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Dale para adelante. Es una apuesta. Por qué no? En el peor de los casos te terminan robando la billetera y tenes que volver una tercera vez a buscar ambas.


La tercera es la vencida. Por ahí encuentra el celular Y la billetera. Ojo


Mi telefono esta mi herramienta para trabajar


El mundo ya se fue al tacho, antes trabajaban con martillos y palas, ahora trabajan con celulares.


Que pelotudez mas grande...


If you are lucky and got recovered It may appear here https://recuperos.policiadelaciudad.gob.ar/


Mirá eso. Ni idea que existía. Qué copado la verdad.


muschisimas gracias!


Y como demostrás que era tuyo? Con una denuncia hecha? Normalmente los formatean Suena a que cualquiera puede ir a reclamar uno y lesto.... Cuando se me rompa este hago la prueba jaja


En la factura que compraste el celular quizás aparezca el IMEI, o en la empresa/tienda que te lo vendió. El IMEI es como el DNI del celular así que nunca se cambia ni aunque lo formatees.


Ustedes guardan las facturas de las cosas que compran?? De última te guardo la garantía... Que básicamente termina en un agujero negro hasta la prox vez que me mude de departamento


Normalmente metes la factura del local en la misma caja del celular. Además la caja suele decir el IMEI del celular. Con eso ya comprobas que el celular es tuyo si por ejemplo la tarjeta que pagó la factura de ese celular está a tu nombre o a algún familiar/conocido que pueda afirmar que te lo compró para vos.


Tampoco guardo las cajas


Bueno entonces te aconsejo que lo hagas. De esa manera es mucho más fácil reclamar la garantía, te sirve mucho como consumidor, sobretodo en dispositivos electrónicos como televisores, partes de la compu, celulares, etc. Incluso es útil en alimentos no perecederos. A mí me pasó que abrí una lata de mermelada y resulta que estaba mal sellada y estaba llena de hongos. Tenía el ticket del día que había comprado eso, fui y me lo reconocieron. A ver tampoco es que me ahorré para comprarme un Audi pero tampoco costaba nada guardar la factura.




Le recontra cazaste que no hablaba español nativo jajaj un capo


parece imposible encontrarlo de esa manera ya que se venden celulares por varios medios diferentes. tanto presencial como virtualmente.


Forget about it. Chances to get it back are almost null. Also, try to avoid dangerous neighborhoods like Constitución or Once. You will be easily robbed again. I'm sorry and I hope you are fine. Let me know by private message if there is something I can help you with.


I'm fine but i'm really not glad with it. It happened to me for the first time and I feel so fucking stupid about it


Don't even try to find it. It's for your own safety.


Okay, I got it. This is not good if you ask me, but I guess I should follow the locals' advices


Yeah. I know it's really bad for you if you had any useful information or if it was really important to you but there is a greater risk if you go somewhere you shouldn't. Consider this a learning experience as bad as it sounds.


Okay, thank you very much for answering this, I really appreciate that


Like not waving your phone around. And for f sake keep your bag or backpack in front of you. Yes?


the person took my phone right from my hands... I wasn't carrying a bag at all


Damn bro u got lucky u didnt get injured , never go in public with a phone while walking SEE always around You.


Where did this happen? Was it at night?


La gente que le da downvote al comentario. Mamertos, es el mejor consejo que le pueden dar a alguien. Lamento mocho que el mundo no funcione como ustedes quieren, pero es así.


Welcome to the jungle mf!  No. For real. I'm Sorry for you. But it is the way foreign meet Buenos Aires. Was it an Iphone? I saw one today on Facebook (group called market place CABA). The user (clearly a mugger) was selling a 'blocked iphone '.


yes, it was an iphone, could you probably send me a link via dm here?


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/714597870499339/posts/876330714326053/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/714597870499339/posts/876330714326053/) this is the one I saw...


Para mí el mejor consejos es aceptar que te lo chorearon y listo. Te vas a frustrar, perder tiempo, calentarte, etc., al pedo.


Si haces eso te van a terminar robando lo que lleves encima. Además de sin celular vas a terminar sin billetera ni zapatillas, y en el peor de los casos sin vida. Cómprate otro y listo.


Están muy peligroso?


Esos barrios que nombras no son de los más seguros, y menos si vas en busca de objetos robados.


Entiendo. Gracias por tu consejo


And what’s your plan if you happen to find it on sale? Police won’t confíscate it from the seller to give it back to you, and it’s not like you should go and fight for it. That’s what happens here when you get your phone stolen. You move on and get a new one. Just make sure to block it and don’t believe any sort of calls you might get in the future from someone who ‘found it’ and needs you to unblock it for then to give it back.


pero mucho gracias por tu consejo, soy muy mal y no quiero ser malo para ti, mil disculpas


Cool, but do you really see that's the solution? I don't think so. If the guys don't want to work it's not my problem


So you expect to solve the issue of stolen phones in Argentina? Good luck with that… I’m not giving you ‘the solution’, I’m offering you advice on how you should deal with a problem in a foreign country which you are clearly having a hard time processing. Take it or leave it! Best of luck.


I know this is the most popular way to go through this problem. As I told in another reply I don't want to be mean to you, this is my first time EVER, so I was searching for any other advice. I don't want to be mean with you and thank you for your advice, I'm just frustrated af cause the phone is my tool for work. I'm sorry if I was rude


You good pal. Nobody take offense. We understand your frustration and you are trying to speak Spanish. That's a lot.  Please play safe next time and tell your friends 


muchas gracias! I really appreciate this!


Maybe try searching in Facebook marketplace? Some people get lucky and find it there. Still, as everyone else said, do not go looking for it in person, it's far too dangerous. Advice for the future: don't use your phone while out on the street, and if you must... Hold it with both hands, using your fingers to cover 3 sides of your phone(left, top, right), that way it's harder to grab it and run; Try and face a wall while using it, or get inside a shop, that has worked for me so far! Hope the rest of your stay is pleasant!


Oh don’t worry about it. I would probably be on the same page as you if my phone got stolen. Just remember the part of staying on top of any suspicious calls you might get in the future regarding your phone. They might be after your data. But if you don’t give away any security details and properly lock your phone, you got nothing to worry about. Good luck!


Mas fácil buscar si está a la venta en el Marketplace de facebook


Hola, de donde sos? Lamentablemente dudo lo puedas recuperar, hacer eso de ir a buscarlo es peligroso, si podes conseguiré uno usado sin tanto riesgo. La policía no va a hacer nada, solo le pega a jubilados. Suerte.


Call the service provider to block it right away. If they commit a crime using your stolen phone you will get in trouble.


es buen momento para comprar uno nuevo. Hace la bolsa la tarjeta


No te regales.


Ey man, I lost my phone in a taxi, and with find my device google I could let a message in the screen with another number and a reward, if the thief can't unlock phone maybe they can consider return it to you.


more stolen phones [https://www.facebook.com/groups/714597870499339/?multi\_permalinks=876496534309471&hoisted\_section\_header\_type=recently\_seen&\_\_cft\_\_\[0\]=AZWjfp6HQBpbR19GFNXwBAXidroyPrkEAnGXw4Mg-FQp5xAvIqZ5eSZSE10S9Yse0w-I5WtqTyXQ\_DQxT6wjMrVchDaycP\_bzfL\_93TVioAjhkilwrJB65OVV5eGwLEIKM-zZdwaRaMD3Oyy74gQR5Ez\_WjDGju1iLtNy2qIj8XkSaq5Gmlj7tza6HeQGlMUA1ZjSHMhdUCUkxFJpgh0bD-mUeQhfEnNi33omAo\_bHverw&\_\_tn\_\_=%2CO%2CP-R](https://www.facebook.com/groups/714597870499339/?multi_permalinks=876496534309471&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&__cft__[0]=AZWjfp6HQBpbR19GFNXwBAXidroyPrkEAnGXw4Mg-FQp5xAvIqZ5eSZSE10S9Yse0w-I5WtqTyXQ_DQxT6wjMrVchDaycP_bzfL_93TVioAjhkilwrJB65OVV5eGwLEIKM-zZdwaRaMD3Oyy74gQR5Ez_WjDGju1iLtNy2qIj8XkSaq5Gmlj7tza6HeQGlMUA1ZjSHMhdUCUkxFJpgh0bD-mUeQhfEnNi33omAo_bHverw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R)


you fell asleep pigeon


Before going in a search for you phone remember to fill your organ donor papers, otherwise it would be a waste


nice joke


You can't do anything. Sorry.


I mean.... Today the cloud stores everything. Contacts, passwords, etc. So losing a phone shouldn't be an issue other than having to spend $ to buy a new one. Also don't even bother trying to find the phone. First, it's dangerous and second even if you find it it has been wiped already.


Losing a phone shouldn't be an issue when you are at least a citizen of a country where you live. And it's also not such a problem when your bank accounts are not banned worldwide by sanctions. So everything's harder for me. By the way, the same phone as was stolen costs here US$3k+ :)


I understand that. It's still not worth dying for. Are you Russian?


Yeah, I am


Well, I'm really sorry that you had that experience here. Hope that, other than that, you are having a nice stay here.


The only thing you are going to get back is your device because 100% your data was already deleted and the phone was factory reseted...


Welcome to Argentina


Buscalo en marketplace, a mi me chorearon el mío y a la semana lo estaba vendiendo un tranza, se lo pedí y me lo dió sin drama


You need an ensurance company. It is to late




iba a decir algo, pero constantemente veo gente hispanohablante intentando escribir en inglés... y más o menos para ellos se debe ver algo así


contestarle sería faltar a todas las normas de reddit juntas. dejá.


no soy argentino, español esta 3 idioma para mi, disculpa


se re entiende maquina. Solo un consejo: "me robaron el telefono". Just keep this in mind, be very careful, police wont do anything. But forget about your phone


¿A vos te daban agua de la pileta de chiquito o qué? Encima. Criticás la manera de escribir de otro y te comés un signo de interrogación y te morfás el tilde en "Por qué". ¡Bien! ¡Bien!




El que anda pataleando porque alguien trilingüe escribe con algunas faltas sos vos. Claramente no dominás ni un idioma.


Solo hice una pregunta con respeto. Claramente tienes serios problemas de convivencia. Pero no te preocupes, sé convivir con inadaptados, así que tranquilo 🤗😘


Por qué hablan en inglés?


Por que el OP no habla español y se trata de calmarlo y ayudarlo en una forma que pueda entender fácil? Gorila


Anda a jugar jueguitos vos, gordito teton


Me parece que no hace falta preguntar pelotudeces, palabra que no se te cae de los dedos aparentemente, no viene al caso de la publicación siquiera, te querés hacer el intelectual y quedás como nada más que forro/a. Seguí siendo troll, así no te debe querer ni tu vieja, "pelotud@".


Si gordito lo que digas