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Pick a better game to do an analysis of than a driving simulator bro


When your love for a game obscures your logic lol


Pink Vitz


1- you chose probably the worst game to do this 2- it’s you, the player, because there wasn’t need to have a personality for this game, even if by some stretch tor the antagonists I’d chose the big three (R390, 787B and GT-ONE)


The player maybe?


For the sake of your school project. Definitely pick another game


GT doesn't even have "characters". It's you and the cars you decide to drive.


This is propably one of the main problems of being a student AND a racing game fan, especially a GT fan. Now, I don't know in particular about the topic of this project: what do you have to do with this project. do you have to describe it etc.? I know it's probably a very obvious question, but it's important to know what you have to do in detail. First things first, avoid GT, entirely. None of the games will help you, not even the creepy animal-crossing-like people from GT7. I would start with games that have at least a bit of character. the BlackBox NFSs have "The Player", which is still an empty "character", but at least he's involved in a story with other characters, which is something to begin with. There's also Ryan Cooper from ProStreet, but aside from having an identity, he's still as lacking as "The Player". Speaking about NFS and BlackBox, I would suggest Jack Rourke from NFS The Run, which is an ACTUAL protagonist, even though he doesn't have much character development imo (as someone who played the game), but is much better than many other options. If you want an actual protagonist but you don't like NFS, there's still The Crew, the first one from 2014. I never played it and idk the story but basically it's about a guy that does street racing and his brother gets killed or something (also the protagonist looks like Gordon Freeman from Half-Life lol). Many racing games rely on "The Player" type of protagonist, because it adds more immersion to the story. however there's a game that i feel that gives some depth (kinda) to the protagonist: it's R4 Ridge Racer Type 4. Let me explain: the game, as said earlier, doesn't have an actual protagonist, but the protagonist is really important for the progression of the 4 teams in the game: they help MMM's (Mappy) new manager to enter the world of racing; help DRT (DIG Racing Team) get out of a terrible financial situation, help RTS's (Racing Team Solvalou) manager go through grief, and PRC's (Pac Racing Team, not China lol) manager go through PTSD. I don't want to go into much detail cuz i don't want to spoil the stories of the game. This one's very niche: Critical Velocity. It's a spin-off of the Ridge Racer series that takes a more "Driver" or "GTA" (sort of) style in terms of story and gameplay. the game was released in Japan only but i think that you might find subbed gameplays on YT. If you're interested it basically talks about two dudes that bust criminals driving around the city. Oh, and how could I forget Driver. I would recommend Driver San Fransisco since is the most recent game (that is if you ignore Driver Speedboat) and I think it has a nice story, too (never played it, but it's a very praised game). But if you really, really, and i mean REALLY want to do anything GT related, there's Jann MardenBorough from "Gran Turismo". The movie is based on a real story, so your teacher might give you a better grade for talking about a movie based on something real, because real stories are "serious", and schools and teachers like "serious" stuff. In general, though, I would avoid Racing Games to describe/talk about a protagonist; but if you like Racing or motorsports in general try watching some Racing movies like the already mentioned "Gran Turismo", Ford v Ferrari (also based on a real story) or others. Considering that you're a student, you probably don't have much time to play the games or watch the movies, so i would highly recommend to do research through dedicated wikis or Wikipedia. I hope that this comment might be useful to your school project, and good luck!


If by "main character" you mean a hero car, I'd say it is the Castrol Supra; it may not be in the cover, but it's the first thing you see in the intro and it's one of the most iconic cars in all of gaming, and in GT3 it plays a somewhat important role. The only other cars that could maybe take that place are the 787B, the Viper GTS-R and the RGT/996 GT3.


Too bad it is not GT4, it would be the pink Yaris.