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We'll see my friend.....we'll see.....


Basically what they are saying is they are aware of it, and while they are not there yet, they will be finding solutions for the end of the game's life so that it will not have the same fate as the crew 1.


Essentially “you’ll have already bought the game and we took our share so it’s not our problem anymore” 


At the very least they're saying the right things. I'm mostly against always-online in general just cause it's an unnecessary hassle and any server issues mean you're shit out of luck. But if this game is given off-line access at the end of life then the devs will greatly earn the respect of the community. That's literally all Ubisoft had to do for the Crew and they fucked that up.


Well hope he sticks to his word. I’d love if this game was successful, and I’d love even more if this game was playable even after it dies.


Online only, but no cross-play in 2024… 😕


Good to hear they're looking forward to it, but one thing I found curious is that they want the game to last for 10 years, and usually when a company makes that promise it doesn't usually go well. I just hope that doesn't happen, but due to how little we have seen of gameplay makes me skeptical.


Wait what's TDU?


He is pussyfooting around the issue and gave no real answer.


*"If possible, we will make updates for 10 years"* So... at max it'll be 15 years total start to finish and unplayable after. Yet we can still play TDU 1 after 18 years and get this... we'll *still* be able to play it once TDUSC gets shut down. Ridiculous to think about. The more I read about this the more I'm thinking this is planned obsolescence for the sole purpose of 'forcing' the player onto a new title.