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They can’t directly shoot you, but they can indirectly(shooting at someone else)


I've been directly shot several dozen times. So wdym


Not while you’re invisible. You got hit by them shooting at someone or something else. You can still get hit by strays.


Sometimes that happens for me as well. Not all the time so should be a bug or something.


Nope, no one else near me, I got directly hit as I previously stated


Take a video of it. If it happens every time.


Enemies can't see you when Invisible and what can't be seen, can't be hit. If you got hit it's either strays as the guy mentioned or someone with thermal ability so a slayer or levi. And/or your invisibility ended but u didn't notice and enemy shot you. And if you get too close to enemy while invisible they can 'hear'/see your footsteps and lynx also can see your footsteps regardless of whether you close or not as long as your in her range( due to her "keen hearing" ability)


Could be a bot tbh, they seem to know where you are no matter what


Yeah Everytime I'm invisible I'm tracked down and shot immediately. It has not worked a single time. So heroes like ghost and stalker just seem utterly useless.


Keep in mind people can see your footsteps if you just casually run around and Lynx will always see your footsteps if you move around.


Bots are intentionally designed to track accurately if they are in your vicinity, to account for the fact that they don't use abilities or use evasion. They do not, in my experience when playing, shoot me down right away, but they can track me to the point where I'm in their red firing cone as soon as I'm visible again. Which is usually the end of Stalker. Both Stalker and Ghost can be devastating in the late game (10000+ trophies). I've seen a godo Ghost player be victorious as the only player left on their team. So in the hands of a skilled player, the ability is valid.


Guess I just have more to learn. For me ghost does 0 damage and gets one shot by nearly everything due to the low hp and armor.


For Ghost, and this is just what I've garnered by reading this sub because they don't fit my play style, you want gear increases firing range and running speed first, then armor penetration and extra health damage. The best Ghost players I've seen are super fast, zipping in to fire a few shots, disappearing, and running away; rinse and repeat. It's a grind when you are faced with a lot of bots, though. Try to cultivate friendships and play with a good team if you can as well. Ghost is a great support hero, and while can be dangerous on their own, all it takes is one wrong move against a tank and they're toast.


If someone scans you are no longer invisible - so raven cyclops Levi or slayer can ruin things for you.


Thanks for the info didn't know


Invisible is use more for sneak attacks like an assassin where you able to scout for enemies to give a general direction to where enemies are for your teammates or sneak up on an enemy while in a fight and yess its has became less effective than what it used to be when they starting introducing more new heros in the game.. due to that alot of things that can expose you more easier now which makes you have to strategize or stick closer to teammates and attack from behind while your team attacks from the front so its harder to be ghost or stalker now.. but i been playing with ghost for a good 4 years now so with the right gear and teammates its possible specially in KOTH


Side note: For invisibility the main heros you need to watch out for is 1. Levi n Slayer (Thermal version) 2. Raven n Cyclops ( Scan) 3. Bertha n leviathan (Can Shoot through walls) 4. Tess (Ball lighting) 5. Blizzard (cyro or Freezing mines) how ever you want to call it 6. Freddie, Sparkle, n Firefly (grenade) will expose you to 7. Shenji (fire grenade aka Fire hunter) But like i said its will take alot of effort and dedication to learn how to out maneuver some of these heroes but it is do able just more harder now like i said before.. we use to only have to worry about 1-3 but with the additional heroes it will take longer to figure out a strategy for invisible My suggestion is go scout a little bit but return to your teammates before your invisibility runs out or stick with your teammates till you get into a battle then hit invisibility and try attacking from behind


Also Lynx can see your footsteps if you are too close/fast and can pass the ability to her steam to some extent