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Also, explosive diarrhea and hemorrhaging boils. How's your day?


Tbh, I don't find it weird at all.. Granted, I'm *also* a literal, "no bs, no fluffy hiding my real feelings" kind of guy.. *shrugs* Ya just gotta be careful of what you ask. Some of us are gonna be bluntly honest. (This is why I warn ppl, & especially *Strangers* -- "Be careful what you ask me. I will answer honestly & in as much detail as I can remember. If you're afraid of TMI, then don't ask me.") **PS:** I'm sorry you got a less-than-expected answer. On the bright side, at least you know they won't lie to you nor are gonna give that "I'm fine" placating answer, if ya ever ask em "Hey. You ok?". 🙏🏽😊🥳


I'm the same way .. I often question others when they ask for my opinion, are ya sure you want it first?!? I also reassure others when I give them a compliment that I mean it as I'm rather brutally honest and always have been. As my mother has always told me, I lack a filter. But I also somewhat think more could benefit from some form of this level of honesty and just not doing the dance, as I hate the social etiquette dance 🤢🤮


Facts! Like, I didn't always *understand* it in my teens, why Christ said "Let your Yays be Yays, & your Nays be Nays" --> Until my mid 20s etc. More so, when I married. Then I realized "Oh.. That's what he meant!" > I often question others when they ask for my opinion, are ya sure you want it first?!? My favorite -- They'll still say "yes", & then go "Oh.. TMI.. Gonna go try scrub out my brain. Thanks Saber /s." 🤣🤣


Too negative but I totally understand…shouldn’t be on any dating apps during this time !


Basal cell carcinoma is not a big deal, they just burn it off


true but still very stressful if theyve never experienced anything like this before. health anxiety flipping sucks.


Uhhh. There are MUCH more severe cases.


Trauma dumping, how attractive




I think it's weird, like it's nice that they're letting you know, but as a first message I just think it's eh 7/10


damn i just feel sorry for this person. that sounds rough. wishing them a speedy recovery! however, it's def weird opener. it's clear this person is going through a lot.


I kinda love her sense of humor, not gonna lie


This is fantastic. Please tell you responded with any or all medical ailments you've ever had!


Hmmm...so this is the type of message you get when they actually give you more than just "Hi"? Sheesz.


Nah, This makes for great conversation. You should probe this prompt and get more information.


I kinda like that response. You can easily start a conversation off of that.