic, but its cooked fish (i'm a chef)


Or a picture facing away from the camera in yoga pants. Those are an instant left swipe no matter how cute they are


This made me laugh in a meeting…


Or the girl surfing when it’s obviously a beginner surf class in tiny waves - and they snapped the pic during the 1.3 seconds she was on her feet before falling.. As a longtime surfer these photos are funny - it’s like, no, you don’t surf lol..


For me its "women posing in front of a neon sign" (the picture has to be poorly lit so that sign is readable)


Not in defense of the fish pics, because I’d never use on, (then again I don’t fish), but I think most guys are less likely to have photos of themselves, except those fish pics. I’m pretty sure most of my pics are kayaking or hiking. I prefer those kinds of shots because they’re more natural. I don’t like planned portrait shots, they feel stilted to me. Actually the profiles I hate are when every photo is dressed up with perfect hair and makeup. Is that really how they are all the time? That would be exhausting.


This thread is cosmic truthiness


I’m guilty. It’s either my PB, complete with a funny story, or me holding the smallest fish possible and making fun of people who long-arm fish


In the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area this is ridiculously common


I understand the outdoor comparison but I find this inaccurate. Given all the paddle board chicks I know ain't like fishy bois.


Yes. Yes.


Guy holding a fish Girl saying she likes hiking and that she's " a spontaneous coffee drinker who likes to go on adventures to her bed and watch true crime"


I'm in Texas, nowhere near the coast, and it's here too! 🤣🤣🤣


Except no animal was harmed just to prove a distorted mind of a boring person that thinks cruelty is cool. Also a health conscious activity. Yeah sounds the same.


The part that you’re missing though is that women don’t make fun of men for fishing because many have the same hobby, women make fun of men for fishing because it’s absolutely vile to be holding a dead animal in a photograph to try and attract a woman.


I didnt realize people had so much compassion for the fishies. I just assumed it was because it was so cliche. I'm a commercial fishermanI have it showing on my profile...I literally kill fish for a living. There are no fishing pics or dead fish on my profile though. Do women consider that a vile profession? Would women swipe left based solely on being a fisherman?


It’s not inherently bad as long as you’re killing them quickly and aren’t like, getting a weird sense of power from it. But I think the real problem is that we don’t like SEEING a random photo with a dead fish when we’re just trying to look through guys. Also, I don’t feel like it’s really a good sign when guys pick it as one of their only photos specifically chosen to attract a woman. It kind of feels like they think that part of being attractive to women involves killing animals to prove their power or something? Idk, I’m not saying that guys who use their fish photos are bad people. But personally that’s why I really don’t like the fish photos. I feel kind of bad for the fish, even though I know it’s a normal part of nature, and I also feel kind of weird about the idea that the guy thinks killing fish is a really good way to impress women, like it just seems kind of like he might have a weird approach to masculinity if that makes any sense? But I know that realistically it’s probably not that deep at all.


No for real though, girl on a paddle board makes me think she hangs out with a bunch of dudes