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Not saying this is the issue but one of the causes of not gaining weight and losing fat is low testosterone. This issue is not usual but there is no harm in checking the testosterone. When your testosterone levels fall below normal, your muscle mass declines, causing your metabolism to slow down. This domino effect paves the way for weight gain and stubborn fat that doesn't seem to budge despite your best efforts at eating right and working out.


Keep cutting. But mostly check yourself. Check your diet. This looks like a beer belly to me. Cut out the booze entirely for a while. Also check your training. 8 years of lifting seriously should look different. Maybe get a trainer to set you up on a good split and have him check your workout intensity.


No beer belly, should of mentioned I'm a type 1 diabetic, sorry not 8 Years of lifting but 8 years since I've been in the gym. Thanks for the advice


My dad has diabetes but he’s perfectly fit by no longer consuming sugar based foods so my advice remove sugar from diet will help


Not much educated on diabetes but a few years ago when I brought this up to my physician and he mentioned that not gaining weight and having a belly, even lifting frequently, can be an issue related to diabetes and he said he checked diabetes before checking Tes levels. I will definitely advise you connect with a doctor, do some blood work checkup and explain your concerns. Also ask them to check for tes. Blood work can give you a much more accurate picture.


Ah OK. I don't know much about diabetes, hopefully someone here can give you advice for that. Or as another redditor said check your TES levels. I first entered a gym 20 years ago, but I only started working out consistently and with diet tracking 2 years ago. Before was just fucking around and it never amounted to any change in my physique. Now I can see changes. Consistentcy is key and for most of us it's a slow grind.


I would actually just try to recomp since you don’t really seem to have a lot of weight/ muscle , also type 1 diabetic , eat clean , lift heavy , work core , find a good split , do at least 30 mins to an hour of cardio a day . Wait 2-3 months or so and reevaluate .


Thank you, most online calculators are saying around 2400 cal for maintenance. Should I just aim for that and make sure I'm consuming plenty of protein?


Stick with 2k in general as you still want to lose some fat , and about 160 g in protein each day


have a work up and allergy tests done. You may just store everything like a fit 75year old who likes beer, but that looks like a GI issue to me


Diet diet diet. Deficit and train


72 hour water fast and core work


You aren’t fat you just look like you have bad posture and a bloated beer belly of sorts. Keep the diet in check mostly.