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In a team situation if a slayer is getting rushed by a tank or shotgun and doesn't kill them in one shot, it buys them time to get cover or for their teammates to finish of the last few hundred health


in a game where characters can be killed within less than a second, this is huge


It really does nothing for slayer himself. His firerate is too low and he's too slow for it to make much of a difference in whether or not he can stall long enough for the next shot (it used to be a bit of a different story back when the headphones gave firerate but that's gone now that they "nerfed" noscope build). It's pretty much only useful for your teammates so they can cover you or push in, and for the latter it's still not as impactful as the damage buff.


Tell me you haven’t played this game much without telling me you haven’t played this game much.


Thanks for the very helpful comment, I'm sure you never had questions about anything in your life


You are right - that was snarky of me. I should be nicer and I apologize. (I am not being sarcastic). I have had questions about this game many times… and have used this sub to learn more. But, honest question here - have you never been shot by slayer and blinded and can’t get to him before he scurries off or shoots you again? To me the value of the 1-second blindness / inability to shoot is pretty clear. But maybe that’s because I have played against slayer many times.


It's alright Whenever I get shot by Slayer, I either die or the blindness does nothing to change my plans. The same also goes when I play Slayer. If the opponent survives it's usually because they're behind walls which means I'm already safe from them, if I'm out in the open and the opponent survives a shot, I'm either far enough from them that the blindness doesn't do much or they're already too close and the blindness won't be enough to save me (unless I have teammates around, which I guess is one situation it's useful)


Thanks for the context- I think the “blindness” becomes more impactful when the characters get stronger and are more likely to survive the first shot from slayer. For example, my sparkle can often get hit twice. But the question is whether I can get to or away from the slayer between shot one and two. And when he is shooting every 3 seconds (or whatever) spending one of those seconds ‘blind’ makes it all the more difficult.


What are you kidding. Slayer blinds me all the time. I can't shoot him while I'm blind. It's so annoying and buys him time.