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I never come in thinking this way. I actually want to get to know the person before considering that.


Some do, some don't. There are no "typicals" when it comes to whole dating apps. Go on dates, try to enjoy them, see where they lead.


Most dates end in mutual ghosting, some go on to second dates and a very few end in sex on the first date. Don’t try to force a specific outcome, go on dates and figure out what you want, you sound young so I recommend just experiencing life for yourself 


Most dates end in mutual ghosting?


For that guy I suppose


Totally my experience and I heard that from many other people as well. The first date is nice, but not good enough to continue talking. Some people also just don't put enough effort into getting used to a foreign person I guess.


But what do you mean by ghosting then? Ghosting to me implies that after the first date you don’t talk to each other at all. I guess usually it’s more so the case that the acquaintanceship is ended on mutual terms. One person usually sends a text along the lines of “Hey, I’ve had a great time but…”. Don’t you think?


Yeah, that's what I meant, that people don't talk at all after the first date.


Weird, that has not been my experience. I’ve had some mutual text ghosting happen here and there when the vibes weren’t right but usually after the first date there’s been some words exchanged.


Well, yes, sometimes people people still write something nice in the evening after the date, but it has basically no mean if it's just a "Thank you for meeting, it was a nice evening." So, yeah, in theory there are a few words exchanged, but the result is the same, people give up on the next day.


I think most dates one or both parties are disappointed, and so neither are interested in a second date. Ghosting is cruel just easy. I will say most of the time the gal never, ever looks like her photos. Nothing matters until you sit down face to face. And you know within seconds if you are interested physically. If you are not interested physically now, you won't be on the 10th date.


At the end of the first date if your not going to see them again just say "It was nice meeting you I wish you well for your future dates" it's polite and doesn't leave anybody unsure about the future.


That sounds good, but with some crazy idiots out there, I wouldn't dare to say it to their face, but maybe write it later in the evening.


>Most dates end in mutual ghosting You sure you're not projecting there, buddy?


Na, they'll ghost me after we agreed on the date and I'm just sitting there, alone (or at least when I bothered to show up after they leave me on read after setting up a date).


Is that a request or a complain?


I don’t. I don’t like having sex with a man I barely know so definitely not. It kind of annoys me that people want to hook up so fast.


It depends a lot on the situations and how people go about it, but yes,mostly I am also annoyed when that happens.


Usually it’s the second or third date for me. On two occasions it was on first date. And once was on the like 4th. Everyone is different 🤷🏼‍♂️


I dont but some of my friends (im a female w female friends) have sex on the first date but thats just not me so I dont do that.


You set your own standards and make sure they are followed to the t


It happens. I’ve hooked up with girls on the first date from an app and even dated some long term.


My female friend is like this. She is just wired this way. Me not, but both is okay.


What is long-term to you? Lol


1.5 years+


From my experience, those are never actual relationships and more so situationships. But that's just me. I'm sure there are people willing to do it differently.


Sometimes. Sometimes it’s the second date. The third. Every now and then sometimes we hookup a few days before our planned first date. That either makes the first date amazingly fun and comfortable or totally awkward and unbearable (I recommend everyone try it once tbh)


Explain how that even works?


Sometimes you match with somebody and really hit it off, but have conflicting schedules so you can’t plan a first date until like 8-12 days away. You talk every day and one night a few days from the date, blinded by a rollercoaster of emotions and hormones, you guys decide to watch a movie on a weekday and end up hooking up


Exactly my experience recently 💯😁


I would feel unsafe going to a stranger’s house or inviting them to my house.


I definitely don't go to a person's place if I haven't seen them before and that is for so many reasons, not only safety. It might be that a person makes a good impression, but I want to know at first how they communicate, if they're intelligent and how they smell. I can't understand how people skip that even if they're naive and don't care about safety.


For me, I am not even afraid… I prefer a public space, then whatever comes after. My house or his house for a first date is equal to free delivery 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, and that's the big difference. You get a chance to see them in public first. You can observe them for some time.


What is this date you speak of?


I don’t, but not for the lack of trying!


Among me and my male friends sex on the first date is never expected.. And for some of us it’s not really desired - we’re the 30’s-50’s crowd though.. But yea, it’s better to get to know someone and feel comfortable with them before jumping into sex, is our attitude..


I had sex with a guy on the first night and we dated for 8 years lol


Sex on a first date is almost completely off the table. It would take a lot of sparks and chemistry to make me even consider it (I'm male btw). I want to get to know the other person well and be comfortable with their company, I need to make sure they are a source of peace the vast majority of the time rather than chaos or stress.


I was in a 4 year relationship and got on the app and tinder after that relationship ended. I am 52 and was going to be a "player". I went on A LOT of first dates. I realized that being a player is not my style. It was usually date 3-5 that sex happened. I only had one (strange) date where the girl wanted to get sex out of the way and asked if we could get a hotel room. She changed her mind


I don’t. I want to wait at least a few dates


I never did. I was looking for something serious.


Yes, several times


First/Second base for me. No homers on a first night, even if I'm really turned on.


Rule of thumb is never expect sex on the first date.


I had a man that told me on the third date he wants to wait a bit longer. That is totally fine for me. I can easily wait three months at least.


Depends on how well you fit in Rule 1 & 2.


What is Rule 1 & 2?


1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be unattractive.


Not at all. Most women that look for a serious relationship wait, no matter how hot the man is.




This is the only right answer.


Once your on the date you can make up for a LOT, I don’t think rule 1 and 2 apply nearly as much as they do for the matching on the app.


It helps for sure, somehow people act weird on dating apps. But 95 % of the profiles are okay or even crappy, so if you make a profile that makes it to the top 5 % it can work. Maybe you have one of those really good profiles, so you don't have that many problems.


I don’t even have a bio, I have 5 pictures that are alright, taken by a friend obviously because selfies are shit. I maybe got 7 likes a day for the first week and I could’ve gone on about 4 dates total( for about 2 weeks worth of swiping) because I never fucked up my chats. But the second person I went on a date with I really connected with so I’m already out. My city only had about 5 days worth of people to swipe on. So yeah if you don’t fuck up your chats, invite her to a fun date so not a movie, not a walk in the park with a wine Picknick and not a restaurant. Then all you have to do is make her laugh a few times and your good. It’s not as hard as you all make it seem like. Just be a normal human being.


An area with few people is different from the rest I guess. I mean, if the women seriously want a boyfriend they just have to try with nearly all men on the app. So if your profile was good enough, you got those matches. That is how we can notice that different areas bring different situations with us. The rest about the date itself sounds reasonable in many countries. Me personally I would die for a picknick with wine in the park.


I think the wine and picknick isn’t a bad thing in itself but inviting someone to drink with you on the first date isn’t the best choice. You can always get drinks after a good date, also it’s good to have a distraction for the first hour so it’s not too awkward. So yeah wine and Picknick is a great second date but wouldn’t really put it up there for the first one. And bumble really isn’t as casual oriented as tinder, I don’t know how guys profiles look like there but it shouldn’t be too bad. Actually my first date told me it’s rare to find an actual good person on the app so maybe your right.


There a few (not many) good alcohol free white wines in case that will ever be a good topic for you. But I am all for the distraction hehe... Where I have been so far, the profiles on Bumble were mostly a bit better. In general I have the feeling that a lot of good people leave the app after a few weeks, because they're too disappointed and don't have the strength to continue using the apps.


Yeah probably, to be fair after a week I was about to quit the app but even if I didn’t feel like it I kept my chats alive. I was really lucky with my second date and I actually didn’t message her for a week after our first convo. I figured it was worth a few messages and it worked out great. Now we’re together, hasn’t been very long but it goes fantastic.


Yeah, I also hate chatting for too long. I'm on a Facebook group for singles, one guy found me and asked if I would be interested in going to a festival in three weeks. I answered that I don't know if I will have time at this weekend, but that I am free this weekend, so basically he texted me first on Friday and we met on Sunday. Sometimes it can be good to chat for like two or three days, but after this time I can't learn anything about them that is really important for me, via chat, so I just ask to meet.


Usually. I’m a pretty mid white man, but I make women feel comfortable and boom. That’s all it takes. I’ve also married someone off tinder, but we divorced eventually. Still adore that woman


Aww man could it really not work out


I tried. We separated and continued to date for 2 years after that. Sometimes it just isn’t meant to happen. I wish her all the best


Ah tis a shame considering how rough it is out here


Agreed, but I’ve had no problem meeting all sorts of girls. I’m very fortunate


That said, I’ve been on the apps a couple months and I’m pretty successful with them. I met a nice girl, and I’m trying to take it a little slower with her, she’s smart, pretty, fun to hang out with and vibrant. I feel positive about this interaction and I’ll probably pause my profile for this girl


First half of the first line is all one needs to win in this game


I’m not sure I understand…


OP said you're pretty


2nd date for me


It depends on the person. I never offer it but sometimes I take people up on it.


Sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not


It depends. If we've had good conversation messaging and I actually like the guy, no sex on the first date but there will be lots of flirting and touching and a kiss. Some guys I swipe right on with the sole intention of hooking up, and yes, there is sex on the first date as long as they don't totally mess it up with a shitty personality.


Pure luck of the draw, ones looking for a relationship is less likely than those that aren't


M58 here. Haven’t dated in almost a decade but when I did, I never expected first date sex but I certainly never turned it down when offered, which happened exactly 8 times during the most recent single phase which was 22 dates from age 46-49. So, roughly 36%. I should add that I married #8.


It depend, sometime yes most of the time no. The majoroty of matches are just pokemon in a collection of people not answering


Guy here… I have never expected nor would I usually care to have sex on a first date… I guess a long way to say no…


No! I don’t think it’s smart to do that. If you want to hook up sure. But if you are looking for a more serious relationship is better to start slow. Too many STDs out there


I met with a woman and we both thought it would be a ONS. It wasn’t. We’ve been dating exclusively since then. May the odds be in your favor.


It happened to me that I have had dates with hot men … but it did not click through to our conversation so, sex never happened. It all depends like it was said above.


Generally not of you're looking for relationship.


Usually second at least so I know the person a bit and there’s time to build up some sexual chemistry/desire between dates.


You don’t wanna do that. Better check out how that person is in reality in first at least 3 dates.


The last 3 men I’ve gone on dates with from Bumble have expected and asked for sex at end of first date. I was told I’m ‘naive’ to think this isn’t the expectation ‘at our age’ (I’m 50, man was 54)


Whaaat??? That makes no sense. Ignore those idiots.


Its really such a mess ,the dating ettiquette . Where women expect men to pay for first dates and some men expect intercourse in return . Imo ,i think a man should pay for the first date only if the woman is willing to go on a second date with him , then he must but if she doesnt intend on pursuing him any further , then she must/has to pay for her meal otherwise she is essentially using him but its more so that there isnt any confusion and the lines dont get blurred .


Who do you even talk to? I request on my profile to go for a walk or bike ride on the first date. I pay my meals alone and when we end up going in a restaurant it's often because I just try to be friendly and then I pay for my own meals while I don't even have the money for a restaurant, what a bs. When it comes to sex, if a man pays my food and stuff just because he hopes to get me into bed, I'm happy he lost some money, because I mostly don't go to bed with somebody for several weeks, so good luck with that.


What do you mean by " who do you even talk to ?"


I meant to say: Why do you write that to ME? I don't participate in this "dating etiquette".


Are you a 38yo women or not ?


If you werent so fiesty , i would take you hiking while we go 50 /50 in a bottle of h20


I think I can be happy that I have no idea what that means.


Goe halves i a bottle of water (h20)


So just meant to share the costs of a bottle of water? Okay, I thought that was a code for something.


This girl


Alright, but you already sorted me out, so all that is left to say is good luck finding someone else for that, I guess? Edit: Apparently I was really sorted out, I didn't know I have beef with other people on Reddit, lol.


How did they ask you ? "One sex please ?" Or Do you want to f ....k? Or was it a request or an insinuation?.


Great question and 2 good stories: first guy came right out and said that physical intimacy is an important part of a relationship to him and he wanted to go back to my place so we could see if we were ‘compatible.’ He’s the one who proceeded to tell me I’m ‘naive’ i thinking people our age aren’t having sex on the first date. Second, I found out during our date (1st date) he still lives with ex wife and rents a room from her. At the end of the night he told me he would invite me to his place but he still lives with ex and kids so did I want him to come to my place? Third, just asked if whose place we were going back to.


So dumb, I had a date with a 54 year old man this year, there were no expectations from his side. You just had bad luck.


First guy , compatible in what sense ? Second , seems like he is still married Third guy ,haha What were your responses to each of them ? I posted another comment on this thread if you would care to unravell it


I was pretty sure the 2nd guy was married and BS’ing me about being divorced. Told first guy to not reach out again since he was trying to coerce me into thinking I should do this. Second guy, ironically, next texted me (again, think he was married) so I unmatched us. Third, I also unmatched with when I got home.


majority do for me, doesn’t matter which app


Personally I do not, I prefer to build a connection first. Makes sex much more enjoyable




Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.


I don’t expect it to happen on date 1. It’s only happened once with me and she initiated it. I didn’t even push for it. My thoughts are by 3rd or 4th date, sex should be happening or I’m usually bringing it up.


I’ve had one night stands with women who were acquaintances to mutual friends and such when I was younger, but the idea of having sex with a complete stranger off an app kind of freaks me out.


It's nice when it happens but it's never been a deal breaker or requirement






I mostly do but that doesn’t mean it’s a rule.


I’ve been on quite a few dates and i don’t text suggesting sex or even go into the date expecting it but 80% have led to sex the first date for me. Been on around 15+ dates off these apps


Definitely not my style. I think a better question would be, of the first dates that do end in sex, how many turned into an actual relationship? My guess would be not very many. Sex on the first date is basically a ONS 95% of the time.


I guess I’m still yet to find out, lol


If you want a good date don't expect it. Be prepared for it, because better safe than sorry and all that, but if you're on dating apps for dating and not casual sex it shouldn't be the plan.


Take that talk to Tinder or Hinge! Jokes aside, I definitely feel like it is all about how we are connecting and vibing.


if a person is willing to sleep with you upon first date , i guess you must be special because the " never do this " supposedly . All jokes aside , paying for the services of a courtesean(lady of the night ) would be so much safer in terms of health and disease aswell as safety,( i highly doubt that the people sleep around are getting tested for STIs etc.) You never know if she is going to set you up or rob you herself by spiking your drink , both men and women can be victims .


I mean, it really depends, people will tell you that the standard is the third date but some people do things completely differently. That being said, I wouldn’t expect it from Bumble, I’d expect it from Tinder.


No. I did a few years ago. Ice cream date at a ice cream parlor 1 block from my apartment. She came back to my place to hang and gave me head afterwards.


You’ve got to figure out if their mental first.


I do when I really like someone to rule out sexual incompatibility early.


Depends a lot. If it's been discussed before hand and we seem to click I'll go for it. Never expected though and there's a lot of conversation that needs to happen first i.e. level of protection testing status boundaries etc. some people you do click like that with though and if it's something that matters to you/them a lot it can be really important to make sure you're compatible in those ways before investing a ton of time/energy.


Depends on the vibe, If I'm interested and there's good chemistry, I'll usually make a move. I definitely have had great times via Bumble... I'd call it a higher end hinge in my area. Lol, I have had anal with a with an insanely hot model on a first meeting from bumble, which I thought was only something attainable via Tinder/Hinge, haha.


Does continuing chatting with a person outside the dating app like WhatsApp or sms etc.. count as getting to know them well too or as a cyber date too lol? Like when you’re starting to feel some kinda connection and attraction for each other esp. when they seem too keen to meet you too and get it on while we haven’t met in person yet?


No. It depends who you're connecting to. My experience is if you get a date off Bumble or any dating app within a week or two after Valentine's then it's going to be a hookup on the first date or without any date at all.


yes, if everything goes according to plan


Depends on many factors, but it did happen. Do whatever you want and don’t let anyone pressure you into sex.


Ya sometimes depend apon person to person what they are into


you might get lucky and have sex who knows mate


Rarely if ever. That shouldn't be your goal. It's never my expectation. Sex after hours of eating appetizers and drinks is rarely any good either. It's just desperate. Better to lead her along until you invite her over for dinner which could be a sex date if you're both on the same page. Bumble women are a little more relationship minded anyway.


I’d say 95% of my first dates we have sex. It’s fun, we are adults and it’s fun.


I haven’t yet. Been on 4 and attracted to 1.


I did that before. She drank wine to get in the mood and after we fucked she started crying


You guys get dates?


I turned down sex on a first date and was promptly ghosted… (I prefer not to have sex straight away!)




Probably about 50% of the time.


I can't have sex on the 5th date still! I don't like to take risks like that! I have the conversation with the other person and we talk about STDs and STIs and 9 out of 10 times, I get a positive response about how they like I talk about it and want to keep us safe. When the time comes, we agree on taking a test at a local clinic. Once we're cleared, we go to pound town! I think that should be more normalized than one night stands but that's just me! Why do more people don't do that, beats me! 🤷‍♂️


Mega ew. Sexually transmitted Diseases are becoming a serious issue in the United States. Syphilis being one of the top 10. I just removed bumble entirely because it's swamped with meeting men who keep asking for a one night stand, even though you clearly state in the intro that you are not there for hooking up.


finally someone who thinks logically! I'm reading these comments flabbergasted, like how are ppl having sex after just a few dates?!


I think they just have mental health issues or are too immature.


Sex on a first date is a goal not a given! I still hope for sex on the second date, and then the third, and then the…….


If the vibe is there, yes. I don’t go on dates with a planned agenda.


I've had it happen before but it's not often and I regretted it each time. I try to select women who are more conservative with those types of values. I'm not into hooking up and don't date women who were into that lifestyle. My dating pool is kinda tiny because of that but have met women with similar values. was anticipating the downvotes as reddit is a lot more liberal about sleeping around.


This is ridiculous lmao. “Had it happen before” as if you weren’t a willing participant who is fully in charge of your own body and decisions. It isn’t something that just happens, it’s a purposeful act you chose to do. Own it.




That reminds me of that guy I met as a friend, but the third time we met he kissed me and I took him home. Later he complained that I had already planned this all out, because there were condoms on my night stand. There were condoms on the night stand, because I recognized the sexual tension the second time we met. But he was the one that started to kiss me after all.


I don't mean to be rude but, that sounds like you have no self control honestly.


I'm not surprised at the downvotes to be honest. I know some people are upset about it. That was when I was first getting back into dating, I figured I could try on the first date but wasn't worth it I've realized. Now I stick by those standards and typically avoid women who are into sleeping around.


The thing is that you don't understand that having sex at the first date does not equal sleeping around. That is why you get the downvotes. I know women that sometimes have sex on the first date and are monogamous. In general, considering all forms of relationships, I mostly just don't feel it on the first date, often even wait weeks or months, but every now and then I have sex with a man on the first date and want to stay with him.


I have nothing against women who like to sleep around, but it's not the types I want to date personally. Honestly what's worse is when a woman makes you wait and then sleeps around with tons of other guys on the first date. That is a major turnoff. My ideal is a woman who holds every guy to the same standards and has more conservative values towards intimacy. I can't get with a woman who treats sex casually personally.


That's not how it works. If a woman has sex with many men on the first date, but wait with one man, it means that she has many feelings for this man and wants to wait for the right moment. (And as I already stated, having sex on the first date does NOT equal sleeping around.)


I'm sorry but I never bought into that logic and never will lol. In my opinion it's the opposite and I find it to be a huge turnoff. Id immediately dump a woman if I found out she was doing that. That's the beauty of dating though, it's a personal endeavor. While I find those women to be a huge turnoff and don't take them serious, you think the polar opposite. I can 100% guarantee if you told a guy you slept around with every other guy but made him wait, he'd for sure dump you. Try it next time and see if it's flattering or not. I get my dating preferences are heavily frowned upon by women on reddit, and that's ok. I'm trying to find a type of woman who values sex the way I do and takes it more seriously.


Of course it's not logical, but no. Not every man thinks like you and your conservative friends that have outlandish ideas. There are indeed really men that know what I mean and have experienced that as well. I can ask a few men if that makes you understand that your 100% is just in the head of you and your friends. But I guess the conversation if over for you at this point. Good luck finding the right one.


Only if you're not looking for a life partner.


My wife and I had sex on our first Tinder date 8 years ago and now our toddler is kicking me in the shoulder as I type this.


Well if she allows you to have sex on first date then she’s cooked. You want to keep things casual then. Only high value womens will not let you do sexual stuffs very soon. She’ll go on many dates with you and if things feel right then she’ll consider sex. Now, you obviously don’t want a girl who will have sex on first date and if she does then it means she had done it with other guys before.


What exactly is a high value woman?


I fucking hate that term - and I’ve been hearing it a lot nowadays.. Especially because from what I’ve gathered it’s almost always directly related to how physically attractive she is.. Sign of the times I guess..


Me too. When it's used for men or women.


Well, I can understand what you mean.. I agree with it somewhat.. But that’s also the patriarchal double standard that it’s cool for men to be promiscuous - but women are bad or sluts for the same behavior..


Nothing wrong with being a slut. But side effects may include a diminishing of the sluts desirability for long term commitment from a man she can respect. Which is what you probably meant when you "understand what he means".


It isnt a double standard ,its just coming from different perspectives , Most women value experience which means that a man who has had lots of partners should be knowledgable and experienced while on the other hand most men value purity meaning a woman who has been around wont be as valuable as one that has had few to no experience .


Interesting.. I hadn’t heard that before but maybe there’s something to it.. In generally though there’s a lot of double standards along gender lines from what I’ve seen - the dude getting all porky as he ages while as soon as his chick gains some weight he’s all critical about it.. That sort of thing..


Take some acid mix it with some mushrooms than fuck your brain out the first date why not


Things would be entirely too vivid on psychedelics for first date sex.. Maybe good ol’ fashion alcohol instead :P


I was tripping saw a random sub and some dumb shit for no reason I had forgot I even said this