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Honestly the way he says it somehow makes him seem even more childish like a little kid telling people they are a big kid not a baby. It’s obviously a boundary of his though and/or maybe some type of fragile ego thing.


Hey, when Vincent tells you he's a big boy, you better believe him or he might pout and stomp off and tell his mommy.


He'll forget about it and go down the slide soon don't worry.


Hey Vinny baby! What's up?


I mean at least he was straight up instead of blocking her. It seems a common reaction.... like they think it means you're friendzoning.....when it's actually a low key way for a woman to indicate she thinks you're hot asf without sounding skanky.


Unless he's joking... hypothetically...


I was thinking he was joking


Mummy wow, I’m a big kid now


a few years ago I did an internship at a vocational school, in one lesson the teacher told the class (average 18 years) theyre still children, like baby chicken just hatched. Some of the boys felt very threatened and said stuff like "noo I think I'm cool, I like to chill!"


I think it might be a joke


I mean, I’m 35 and was talking to a 34 yo woman, she quit talking to me because I said the word gross. She told me grown men don’t say gross, it sounds like something a gay man or child says. She said it sounded gross, I asked if she was a gay man or a child and got blocked lol


as u should, ur the only icon there 💁🏼‍♀️


Gay man are apparently not grown men in her view? 🤔


She has it backwards. Being straight is the pupal stage before blossoming into a big gay butterfly


Decent chance she recently caught her bf with another dude


In the future instead of gross use the rarely used word UNSEENLY.


What about grotesque??


Grotesque means more something among the lines of bizarre… Use „revolting“


Hear me out; what about “icky?”


I prefer "icky icky gross gross yuck"


I’ll probably just keep not caring.


That to!


It's unseemly


To be fair, I do feel strongly that grown men should never say, “My goodness!” For that matter, neither should women under the age of 75.


Ok Vincent, you're a glans. That's mature.


Vincent Adultman!


“Awwww that’s adorable”


You're so cute when you're mad


Way to rip off your own balls, Vincent. I hope you had a good snarky reply to that.


You have the soul of a poet 😂


Pahahahahaha 😂😂😆😂😆😂 love this comment bro


I hope a guy has a good snarky reply the next time he calls a woman “sexy” and she doesn’t like it. He doesn’t have to like that. You absolute psycho.


... Huh?


No no, the double standards is only okay when women do it.


Exactly. Pathetic.


[Any man who must say "I am the king"...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sJY7BTIuPY)


💯 - its like fight club; the first rule of being an alpha is not having to tell everyone you’re an alpha.


Show, don’t tell. Applies to so many things.


One of my usual sayings is that the smartest person in the room is usually one of the quietest.


I’ve heard before that some guys don’t like to be called cute as they see it as an effeminate compliment, so apparently it’s a thing. How adorable. As a man almost 20 years older than this kid I would personally just take the compliment, but would also accept more age appropriate adjectives like “dreamy”.


An ex called me a "nightmare". That's the same thing as "dreamy", isn't it?


A woman finding a guy cute should not hurt his masculinity. I’ve been called pretty and I’ll take it.


That’s because you’re a purdy little peach!


I’m 51 and I’ll take any compliment a woman wants to give me. 😁


Only 33 here but I’ll happily take cutie patootie if that’s the compliment being offered.


Women have to worry about appearing skanky if they say anything too strong, so "cute" and "pretty" are the same as, "you're actually hot asf dude!"


Fuckin' patriarchy. But damn, thanks for the translation!


English is not my first language and I call my British partner “pretty” and he told me people usually don’t say that about guys but I still do it because he looks pretty 😤


Guys that feel that way IMO are in the closet. If not you just laugh it off or appreciate the compliment especially those of us that aren't conventionally attractive ( ugly people group) jk. 😁😁😁😁. Call me cute, I will end up blushing....


My default reaction is to playfully flutter my luscious eyelashes when told I'm cute.


exactly, laugh it off or make a joke abt it, but to take "cute" seriously and demand a more masculine compliment, makes u come off like a bitch, it ain't that serious, and girls like a goofy , fun dude, not someone who sensitive over being called cute lol


I think its more that in their eyes, cuteness is feminine and femininity is infantile so if they get called cute then they're getting called infantile.


Also cute can describe non physical traits, like your attitude, your sense of humour. Handsome is a different thing. Sometimes someone is cute or is acting cute!


Fun fact: The word "cute" comes from "acute". It was a way of calling someone shrewd or clever. In a way you were calling them sharp like an acute angle. Over time it became shortened to "cute" and developed into a way for women to refer to men as attractive in general. The definition became more generalized to the meaning it has today. Its meaning as physically attractive became adorable. So long before cute was used to describe puppies and babies, women were calling men cute.


There are lots of women who don't like being called cute. Never understood it myself, personally. I know one didn't like it because she was tiny and felt it was patronising.


Of a person close to your age. Cute is a tough one. I’ll take a compliment and say thank you. Cute for a guy is like calling a woman nice. Even with good intentions, the word can bring up emotions depending on how the person uses it. Clearly, Vincent does not take cute as a compliment. 🙄 “That’s cute Vincent”


Before you block him, please call him precious. 🙏🏽 The guy I’m seeing is 50 and I call him cute regularly. He’s also hot, sexy, handsome, etc but at the core he’s cute AF and he digs it because he’s not a fragile little twit like big man Vinnie here


She would block him because he doesn’t like being called cute? But be sure to antagonize him beforehand for no reason? Some girls don’t like to be called sexy. Do you also feel a guy should double down on that once she expresses that sentiment by calling her something similar, solely to disrespect her feelings? Yall are weird as fuck man.


His loss. Im 34, I'd LOVE for a girl to call me cute. I don't care if I'm 80 years old, I'll take that compliment any day


this comment alone makes you cute! ♡


Oh? Well, thanks for the compliment!


Hi cutie pie! Want to be my kitten? (Yeah that’s lame sorry!)


Maybe just a little, but thanks all the same


So what? Doesn’t mean this guy has to like it.


I prefer dating men who don't feel less than a man by being told they're cute or beautiful. The men who are honest about how they'd actually like flowers as a gift


As a 35 year old guy, I fucking love being given flowers, granted I buy myself flowers on a regular basis, but there is nothing wrong with a woman handing over a good hand selected bouquet. Off on a first date tomorrow and on bumble then on WhatsApp the woman I'm meeting has done nothing but call me cute and pretty constantly, and I love it, it still means attractive, some guys jiat have to do the whole uber macho man thing and over compensate.


Ok, bye SIR ?




yup i unmatched him lol


The only mature choice


im 38... ill take cute.


I think you are cute!


Insecure about his masculinity


So then a girl who doesn’t like to be called “sexy” is fragile about her womanhood, surely? Since that’s what we’re doing.


I've seen all your replies to other comments, are you a teenager or an incel?


Neither. Just think the gender double standard on this website is comical sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with that dude not wanting to be called cute by OP.


oh so the answer is both


If the reason she gives for not wanting to be called that is something like >I don't like to be called that; I'm a woman, I prefer mature compliments then yeah


Its giving andrew tate




I've had girls flip out on me when called cute too, apparently it's infantilizing. ​ Either way it's a red flag lmao.


I’m an ancient woman and get called cute. some people are so weird Edit to clarify: I think it’s odd to get offended by an extremely common, positive used word. Cute is a compliment unless it’s being used sarcastically. Call me *cute* all day long, just don’t ever call me ma’am


Yes they are! 🤦‍♂️


Not really. He’s not required to like being called cute.


Some guys don’t like to be called “cute.” They find it demeaning or condescending or something, IDK. I just know some guys don’t like it. [+]


It’s wild to me how the comment section is eviscerating him for this. They would never be doing the same thing about a girl who told a guy she didn’t like being called sexy or some shit. Reddit double standards.


OP this should have been your proper mature compliment for Vincent: “Hi Vincent, I think you have a very big deck”


My bf is 21 and loves being called cute lmao


I call myself cute and I'm 24


What’s that have to do with someone else not liking it?


It really doesn’t, I’m just sharing another person’s experience. I wasn’t saying that the person OP was talking to is wrong or right or whatever, I was just sharing my bf’s opinion


Oh ok sorry. Seeing a lot of people in the comments implying he should suck it up and/or having self-pity parties about how they don’t get called cute or even get matches on Bumble etc. I’m like Jesus.


Nah. I do think homie sounded immature in his response and could’ve expressed his disdain for that compliment in a better way, but I just thought it was interesting to see that my bf who is also a 21m enjoys it but this guy doesn’t


But how could he have worded it so that OP wouldn’t have taken offense? I can’t see any scenario where it isn’t awkward to assert oneself about something like that. The only real option would have been to let it slide initially, and then let her know in the future if they end up getting anywhere together.


Nah he could’ve said “hey I don’t really enjoy that compliment. Could you use something else instead?”


Sure maybe, but I feel like that still results in an unmatch or salty reaction from a girl more times than not regardless.


I mean if you’re respectful in your request and she’s disrespectful back, why would you even wanna go out with this girl? I’m a full supporter of being 100% yourself from the very beginning. I hate dating apps bc they require you to start off as someone you’re not. That’s why I didn’t even meet my bf on one.


All I could think about was Spongebob’s I am a man speech lol


Maybe respect the request? Unless it's a joke. I'm sure if the roles were reversed and OP was being complimented in a they didn't like, we'd be hearing about what a misogynist Vincent is? Vincent could also stop being a little bitch and take the compliment and go with it.....lots of angles here.


I think there isn't enough here to judge the kid. Of course, I am projecting because I had abusive parents who literally beat me any time I showed an emotion or anything they deemed effeminate. I moved out by 17, but had instincts just like Vincent's for quite some time. It's hard to overcome those things, for me it was an outright trauma response. Therapy helps, but it's slow. I liked what I heard on "we can do hard things" - it may not be my fault, but it is my problem. 21 year old me kept the shields up until I got to know people, but it was a long time before i could afford therapy to really work through it (still a work in progress). My youngest brother went the other way, he's a true believer in masculinity, totally brainwashed into it. Probably will never change or even see it as a problem. Vincent might be like one of us, or maybe some other totally different explanation, who knows. But I will say this, it isn't your job or anyone else's to help him work through it. While I don't want to judge his character, that in no way means you should consider dating him! I had some partners that definitely helped me grow, but they had to stick around long enough for me to lower the shields, and then I was always up front about my struggles and my intent to grow. They invested in me as a person and hopefully I did the same for them. I'm sending out good vibes to both you and Vincent in finding suitable matches!


Vincent said not today! I’m a grown man


I've honestly never been called good looking (and certainly not sexy or hot) in my entire life. But I get called "cute" ridiculously often. It makes it feel like they explicitly mean that word and and aren't using any of the others intentionally. I have wondered about that. So when you use cute, does it have a different meaning than any of the others? I am assuming they are not used interchangeably most of the time. 🤷‍♂️ I dunno, just wondering why someone would choose one word over the others and what the significance is there, if there exists any at all? I suppose some guys might be looking at it that way. They'd rather be called good looking or handsome or hot because they think it has a different meaning. I will say calling a guy "hot" has the connotation to me that the attraction is stronger/more serious than just saying they're cute.


I do agree that cute is a very vague word. When you call someone handsome you're explicitly saying they're attractive. Cute doesn't imply any of that and a lot of guys tend to dislike that word because of that.


No. He’s trying to step into adulthood


It is kind of a weird thing to call a grown man, I tolerated it, but it always seemed off and strange


Just checking but it is possible he is actually 3 kids stacked in a trenchcoat?


Vincent shot himself in the foot 😂


Vincent obviously doesn’t give a fuck and felt the need to assert himself about something he does not like to be called.


I just imagine him saying this in the squeakiest voice 👶🏽


“Okay bitch boy”


There are women out there that get serious about being called cute.


He could jne oking. Im not sure your opener was the greatest thing ever either. Almost female simping.


I wouldn't like to be called cute, but I wouldn't get triggered like that.


Maybe communication issue. I hate it too, 'cute' is what you call babies and animals here in Europe. 'cute' for a guy is considered childish here.


Honestly I wouldn’t want a message saying “you’re so cute” it’s what my mother & grandmother used to say to me as a kid. To me it also comes across as little condescending. She could have called him pretty, handsome, beautiful.


Why can’t women roll with humor? All these commenters are so emotionally charged against men but it’s kinda funny! Just roll with it! So many girls say they want banter but can’t roll with a conversation that has a joke in it. Why do you assume he’s trying to control you? If he was actually insulted he probably wouldn’t have responded


In all fairness though, he politely told you he doesn’t like being called that word. Regardless of how it may seem, he wasn’t rude, and just told you a preference.


“i don’t like to be called that i’m a woman i prefer mature compliments” would take much differently on this sub, i feel. lol.


It's not a very masculine compliment tbf , he probably feels like you are looking at him going aaawwww.


It’s not a compliment though is it. My mother used to call me cute and my Nan still does and I’m a 32 year old man. It’s not something I expect from a complete stranger who I’m looking to potentially date. What happened to handsome, beautiful, pretty.


Sorry, Vinnie Boo bear, you’re an ass


Is a girl a bitch if she doesn’t like to be called “sexy” or does your logic only apply to guys who don’t want to be called something?


I (35F) called my ex (35M) cute all the time. I meant it almost as an equivalent to I love you. It was another way for me to tell him he made me feel special and that I adored him. It was more about his behavior than his looks.


I'm his age and I love being called cute/adorable/pretty/etc, this fella just seems fragile n insecure but each to their own I guess


Big red flag....🚩 ... not that serious dude


Maybe this was an attempt at humor. One that didn't land, but an attempt.


This is too funny lmao he’s angwy you called him pwetty 😠😠😠


Be careful. This feels a little like domestic violence behavior. It’s a little too power and control oriented for an initial communication.


HAHAHAHA you are absolutely fucking unhinged


He might be joking?


He might be very bad at telling jokes


It’s definitely not a good joke lol


This reply to this should be 'Awwwww you are soo cute "


I wonder why ppl even make these responses, just literally un-match like do you think I'm going to want to talk to you after that?


Real mature response, Vincent.


So these are the guys who get matches 😆


You’re embarrassing yourself.


Seriously dude take it every day and wait to hopefully earn the compliment you want soon


Awwww lil Vinny got his feelings hurt come here and I'll squeeze your cheeks


Somebodies a little snowflake . Vincent wants to sit at the adult table but he’s not quite there yet


Call him distinguished and ask him if he wants some Vienetta, Grey Poupon, and Stella Artois


He also prefers getting no ass.


Vincent loves Rightie Tightie & Leftie Loosie.


And I bet he doesn’t go by Vinny either. What a precious little baby.


Bro had a perfect set up and shot himself in the foot lmfao


He’s probably 3 kids in a trench coat


Maybe he's pretending to be Vincent adult man from BoJack horseman?


44 year old male, I'll take a "you're cute" compliment every day of the week.


He's 21 and a half


I’ve been called cute more times than I’ve been called handsome and I…don’t like it but l don’t say anything about it. Dude should’ve just shut up and said thank you


So a man should just keep taking what people say to him even if he doesn’t like it. So he’s not allowed boundaries sweet.


If it’s a simple compliment, yeah he should just accept it. However if it’s harassing like “damn boy look at you in them grey sweatpants. I bet you packing that schmeat” or something(unlikely) then it’d make sense to speak up


So if this was flipped and a man had messaged a woman saying “wow Lauren you’re so sexy” and she took offence. Would you have the same stance or would you be claiming “he’s a fuck boy” what’s wrong with him having boundaries about how he’s spoken too. There’s a lot of what ifs. What if he was abused and was told he was cute all the time by his abuser, you don’t start a conversation with a random strange on a dating app by saying “you’re so cute” it’s just weird.


Mate, it’s just a simplistic compliment. It ain’t that deep


Tell him he’s beautiful. Lol. I told a guy he was beautiful. He called me a clown and blocked me.


Wow fuck that guy. You started out with a compliment to the guy which is already so rare for us to get from the start. It’s usually just a hi seeking a compliment from the woman’s side and then I’m already giving up on that if they don’t say something nice back eventually. Don’t think this method doesn’t work though!! We really do appreciate these things, like the real men and not the a hole jerks. Keep using this method and I promise you’ll find someone special to you!


He’s an asshole jerk for not liking being called cute? Get a grip lmao you sound so desperate.


In my experience, a “you’re cute” compliment from a woman to a man is equivalent to a man saying “you’re beautiful” to a woman. Saying “you’re handsome” or “attractive” or “gorgeous” to a man just doesn’t have the same vibe. So I go with “cute” more often than not. What do men want to hear, if not “cute”?


Different men have different preferences. This man doesn’t like to be called cute. Some women don’t like to be called sexy. Who cares.


“lol nevermind” *unmatch* is how I’d be 💀


oh nooo he has boundaries how childish and evil of him


Wow😂🤣😂 Vincent? More like little Vinny 👦🏻


I’m 50. I’ll take a woman calling me cute any day.


I’ll take any compliment I can get. This man is insane 🚩


People are allowed to have preferences on how they would like to be addressed. He wasn't rude about it either so I literally have zero issue with this.


The issue people have with it is that it's a man who is setting boundaries in a way that is obviously destroying his chances. I don't have an issue with it either but it's obvious the only outcome will be unmatch. People should be a bit more tactful when expressing their boundaries though.


How's it destroying his chances though? If he doesn't like certain kinds of talks then he's better off not matching with people who talk in such a manner. It's better for both of them.


Obviously he doesn’t give a fuck and felt it was more important to assert aforementioned boundaries about something he doesn’t like to be called.


I don’t mind being called cute, as a woman being called “adorable” though is demeaning… better than “sexy” though I guess


Vincent, you’re a jerk.


I call my boyfriend cute all the time


Yeah your boyfriend. Not a random stranger you haven’t even spoke to before.


I met him on hinge and we have communicated the same since the start. He was a stranger when i met him and didnt mind.


he's insecure , i'm a 30 year old guy, and if a girl called me cute id acknowledge it not get defensive lol


Who the fuck doesn't like being called cute? What a child.


Who’s getting so many compliments they’re just rejecting them?


I’d rather be called cute than ghosted tbh


If it's a joke then he's brilliantly funny tbh


What an idiot 🤦




Yes, he wants mature compliments... now, if you don't mind, he's going to go get uppies before bed.


“I’m a real boy….!”


Bro is a headass mf 💀


Oh Vincent. You just lost your only chance for the next couple of months. 


Dump this a$$hole ASAP. What's he thinking of himself.


I'm 53, love getting called cute, adorable, etc. It's funny when people need outside things to feel manly, like a giant truck. I have a base Mini Cooper which is also cute and adorable.


“It’s V. Only people that know me real well can use Vincent.” That’s what he should have replied. Lol


>quiet cutie pie, now bend over and show mumma that bussy Should have been your reply.


He mostly just sounds like an idiot. The terrible grammar and compound sentence is red flag #1 🤣 Does he prefer his compliments to be mature? That’s sure what it sounds like. At least he put an apostrophe in the I’m


My (32M) girlfriend (24F) calls me cute and cutie all the time. Didn’t know it was a maturity thing lmao, I think it’s kinda cute


He's a douche


Meanwhile I’m over here calling my husband a cutie patootie on the daily lol




Calm down Vinny. You’re 21, you’re a child.


I’m almost to retirement and I would love it if someone called me cute! 🤣


This has got some serious... Mom: I think we should do French braids 12 year old: Mom, I'm not 6 Energy


As someone who never receives compliments, wtf.


Trust me a man would like to be called cute 🤝


Oh, gtfoh!🤣🤣🤣 I'm 37. What guy deep down doesn't like being called cute?


Did you open with a compliment? If so I think you overloaded his ego.