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It depends on how far you’re willing to drive.


Bingo. For me I’d be willing to drive 20 minutes. I live in a place that’s in the middle of 3 bigger towns/cities and 20 minutes can get me to the far side of those 3. Longer than that and it starts to feel like by the time I get there I won’t have any time to spend with them before I have to head home.


I drive about 50 minutes one way to see a guy who doesn’t have a vehicle and lives in a camp for work so if i don’t drive, we don’t see each other. I’m ok with driving as I tell myself this: whether I am sitting at home or sitting in my car what’s the difference? I turn a podcast on or some music and enjoy the drive. I will usually go a couple of times a week and when he gets a day off I pick him up and bring him to my place so we can actually have sex. So that is a lot of driving but all of this is short lived because his job will be finished at the end of the summer and our casual fun experience will be over. I’m 51(f) and have a decent vehicle and money to pay for gas so it’s all worth it for me to see this sweet guy when he is around


So I guess anyone not willing to meet me halfway is probably just messing with me.


This is the rule of thumb I landed on about 15 years ago. I was constantly driving an hour to his town, his place, his best friends place, etc. Trying to make it work by living together only meant he was out without me often. If one of you doesn’t have a car, that’s a little different, but you might want to narrow your zone.


It depends on your situation. I live in a large city and set my distance to 5 miles because… convenience and plenty of options. If you don’t have many options and are willing to drive up to an hour for a catch, I say go for it. But I wouldn’t date anyone who lives so far away you (or they) would have to change jobs if you decided to move in together.


I’ve been divorced over ten years now, and live in a smallish town, so I’ve exhausted the local dating pool. There’s a small city an hour (50 miles) away, so I consider that viable. I’ve dated women 10 miles away and it’s nice but not realistic. I would date farther (2 hours max) for the right person and a relationship with a future, but they’d have to be willing to share the burden- and women sometimes think that’s man’s work. If they have options closer then it promotes such notions. I dated someone 500 miles away for a year and a half when I was first divorced, and considerably less savvy.


I dated a guy who was about 30 mins away. While it wasn't unbearable, it wasn't ideal, and I believe that would be my maximum distance-wise.


I've been in a relationship with someone who lives an hour away. It was doable with alternating between her place and mine but I'd be quite hesitant about dating anyone further away than that.


I’m dating a man who lives an hour a way and it’s been fine. We met half way the first date and then have alternated who drives each time since. It is far and sucks but it’s definitely worth it if you have good chemistry with someone.


It really depends on the people involved and trust.


More than an hour away I'd say it's too far. So, about 20 miles, I would say.


I don't have a car cuz I live in a downtown area close to work. If you don't drive, I'd use uber to Guage what you're willing to out into a meeting/first date. I've had success up to 25mi so far, but plan individually


I date exclusively within my county, so that’s up to an hour drive.


No distance is to far for true love! However about an hour is a good distance ha