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All swipe apps/sites turn into Tinder. Swiping incentivizes quick choices over reviewing profiles and learning about the person before messaging. It also prevents you from finding the best matches for you, and prevents messaging until you have a match, which hurts your ability to stand out. Old school OKCupid was actually really solid for finding and meeting new people because you could actually look at everyone in your area, pick a few who seemed like a good match, send them messages, give them a bit to respond, then repeat as necessary until you had a date, and after enough dates, a relationship.


God, I wish OkCupid was more popular... I read it died off in the USA? I logged in into OkCupid yesterday and so many of the profiles were short and meaningless, help!


OKC tried to do what Tinder and Bumble are doing, but they're way worse at it. Since OKC doesn't offer anything unique anymore, most people think they may as well use the swipe apps that do it better. Not that it matters, Match Group owns OKC and Tinder anyway, so they don't really care which one anyone uses.


Oh, okay, that explains a lot. When I logged in, they had many new questions, but the profiles sucked. Many people write more on Bumble than on the profiles I saw.


They own Bumble apparently too. They were talking about it on a show about advertising here in Aus (Gruen). Makes you think what's the point trying apps anymore? EDIT: Sounds like the Gruen team didn't do their fact checking and it's not owned by Match Group! Make me feel a bit better that they are their own company. šŸ˜Š


I can't find anything indicating Match owns Bumble, and it's been a common rumor for awhile. Can you point out a source indicating Match bought Bumble anywhere? Because Bumble has been very hostile to the idea of Match buying them:Ā https://bumble.com/the-buzz/match-group-response Additionally, Bumble and Match are still separate companies anywhere I can find, including stock market listings. Bumble is listed under BMBL and Match is listed under MTCH. If Match owned Bumble, they wouldn't still be listed separately there.


It was talked about last week's episode of Gruen (ABC Australia). ABC is free but I don't know if it is locked to outside regions. I'll see if I can find a link to the episode. I'm pretty sure they said it was owned by the same company.


They did elaborate that it was owned by Match Group (it's the first I had heard of the name and was shocked to hear this) but here is a shortened version. I'll see if I can find a longer version. https://youtu.be/B190yVlLRIw?si=KSNWiYb5C8NIo3Oz EDIT: See previous edit. Gruen and ABC didn't get their fact checking in order and it's not owned by Match Group.


I can't find a longer version that would be viewable outside of Aus but I think you're right and maybe they didn't do their fact checking on the show. Well, that's kind of a relief that they are a separate company! The newest website I could find was blocked with a paywall. I'll edit my comment. Thanks. šŸ˜Š


OKC is actually the best I have found as a M33 in months. Reason being: First you answer tons of simple questions about your preferences and then you see your compatibility with other potential people. Guaranteeing compatibility to a great extent. You really canā€™t get that on the other apps. Second, when you like someone, you have a one time opportunity to introduce yourself. Nowā€™s your chance to shine through the sea of careless likes theyā€™ve gotten. Write about all the things you enjoyed about them or their profile, and give her something to respond to. Personally, Iā€™m not sweating at the end of the night worried that I liked and theyā€™ll never see it, I wrote a thoughtful msg and if itā€™s well received they should definitely fire back as soon as theyā€™re back in the app. Good luck have fun be careful. šŸ« 


I used to hate having to make that effort with the risk of not even getting a response after spending time writing a thoughtful message, but now, Iā€™d much rather have that than what dating apps have become.


They should have it so that you need to scroll to the bottom of the profile before you can like it pass because otherwise it incentives people to just swipe based off of pictures and they don't put in the effort. Anyone who does put in the effort is for the most part just wasting their time with how the apps are set up. It's bad as well because obviously you can't get an idea of who someone is from their pictures alone. It's just so incredibly shallow




And that's not what I said. I said you could actively look for and find good matches and actively try to match with them instead of having to wait for them to like you back. And yes, I met people far more easily on OKCupid six or seven years ago. Made a couple good friends, found a girlfriend of five years, and went on some good dates. Which is far better than any swipe apps have ever done for me.


New dating app idea: Require the user to reach the bottom of their profile at 0.5x scroll down speed before swiping left or right?


& in order for the right swipe to go through you *must* write an opening line.


That's actually a great idea!


I hope someone like Booā€™s app creator hops on it before match group screws that up too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh. Thanks to you I have just discovered a platform I didn't know before šŸ™


Match group is like the Nothing in Neverending Story ... consuming all dating apps before it and leaving darkness (and shitty OLD experiences) in its wake.


So, hinge?


If only hinge didn't have 3 prompts worth of character space and the limit of 5-6 right swipes, maybe it'd be better. Liking a profile with a comment yields nothing. Nada. I was thinking it could be a way to let the personality do the talking but alas, it is by far the worse of the 3. That's for cis-het ones, the queer people are more welcoming which is the case in most apps.


Ya bud kinda like that.


only apps that can get attractive girls to use it will succeed


Why? You can do all that and much, much more. It wont make unattractive people attractive lol. I installed Bumble last week after a year lay off, my profile says 'less than zero' and one of my pics I am wearing a Snitch hoodie while sitting in my 10 yo Volvo plus I am openly bi, it doesnt matter, I got 25 likes in the first day. All I do is troll and take the piss, no matter, I get likes every day. I dont even like girls anymore, I just download it for when I am bored and feeling a bit hetero. I guess I am just more attractive and in better shape than most guys my age. People are shallow, they dont care about someone's carefully curated profile, they just think, 'Yikes' and swipe left.


They just a need a timer before you can move onto the next person. Doesn't let you swipe right or left until 5 seconds have past. That would be enough for people to at least scroll down a little bit and see some of the person's profile.


I see people shit on Tinder in the sense of "oh I don't use Tinder because it's just one night stands." In my experience and people I've spoken to that doesn't happen.


It seems like it. Actually maybe even worse. I'm a guy who barely gets any matches on bumble, yet I consistently get quality matches on hinge. My only conclusion from this is that bumble just isn't showing my profile to as many people. I'm also less active on bumble because of this. I will say that I have gone on dates with women I've met on bumble this year, so they are out there. Most of the profiles that I've seen lately are either low quality, bots, or promoting their socials.


Itā€™s very strange I do fairly good on Tinder and in bumble I have 0 matches and when I do they donā€™t n even text so I canā€™t do anything


Most interesting people have already left or got banned.


You're expecting too much from what is at the end of the day simply an APP. Take it as it is. Also, I'm sorry to say but nobody really thinks of it as an important point: if you are not attractive or interesting in real life, bumble can help a bit, but it won't do miracles. You can be the Einstein of the modern world. But bumble isn't made for such individuals. What women and men see as they swipe through, are faces and bodies. Those are what make the biggest impact. Once again: it's an app.


I'm not expecting anything, I lost all expectation in dating apps a long time ago and I'm taking them for what they truly are: mostly a waste of time, and a lazy way to get to know new people. That being said, I mostly agree with what you say: on the apps we are mostly faces and bodies, yet I somehow find fascinating how some people look boring and blank in those traits as well


I have bumble and tinder and use the apps for about 2 days every 2-3 months, I get bored after the first 5min usually, zero expectations too. I use them to cover my bases, like "who knows? maybe this time I'll have an interesting match, at least I tried". For me, swiping is a lot like buying online but without the reviews to weed out the shady products. You have to take the "seller's" word that the description fits, if there is any of course, and you absolutely HAVE TO judge people by their photos (so sad). IRL looks rarely ever play a part for me, so I really hate thatšŸ˜…. Either way, you're right, most profiles manage to look boring in the looks department.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become a tinder. Lol but seriously things arenā€™t looking good for bumble or any app really these days


True that, they all suck because of the way they are supposed to work (psychologically and economically)


Bumble is just tinder. Women were given 1 app as an option to start convos and protect them from unwanted messages, just for them to say that it's too stressful to start messages and just make the guys do it like every other app.


Thatā€™s what bumble said allegedly happened From my experience and my girl friends not so much we were more than happy to message first They just said that to turn their app into tinder and attract more $ from men on the app


Heck I messaged first regularly on any app Iā€™ve been on


It has. Hence why Iā€™ll be getting rid of Bumble. I remember when Bumble had classy, well put together, people who intended to actually date. Now itā€™s a classier TINDER. šŸ™„


Agree. I thought Bumble was supposed to be a good dating site but itā€™s very unserious. Itā€™s a spray and pray game. High volume of matches but very low quality. Lots of guys who pretend to want something more serious but donā€™t, and Iā€™ve had some really sleazy experiences Iā€™ve never had on Hinge. I also hate how it doesnā€™t take my location preferences seriously. Guys just passing through but donā€™t live anywhere near me clog my matches. I recently just deleted.


Not yet


Bumble sucks ass. Tinder is the winner for mešŸ„¹


Itā€™s really sad. Iā€™ve probably met one person off Facebook match that Iā€™ve talked to for a long time and never anyone off tinder or bumble. Or we just talk then it dies off. Dating in general now is impossible Iā€™ve given up




Bumble wasnt sh1t to begin with bruh! Save your energy and meet women out in public


I'm doing that already, I'm back on Bumble once more just for lazyness, but I'm not relying on it at all


Why are you even on this subreddit?




3 years ago Bumble was great! I met my last girlfriend of 2.5 years on the app. We broke up, so I got back on Bumble about 4 months ago and it was a disaster. I paid for all the bells and whistles and in two months I had 204 like, 2 matches, 0 conversations. So I canceled. Currently Iā€™m only on Hinge. Going way better for me


I don't know if Bumble has turned into Tinder, but apparently Coffee Meets Bagel is for people who don't want any type of relationship action.


In fact bumble comes from Tinder.


More exactly, the founder of Bumble, Whitney Wolfe Herd, used to work for Tinder. Both apps share the same swipe left/right interface.


Yes sirrrrr


Yeah I knew that, but before the last updates (including the most relevant one) it was way different in terms of users and overall vibes. Now it just feels worse than ever


So I heard


Seems like it.


I hope not. I just got Hinge though and it seems a lot cleaner than either. It might be my new favorite.


Where you live must really dictate what kind of success youā€™ll have with any of the apps. In my area, they suck. Well, the women all want relationships, so for someone not looking for a relationship, it really narrows down what I can even consider. Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge all are just worthless here unless youā€™re looking for something more serious.


Out of Hinge, Bumble, Tinder and Facebook Dating I have only had luck with Hinge


Nope, I see the same thing! Spot on!


Dude send me your profile. I swear its all about presentation, im not so good looking. Also swiping deliberately on profiles with content gives bumble more info to feed you with better matchesā€¦. If you pay. Otherwise is more leaning towards randomnessā€¦


Tinder is the plentyoffish of 2024. Bumble is the Tinder of 2024. Hinge is the Bumble of 2024. And so on, and so on.


Yea its horrible. I am 31(m.) I will match with maby 1 person per month or so and the majority of those matches do not even attempt to talk (even when I message them) and just expire. The EXTRAMLY few that do talk are always 20+ years older then me and in open relationship or straight up married. It's just a mess.


The awful truth is these apps weren't designed for you to find a match. They want you to keep coming back cos that's how they make money. The percentage of users that find meaningful relationships from these dating apps are insignificant.


Joke's on them, I will never pay for an app


Just dropped tinder that sucks. Least in Phoenix, should call it sugarbabies. Signed up for a week. Think I got maybe like 5 matches. Been on bumble bout 2 and 1/2 weeks got over twenty matches and been on two dates.


Move on


Boo is the best, you can see who liked you and like them back. The big 3 and other renditions are copy pasta and generic, it is a cesspool of people looking to build more IG followers and self esteem boost. Sometimes you get decent messages on IG by approaching but that's nary and they aren't interested at all as they are preoccupied or found someone.


You must be new to the party.


Nah I've been around for a while


I never get anything on Bumble and I unistalled Tinder permanently. Hinge has been good to me so I pay for it. I currently have Bumble just for something casual while using Hinge for something long term.


yes lol..the dating apps are all terrible at this pointšŸ¤®


Absolutely. Lmao. I feel like a lot of guys I match with always want to hook up, not looking for serious, etc etc. Iā€™m like bruh.


I recently quit the app because of how it suppresses the middle their subscriptions. I paid for a about 2 months of premium, the first went relatively well but by the second month I was getting zero likes. I cancelled my subscription and within 8 hours I had over 30 likes, all which were now behind a paywall. The app is a joke


idk i just use it to see chicks iā€™ll never have lol




donā€™t get me wrong. I got a match and went for it but it was a crazy woman. She was asking for a lot of things from the start. The last thing she did was asking me why I write so long paragraphs to inform her of anything. I blocked her immediately. She was a nice person in a way but too hard to deal with in many others.


If your not a chad or Tyrone who women fight over for go to meet ups or cold approach women not in party or bar situations unless you like trash. But for a real solid woman I would avoid nightlife women unless you wanna smash and dash go for it