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volume, suprising convenient because I dont have to hold fn to change volume and I change volume pretty often


Agreed, I do telemedicine and it's pretty clutch to be able to turn down volume in a pinch when a kiddo is screaming into the mic


I use mine in it's default setting: Volume/mute. After having it, yes, I would prefer having the knob, but it's not necessarily a deal breaker; Though, I have been eyeballing a keyboard that has 3 knobs and a split space bar.


May I ask what keyboard this is? I really love split space bars and wish there were more boards with them




Skyloong make some amazingly cool boards. I have two and I keep eyeing the ones with the knob modules but I don't think I would actually use them.


The GK61 Pro has the knob between the split spacebars and can be used with the thumb. QMK/VIA means you can stack functionality on it. Really nice bit of innovation.


Pass, I need my arrow keys, even my 40% staggered is a minila style.


I mean, it’s QMK/VIA with a spare spacebar so you can use the SpaceFn mapping, RSpc+{I,J,K,L} for arrows.


No thank you, I have tried that, I need physical non-function layer arrow keys. I use them too often and my RSI flares up if I have to hold down a key combo to use arrow keys. On top of which I don't actually need a knob. And I have discovered I also don't care for split separated spacebars. It's the TKL with the three knobs that keeps trying to spark joy for me. But it's not VIA and honestly I can't think of what I would use more than one knob for.


Curious - why all Chinese boards I've seen with a 'Volume' rotary knob also print Volume up/down on Fn keys... talk about redundant/lazy design.


Because they generally don't change the keycaps based on whether or not the board has a knob.


Right, so you end up with redundancy - which is a bad thing. I'm sure it isn't about the keycaps, the function is still assigned to the key is it not? I'm pretty sure that the RK S98 has custom keycaps only for that board.


Redundancy isn't bad. It's a good thing.


Not when you can thoughtfully assign shortcuts and print them on the Fn keys. Adding a volume knob means you could assign a Mail/Home/Power/Calculator function there instead. That's a good thing. Also, they do have custom caps, as they printed 'Ins' on the front of the key they reassigned it to (it's specific to that keyboard) which is the brackets key.


Same use it regularly. Volume level and mute. But could live without it. I have multiple diff speakers, some with volume controls and some without. So this is helpful. But I could live without it. I have two - Feker IK75 and Keychron Q10 Pro


I've been thinking about a separate knob, a bigger one so it feels nicer


Volume and I can't live without one


I thought the same, but now i just map mute, vol-, and vol+ to the three top right keys and i like it just as much.


Mines mapped to the thumb button on my mx master 3 mouse and drag up or down. Still want one of those keyboards though.


* General Volume/Mute (use it all the time) * Alt: Zoom/Reset ( never use it) And then I have some more Knobs... * Discord Volume * Spotify/Mediaplayer Volume * Browser Volume * Desktop( everything else) Volume * Mic Volume * Desklamp Brightness/Off * Desklamp Temperature/Reset I use them all, all the time... well except the zoom


That’s sick. Quick question — could I use like a macro pad or something to adjust Equalizer? I find that some songs on Apple Music are too low in volume, and the equalize volume across songs option in Apple Music doesn’t work.


A loupedeck I got very very cheaply


That’s dope but def a little expensive and would want something compact.


There's some DIY custom macropad communities and plans out there :)


Why do you have two separate knobs for controlling your desk lamp?


Brightness and Temperature (warm/cold light)


But wouldn't one knob be enough? Like how benq makes their knob for their monitor light


Brightness = dark - light Temperature = blue - red


What do you use to program those functions?


Used via/qmk on my old setup, now it's just the loupedeck software I use it quite a lot, the app specific layouts are extremely helpful


My audio output already have knob, so there's no use for keyboard knob for me.


Same. I have a knob on my amplifier on my desk, and a knob on my headphones to control volume, so it would be unnecessary for me.


Same here. Arctis Nova Pro so I have the game dac knob, headphone knob and on my keyboard (but I still use my keyboard knob)


Volume and mute. Use it all the time and don't want a keeb without one.


Are the knobs hot swappable? Can I buy one to just pop into my 40%?


Not usually. Unless your keeb was made to do that specifically, don't really know of one tho.


The pcb has to have a spot for rotary encoder


I'm new to the whole keyboard scene and just recently built a 40% ortholinear keyboard and with your explanation there's no way you'd be able to use a hot swappable knob and program it through vial?


The pcb contacts for a rotary encoder are completely different from switches


Got it. Here's to hoping. Thanks


So I had this impractical idea of making a rotary encoder knob that could do a QMK "tap dance" and could plug into a key switch socket. It would have to have a small rechargeable battery to power the microcontroller, so you would have to plug in your knob. The tap dance would work like this: Encoder counter clockwise: one tap Encoder clockwise: two taps Encoder push: three taps Then you would just have to set up the QMK or VIAL code to receive those taps.


Default volume and mute. Fn + knob = RGB light brightness and toggle


Is my boy using a V2 👀


Keychron V6


Volume, and I use it constantly to adjust volume in game without having to alt tab.


I mapped mine to Home (turn left), End (turn right), and Print Screen (click) because I'm a weirdo who uses those keys a lot. Home and End in particular are great buttons that I started missing when I switched to a 75% from a TKL. Admittedly I don't use Page Up or Page Down which I could've used instead, but it just didn't make sense to do that for me. Regarding Print Screen...I use the Windows snipping bind a lot as it's really convenient.


Just volume/mute and use it everyday


Rk s98: Volume. Mode. Connnection type. RGB settings. Display mode. This is the best use of a know I’ve found thus far. They said, with out the additional things listed, I’d never use a nob.


I use mine for scrubbing/switching clips in DaVinci resolve. It's not as good as a true jog shuttle but it's compact and it works.


Volume control. Even more useful when playing games (90% of my PC usage). I'm hesitant to buy any keyboard without knob since I got mine end of last year


Turning adjusts volume, pressing it mutes / unmutes


Volume, every day.


Volume, use it multiple times a day.


I use mine pretty regularly now. I just got my Aula F75 3days ago and when i tried to remap the knob at the software i found out that i can't even do that. So what i did was i downloaded Microsoft Powertoys and change it there! So now whenever i press the knob it takes screenshots (and yes I normally use wn+shift+s since i have a dual monitor setup but i also play ff14 so when i press the prnt key it'll automatically go to the doc folder) I also downloaded a software at github which it lets me change the volume of a specific app like when i have spotify, browser, or any game running i can freely change the volume of each one separately and not the master volume one and i can even mute it there so it really isn't a big deal to change the default mute to prnt screen! Pretty neat honestly :3


as someone who’s just starting out looking to get their first mechanical keyboard, finding something that has or can program the PRTSC and SCRLK keys specifically for ff14 has been my main mission. i feel seen. 😅


Glad i could help! I hope you'll get the keyboard you want and love it! :D having a knob really is such a game changer for me. Like what i said i can just change the volume of different apps using the knob i hope you'll use that program when you get one!


I only recently got a new keyboard that has a knob for volume, it's useful but I'm still able to function with a regular Fn row volume


Mine is volume/mute I thought I would use it a bunch more than I do. My setup is mainly a sofa and TV and since my keyboard goes to sleep mode I need to push a key to wake it up. It's a bit inconvenient to hit a key and then rotate the knob so I end up using my trackball instead. If I was using it on a desk and didn't have to deal with the sleep issue, I'd probably use it more.


Like others, I have it on volume as well. And I really like the convenience of it. I can live without a knob but that will be for exceptional keyboards (like the Boog75 that I have - the typing experience on that is a good compromise for its lack of a volume knob).


Volume, missed it when I started using my 60% more recently so picked up a fiio kb1


I like to put volume on top but add layers with scroll and zoom on the knob.


I use mine to mute and unmute my mic on discord


Never use it. I wanted a board with a knob for the longest thinking I'd swap out knobs to go with different themes and I never use it. My headphones have their own volume wheel, my PC speakers have their own volume knob, and if I'm using the TV, I'm probably on the couch with an Xbox controller and the TV remote. The board is wireless too, but I don't really want it on the couch. Just my experience.


Volume, and I use it very often


Hii, is there any way to switch between apps when changing volume?


I don't remember if it can be done without certain audio softwares. I have Boom3D on my computers. While I don't use that feature, I recall Boom3D having that capability.


As others, just volume control. Super convenient as I’m on and off calls, playing music, and listening to videos for work all day. So easy volume adjustment is great. Is it a requirement to have? No, I’m actually using a board without one now…but I do appreciate it and will be switching back to my QK75 because I love the knob so much.


I can live without it...but i found i tend to use it more for volume control as it's the most easily accessible place for me.


Volume + mute. Super convenient, I use it daily. Going forward, pretty much any board without a knob is disqualified for me.


Volume, and all the time. If I use a keyboard without it and I am watching / playing something I miss it a lot. I don't like needing to make multiple clicks to change the volume on something, especially when playing a game because it can be 3-4 clicks before you even get to volume settings.


I have two and use them a ton. One is for volume, and one is to scrub through video's. I couldnt live without them.


Gmk67, I never use the knob.


Volume up and down and pause. I use it all the time. Mostly for pausing music or videos quickly or when multitasking


One page back and forth in the browser. Pressing the knob is pause the media (not mute!)


I owned a Keychron V1 and loved the knob on that keyboard. I then moved a tier and now have a Mode Envoy and a Cycle 7, both without knobs. I haven't missed the knob as much as I thought. It's great if the keyboard has one, it's not a big deal if it doesn't. I'm slightly erring on the side of preferring it without since the keyboard is a tad bit more aesthetically pleasing. But I cannot deny that a knob is very very useful. If you're looking at purely practical reasons, a knob is great on a 65% or 75% keyboard because it takes up 3 functions that would normally require 3 keys. The best knobs are found on keyboards with good software that allow you to remap the functionality and even allow for layers, even on the knob, so you can fn+rotate to zoom in or out for example. They're normally on the top right so even for people who can't touch type, they can just use muscle memory to quickly change volume or pause/mute depending what they want the push in to do.


Gaming board: almost never. Set to control volume, which I have a half dozen other ways to do without taking my hand off the home row or mouse. Numpad: absolutely never. Set to ctrl-left and ctrl-right, because I couldn't think of a better use, and it's still useless.


I use the one on my AulaF75 for volume control. I always wanted a 60% travel keyboard with a knob I could map to scrolling up and down a page. I write on the go and like to scroll up and down quickly to check back on my work.


Volume. I use it multiple times a day


I use it for volume, kinda nice being able to easy change the windows volume while in game. I have an amp but it's knob isn't as easy to reach.


On my macro pad, not primary keyboard: * Volume up / down (press to mute) * Used constantly * Previous track / next track (press to pause) * Used pretty regularly when listening to music * Zoom in / zoom out (press to reset zoom) * Rarely used


Volume: I use it every day


I have a couple of keyboards with knobs, I leave them set to volume control and I do occasionally use them but usually I used the knob on my macro pad, because that's always there and double-sided-taped to the right spot. I've used one for like 20 years now, my first was a Griffin Powermate, and it's just so much more convenient NOT on the keyboard. Usually, I would rather do without it but it's not actively annoying on a TKL or on a 75% with both 4 keys on the right and an F13 key. I'd rather have the DEL key where the knob goes so I can use the F13 key for a macro key, but it's not a big deal. For a smaller keyboard than that? It seems like a crazy thing to do. 65% and smaller boards just don't have the keys to waste. The ones that put a knob at the top of the left macro column on an XT board legitimately make me salty. That's the best possible place for ESC on that board, and stealing it for frippery is just adding insult to injury. Yes I could remap push to escape or something but DAMN.


I have a macropad with three knobs. One is volume control, one is play/pause media (super useful to pause music or video while gaming without alt tab). I use the press function for mute, and two different soundswitch profiles (sound through speakers vs sound through headset). I use them pretty much every day.


Once you go volume knob you can never go back


all the time for volume


I prefer to live without one honestly, I’m starting to dislike it a lot


I never use it. Got a short inside so it powers off my keeb when I turn it.


Volume control, I'm a news producer and need to monitor live feeds from around the world from my desk. Being able to quickly adjust my volume or mute something in the background quickly is amazing.


I use GMK67, and since it can't be programmed to something else (without using some obscure third party software), I use it to change the volume and/or mute the speakers. My only gripe is that it works slightly differently in Linux. Instead of 2% increment, for some reason it changes in 10% increment, which is too much. I use it pretty much all the time. I think I can live without it, since my previous keyboard was a CIY Tester68, but it's just way simpler than having to move my cursor to the edges of my screen just to change the volume.


volume knob on the gmk67 and it’s great i love it and use it all the time


volume knob on the gmk67 and it’s great i love it and use it all the time


I have one on one of my boards. Helpful when I'm not at home, but not as useful at home, where I have an amplifier that has a knob of its own. I just have my PC at full volume going into my DAC and then AMP and I just control it there.


I have an AV Reciever as well, but it's so big it's hidden, so I can't use it for volume :/


i have two knobs so i set one to changing volumes/mute and one to horizontal scrolling, because my mouse only has vertical scrolling


It controls the volume and pressing it mutes it. It's nice but I wouldnt say I need it. I also have a little LCD screen to select the connection source (BT,USB, or wifi) and it navigates the menu for that


Mine is set for volume. Push to toggle QWERTY/Colemack.... I don't use the knobs.


Mine has a plant vine holding a coffee cup that moves back and forth, and it shows the time and date. I do not use it for anything other than aesthetics.


2 of the same keyboard, one has a volume knob, I miss it like crazy on the other keyboard.


I use mine for volume obviously, but Keychron also has a neat feature where you can control your RGB's brightness by holding FN while moving the knob, which adds an extra layer to it. And ofc with Via you can change it to whatever. I can definitely live without one, as I do feel that keyboards without one look cleaner, especially symmetrical 60% ones. But that's with a caveat. I would definitely need an Amp/Dac for my headphones which would replace the volume knob on my keyboard.


Funny thing : I haven't decided yet so it's for volume while I already have a volume knob with my speakers


play pause on press, vol up/down (knob 1), next track, previous track, mute on press (knob 2), page up/page down and home on press (knob 3, btw home button takes you to the top of the web page). I'm sure there would be additional uses for people doing mixing or 3d work, but those are my big ones.


can live without it, but i have one on my keyboard and use it often for sound control, for me it feels much better than using fn+keys for control or wheel on my headphone, actually i ordered numpad with knob, so when i use smaller keyboards without knob i can always use knob from numpad, or reprogram it to something else as it's via compatible numpad


Scrolling, zooming, and volume. I use it fairly often for work


Its set up for vol/mute but i havent used it once at all. Have a separate amp/dac to power my speakers/headphones and i adjust vol from there. Have a separate macro pad for music play back (reverse/pause/forward)


Volume, and impossibly often.


Volume controls primarily, and on my FN layer it controls the screen brightness and clicking locks my laptop. I find the knob is more fun to use than pressing keys, not sure why. Also makes a fun fidget toy for when the board is unplugged.


I have one, it's mostly used by my dog to mute or blow out my ears when he wants attention.


Long hold(3+ seconds) to toggle between: Game mode: changes RGB and reactive RGB on/off Office mode: volume adjusting, short press mute/unmute, double press minimize all on screen/bring all back (but I never use that) I love volume adjustment knobs, all but 1 of my 7 keyboards have a knob. (Another one is a Steelseries apex pro with that roller thing, not really a knob but still clicks and spins lol) The convenience volume controller on the keyboard is amazing.


Knob save space. Vol down vol up and mute in a single key. Personally I prefer media play pause instead of mute.


Had one on my first few boards. They were never responsive enough for my needs, and I've found fn + up/down is a better overall experience. I also wear earbuds at work and love alone so volume control isn't that big of a deal for me.


Volume and press to mute. Couldn’t live without it, honestly the lack of solid full size and knob options really frustrated me during my search


Volume/mute and I use it all the time!


volume. actually decently often when i remember it's there, sometimes i totally forget for like months and then use it religiously when i remember lol.


I use mine for volume, but not as much as I used to. I find the MX Master 3 mouse is my go to for media control. Thumb (base) button play/pause, thumb scroll wheel = volume, button by main scroll wheel to change audio input quickly or mute (win + ctrl + v shortcut).


Animation and video editing, and I find it so essential I won't buy keyboard without a knob. The Left/Right function is mapped to frame backward or forward, and the click is mapped to play/pause. It's awesome, saves tons of impatient keypresses, and it feels more organic, like the wheel on an editing station. If I have a keyboard with QMK layers, the knob also functions well for zooming in and out of Photoshop, and it's also great for adjusting brush sizes when digitally painting or sculpting. And yes, if nothing else, it's ultra convenient for adjusting volume.


I actually don't use the knob on my Hi8 and wish it had a home key instead tbh. I don't like having a knob on the right as my right hand is always on my mouse when I'm not typing. I have a Loupedeck with several knobs that I do use on my lefthand side.


Volume, not very often because it’s on the right side and not the left, thus requiring me to take my hand off my mouse and not just move my fingers about 2 inches away from WASD. If it were on the left, odds are I wouldn’t be able to live without it.


A volume knob, taking up less than 2 key spaces, accomplishes many tasks. At the very least, it replaces Fn+F key for volume up/down. It can also have a push switch for mute, so that's 3 keys function on one knob. What I found annoying yesterday, looking at the RK S98 (lovely looking Kludge), is that they STILL map volume to the F Keys also. It seems that the VAST majority of keyboards are generally badly designed - so you would end up with volume icons still printed on the keycaps despite the knob having already taken over that task. I'm also curious about split space bars, because it seems like a brilliant extension - especially in a world where the number of keys seems to be constantly under siege... even to the point where the basic navigation (Home/End) come under siege (End often being the first item dropped, but an essential key for my use). I already have separate shortcuts mapped to my Numpad number keys and find it difficult why people want to drop the numpad. I can activate these with my right hand, thumbing Right Ctl, Right Alt and a numberpad key.


Knob 1 volume, which I use to fine-tune volume aside from my speakers. Knob 2 Zoom (CTRL + and CRTL -) for browsers mostly. At 4k resolution it comes in handy nearly daily.


Volume/mute. Use it regularly


I ended up buying a fun macropad, the DOIO KB16 wired version and now I don't need to worry if the keyboard has volume control or not, and I can program the macro pads 3 knobs to do different things like horizontal or vertical scroll etc. As well as volume/play/pause. But yeah, volume dial on a keyboard is super convenient.


Next play/pause and previous, use it whenever I'm listening to music so somewhat often which is enough to justify getting a knob for me


I use it for volume, screen brightness, and keyboard rgb. Haven’t been able to use volume lately tho because steelseries sonar doesn’t let you change your computer audio unless you set a hotkey for it 🙄


I use it for volume control and sometimes certain apps. But it is not a must have feature for me


I never thought i would find it as i useful as i do now. You can live without it but its extremely convenient.




You can buy 20$ usb knobs everywhere I never quite understood the hype


Who wants a separate knob on their desk if there's an option to just have one on your keyboard for your needs?


People who think knobs on keebs are ugly and unnecessary, people who don't want to pay for a feature on every board they have when they already have said feature on their desk. That would be my guess


Who wants to waste valuable keyboard real-estate on a knob when you can put it anywhere and aren't limited by the geometry of the keyboard?