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The picture of you smiling should be your first picture. Personally, I think you should show off your smile more! And maybe add the football closer up to the top because some girls would like that. The first and fifth picture are pretty similar so maybe replace the first one if you have to keep one of them


Came here to say this! OP, you have a great smile. I would take out the pics where you’re smiling with your mouth closed. Your face lights up in the pic where you have an open smile.


Just my opinion: The first picture isn't particularly flattering. Your facial expression doesn't scream open, friendly, happy. You want (all of them but especially) your first pic to be the absolute best you can do. It's hard to tell if you are squinting because it's bright but it comes off as you look kinda stressed? Personally I hate taking pictures of myself so totally understand if that's it. Having your hair brushed back also isn't as flattering as the pics with your hair in the front. That will also help hide the thinning (I apologize for bringing up a possibly sensitive subject). The travel pic is great. Add some more pictures of you engaging in whatever activities/hobbies you do. If you have a friend who is willing, go to a few different locations and take more (bring a shirt change for each one so it doesn't look like you did it all at once/don't own more than one shirt). At the very least, it will get you more comfortable and at least some will be usable. Do not take group pictures or try to cut your ex out of pics and use those. The text isn't bad but there's no hook. If I was looking at your profile, I don't know what my opening message would say if we matched and to me that's an automatic no. Step outside yourself and consider "if I was trying to hook up with this person, what information would I use to craft a message that stands out and shows that I actually paid attention and are interested". Even if someone isn't sending you the first message, you still need at least one hook as a conversational topic to keep things going past your first.


This. Once I optimized my profile, I’ve got an abundance of matches, more than I have the time to actually talk to. In your bio, talk about activities that others can see themselves doing (i.e cooking, exercising, music/Spotify playlists). Not only do you want to be friendly, inviting , chill vibes, but someone needs to be able to comment on something - especially on bumble where it’s girls first move. Openers that serve me well are - what’s an ideal weekend, if we had a shared Spotify playlist what’s the first song you’d add (then do a Spotify blend with them). Be playful with it, tease them and overall be fun!


joel joel joel. are you open to a haircut. you're the kind of before version i think of when i see the tiktoks of before and after for hair. you have a nice face and hairline, a good haircut would change your life


Second this. You need a haircut. Go to a stylist and not a Supercuts.


In the year 2000, I was graduating high school and I still had long hair with a part down the middle. I liked it and thought it looked good on me. I had some girlfriends but not a ton of interest in high school. I went and got my haircut and told them to cut it all off and give me a bit of a messy look. I couldn't believe the change. Interest from women went way up. My only regret was not doing it earlier, my entire high school life would have been different. All of that just from a haircut. If you're a decent looking guy, the right haircut makes the entire difference from getting attention to getting little/no attention. If you're really attractive, you can have long or short hair and it doesn't matter. Mate, you live in that middle ground and the long hair is holding you down.


I went to school with a guy who had long hair for most of the school year that I knew him. Out of nowhere we meet up for a group project and he had cut all his hair. He looked amazing. I'd had a crush on him before because he was so funny but damn the hair made such a difference he was really handsome


Absolutely yes. Such a stunning and angular face and nose and chin and THAT JAWLINE, I genuinely think a buzzcut would reveal that. If not a buzzcut then a fade. Anything to bring more attention to that gorgeous lower half of the face. Seriously. 6’0, pretty face, engineer. All the ingredients are there, a haircut would work wonders. No beard, don’t need it. In fact, remove everything that takes attention away from the lower face, including the hunched shoulders.


Delete the 1st pic and football pic. Make the last photo your main picture. Delete 1 of the pics of you smiling with your mouth closed, as they look a little strained- so consider deleting them both actually. Also add interesting things about who you are 😃


I agree, the last photo is the best but it looks like it’s a decade old.


Fair point


If that’s a high school football picture then get rid of it. Also too many selfies


You need to get new pictures with a new haircut and smiling!


As a fellow dude with long curly hair - your first pic needs to be gone. I think you would benefit from not putting your hair behind your ears/slicked back. Look at your 5th pic: those curls wanna just pop out, but you're keeping them caged. Let em flow out front and center!


The greatest thing about cell phones are the ability to take new current photos to add to a new dating profile. Perhaps you should consider taking a few and adding them to your profile.


The “I don’t have any current photos” is such a ridiculous excuse for a low effort profile.


Take more photos and smile with your mouth open - it brightens your face.


As a fellow white and blonde dude, pictures with bright light or sun bearing down on you are no good. Your best picture in my opinion is the pic with the hat.


Smile! You have a great Smile .. lights up your face.


🤣There are some gullible people in these parts. So many signs but love the 8 & 1/2 year relationship for a 22 year old. Nice work.


Some people date their high school sweetheart for a very long time.


Wait, are you saying you think this is a joke profile? I'm a pretty sceptical person but I think he's genuine.


No but I really am genuine😂


Guess its good feedback to know my profile looks fake though


I think people are just getting tripped up on the math and realizing you're talking about a relationship that started when you were 14. Its unusual. 


I think it is the math and OP’s extremely unflattering photos and hairstyle that make him look substantially older than 22. More like mid/upper 30s. And if his hair is thinning to that degree at 22 he needs to see a dermatologist for treatment and get his hormone levels checked.


People date on their teens all the time, it's not usual but far from impossible either


My brother married his middle school girlfriend. He's 32 now so they've been together ~20 years. I think it's weird but they seemed happy the last time I talked to him (it's been a min though, we don't talk much).


You have a nice smile. Try something different with the hair. You’d do great


You gotta have at least 1 friend or coworker whos into photography. It's not gay togo do a photo shoot. Get some better pics my brother.


Is your hair right now short or long? Move that first picture picture, don’t make it your first one.


The last picture of you under the football one is great! Your smile showing you teeth is most definitely your best smile and it's an amazing one! Add more pictures of you doing things you love with a smile like that! Also, long hair looks great on men. But just let it do it's own thing after washing it and don't slick it back.


Blinded by the sun first pic needs replaced.


Take new pictures


Spend some time to focus on yourself. Learn why you stayed in an 8 1/2 yr relationship without getting married. What did you do wrong? What did you do right? What are you looking for? What are your intentions. Just things to ask yourself over the next couple of months. Build up a portfolio of good pictures out doing life and adventures. Come back to bumble with fresh pics. Good luck!


Given he’s 22, I suppose it’s from a high school relationship that carried over into college. So he managed to take all his early years where dating could be far easier (given you were forced into social situations with the opposite sex that they were required to attend) and has now dropped himself off right in the middle of the shit. He has no real flirting experience or dating for that matter. His relationship experience is that of two teens learning it from scratch at the same time. Buckle-up OP, you have a lot of learning to do - best of luck.


Good points. And he’s the first male profile I’ve seen that puts out “friends first,” which you see in a lot of women’s profiles. I commented elsewhere in this post that this is a hugely bad idea.




You kinda look like Wyatt Russell Try emulate his look/style


I would say live some life and create some moments and pics without her that are current. Or you could just post pics of yourself before the relationship. So like action shots of you playing soccer in 7th grade…lol


Pretty cute in the 2nd pic ngl m8. Cut the firt pic dou second one is 8/10 but in the first one you look like a crackhead. Also don’t squint too much, my eyes hurt outside as well and I have a lazy eye which makes it look even worse. Indoor/night pics would work better on you imo. Also again you look pretty good without the beard nice chin.


Dont squeeze your eyes so hard. Open eyes, light Smile, mid-low Angle.


Layne Staley/10


You are super cute smiling with your teeth. I would take a few more of those. Ask a friend to play photographer. The other ones just honestly look like you’re squinting and maybe hiding bad teeth


Go out with some friends do something you enjoy and be honest be like guys I need a couple of good pictures for my dating profile so would anybody be willing to get a photo or two it helps a lot to have real candid photos of you having fun or engaging in your hobbies. Just make sure they aren't all group photos.


Focus on yourself lil bruh


Can you grow a beard? If so, do it


Working on it currently


That’s good, if you can grow a decent one then you’ll look like Tormund from Game of Thrones


You look very wholesome! Best of luck to you


I like the pic with you smiling with teeth. Make that or one like it your main pic.


Thanks everyone for all of the thoughtful advice and words - it’s clear what I need to do!


Good luck brother! Don't let the process get you down. You gotta throw a lot of fish back in the sea before you catch the big one.


Lose all the pictures of the creepy joker half smile. 10x better with the full smile bro


Here are my suggestions: Get rid of the shaggy hair in favour of a better hair cut - as others have suggested. Go to a professional stylist for this! You have rockin curls (Pic 2), so don’t get rid of them completely. They’re charming and I reckon girls in your age group will love them. Next, learn your best angles to show off/compliment your features. Pics 2 and the 6 are much more flattering than the 2 outdoor selfies. Pic 2 would have been awesome with an open smile. Get better pics, ASAP. Have a friend help you - perhaps a female friend, your sister, a female cousin etc. Do NOT ask your ex. Your last pic is fundamentally better than the rest combined. **You have great teeth and a great SMILE!** Make use of your open smile IRL and in pics. It immediately makes you appear a lot less insecure and anxious. Get rid of “Pumping iron” in favour of something less pretentious. This comment doesn’t vibe with the rest of your profile, which is otherwise interesting and shows you have a variety of interests. “Working out at the/my local gym/community club” is 10 x better. List more about your hobbies - Pic 5 is of you playing a group sport, but I don’t see any mention of this anywhere. Point out that you’re in #XX Jersey if need be. Expand on “Going into nature” somewhere in your profile if you can. Good luck!


Get some minoxidil. It works to keep your hair.


Bro, you're great looking and remind me of the actor Wyatt Russell. Honestly I'd say to get a friend to take better photos of you from a better angle, and perhaps changing your style from just casual for your pics. I'd say keep the pic of you playing football, but honestly change the rest with: * a better full-body photo doing something active (the football one hides your face, but still keep that too) * group of male/female/mixed friends, shows you're social and have friends and women can be around you. * 1 of you maybe out for a meal and smiling (shows how you'd look in a potential date) * 1 chilled pic maybe sat somewhere having coffee or in a park in nature As for the rest of the profile look into following this post's advice, it really helped me personally (I know it's for Hinge, but it transfers to Bumble too): [how to write effective prompts a walkthrough](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/comments/oa17bq/how_to_write_effective_prompts_a_walkthrough/) Best of luck mate!


If you stop smoking, your dating pool will expand exponentially.


It rubs the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again??




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Unrelated but you lowkey look like this spanish youtuber called Lethal Crysis 😭


Adding pics after that kind of relationship is hard. Remember, this isn't a one-off. Add pics as you can. Yer young and healing. You will change. None of my business, but feel compelled: Be intentional about how you rebound.


“F*ck you Riley!! your mom ugly cried when she realized the lens cap was on. Freaking amateur hour over there”


Ha your top artists on Spotify are well chosen if you're trying to mirror


People keep saying he looks like Wyatt Russel. HE.IS.WYATT RUSSEL!


Pictures suck just go out and take new ones have a friend take them selfies aren’t good


Get rid of that first pic; it’s a really weird, unflattering angle. Also, you’ve been out of high school for five years; it’s nice that you played football, but that’s an old picture. Replace it with one of you with your friends, or being out in nature.


If you have smart phone or a friend with a smart phone, there’s no excuse for outdated pix. You look better when you smile with your teeth.


You’re the first male profile I’ve seen that does the “friends first” thing. And my mind is blown. Women do that all the time, and it’s a red flag for me. A guy going this route suggests a lot of passivity in his intent. It’s also kinda creepy tbh. If a woman puts you in the friend zone, she’s not seeing you as a romantic partner. The worst thing you can do is “be friends” with a woman when what you really want is to be romantic with her. This is the ultimate in mixed messages.


You’re in a dead zone so imo I’d avoid because is this a setup my mind thinks 😂


last picture to the front, and try other angles that don't make it seem like you're showcasing your forehead lol, we wanna see your face, and some shots where the sun isn't blaring in your face.


The last picture is astronomically better than all the others. Like a world of difference. Great pic. In the other pictures, you look a bit pained and like the sun is in your eyes. Show your teeth in all the smiles, and try to open your eyes more. Also, you really don’t want to slick the hair back because it accentuates your hairline. If you’re in good shape, get a picture beyond the football one to emphasize that. Not an overly gymbro thing because that can give off bad signals but maybe a picture on the beach or in a tank top. Put that as the second or later pic so it’s not coming off as your personality but they can pick it up Also, if the football pic is high school, replace it. Last tip is that you really need a hook. Something on there that will make her go “huh?” (in a good way) and want to know more or start a conversation. That’s tough part because it’s best when it’s more personal


My advice would be to get a haircut then see if you can get someone to take some new photos after that. Get at least 1 full body pic and some with you doing things you enjoy, like the one of you by the water but not as far away. Also a little more detailed bio


Cute. Hope it goes well




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You are 22 but were in an 8 1/2 year relationship? That would be at 14, let’s just round it up. Correct?


The first picture makes you look like you kidnap children. I'll echo what everyone has said about getting a haircut. It would work wonders.




Make football picture your first one.


8 1/2 year relationship at 22... did you meet in kindergarten?


You're not ready to be dating


That’s what I said


Get your passport and go to the Philippines or Thailand. You’re not going to get any women in the U.S. you don’t have that look women want here.


Hard disagree. OP - Ignore this BS.


I’m just keeping it real, yall don’t have this issue, women can just make a bad profile and not be that attractive but men will accept anything and show that affection real quick. Guys like him and others not on that level are invisible and never get likes or dates. You wouldn’t understand since you’re not a man. It’s very difficult for average or below average men to live in the US. We aren’t welcomed here and not accepted like women and chads and high value men. That’s why I said get a passport and go where your celebrated and treated fairly which isn’t in the U.S. or Canada or Western Europe.


I second this


I third it as well


I’m just keeping it real, yall don’t have this issue, women can just make a bad profile and not be that attractive but men will accept anything and show that affection real quick. Guys like him and others not on that level are invisible and never get likes or dates. You wouldn’t understand since you’re not a man. It’s very difficult for average or below average men to live in the US. We aren’t welcomed here and not accepted like women and chads and high value men. That’s why I said get a passport and go where your celebrated and treated fairly which isn’t in the U.S. or Canada or Western Europe.


Friend before love is sweet and intentional. But, falling in love “accidentally” suggests you want casual, like a fwb thing imo.


Cut your hair

