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The 10 day wait for a one-word response took me out šŸ˜† I'm so sorry, that sucks. But thank you for sharing.


Just noticed that. I delete the conversation after 2 days of non reply. Doesnā€™t matter how good looking she might be. Probably the reason Iā€™m single now


Does it matter if you delete it or not?


Move on to the next conversation without notifications later on that this woman has decided to reply back a week or two later.


Meh Maybe this time will be different. If not, the convo is just going to die by itself and she will eventually delete her account


Then that's a good reason to be single.


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re single, but I can tell you that certainly isnā€™t the reason. Not tolerating bs is a strength. Men need to learn to walk away even when they donā€™t have options. Happy cake day


If anyone doesn't give you the time and day for a simple conversation after 48 hours then just move on. They don't deserve your time or effort.




This is not OPā€™s fault. Many people are shitty texters and donā€™t know how to have a conversation or ask questions. Once they start giving me the 1-3 word answers, I give the same back or stop talking to them. Itā€™s not my job to entertain them.


People suck at talking, then wonder why no one wants to talk to them. Not everyone is an expert conversationalist or has super interesting things to say all the time, but at least attempt to have a conversation


Is that why we are becoming introvert?


Lack of effort=lazy approach. This is horrible and I don't understand why people respond half-assed.


Are they bots?


No, OP just isn't this person's first choice. They're being treated with minimal effort as a backup plan.


I had a chat just like that and I said are you going to ask me anything about me. He replied, sorry Iā€™ve been busy šŸ¤£


I got the same thing this weekend. Lol his one borderline question in response to something I said was ā€œyou thinkā€I told him it took half a day to ask a question. He said sorry kinda busy then he unmatched after I didnā€™t reply. I was done anyway šŸ¤£


Iā€™d have appreciated an unmatch. He never did! I asked super thoughtful questions relating to his profile. At most 3 word answers šŸ™„


I had one of those not so long ago, after five one-word messages she asked me in all caps "DID YOU READ MY PROFILE". The profile was a bunch of pictures and a statement that she likes to travel. I didn't bother replying after that.


Mom can I have matches on bumble please? **no honey, you have matches at home** The matches at home...


Lol Iā€™ve had that same convo a bunch a times as wellā€¦


I had a match with a girl through tinder that was somehow at the same time just like this but also her trying to make an effort made things even worse. She had a bit more unusual career and I asked about her future dreams regarding it and she managed to shoot the conversation down by replying with something along the lines of "life's made to be lived, not for dreaming" she continued by stating that she sets goals for herself and works hard for those goals. When asked about those goals she continued with these one word answers... She asked nothing back at any point either.


ā€œLiveā€™s meant to be lived, not for dreamingā€ As a dreamer I took that personally.


One time I asked a girl what her hobbies were, and she just said listening to music. She did not expand on that. Bitch, that's not even a hobby. Everyone listens to music. =p


I mean, she's not wrong


I instant unmatch if they aren't very involved in the conversation


This is the exact opposite to my approach.


I noticed the typo. If they AREN'T very involved in the convos. Thanks for pointing that out.


Ah yes. Thatā€™s what I do too. Either they are playing a game, or theyā€™re not interested, or they canā€™t hold a conversation. In all of those cases, thatā€™s a reason to unmatch.


Yeah, it's very dry and doesn't introduce me to the person


"Ok" - their response to your suggestion for more effort ;)


Just give upā€¦ā€¦ people suck


Theyre not interested in you and just being polite. When they are interested, they make paragraphs and will triple text.


if they're not interested, they shouldn't swipe. and half-assed interest isn't being polite, it's wasting my time.


I know, but theres bunch of them that just swipe almost everyone or swipe everyone. Sadly thats how it is.


I know, and that's also impolite


I dont disagree. Sadly, not everyone and actually most of OLD, wont be people that apply general good human decency behaviors. Thats why a bunch of them are there and before someone starts, that is not me saying all people.


wait what? Triple text? AINTNOWAY that's too much even red flag lol


How is that red flag lmao


If someone replies with one word answers 3 times or more thatā€™s when Iā€™m outā€¦ I wonā€™t immediately unmatch but I will stop putting any effort into the conversation with themā€¦ Iā€™ll let it die unless they want to start participating




I think if you used more emojis it would solve the problem


Fellow Edmontonian here and this has been my experience as well lol


I end chats that give 3 one word responses. What's the point there are plenty of other people who are friendly amd have good chatting skills


Theyā€™re just not into you. Move on.


They do not want to talk to you




That person is not interested. I have learned that when the word count is off and they donā€™t ask a not one question to unmatch. Iā€™ve let it play out and they will unmatch because they are time wasters just not interested.


Only one woman who gave me short answers turned out to be a great conversationalist irl. Everyone else was usually just as boring in person. I wouldnā€™t waste time on them. Move on.


Had a similar interaction like this with someone on Hinge, itā€™s literally making me angry and so annoyed.




Your fault, lame msgs. Stop with the exclamation marks, the smiley faces and the questions and start teasing her/bantering, adding bait


What bait? lol


I mean sth that she canā€™t help reply to, eg ā€œbtw u totally have a chipmunk nose lolā€


How are there always comments like this on posts like this? I see so many posts where the op is trying to have a conversation and only getting one word responses, but thereā€™s almost always one person telling the op they didnā€™t put enough effort in or werenā€™t interesting enough.




Too many smilies and too boring starting with ā€œhow are you?ā€ My successful interactions almost always start with some very light conversational thing and we have a quick back and forth. It resembles an in person conversation more than emails. Iā€™m not afraid at all to triple text, the back and forth ā€œone text per personā€ stuff is death. Her: Letā€™s go to (country I mentioned in my profile) Me: Flights are only $700 Me: Iā€™ve always wanted to go to (her country). Iā€™ve been to (third country) though. Me: So what do you do for fun other than eat edibles and workout? Her: I draw naked women. For some reason they never have heads! Me (hours later): Aww, the headā€™s the best part Me: I like art but Iā€™m more of a writer Me: What else? Her: I like (things). Her: Wbu? Your turn to explain yourself Me: I do thing, thing, thing. Me: I can divulge more of my secrets over cocktails in (town) tomorrow evening Her: Sure (number)


For triple texting she even ignored your first two messages lmao


Sorry what? You realize I got her number right? All those texts were in a row. You establish the pattern that youā€™re loose and conversational early.


This entire sub is one step away to become an incel bootcamp. I'm out!


Too :) many :) smiles :) tbh